Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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By "sodomy" do you mean any homosexual activity or only rape? If you meant rape I could agree with you (though I could also agree to a different punishment) but if you just meant homosexual activities, I don't think those should be legally punishable. I understand that that was the law in ancient Israel, but I don't think that means that should be the law anywhere else.

Are you that out of touch with reality Jr. that you think that only ancient Israel criminalized homosexuality?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
As far as getting the general public on your side (which a re-criminalization campaign must surely do) here is your public relations problem:

So long as it is "anybody's guess", gay advocacy (I said gay advocacy, and NOT myself) will keep teaching that the gays who molest teens and children are a tiny , sick, minority , and irrelevant - and that most pedophiles and molesters of minors are straight males.

I Susepct that, proportionally speaking, there are at least as many, if not more, gay pedophiles than straight ones.

That said, I highly doubt that anywhere near a majority of homosexuals are pedophiles.


New member
I Susepct that, proportionally speaking, there are at least as many, if not more, gay pedophiles than straight ones.

That said, I highly doubt that anywhere near a majority of homosexuals are pedophiles.

It would seem that even when it is admitted that the numbers are higher among gays, there is a disclaimer saying that they are not more likely to offend. Confusing.... I suppose it mean that although homosexuals are proportionally more likely to be pedophilic, even so - as you state - the majority of gay men are not pedophilic.

The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study.

Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1.

This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.


New member
More likely? I could buy that.

Very likely? I doubt it.
Of course, the data can be and has been interpreted differently:

This article is not meant to indict all homosexuals as pedophiles or even to imply that most homosexuals actually support such a horrendous thing. Nevertheless, the dangerous link between homosexuality and pedophilia is one that must not be ignored.

Despite the vociferous LGBT protestations to the contrary, homosexual males actually do commit a disproportionate number of the child-sex abuse cases. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that “although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.”

Therefore, armed with this critical information, we can confidently conclude that since almost thirty percent of child sexual abuse is committed by homosexual or bisexual men — but less than 3% of American men self-identify as such — that homosexual or bisexual men molest children at 10 times the rate of heterosexuals.

Dark Radiance

New member
Obviously you haven't chatted with Dark Radiance. 1-3 HAART pills daily and those that engage in buggery can live to be a million years old!

Or a qualified doctor.
Definitely not ACW, whose medical knowledge doesn't seem to have developed past 1985.
Not a million, just a normal life span, or pretty close to it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you that out of touch with reality Jr. that you think that only ancient Israel criminalized homosexuality?

No, but its not like any other law was divinely inspired. I'm a Protestant, aCW, I see no need to address tradition.

Especially when it involves a behavior that you obviously partake in.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously you haven't chatted with Dark Radiance. 1-3 HAART pills daily and those that engage in buggery can live to be a million years old!

Or a qualified doctor.
Definitely not ACW, whose medical knowledge doesn't seem to have developed past 1985.
Not a million, just a normal life span, or pretty close to it.

How sad that you spend all of your time reading up on all of the medications that homosexuals such as yourself need to take in order to just stay alive.

Why not love God with all of your heart and soul, and love your neighbor as Jesus wanted us to love them and get out of the 'deathstyle' that you and less than 2% of the adult population engages in and seek spiritual and psychological help?


Dark Radiance

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

1.How sad that you spend all of your time reading up on all of the medications that homosexuals such as yourself need to take in order to just stay alive.

2.Why not love God with all of your heart and soul, and love your neighbor as Jesus wanted us to love them and get out of the 'deathstyle' that you and less than 2% of the adult population engages in and seek spiritual and psychological help?

1. Accurate knowledge is never sad. "How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver." (Proverbs 16:16) It is far preferable to the scare tactics and misrepresentations you try and present as facts.

2. I am sure the crowds around the moneylenders and the gentiles used similar arguments. ACW, you are nothing more than a modern-day Pharisee. You would do well to consult the Bible to see how Christ felt about them.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you that out of touch with reality Jr. that you think that only ancient Israel criminalized homosexuality?

Especially when it involves a behavior that you obviously partake in.
Surely you cannot be so naive, as to think that anyone who questions your view must therefore be indulging in sodomy??? It's not the way it works.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

1.How sad that you spend all of your time reading up on all of the medications that homosexuals such as yourself need to take in order to just stay alive.

2.Why not love God with all of your heart and soul, and love your neighbor as Jesus wanted us to love them and get out of the 'deathstyle' that you and less than 2% of the adult population engages in and seek spiritual and psychological help?

1. Accurate knowledge is never sad. "How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver." (Proverbs 16:16) It is far preferable to the scare tactics and misrepresentations you try and present as facts.

The disease aspect of homosexuality is only one of the many reasons why it MUST be recriminalized. Keep in mind DR that I haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to the sex habits and the diseases that come with homosexual behavior (to be discussed in detail in the "promiscuity, disease and early death" segment).

2. I am sure the crowds around the moneylenders and the gentiles used similar arguments. ACW, you are nothing more than a modern-day Pharisee. You would do well to consult the Bible to see how Christ felt about them.

Are you a "Gay Christian" DR?


Surely you cannot be so naive, as to think that anyone who questions your view must therefore be indulging in sodomy??? It's not the way it works.

Not anyone, as I'm pretty sure that many who have attempted to defend homosexuality on this thread are practicing heterosexuals (who just happen to have loved ones or friends that are proud and unrepentant homosexuals).

Then there are the obvious ones...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Surely you cannot be so naive, as to think that anyone who questions your view must therefore be indulging in sodomy??? It's not the way it works.

Well, bear in mind you're talking with someone who has a cabbage for a brain...logic and critical thinking is not only beyond him, it's an alien concept...


New member
Not anyone, as I'm pretty sure that many who have attempted to defend homosexuality on this thread are practicing heterosexuals (who just happen to have loved ones or friends that are proud and unrepentant homosexuals).

Then there are the obvious ones...
My son has been accused of the same, and at present I am worried about him as he is very depressed (for other reasons and he suffers from bipolar since age 14). Please don't start your pathological liar stuff, as he is in the hospital since July 27 and I am very worried about him and won't tolerate anything bad said. I mention him because I am worried sick, and your coldness and ugly false judgments make me think of how bad this world really is. I guess sensitive intellectuals have to be sodomites, in the minds of bigots. Go tell it to Jesus. Bigot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My son has been accused of the same, and at present I am worried about him as he is very depressed (for other reasons and he suffers from bipolar since age 14). Please don't start your pathological liar stuff, as he is in the hospital since July 27 and I am very worried about him and won't tolerate anything bad said. I mention him because I am worried sick, and your coldness and ugly false judgments make me think of how bad this world really is. I guess sensitive intellectuals have to be sodomites, in the minds of bigots. Go tell it to Jesus. Bigot.

He's an obsessed little moron and pay no heed if he makes any sort of crack about your family. For any half decent person that would be off limits but he's proven in the past just how much of a sleazeball he can be...


New member
He's an obsessed little moron and pay no heed if he makes any sort of crack about your family. For any half decent person that would be off limits but he's proven in the past just how much of a sleazeball he can be...
I know; I try and be calm and objective, but I have anger toward him and his false accusations - so profoundly unChristian - and I begin to hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns...... grrrrrr He is driving me :kookoo:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know; I try and be calm and objective, but I have anger toward him and his false accusations - so profoundly unChristian - and I begin to hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns...... grrrrrr He is driving me :kookoo:

Well, bear in mind that most people here - of all stripes and differences share in common that the guy is a nut. Half a dozen short of a six pack etc...:)
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