Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Hey Culty! It's pointless to argue with Arthur on this particular topic.

You're both on the same...ahem..."team", but neither of you will admit it.

I proved to him every human is born heterosexual & he just ignored it...no point in arguing with someone who doesn't want to acknowledge your points, which he won't. He will be civil, but concede a point? Never.

I was just reviewing some of your "civil" words towards me from a few pages back when you, Art and alwight the atheist were allies:

Originally Posted by SammyT
How do you propose we recriminalize homosexuality in this political climate, aCW? It ain't going to happen right now or any time soon. You know this, because you are a homosexual troll trying to make christians look bad.

I know you perverts have infested every institution, that needs to be addressed and it will be.

Originally Posted by SammyT
So he thinks if someone uses the term "gay" to describe homosexuals, that automatically means you must be a homosexual yourself? That is retarded beyond words. I usually use it because it's just 3 letters and is usually understood by most people to mean "homosexual". Little did I know, using the word "gay" makes me a homer, according to aCW. SMH...

Yeah, he is a homosexual troll himself. Zero credibility.

Originally Posted by SammyT
Well, there are only two options here. Either aCW is really an angry old fart on a vendetta to destroy the homosexuals for stealing his favorite word, or he is just a homosexual troll masquerading as the most hard-line fundementalist online.

I say it's more likely the latter.

Originally Posted by SammyT
He sure portrays himself to be, to the point of seeming like a mockery of an evangelical, sheeple, neocon, idiot... He is too far out there to be an actual evangelical, sheeple, neocon, idiot...in my opinion.

Originally Posted by SammyT
If he was serious, he wouldn't be such a jerk. He is out to parody a fundementalist wacko, and I must say, he has done a very convincing job...not for me though. Too much experience with people like himself online.

He is the homosexual here. Don't let him forget it.


You're doing a good job by the way, you old prick! Good on ya!

Why don't you make yourself useful Samuel and go wash your boyfriend's pantyhose? (as I mentioned before, it's obvious that GFR7 plays the effeminate role in your 'relationship').


you haven't caught him on a bender yet

Thank you for taking time away from stalking Town Heretic to post in my thread res.

I've noticed that you've been spending quite a bit of time with Samuel and GFR7, is a ménage à trois in the making?

I need to give you 3 a nickname:

"The 3 Amiga's" has a nice ring to it.



New member
You're both on the same...ahem..."team", but neither of you will admit it.

I was just reviewing some of your "civil" words towards me from a few pages back when you, Art and alwight the atheist were allies:

Originally Posted by SammyT
How do you propose we recriminalize homosexuality in this political climate, aCW? It ain't going to happen right now or any time soon. You know this, because you are a homosexual troll trying to make christians look bad.

I know you perverts have infested every institution, that needs to be addressed and it will be.

Originally Posted by SammyT
So he thinks if someone uses the term "gay" to describe homosexuals, that automatically means you must be a homosexual yourself? That is retarded beyond words. I usually use it because it's just 3 letters and is usually understood by most people to mean "homosexual". Little did I know, using the word "gay" makes me a homer, according to aCW. SMH...

Yeah, he is a homosexual troll himself. Zero credibility.

Originally Posted by SammyT
Well, there are only two options here. Either aCW is really an angry old fart on a vendetta to destroy the homosexuals for stealing his favorite word, or he is just a homosexual troll masquerading as the most hard-line fundementalist online.

I say it's more likely the latter.

Originally Posted by SammyT
He sure portrays himself to be, to the point of seeming like a mockery of an evangelical, sheeple, neocon, idiot... He is too far out there to be an actual evangelical, sheeple, neocon, idiot...in my opinion.

Originally Posted by SammyT
If he was serious, he wouldn't be such a jerk. He is out to parody a fundementalist wacko, and I must say, he has done a very convincing job...not for me though. Too much experience with people like himself online.

He is the homosexual here. Don't let him forget it.


Why don't you make yourself useful Samuel and go wash your boyfriend's pantyhose? (as I mentioned before, it's obvious that GFR7 plays the effeminate role in your 'relationship').

All that you deserved, you grumpy old fart.

Anyway, I see you mentioned my old pastor, Ken "Hutch" Hutcherson(RIP)! I have a question for ya Culty... Was Pastor Ken a closet homo too, since apparently I am & I spent a good 15 years in his church?

That was a great line wasn't it, "Dont Compare My Skin With Your Sin".

Great man. Too bad he taught me to be a closet homosexual according to you, huh?


New member
Thank you for taking time away from stalking Town Heretic to post in my thread res.

I've noticed that you've been spending quite a bit of time with Samuel and GFR7, is a ménage à trois in the making?

I need to give you 3 a nickname:

"The 3 Amiga's" has a nice ring to it.


Hahaha! I bet that's you in the middle, you little cupcake you.

Now don't get mad & snatch your purse, toss your hair, and storm out of the thread because we know your little secret, Culty.

Just seek help...


New member
Hahaha! I bet that's you in the middle, you little cupcake you.

Now don't get mad & snatch your purse, toss your hair, and storm out of the thread because we know your little secret, Culty.

Just seek help...


New member
Hey Culty! It's pointless to argue with Arthur on this particular topic. I proved to him every human is born heterosexual & he just ignored it...no point in arguing with someone who doesn't want to acknowledge your points, which he won't. He will be civil, but concede a point? Never.
Where did you do this "proving" I'd like to read it? :sherlock:


New member
Where did you do this "proving" I'd like to read it? :sherlock:

The "Texas Lawmakers" thread. Notice Arthur isn't arguing with me about my claim? He couldn't even address it out of fear of what I was going to say next.

Forgive me if I don't go digging it up, you probably would do best to read the whole thread.

Have a good one!

Dark Radiance

New member

1. That would be 1-3 more HAART pills than I take DR. Surely you're not implying that these pills are a cure all for other conditions that homosexuals males are afflicted with? (syphilis, gonorrhea, as well as the above "opportunistic infections and diseases").

2."You must have not been a real homosexual" (me thinkz that DR gave his boyfriend a handshake instead of a kiss if he lived through the AIDS epidemic).

3.Diseases caused by buggery are considered "organic diseases"?

4.Why not just recriminalize homosexuality and get these people the help that they so desperately need?

1. I am sure the the 1-3 protease inhibitors pale in comparison to the number of other medical conditions that you probably suffer from: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. All due to your bad lifestyle choices you undoubtedly made a a cop. A glazed doughnut here, a bearclaw there. Never fear, I am sure the synthetic biology which will remove HIV from the cells in the next five years will also be able to rectify some of the damage you have done to your body.
If you were as smart as you think you are, you would know that opportunistic infections are just that, infections of opportunity (the opportunity being people with weak immune systems.) If people are taking the therapy, the virus does not compromise their immune systems, meaning no opportunities for these infections to develop.
So yes, the HAART therapy does keep these infections from developing. The current strains of syphilis and gonorrhea (of which gay people are hardly the sole vector for) are currently cured with broad spectrum antibiotics.

2. Wrong again. I am as real as they come. Trust me, when I dated, we did far more than shake hands.

3. All diseases are organic. You may want to try reading a book sometime.I would recommend Molecular Pathology:The Molecular Basis of Human Disease.

4. Why not criminalize stupidity? I suspect that if that happened, you would never see the light of day again.
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New member
The "Texas Lawmakers" thread. Notice Arthur isn't arguing with me about my claim? He couldn't even address it out of fear of what I was going to say next.

Forgive me if I don't go digging it up, you probably would do best to read the whole thread.

Have a good one!
OK thanks, I'll see if I'm convinced. :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Whoever said that perversion was a "human right"?

Well, it would seem that it's legal for heterosexuals to engage in all manner of activities that you would consider perverse and they have that right under law. So there's your answer.

Good point Art. We're really civilized and wouldn't want to go back to the days before portable toilets.

Um, you aren't...

Like I said before: "It's an uphill battle" (Did I mention that with faith in God, anything is possible?).

I mentioned this in one of the earlier threads, but most people aren't aware that sodomy laws (laws prohibiting homosexuality) are still on the books in 12 states.

12 states still ban sodomy a decade after court ruling

You act like the criminalization of homosexuality is a new concept Art, it isn't.

And just how much do you think those laws are enforced in those states? It's theoretically possible to be executed for treason in the UK but it's laughable that it would ever happen.

Hence this 3 part thread; we're quickly moving in the direction of Europe (hate crime laws, etc.)

Your 'thread' has accomplished nothing. It's taken well over two years to "achieve" that as well...

There is no "right" when it comes to abortion. As far as your racial smokescreen: quit comparing skin with sin (or as the late great Pastor Ken Hutcherson put it: "Don't compare your sin with my skin").

Ah, your former pastor who is on record for not agreeing with the premise of your entire thread?

We'll see what happens once the truth about this particular perversion and the truth about the sexual anarchy movement finally gets out to the public (and the truth will get out Art).

You've had over two years already to spread this apparent 'truth', so how come it's had no effect?

Regarding your claim that laws against all sorts of child abuse have increased:


Uh huh.

Oh, a repeat of a doctored picture to begin with that you posted a while back. Well that was lame Connie, as with - well, pretty much all of your dumb shtick...

The Christian majority allowed this to happen by sitting back and being apathetic towards evil. Hopefully someday the Christian majority will wakeup.

Yeah, all of those evil Christians that don't obsess about homosexuals eh? Charlatans....


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hey Culty! It's pointless to argue with Arthur on this particular topic. I proved to him every human is born heterosexual & he just ignored it...no point in arguing with someone who doesn't want to acknowledge your points, which he won't. He will be civil, but concede a point? Never.

You're doing a good job by the way, you old prick! Good on ya!

If you'd actually managed to prove that beyond any doubt then not only would I have conceded it, you'd be up for a scientific award of some sort...

Declarations and bloody blog sites aren't proof, and as much as aCW is a clown I'm tiring of your increasingly trollish attitude towards folk here...


New member
If you'd actually managed to prove that beyond any doubt then not only would I have conceded it, you'd be up for a scientific award of some sort...

Declarations and bloody blog sites aren't proof, and as much as aCW is a clown I'm tiring of your increasingly trollish attitude towards folk here...
Ditto AB.
Needless to say I found his "proof" well down to standard. :plain:


Anyway, I see you mentioned my old pastor, Ken "Hutch" Hutcherson(RIP)! I have a question for ya Culty... Was Pastor Ken a closet homo too, since apparently I am & I spent a good 15 years in his church?

That was a great line wasn't it, "Dont Compare My Skin With Your Sin".

Great man. Too bad he taught me to be a closet homosexual according to you, huh?

Tell us a little about the church that Hutch preached in. The layout, the pews, the number of people that attended. Who were some of the 'celebrities' that attended his church on a regular basis?
Being that you attended his church for 15 years, these answers should come quite easily.


That being said: Has anyone seen WizardofOz (aka Aaron) recently? I get suspicious when he goes absent for long periods of time.


Lol! Good grief! aCW, his [Ron Paul's stance on homosexuality being a states rights issue] stance is the constitutional stance whether you like him or not. You need to move to Uganda bro, you don't have the right temperment to make any changes here. I hear the weather is nice & being a homosexual can get someone 14 years to life in prison, just how you like it. Your utopia awaits you, it is Uganda.

Samuel, you'll be happy to know that a judicial activist (i.e. B. Hussein Obama found a 'connection') has overturned the Ugandan homosexuality law and it will once again be safe for foreign homosexuals to go to Uganda and rape and infect little African boys with AIDS.


Ugandan Court Invalidates Anti-Gay Law

August 1, 2014

A Ugandan court on Friday invalidated an anti-gay bill signed into law earlier this year, pleasing activists and watchdog groups who called the measure draconian and wanted it repealed.

The Constitutional Court declared the law illegal because it was passed during a parliamentary session that lacked a quorum.

Activists erupted in cheers after the court ruled the law "null and void," but some cautioned that the fight was not over: The state could appeal the ruling in the Supreme Court and legislators might try to reintroduce new anti-gay measures. Also, a colonial-era law that criminalizes sex acts "against the order of nature" still remains in effect in Uganda, allowing for continued arrests.

The invalidated law provided jail terms of up to life for those convicted of engaging in gay sex. It also allowed lengthy jail terms for those convicted of the offenses of "attempted homosexuality" as well as "promotion of homosexuality."

Although the legislation has wide support in Uganda, it has been condemned in the West.

The U.S. has withheld or redirected funding to some Ugandan institutions accused of involvement in rights abuses, but the ruling Friday might win the Ugandan delegation a softer landing in the U.S. next week as it heads to Washington for a gathering led by President Barack Obama...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

1. That would be 1-3 more HAART pills than I take DR. Surely you're not implying that these pills are a cure all for other conditions that homosexuals males are afflicted with? (syphilis, gonorrhea, as well as the above "opportunistic infections and diseases").

2."You must have not been a real homosexual" (me thinkz that DR gave his boyfriend a handshake instead of a kiss if he lived through the AIDS epidemic).

1. I am sure the the 1-3 protease inhibitors pale in comparison to the number of other medical conditions that you probably suffer from: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. All due to your bad lifestyle choices you undoubtedly made a a cop. A glazed doughnut here, a bearclaw there. Never fear, I am sure the synthetic biology which will remove HIV from the cells in the next five years will also be able to rectify some of the damage you have done to your body.
If you were as smart as you think you are, you would know that opportunistic infections are just that, infections of opportunity (the opportunity being people with weak immune systems.) If people are taking the therapy, the virus does not compromise their immune systems, meaning no opportunities for these infections to develop.
So yes, the HAART therapy does keep these infections from developing. The current strains of syphilis and gonorrhea (of which gay people are hardly the sole vector for) are currently cured with broad spectrum antibiotics.

You must be tickled pink that you can begin taking 1-3 pills daily and start buggerizing again DR. Once you become a "real homosexual" again (not one that stands on the sidelines and just talks about it) keep us informed as to how your health is.

2. Wrong again. I am as real as they come. Trust me, when I dated, we did far more than shake hands.

You can spare us the details. You do realized that you are extremely lucky to be alive don't you DR? I mean there is risk to meeting a complete stranger in a public restroom and turning that "relationship" into a long term one (i.e. a one night stand in one of your apartments).


Disease, violence, substance abuse, suicide, your lifestyle has it all.


Good news for homosexual pedophiles and pederasts in New Jersey (which means bad news for parents with children that are suffering from same sex desires) :

Parents Fail in NJ ban on Gay Conversion Therapy

August 2, 2014

A state federal judge has struck down a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s ban on “sexual orientation change efforts” or SOCE, as they are referred to in court. This is the second time in nine months a judge has dismissed a lawsuit against a practice called conversion therapy.

The lawsuit was made by a couple who felt that the ban was in violation of rights promised in the constitution, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. They wanted to enroll their 15-year-old son in the practice that tries to “convert” or “cure” individuals from homosexuality. U.S. District Judge Freda Wolfson ruled Thursday that the claims were not valid, according to the Associated Press.

Time Magazine reports that currently California and New Jersey are the only two states with a ban in place to outlaw therapy aimed at converting minors from homosexuality.

Gov. Chris Christie signed the law that banned the practice in NJ last year, according to the Associated Press. California was the first state to pass a law of the same type in 2012. Christie passed the ban with the defense that the health of minors is more valuable than government control over parents’ decisions...




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What happens when homosexuals are allowed to adopt/foster care children:

"The Sedgwick County District Attorney is alleging that a foster father was high while a baby was left in a hot car last week. She later died.

Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett read the allegations during a bond reduction hearing for Seth Jackson on Friday afternoon.

Bennett said that Jackson had run out of marijuana on the morning of July 24. That afternoon, he reportedly took two children to meet with his drug dealer where he bought more.

When he got home, Bennett said he left the 10-month-old girl in the car, went inside and smoked marijuana. He didn't realize the child was still in the car until more than two hours later, but she was already dead.

Since he believes Jackson was high on the day she died, he supports the higher bond amount. Even with the first degree murder charge, Bennett does not feel Jackson is a flight risk.

Jackson's attorney, Les Hulnick, told KAKE News this is the first he's heard of the marijuana allegations. He also called the first degree murder charge "ludicrous." He expected Jackson to bond out of jail before 5 p.m. Friday, but he was not released from jail until shortly before 5 p.m. on Saturday, according to jail records.

Jackson's adopted children are now in state custody. Other children he and his partner were fostering have also been removed from the home.
Read more: http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/Baby-dies-after-left-in-hot-car-268540742.html?=refresh

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