Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?

Come on boyz, it's more than obvious that you're sitting in the same office/apartment/house blogging together. You both came to TOL in July (within days of each other as I recall) and are practically inseparable.

Remember fellas, I once arrested your kind for a living and currently live in a city where your kind runs rampant, so I know you all too well.
I came to this forum independently from the NYC area in early July. I haven't noticed where SammyT lives, but I can assure you I have no idea who he is and no connection with him, save for posting with him since he arrived here. Stop being paranoid. We are both married with children and your imagination is all afoul. :chuckle:

You thought I was Christian Liberty in the beginning, because we both hail from a city of 8.4 million. :think:

In my case, you used to arrest book-wormish academics? :jawdrop: (who break no laws) ?

Also : Sam comes from an evangelical background, and I, from a very liberal and Protestant-in-name-only family. this shows in our widely divergent posting, although we agree on the basics. :AMR1:
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Dark Radiance

New member
For those of you that have loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's, breast cancer, prostate cancer or diabetes, they take a back seat on the bus when it comes to research.

Actually much of the medical research crosses over to cures and treatments in other diseases.

One of the most promising is the recent news out of Temple University: http://http://www.temple.edu/medicine/temple_researchers_eliminate_hiv_virus_from_human_cells.htm

If this holds true in human trials, it would be groundbreaking for cancer and a host of other diseases.

In other words, most research effects more diseases than the ones it is dedicated to curing.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Come on boyz, it's more than obvious that you're sitting in the same office/apartment/house blogging together. You both came to TOL in July (within days of each other as I recall) and are practically inseparable.

I came to this forum independently from the NYC area in early July. I haven't noticed where SammyT lives, but I can assure you I have no idea who he is and no connection with him, save for posting with him since he arrived here. Stop being paranoid. We are both married with children and your imagination is all afoul. :chuckle:

The beauty of dealing with pathological liars is that they tell so many lies that they can't remember what they said as far back as 2 weeks ago:

You're off by about 3+ decades (my age). I have a son. I was married for 21 years before death parted us. Your powers of perception are off.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

For those of you that have loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's, breast cancer, prostate cancer or diabetes, they take a back seat on the bus when it comes to research.

Actually much of the medical research crosses over to cures and treatments in other diseases.

One of the most promising is the recent news out of Temple University: http://http://www.temple.edu/medicine/temple_researchers_eliminate_hiv_virus_from_human_cells.htm

If this holds true in human trials, it would be groundbreaking for cancer and a host of other diseases.

In other words, most research effects more diseases than the ones it is dedicated to curing.

This is how selfish these sick degenerates are. They say that by curing their self inflicted sexually transmitted disease, they'll be helping others.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Come on boyz, it's more than obvious that you're sitting in the same office/apartment/house blogging together. You both came to TOL in July (within days of each other as I recall) and are practically inseparable.

The beauty of dealing with pathological liars is that they tell so many lies that they can't remember what they said as far back as 2 weeks ago:


Right, I lost my spouse in 2006, (cancer) but I still consider myself "married". We had one son, who lives with me. Sammy has a wife and I believe he said 2 children. (thus Sammy and I are older than you think, married, with children, although I believe my son is older than his kids from the sound of it). I knew by the way, that you would bring this up - and recall, you did not believe me weeks ago when I said my son and I were left alone. The beauty of being honest is , it doesn't phase you to get caught in lies, as you haven't been lying.


Right, I lost my spouse in 2006, (cancer) but I still consider myself "married". We had one son, who lives with me. Sammy has a wife and I believe he said 2 children. (thus Sammy and I are older than you think, married, with children, although I believe my son is older than his kids from the sound of it). I knew by the way, that you would bring this up - and recall, you did not believe me weeks ago when I said my son and I were left alone. The beauty of being honest is , it doesn't phase you to get caught in lies, as you haven't been lying.

You're smooth GFR7, but I've known many a pathological liar that have put you to shame.



New member
You're smooth GFR7, but I've known many a pathological liar that have put you to shame.

You are accusing an honest person of being a liar, so you are the more deceived.

I am sorry your experience has made you so distrustful and jaded about humanity. I am jaded, but usually only am cynical when I have seen real proof of bad in a person.

PS: I don't care to be called a widower. I have never even considered dating or remarriage.
The point is, you accused me and S of being kids renting together, when we have long histories as family men.
And yes, CS Lewis also said he was still "married" after the death of his spouse. (His A Grief Observed has been part of my healing process.)

My son is 26 , by the way.

Dark Radiance

New member

This is how selfish these sick degenerates are. They say that by curing their self inflicted sexually transmitted disease, they'll be helping others.

How exactly is that selfish?
That is a bit like saying a cancer treatment shouldn't be used to treat Parkinson's. After all the cure was supposed to be for cancer.


You are accusing an honest person of being a liar, so you are the more deceived.

I am sorry your experience has made you so distrustful and jaded about humanity. I am jaded, but usually only am cynical when I have seen real proof of bad in a person.

I wasn't born yesterday kid, I know a fraud when I read one. That being said:

I've spent quite a bit of time exposing you in this thread, documenting you using the typical homosexual catchphrases like "Separation of Church and State", "police state" and "door to door searches" when it comes to reasons why this particular sin shouldn't be recriminalized.

I really have no desire to expose you and your boyfriend any further, so if you would be so kind as to swish on out of this thread and stay out so I can return to business, it would be appreciated.


New member
I wasn't born yesterday kid, I know a fraud when I read one. That being said:

I've spent quite a bit of time exposing you in this thread, documenting you using the typical homosexual catchphrases like "Separation of Church and State", "police state" and "door to door searches" when it comes to reasons why this particular sin shouldn't be recriminalized.

I really have no desire to expose you and your boyfriend any further, so if you would be so kind as to swish on out of this thread and stay out so I can return to business, it would be appreciated.
You don't know who you're speaking to , but yes, we have closed this conversation.

PS - Did I not tell you we had family property in Provincetown, and yes, I spent a long time in the gay culture.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

This is how selfish these sick degenerates are. They say that by curing their self inflicted sexually transmitted disease, they'll be helping others.

How exactly is that selfish?
That is a bit like saying a cancer treatment shouldn't be used to treat Parkinson's. After all the cure was supposed to be for cancer.

The idea behind AIDS research is to find a cure for AIDS so that those who partake in homosexual behavior can continue to do so without any risk.

While all of this money is being spent on a preventable sexually transmitted disease, others who live moral lives are suffering.

Dark Radiance

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The idea behind AIDS research is to find a cure for AIDS so that those who partake in homosexual behavior can continue to do so without any risk.

While all of this money is being spent on a preventable sexually transmitted disease, others who live moral lives are suffering.

From the CDC website concerning just the rates in the US:
Since the epidemic began, almost 85,000 persons with an AIDS diagnosis, infected through heterosexual sex, have died, included an estimated 4,003 in 20103.
New HIV infections among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact (84% in 2010) or injection drug use (16% in 2010). Women accounted for 20% of estimated new HIV infections in 2010 and 24% of those living with HIV infection in 20091, 2. The 9,500 new infections among women in 2010 reflect a significant 21% decrease from the 12,000 new infections that occurred among this group in 20082.
Injection drug users represented 8% of new HIV infections in 2010 and 16% of those living with HIV in 20091, 2.
Since the epidemic began, nearly 182,000 injection drug users with an AIDS diagnosis have died, including an estimated 4,218 in 2013.

So there are many people who do not engage in homosexual sex who are infected with the disease. Would you deny them a cure?

The vast majority of lung cancer patients are smokers. Many who suffer from Type II diabetes are their because of poor diet choices. By your rationale, work on treatments and cures for these diseases should be stopped since their diseases were caused in large part by their behavior.

That is not how medicince or science should work. They are to seek to help people not judge them. Disease is not predicated on morality or ethics. It just simply is. It rains down on both the just and the unjust.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Speaking of homosexual violence: I sense that you play the effeminate role in your and Sammy's relationship. Does Sammy ever slap you around when you get out of hand? I notice that you and resurrected are becoming...ahem....close. Does that make Sammy jealous?

Come on boyz, it's more than obvious that you're sitting in the same office/apartment/house blogging together. You both came to TOL in July (within days of each other as I recall) and are practically inseparable.

Remember fellas, I once arrested your kind for a living and currently live in a city where your kind runs rampant, so I know you all too well.

You never arrested me, I have never been arrested.

Lol! Freud said homosexuality & paranoia were inseparable...you are doing a good job convincing me he was right.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The idea behind AIDS research is to find a cure for AIDS so that those who partake in homosexual behavior can continue to do so without any risk.

While all of this money is being spent on a preventable sexually transmitted disease, others who live moral lives are suffering.

From the CDC website concerning just the rates in the US:

Since the epidemic began, almost 85,000 persons with an AIDS diagnosis, infected through heterosexual sex, have died, included an estimated 4,003 in 20103.
New HIV infections among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact (84% in 2010) or injection drug use (16% in 2010). Women accounted for 20% of estimated new HIV infections in 2010 and 24% of those living with HIV infection in 20091, 2. The 9,500 new infections among women in 2010 reflect a significant 21% decrease from the 12,000 new infections that occurred among this group in 20082.
Injection drug users represented 8% of new HIV infections in 2010 and 16% of those living with HIV in 20091, 2.
Since the epidemic began, nearly 182,000 injection drug users with an AIDS diagnosis have died, including an estimated 4,218 in 2013

So there are many people who do not engage in homosexual sex who are infected with the disease. Would you deny them a cure?

As I've shown many times before throughout this 3 part thread, the only people that have been effected by HIV/AIDS that partake in heterosex are black women who had sex with black males who were on the "down low" (bisexual males who didn't tell their female sex partner that they partake in buggery). There are risks to out of wedlock sex (especially if you sleep with a fag).


Regarding needle using junkies that have contracted HIV/AIDS:

I guess using recreational drugs isn't a "victimless crime" after all ey?

While the CDC has good information, they like the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association have gone politically correct and have taken the side of evil in this on-going culture war:

Gay and Bisexual Men's Health

Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination persist in the United States and negatively affect the health and well-being of gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and other members of the LGBT community. Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination are social determinants of health that can affect physical and mental health, whether MSM seek and are able to obtain health services, and the quality of the services they receive. Such barriers to health need to be addressed at different levels of society, such as health care settings, work places, and schools in order to increase opportunities for improving the health of MSM.

Homophobia and stigma persist in the United States even though acceptance of same-sex relationships has been steadily increasing. For example, a Gallup pollExternal Web Site Icon conducted in May 2010 found that more than half (52%) of Americans believed that gay and lesbian relationships were acceptable. Forty-three percent of Americans believed that gay and lesbian relationships are not morally acceptable.


Our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality shows how the CDC has funded homosexual groups:

With the incidence of HIV among men so closely tied to homosexual sex, shouldn’t the government and all concerned and compassionate adults be urging young men and teenaged boys NOT to engage in or experiment with dangerous homosexual behavior? And yet, the CDC and other pro-”gay” institutions (including many schools public and private) are doing exactly the opposite, as they focus instead on affirming “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender” youth as a “sexual minority.”

Feds Fund ‘Gay’ Youth Activist Groups

Another CDC document, “HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men” (June 2012), reports that in 2011, the CDC awarded funds to two homosexual activists groups — the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN) — “to assist CDC-funded public health and environmental changes to help schools and communities meet the health and medical needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.” See this CNSNews article on the CDC grant.


The vast majority of lung cancer patients are smokers. Many who suffer from Type II diabetes are their because of poor diet choices. By your rationale, work on treatments and cures for these diseases should be stopped since their diseases were caused in large part by their behavior.

(Sigh, yet another homosexualist that attempts to compare his filthy disease ridden behavior with those that use tobacco products and have a bad diet).

I addressed that those who partake in homosexual behavior disproportionately smoke cigarettes and are overweight in a thread started by the Doper:


Boy DR, as if dying from AIDS wasn't bad enough, you have to worry about lung cancer and heart attacks.

That is not how medicince or science should work. They are to seek to help people not judge them. Disease is not predicated on morality or ethics. It just simply is. It rains down on both the just and the unjust.

Yet if we returned to righteous laws, these poor lost souls that engage in homosex would be getting the help that they so desperately need and not spending taxpayer money trying to find a cure for something that throughout history is a disease ridden behavior.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wasn't born yesterday kid, I know a fraud when I read one. That being said:

I've spent quite a bit of time exposing you in this thread, documenting you using the typical homosexual catchphrases like "Separation of Church and State", "police state" and "door to door searches" when it comes to reasons why this particular sin shouldn't be recriminalized.

I really have no desire to expose you and your boyfriend any further, so if you would be so kind as to swish on out of this thread and stay out so I can return to business, it would be appreciated.

You may as well have been born yesterday you utter loon. I don't think there's ever been such a whacked out gormless crank as you on a forum, aside from perhaps 'Just Tom' though even then you'd probably still edge it...

He didn't contradict himself at all and your complete lack of respect for someone's loss just sums up the type of person you are.


You may as well have been born yesterday you utter loon. I don't think there's ever been such a whacked out gormless crank as you on a forum, aside from perhaps 'Just Tom' though even then you'd probably still edge it...

He didn't contradict himself at all and your complete lack of respect for someone's loss just sums up the type of person you are.

Thanks for taking time away from viewing homosexual pornography to post in my thread again Art.

I find it odd that GFR7 has over 1,000 posts on TOL in a months time, 99.9% of them talking about the risks of homosexual behavior and the homosexual agenda, yet you don't feel threatened by him.

Could it be that he's not a threat to you since he's not for recriminalizing homosexuality?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thanks for taking time away from viewing homosexual pornography to post in my thread again Art.

I find it odd that GFR7 has over 1,000 posts on TOL in a months time, 99.9% of them talking about the risks of homosexual behavior and the homosexual agenda, yet you don't feel threatened by him.

Could it be that he's not a threat to you since he's not for recriminalizing homosexuality?

Neither he or you would be any sort of threat if you were both in favour of such and I was actually homosexual. You have as much power as you have a brain Connie. I would say do the math but it would be too big a feat for ya...
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