Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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1) It will be if this particular treatment (which looks quite promising holds out). I am sure God will be happy that people are no longer dying early.

In case you missed Linda Harvey's "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children", she wrote this:

12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome. God has one message on this behavior and it’s a loud and unchanging “No.” Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, is not a story accidentally included in the biblical narrative, but serves as a shocking picture of where this lifestyle leads. It’s a dire warning, spelling out the grave consequences for societies that embrace or tolerate this conduct.

Homosexuality is called an “abomination” in Leviticus. The Apostle Paul calls it a degrading passion in Romans 1. How can we ignore this? And how can we ignore the words of Jesus in Matthew 18: 6 warning that those who lead children into sin will be punished so severely that a millstone may as well be tied around their necks as they are thrown into the sea?


Needless to say, God isn't pleased with those that engage in homosexual behavior or those that lead others into it.

2) The Scientist is hardly a bastion of gay propaganda. But please read their abstract and tell us how degenerate gene therapy is. I am sure you hold a degree in biology among all of your other supposed talents.

My point is that fairies like Andy Cooper and Donnie Lemon, and lesbo's like Ellen the Degenerate and Rockin Robin Roberts, won't tell the truth about how harmful (to put it lightly) the behavior that they proudly and unrepentantly engage in is.

3) Once again, your data is a bit antiquated. Most HAART regimens are between one to three pills a day.

You're obviously the expert on the subject here DR. However, I've covered AIDS medication in the segment in part 2, showing how expensive it is. What happens when sugar daddy's money runs out and you have to pay for your own "regimens"?

4) Not trying to defeat God. Just defeat you. However, I suspect that you probably view the two as interchangeable.

I understand that burning eternally in Hell isn't a fun place to be. It doesn't matter if you put the word "Gay" in front of "Christian", repentance from sin is the key to eternal life. Hopefully you'll learn that before it's too late.

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I've closed the thread for a few days so that I can catch up on close to 60 pages that need to be logged into the table of contents. After that, I need a vacation from this filth (again, I don't know how Peter LaBarbera and others can do this for a living). I'll be back soon to talk more about homosexual violence.



For pages 21-40.

In these 20 pages, amongst other things you'll read how both the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association have become tools of the homosexual movement. The Bay Area Reporter obituary website is informative, as it shows how AIDS ran rampant amongst homosexuals and still is. Ryan Sorba's "The Born Gay Hoax" is definitely worth reading. Once again I've added a few links that will take the reader directly to the post.

Romania Eyes Legalizing Consensual Incest, Wouldn't Be First Country in Europe/Swiss Consider Legalizing Incest/In Western Europe incest legalization is widely discussed (slippery slope? what slippery slope?...link to articles); page 21, post #309

There would be plenty of room (aCW explains to a brain dead shagster01 why recriminalizing abortion wouldn't cause a population problem); page 22, post #325

WHY MANY AMERICAN CHRISTIANS ARE REALLY UN-CHRISTIAN (a review of Selwyn Duke's article talking about Universal Moral Laws); page 23, post #339

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Speech to Lambda Legal Urging Boy Scouts to Allow Adult Homosexual Scoutmasters (it's just a matter of time before the pedophile wing of the homosexual movement's wildest dreams come true... link to AFTAH article); page 23, post #344

Galatians 6:7; page 24, post #349

"Gay Pride Week" in Boston reveals what the media doesn't tell you about the homosexual movement (massresistance article); page 24, post #352


The truth about the ultra pro homosexual American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association; page 24, post #358


The APA and Dr. Paul Cameron (link to articles); page 26, post #382

The APA and pro abortion/pro homosexuality activists Nancy Russo and Gregory Herek; page 27, post 391

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeals on California’s Ban on Conversion Therapy (link to Human Rights Campaign article); page 27, post #395

San Francisco GLBT Historical Society & B.A.R. create on-line database of HIV/AIDS obituaries (link to Bay Area Reporter obituary site); page 27, post #402


A sample of the B.A.R. obituaries; page 28, post #'s 406 & 413, page 29, post #427, page 42, post #616

Children raised by same-sex couples healthier and happier, research suggests (or so says Australia researcher Simon Crouch who is a proud and unrepentant homosexual, links to articles); page 28, post #419

Homosexual George Takei Calls Hypocrisy In Hobby Lobby Ruling 'Galling' (links to articles); page 28, post #420

Former school custodian faces more sex abuse charges; Alleged Facebook predator used fake account to flirt with hundreds of boys; 'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males' (links to articles); page 29, post #428

LGBT individuals living in anti-gay communities die early (link to study published by pro homosexual Mailman Clinic); page 29, post #432

GFR7 joins the thread (while he hasn't taken the time to review the other two parts of the thread, he's not sure if it's necessary to recriminalize homosexuality); page 29, post #435; GFR7 says that recriminalizing homosexuality is unattainable; page 32, post #480

300 Articles You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’ (link to Barbwire article); page 30, post #450

Ryan Sorba's "The Born Gay Hoax" (link to massresistance article); page 34, post 502; video of homosexuals disrupting Sorba's speech at Smith College; post #505

Sex Education, Planned Parenthood's dangerous advice for teens (link to video); page 35, post #522

Purposes of marriage: same-sex "marriage" strikes out (article by Bryan Fischer); page 36, post #530

aCW smells a fraud (GFR7 finally exposes himself); page 39, post #584


In pages 41-60, lesbian violence is discussed, along with some of the diseases that are associated with female homosexuality. Homosexual violence is still being discussed, showing how transvestites/transsexuals are murdered frequently. Direct links showing what happens to child molesters and the strategies that the homosexual movement has used (and continues to use) are also provided. You'll continue to find posts showing how children are indoctrinated at gay pride parades and how righteous laws are an act of love.

Art Brain's lipstick lesbian obsession; page 42, post #629

aCW sets homosexualist GFR7 straight on the risks of anal sex (links to previous TOL posts); page 43, post #645

Will recriminalizing homosexuality entail "door to door searches" and create a "police state"? Is the homosexual movement just a passing fad like the hippie movement and disco? (more ludicrous statements from homosexualist GFR7); page 44, post #658

aCW shares a pictorial with TracerBullet warning him about the dangers of homosex; page 45, post #670

AFTAH Interviews Pastor Ken Hutcherson on Washington State ‘Gay Marriage’ Measure – Part One (Hutch explains why NOM's moderate stance failed); page 45, post #672

aCW responds to homosexualist GFR7's claim that society already has laws in place against corruption of minors; page 47, post #703

Is Ellen the Degenerate's 'wife' another a victim of lesbian abuse? (link to article); page 47, post #704

aCW explains to homosexualist shagster01 whey violence is common amongst those who partake in homosexual behavior; page 448, post 706, how righteous laws are an act of love; page 51, post #761

Domestic abuse in LGBT relationships on the rise: Members of the LGBT community are more than twice as likely to have experienced domestic abuse in the past year compared to those in heterosexual relationships, (link to article); page 50, post #750

Police: Fla. father beats accused child abuser (pictorial); page 51, post #760 (homosexual pedophile "groomed" his 11 year old victim).

aCW discusses the similarity between the love of a mother and father towards their children and a government that legislates righteous laws towards it's citizenry (links to "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry", "Three Divine Institutions" and a post talking about Romans 13); page 52, post #766

Transgender pizza employee said she quit over discrimination (link to article and video showing how the left wing media supports these lost souls); page 53, post #784

Police say transgender woman was killed near Lake Ashburton (more homosexual violence...link to article); page 53, post #787

Does homosexualist noguru like lesbian pornography or not? (Conflicting posts makes a person wonder); page 54, post #800

aCW asks homosexualist noguru where he thinks sexually transmitted diseases are contracted at, but doesn't get an answer; page 58, post #862

The risks of lesbian sex (diseases that are associated with female homosexuality); page 59, post #877; Care for a little genital herpes with your lesbian fantasy Art? (a pictorial), post #885

aCW gives accolades to homosexualist GFR7 for his strategy that uses tactics from "After the Ball, How America will conquer it's fear and hatred of Gay's in the 90's" and "The Overhauling of Straight America" in his attempt to fool others (massresistance links attached); page 60, post #899
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In pages 61-80, there are 6 direct links to posts that talk about such things as homosexual desires in boys caused by dominating mothers, how the homosexual movement is the Trojan Horse for totalitarianism and how the indoctrination of children can have a negative effect on them for eternity.

Homosexualist SammyT on how recriminalizing homosexuality would only help the pro gay normalization agenda; page 61, post #910

Why Tony Dungy wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam (link to article); page 61, post #911

"Mothers and Sons": how a dominant mother can mold homosexual desires in a boy (Fathers for Life articles); page 62, post #918

The Jr. Libertarian on prostitution and consenting adults; page 62, post #922

aCW explains to IMJerusha that righteous laws are not evil; page 64, post #955

"The New Sexual Revolution: How the Gay Rights Movement has become the Trojan Horse for Totalitarianism" (AFTAH link); page 67, post #995

CDC: HIV Down in General Population but Surging with Gay, Bisexual Males (link to article); page 67, post #996

aCW responds to a rant by homosexualist Heterodoxical regarding anal sex, lesbianism and pedophilia; page 70, post #1045

Laws against homosexuality cannot be recriminalized as easily as those against abortion? aCW sets homosexualist GFR7 straight on how "easy" it's been; page 70, post #1048

aCW educates homosexualist/defender of Islam GFR7 about underage marriages that occur in the" religion of peace" (link to article); page 70, post #1050

How the abortion movement and individuals "celebrate" abortion (aCW responds to homosexualist GFR7's statement that people don't celebrate abortion), link to articles; page 73, post #1092

Homosexuals that subscribe to pro family newsletters (a pictorial); Embarrassing transcript of NOM's Brian Brown dinner/debate with Dan Savage; page 74, post #1113.

The ’10 Percent Gay’ Myth Is Dead – Just 1.6 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as Gay or Lesbian, and .7 Percent as Bisexual, Major Federal Survey Finds (link to AFTAH/CDC articles); page 75, post #1115

aCW responds to homosexualist GFR7's "water over the dam" post; link to GFR's 'game plan' on how he would go about fighting the homosexual movement; page 75, post #1120

aCW explains to homosexualist GFR7 why it was embarrassing to read the transcript of NOM's Brian Brown dinner-debate with Dan Savage; page 76, post #1140

aCW has a discussion with IMJerusha over who should get HIV tested; page 77, post #1153

Homosexualists aikido7 and GFR7 discuss how Islam and Christianity "aren't that different"; page 78, post #'s 1168 & 1169

Question: "What does it mean to have the fear of God?" (link to article); page 80, post #1190

A review of Linda Harvey's "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and how indoctrinating children could have a negative effect on them for eternity; page 80, post #1197
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New member
I wish aCW was exaggerating about what the LGBT Alliance has done to children,
and what they are doing now.

Here is an example of their work which I personally experienced:


Caution, in the necessary review of the actual evidence of their evil-doing,
the contents of their 'sex education' pamphlet had to be exposed and discussed.

I will not post a direct link to the article,
but only a link to my blogsite and you can search for the article yourself there. Its the second last article I posted.



I wish aCW was exaggerating about what the LGBT Alliance has done to children,
and what they are doing now.

Here is an example of their work which I personally experienced:

Thanks for the information showing something that isn't talked about as much as it should be: the recruitment of young girls into homosexuality (lesbianism).

I was saving this article for the homosexual pedophilia segment, but now is as good a time as any to post it.

Meet 'Women's Auxiliary

Website celebrates sex between adult women, young girls

July 22, 2002

Celebrating erotic relationships between women and young girls is the theme of a website called “Butterfly Kisses,” which indicates the relatively unknown fact that pedophilia exists in significant numbers among females.

While the site’s creators do not identify themselves, posted articles show how some advocates are attempting to create an academic rationale for what is commonly and legally regarded as abuse and molestation.

“It’s very dangerous when you begin to see women organize in the same way you have seen men organized to rape children,” said noted researcher Judith Reisman, who referred to the people behind the website as the “Women’s Auxiliary of NAMBLA,” the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

While the site’s opening page features an apparently wholesome photograph of a mother appreciating her child, “the primary goal” of presenting the subsequent material is clearly stated in the introduction as giving “women and girls a tool for expressing their feelings and their love about this controversial topic, and to get people to open their minds to ideas about romantic and erotic attraction between women and girls that our society in the past has not been able to discuss openly and rationally.”

WorldNetDaily was alerted to the website by reader Sandra Hartle of Spanaway, Wash., a grandmother who is part of a group that has helped shut down about 1,000 pornographic sites on the Microsoft Network’s website communities.

She has discovered private sites on MSN depicting elementary school-age boys with adult men, but found “Butterfly Kisses” a particular threat to families like her own.

“Some of the information on this site is so terrifying to someone who has three granddaughters that I cannot express my shock,” said Hartle.

“How someone could harm a child that is so tender and vulnerable is beyond my wildest imaginations,” she said, “but when a woman can and does violate that child sexually it is somehow more devastating than even when you hear of these things being done by men.”

The “Butterfly Kisses” website indicates it is hosted by an entity called “Ipce,” which describes itself as a “forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.

Read more:



New member
Thanks for the information showing something that isn't talked about as much as it should be: the recruitment of young girls into homosexuality (lesbianism).

I was saving this article for the homosexual pedophilia segment, but now is as good a time as any to post it.

Meet 'Women's Auxiliary

Website celebrates sex between adult women, young girls

July 22, 2002

Celebrating erotic relationships between women and young girls is the theme of a website called “Butterfly Kisses,” which indicates the relatively unknown fact that pedophilia exists in significant numbers among females.

While the site’s creators do not identify themselves, posted articles show how some advocates are attempting to create an academic rationale for what is commonly and legally regarded as abuse and molestation.

“It’s very dangerous when you begin to see women organize in the same way you have seen men organized to rape children,” said noted researcher Judith Reisman, who referred to the people behind the website as the “Women’s Auxiliary of NAMBLA,” the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

While the site’s opening page features an apparently wholesome photograph of a mother appreciating her child, “the primary goal” of presenting the subsequent material is clearly stated in the introduction as giving “women and girls a tool for expressing their feelings and their love about this controversial topic, and to get people to open their minds to ideas about romantic and erotic attraction between women and girls that our society in the past has not been able to discuss openly and rationally.”

WorldNetDaily was alerted to the website by reader Sandra Hartle of Spanaway, Wash., a grandmother who is part of a group that has helped shut down about 1,000 pornographic sites on the Microsoft Network’s website communities.

She has discovered private sites on MSN depicting elementary school-age boys with adult men, but found “Butterfly Kisses” a particular threat to families like her own.

“Some of the information on this site is so terrifying to someone who has three granddaughters that I cannot express my shock,” said Hartle.

“How someone could harm a child that is so tender and vulnerable is beyond my wildest imaginations,” she said, “but when a woman can and does violate that child sexually it is somehow more devastating than even when you hear of these things being done by men.”

The “Butterfly Kisses” website indicates it is hosted by an entity called “Ipce,” which describes itself as a “forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.

Read more:

Thank you for alerting to this; I am surprised but I guess I shouldn't be. I am glad that opposition is already organizing.


New member
I wish aCW was exaggerating about what the LGBT Alliance has done to children,
and what they are doing now.

Here is an example of their work which I personally experienced:


Caution, in the necessary review of the actual evidence of their evil-doing,
the contents of their 'sex education' pamphlet had to be exposed and discussed.

I will not post a direct link to the article,
but only a link to my blogsite and you can search for the article yourself there. Its the second last article I posted.


No wonder they want to ban firearm ownership. They're practically asking for it.


Since I'm returning to the segment entitled "homosexual violence", I'll post this article talking about lesbian gangs attacking school girls.

Payback for expos? on 'dyke' gang rapes

Homosexual activists attack
revelations of lesbian assaults


Two news stories about hundreds of lesbian gangs attacking and raping young girls in schools and other public locations have prompted a backlash against the reporters by members of the homosexual community.

The broadcasts by Memphis television station WPTY and Fox News host Bill O’Reilly quoted law enforcement authorities, victims, and even some gang members to document the growing number of attacks on young girls by lesbian gang members.

“The Eyewitness News Everywhere” report in Memphis documented incidents of gangs known as GTOs, or “Gays” Taking Over, attacking schoolgirls. Two prison inmates affiliated with the gang told the station they had begun meeting to offer each other support, but a younger generation of members had taken their group over for violence and rape.

Rod Wheeler, who has experience as a police detective, told O’Reilly of a growing national concern over lesbians and some men “recruiting kids as young as 10 years old in a lot of the schools in the communities all across the country.” He estimated the presence of 150 gangs, including lesbian gangs, in the Washington area alone.

Some of the children, Wheeler said, “have actually reported that they were actually forced into, you know, performing sex acts and doing sex acts with some of these people.”

On the Memphis report, Deputy Beverly Cobb of the Shelby County Gang Unit said lesbian gang members “will sodomize [with sex toys] and will force [young schoolgirls] to do all sexual acts. They are forcing themselves on our young girls in all our schools.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2007/07/42475/#xSyULlj0fpWWjumM.99


Rebecca Medina of WPTY-TV in Memphis, Tenn., among journalists exposing rapes of girls by lesbian gangs


New member
No wonder they want to ban firearm ownership. They're practically asking for it.
I know. It is truly shocking, but I guess we should have expected it because it is implicit in their agenda.

One of my nieces reads Cosmo magazine, and just look what they now have in it, surprise, surprise. It was never a classy magazine, but it is one that a lot of high school and college girls and young career women in their early 20s read for the fashion, make up and articles. I had this pointed out to me - it's July 2014 edition. Is this what college girls need to be thinking of? :( ugh:

28 Mind-Blowing Lesbian Sex Positions



Originally Posted by SammyT
No wonder they want to ban firearm ownership. They're practically asking for it.

I know. It is truly shocking, but I guess we should have expected it because it is implicit in their agenda...

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?


New member
Originally Posted by SammyT
No wonder they want to ban firearm ownership. They're practically asking for it.

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?
You are really obnoxious. Why are you always having sexual fantasies about me? :think: I was trying to take your thread seriously, and you really have done it a disservice....guess you can't help yourself. You are forgiven, go in peace. :sigh:


New member
I know. It is truly shocking, but I guess we should have expected it because it is implicit in their agenda.

One of my nieces reads Cosmo magazine, and just look what they now have in it, surprise, surprise. It was never a classy magazine, but it is one that a lot of high school and college girls and young career women in their early 20s read for the fashion, make up and articles. I had this pointed out to me - it's July 2014 edition. Is this what college girls need to be thinking of? :( ugh:

28 Mind-Blowing Lesbian Sex Positions


Smh....what is crazy is they feel perfectly comfortable promoting that garbage.

Dark Radiance

New member
Originally Posted by SammyT
No wonder they want to ban firearm ownership. They're practically asking for it.

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?

And this is why so many straights end up siding with the gays.


New member
Smh....what is crazy is they feel perfectly comfortable promoting that garbage.
I know. And this is to teach college girls to "experiment", it seems. If anything is "mind blowing", that is. ....... really sick. Girls are not protected anymore, but encouraged to act like guys. They're not being prepared for motherhood and marriage. Watch over your daughter (you said you had a daughter, right?)
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?

You are really obnoxious. Why are you always having sexual fantasies about me? :think: I was trying to take your thread seriously, and you really have done it a disservice....guess you can't help yourself. You are forgiven, go in peace. :sigh:

aCW, are you Shirley Phelps by chance?

Come on boyz, it's more than obvious that you're sitting in the same office/apartment/house blogging together. You both came to TOL in July (within days of each other as I recall) and are practically inseparable.

Remember fellas, I once arrested your kind for a living and currently live in a city where your kind runs rampant, so I know you all too well.


And this is why so many straights end up siding with the gays.

Welcome back DR. Did you get an opportunity to look over the links I provided regarding the "High Cost of Sodomy"?

For those of you that have loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's, breast cancer, prostate cancer or diabetes, they take a back seat on the bus when it comes to research.

Research : AIDS research is also expensive, and it has sucked funding from the research funds for other diseases. The National Institutes of Health has allocated $2.5 billion in research funds for AIDS (14,175 people died of AIDS in 2001), $790 million for diabetes (from which 71,372 died), $640 million for breast cancer (421,809 deaths), $595 million for Alzheimer's (53,852 deaths), and $345 million for prostate cancer (30,719 deaths).

Remember that these are numbers from 2001; how many innocent lives have been lost that could have been saved while the homosexual movement attempts to find a cure for their immoral-disease ridden behavior?
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