Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for taking time away from viewing homosexual pornography to post in my thread again Art.

I find it odd that GFR7 has over 1,000 posts on TOL in a months time, 99.9% of them talking about the risks of homosexual behavior and the homosexual agenda, yet you don't feel threatened by him.

Could it be that he's not a threat to you since he's not for recriminalizing homosexuality?

Neither he or you would be any sort of threat if you were both in favour of such and I was actually homosexual. You have as much power as you have a brain Connie. I would say do the math but it would be too big a feat for ya...

For those of you new to the thread, Art thinks that viewing lesbians having sex makes him 'one of the guys' (it just makes him a pervert).

If GFR7 wasn't a fraud you would be threatened by him as much as you are with me.

And now back to your homosexual porn.


I see that one of the biggest perverts to ever post on TOL has returned (and TOL has a lot of perverts) :

The Barbarian, come on in and tell us how that sex change operation went.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For those of you new to the thread, Art thinks that viewing lesbians having sex makes him 'one of the guys' (it just makes him a pervert).

Hmm, for those unfortunate enough to stumble across this train wreck, what I actually said was that I wasn't repulsed by women doing such as I would be with men. You'll have to quote me where I said it thought it made me 'one of the guys' or some macho crap. Perhaps you can provide a link? :think:

If GFR7 wasn't a fraud you would be threatened by him as much as you are with me.


Connie, you're nothing other than a bloviating demented windbag, full of hot air and nowt else. You're no threat to anybody ya sad git. You have zero chance of having your beloved ideal enforced - zilch, squat, de nada...

The only way society would ever go back to that is if some cataclysmic event sent the remnants of civilization hurtling back to the dark ages. Granted, you already live there but most of the rest of us don't.

And now back to your homosexual porn.

Says the guy who constantly searches out pics of pride parades to post...


..... As I've shown many times before throughout this 3 part thread, the only people that have been effected by HIV/AIDS that partake in heterosex are black women who had sex with black males who were on the "down low" (bisexual males who didn't tell their female sex partner that they partake in buggery). There are risks to out of wedlock sex (especially if you sleep with a fag).

..... This is how selfish these sick degenerates are. They say that by curing their self inflicted sexually transmitted disease, they'll be helping others.

..... That's why we have laws, because decent people can't reason with the mentally and morally deranged.

I don't have the time nor desire to deviate from exposing the homosexual agenda and the absolutely filthy child molesting behavior that is a part of it to talk about you Aaron. Besides, the Libertarian Party and it's doctrine was thoroughly discussed in part 2.

..... Back later today with "Gay Days at Disney World" (did I mention that homosexuals just love to be around children?) and an excellent article by Mission America's Linda Harvey on why homosexual adults shouldn't be allowed around children.

The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For those of you new to the thread, Art thinks that viewing lesbians having sex makes him 'one of the guys' (it just makes him a pervert).

Hmm, for those unfortunate enough to stumble across this train wreck, what I actually said was that I wasn't repulsed by women doing such as I would be with men. You'll have to quote me where I said it thought it made me 'one of the guys' or some macho crap. Perhaps you can provide a link?

How come you're not repulsed by an act of homosexuality Art?

Regarding my 'one of the guys' comment: It's common that those who are in the closet try to hide their behavior by pretending that they like women (in your case, two having sex with one another).

If GFR7 wasn't a fraud you would be threatened by him as much as you are with me.

Connie, you're nothing other than a bloviating demented windbag, full of hot air and nowt else. You're no threat to anybody ya sad git. You have zero chance of having your beloved ideal enforced - zilch, squat, de nada...

The only way society would ever go back to that is if some cataclysmic event sent the remnants of civilization hurtling back to the dark ages. Granted, you already live there but most of the rest of us don't.

Let it out precious, let it all out.

And now back to your homosexual porn.

Says the guy who constantly searches out pics of pride parades to post...

Now that I know what you look like Art, I'll be looking for you in them.


(That pencil neck won't do well with a millstone fastened around it: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3990037&postcount=1261 ).


The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Thank you for that jgarden, you've made my point. Anyone who really loves God doesn't go against His Word (and God warns about homosexual behavior numerous times in Scripture). Anyone who truly loves his neighbor would legislate righteous laws to protect them from this extremely harmful behavior known as homosexuality.

Keep up the good work kiddo.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How come you're not repulsed by an act of homosexuality Art?

Probably for the same reason a plethora of other straight blokes aren't. It involves the opposite sex. Must it really be explained to you time and again...?

Regarding my 'one of the guys' comment: It's common that those who are in the closet try to hide their behavior by pretending that they like women (in your case, two having sex with one another).

Or rather in my case just liking women full stop. There's no need to pretend to be all macho and 'manly' about it. By all means keep to your deluded imaginings and the like though, it wouldn't mean anything.

Let it out precious, let it all out.

Oh, have you turned into Gollum?

You're nowt but an ineffectual little crank Connie. It's just stating fact.

Now that I know what you look like Art, I'll be looking for you in them.


I didn't even click on that so carry on oh gormless one...

Dark Radiance

New member
Your reference to your own past statements do not answer the questions you addressed. They are merely self-referential, not informative.


New member
Thank you for that jgarden, you've made my point. Anyone who really loves God doesn't go against His Word (and God warns about homosexual behavior numerous times in Scripture). Anyone who truly loves his neighbor would legislate righteous laws to protect them from this extremely harmful behavior known as homosexuality.

Keep up the good work kiddo.
Apparently God has some good advice on how to treat slaves aCW, we'd better reintroduce slavery too perhaps?


Your reference to your own past statements do not answer the questions you addressed. They are merely self-referential, not informative.


I can only imagine how frustrated you and the homosexual movement must be DR. You've taken control of government, the media, education, youth mentor groups, etc. etc. etc., yet you can't beat the disease aspect of your chosen (hence changeable) behavior.

It truly must be driving you insane.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you for that jgarden, you've made my point. Anyone who really loves God doesn't go against His Word (and God warns about homosexual behavior numerous times in Scripture). Anyone who truly loves his neighbor would legislate righteous laws to protect them from this extremely harmful behavior known as homosexuality.

Keep up the good work kiddo.

Apparently God has some good advice on how to treat slaves aCW, we'd better reintroduce slavery too perhaps?

Now Al, let's not get started on slavery, as it might get your BDSM allies all worked up.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Anyone who truly loves his neighbor would legislate righteous laws to protect them from this extremely harmful behavior known as homosexuality.

Keep up the good work kiddo.

Do you believe most people come out of jail better than when they went in?

I guess that's up to them. Keep in mind that the purpose behind jails is to punish people that have broken the law.

But then again, not everyone that committed acts of homosexuality have gone to jail. Take for instance this young teen who probably was repeatedly raped by an older homosexual as a youth and hence became sexually confused:


He doesn't need to be punished, he needs therapy.

Why won't you and your kind allow these morally confused people to get the help that they need Doper?


New member
I guess that's up to them. Keep in mind that the purpose behind jails is to punish people that have broken the law.

That is not true. They are called correctional facilities, not punishment centers.

But then again, not everyone that committed acts of homosexuality have gone to jail. Take for instance this young teen who probably was repeatedly raped by an older homosexual as a youth and hence became sexually confused:


He doesn't need to be punished, he needs therapy.

Why won't you and your kind allow these morally confused people to get the help that they need Doper?

Who said homosexuals can't get counseling like anyone else?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I guess that's up to them. Keep in mind that the purpose behind jails is to punish people that have broken the law.

That is not true. They are called correctional facilities, not punishment centers.

Then why are they behind bars in a facility that doesn't allow them to leave until their sentence is fulfilled?

Granted, it's a plus to society if a criminal is rehabilitated (I'm a big advocate of prison ministries. They very well might be a thing of the past, that's a topic for another time), but it's more of a plus to get that criminal off the streets and someplace where he can't harm innocent people.

But then again, not everyone that committed acts of homosexuality have gone to jail. Take for instance this young teen who probably was repeatedly raped by an older homosexual as a youth and hence became sexually confused:

He doesn't need to be punished, he needs therapy.

Why won't you and your kind allow these morally confused people to get the help that they need Doper?

Who said homosexuals can't get counseling like anyone else?

Please Doper, if you're going to post in this thread at least come in somewhat informed.

Are you not aware of the legislation going on in several states where it would be illegal for parents to get their child/teenager therapy for same sex desires?

Dark Radiance

New member

I can only imagine how frustrated you and the homosexual movement must be DR. You've taken control of government, the media, education, youth mentor groups, etc. etc. etc., yet you can't beat the disease aspect of your chosen (hence changeable) behavior.

It truly must be driving you insane.

ACW, if you bothered to keep up with modern medicine, you would realize that HIV + people in First World Countries live nearly the same life span as anyone else. Provided they stay on their medical regimen of 1 to 3 pills a day. And if the research from Tempe University is successful in human trials, there will be a therapy which will render HIV + people into HIV- people within the next five years or so.

So no, not frustrating or insane.
Have no fear ACW, gays were here long before you were born, and they will be here long after you are decomposing in your grave.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can only imagine how frustrated you and the homosexual movement must be DR. You've taken control of government, the media, education, youth mentor groups, etc. etc. etc., yet you can't beat the disease aspect of your chosen (hence changeable) behavior.

It truly must be driving you insane

ACW, if you bothered to keep up with modern medicine, you would realize that HIV + people in First World Countries live nearly the same life span as anyone else. Provided they stay on their medical regimen of 1 to 3 pills a day. And if the research from Tempe University is successful in human trials, there will be a therapy which will render HIV + people into HIV- people within the next five years or so.

I've acknowledged in an earlier post that some of those that are infected with HIV/AIDS do live longer because they pump themselves full of AIDS cocktails. Notice I said "some".

I can only imagine how excited you must be that you can leave your life of celibacy (which obviously you were frightened into) once a cure is found for one of the diseases that come with same sex buggery.

Being that God won't be mocked, don't get your hopes up too high.

So no, not frustrating or insane.
Have no fear ACW, gays were here long before you were born, and they will be here long after you are decomposing in your grave.

Sinful behavior was here long before I was born, and it will be here (most likely...unless Jesus returns in the next few decades) long after I leave this life to spend eternity with God.

BTW, are your scientists working on ways to cure many of the other diseases and disorders that come with the homosexual lifestyle?

Take for instance this 52 year old bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT etc etc etc acronym) who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge due to depression (wait, I thought homosexuals in "gay friendly environments" didn't get depressed?).

Dark Radiance

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I've acknowledged in an earlier post that some of those that are infected with HIV/AIDS do live longer because they pump themselves full of AIDS cocktails. Notice I said "some".

I can only imagine how excited you must be that you can leave your life of celibacy (which obviously you were frightened into) once a cure is found for one of the diseases that come with same sex buggery.

Being that God won't be mocked, don't get your hopes up too high.

Sinful behavior was here long before I was born, and it will be here (most likely...unless Jesus returns in the next few decades) long after I leave this life to spend eternity with God.

BTW, are your scientists working on ways to cure many of the other diseases and disorders that come with the homosexual lifestyle?

Take for instance this 52 year old bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT etc etc etc acronym) who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge due to depression (wait, I thought homosexuals in "gay friendly environments" didn't get depressed?).

I would advise you to examine the medical data within the last year or so. "Some" is "Most". "Pumped themselves full" is actually "Take 1-3 pill". Which is probably less than the amount of statins and lisonopril you take per day for your cholesterol and high blood pressue.

Once again, your projections are wildly off. I was not frightened into anything. I lived through the entire breadth of the AIDS epidemic, only entering the celibate life in my middle age. Fear had nothing to do with my choices. If I do ever leave a celibate life, it will be for different and hopefully loving reasons. Unlike you, my life has never been defined by fear.

Being that God speaks far more harshly towards those who are judgmental, hateful, and unkind than he ever did about homosexuals, you have far more to worry about from God than I.

Hopefully synthetic biology and gene therapy will provide many cures for organic diseases. Even if they do not, everyone dies, so whats your point?


New member
Apparently God has some good advice on how to treat slaves aCW, we'd better reintroduce slavery too perhaps?

The type of slavery you are thinking of is not permitted in the OT whatsoever. I'm sure someone on this board has slapped this lie down well enough in the past...
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