Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aikido7
I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.

The fact is aCW is not responding to you with a crude, cruel and callous attitude, he responds to everyone that way.
I admit that I too, may get drawn in occasionally, but essentially the guy is a troll! :troll:
aCW will combat anyone on anything, he is currently trying to wind up Nazeroo :)kookoo:) on another thread by posting comments to him that I agree with, but I'm sure that if he were debating with me then he'd simply be arguing something completely opposite.

The truth is the truth and the last time I checked, it's not necessary to sugarcoat it when telling it. Whether it be exposing Kent Hovind and his history of trying to beat the system when it comes to paying taxes (like I did in Nazaroo's thread) :


or exposing Ronald Reagan (refer to Part 1's "Puppet of the perverts" post and various others exposing Reagan's pro abortion/anti family stance).

or exposing the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King:

not everyone likes hearing the truth about a person or a lifestyle that they so dearly embrace.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So "there may have been something" is the result of your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing"?

So you're implying that these men of God weren't overly worried about a same sex desire, even though God abhors such things?

Gee, I dunno :idunno: How do you read it? I was only 15, Daddy-O.

Now that you're over the age of 15 and pretty much an expert on everything under the sun, what do you think it means now?

More importantly, like your buddy aikido7, do you think that the Bible approves of "loving" same sex relationships?


New member
Don't worry aCW, Muslims do things differently.

They're coming to your town soon:

47-Year-old Muslim Man Attempts Rape of 10-Year-old Boy Inside Denmark’s NEW Mega-Mosque in Copenhagen

Posted by sharia unveiled on April 12, 2015

by, Speisa | h/t Glen Roberts @ Trop
Stop! cried the big brother of a 10-year-old boy who had been dragged into a toilet in the new mega mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark, where a 47-year-old Muslim man apparently was in the process of raping the boy.

The Big brother’s cries and knocks on the door was, according to the indictment which Ekstra Bladet has gained access to, the reason why the 47-year-old gave up the attempted rape.

He pushed the 10-year-old boy out of the toilet and locked the door again. Shortly after, the 47-year-old arrested.

The 47-year-old is now charged with attempted rape or other sexual assault and on Tuesday he met for the Copenhagen City Court, where he might not be sentenced to prison because of his mental state.

He is currently in custody at a psychiatric ward.

According to the indictment, the attempted rape took place on December 27 last year in the new mega mosque, also called Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilisation Centre in Copenhagen.

The 47-year-old told the boy that he could try to drive the truck, then grabbed the boy’s arm and led him to the bathroom, where he locked the door.

There he exposed the boy to an assault, although the boy said ‘No’ and ‘Don’t’ and shortly after the child’s brother cried up and knocked on the door.



New member
You obviously have me confused with someone who defends the false religion of Islam, a religion that accepts pedophilia and pederasty.

Since the Quran is a military handbook thinly disguised as a 'religion',
I'm going to correct that misconception.

I'm glad you're not confused about Islam's real nature in the sex dept.

If only you weren't confused about the course of 'justice' in the Hovind case.

Perhaps you need to familiarize yourself with the prosecutors in that case:

John David Roy Atchison


"...one of the US Attorneys on the team, J.D. Roy Achetson
was arrested after the trial
while going to Detroit to have sex with a FIVE year old.

Such is the 'metal' of lawyers in Florida.


New member
Originally Posted by aikido7
I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.

The truth is the truth and the last time I checked, it's not necessary to sugarcoat it when telling it. Whether it be exposing Kent Hovind and his history of trying to beat the system when it comes to paying taxes (like I did in Nazaroo's thread) :


or exposing Ronald Reagan (refer to Part 1's "Puppet of the perverts" post and various others exposing Reagan's pro abortion/anti family stance).

or exposing the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King:

not everyone likes hearing the truth about a person or a lifestyle that they so dearly embrace.
Sometimes I almost like you aCW, shame about your bigoted fundie streak,...and other stuff.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You obviously have me confused with someone who defends the false religion of Islam, a religion that accepts pedophilia and pederasty.

Since the Quran is a military handbook thinly disguised as a 'religion',
I'm going to correct that misconception.

I'm glad you're not confused about Islam's real nature in the sex dept.

If only you weren't confused about the course of 'justice' in the Hovind case.

Perhaps you need to familiarize yourself with the prosecutors in that case:

As shown throughout the wiki article, Hovind had a history of trying to beat the system.

I guess Matthew 22:15-22 doesn't apply to people like Kent Hovind ey?


Sometimes I almost like you aCW, shame about your bigoted fundie streak,...and other stuff.

I'll put a stop to that "almost liking me" right now:

Caitlyn Jenner Transmutilated pervert/freak steps out in knee high boots and form-fitting jeans as she he gives motivational speech at LGBT Center in first public appearance.

June 11, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner has made her first public appearance since her Vanity Fair cover was unveiled last week.

The 65-year-old former Olympian was pictured arriving at the Los Angeles LGBT Youth Center on Wednesday to discuss her recent experiences of making the transition from Bruce to Caitlyn.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3119181

We've seen enough pictures of the freak, here's a picture of where he spoke.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So we should look to the Holy Bible when it comes to defining love: i.e. legislating righteous laws, promoting a godly culture, "love your neighbor as you'd love yourself", etc. ?

(Are my eyes deceiving me or did Art Brain finally convert to Christianity?)

The description of love in Corinthians speaks for itself and ego driven "crusades" have nought to do with it, the same as lies, sleaze and innuendo, which is why you are the antithesis of it.

I doubt it's a surprise to anyone that you squirm around your sleaze as you know you can't defend or justify it? I'll wait while you don't answer and deflect with the usual...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we should look to the Holy Bible when it comes to defining love: i.e. legislating righteous laws, promoting a godly culture, "love your neighbor as you'd love yourself", etc. ?

(Are my eyes deceiving me or did Art Brain finally convert to Christianity?)

The description of love in Corinthians speaks for itself and ego driven "crusades" have nought to do with it, the same as lies, sleaze and innuendo, which is why you are the antithesis of it.

I doubt it's a surprise to anyone that you squirm around your sleaze as you know you can't defend or justify it? I'll wait while you don't answer and deflect with the usual...

From civil government legislating righteous laws,

Romans 13:4

to a mother and father loving their children,

Proverbs 22:6

to speaking about the afterlife

Luke 13:3b

, the Bible is full of love.

I'm glad that we both agree that the Holy Bible is the basis for love.


New member
I'll put a stop to that "almost liking me" right now:

Caitlyn Jenner Transmutilated pervert/freak steps out in knee high boots and form-fitting jeans as she he gives motivational speech at LGBT Center in first public appearance.

June 11, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner has made her first public appearance since her Vanity Fair cover was unveiled last week.

The 65-year-old former Olympian was pictured arriving at the Los Angeles LGBT Youth Center on Wednesday to discuss her recent experiences of making the transition from Bruce to Caitlyn.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3119181

We've seen enough pictures of the freak, let's see what kind of money the LGBTQueer movement invests in sexually confused children.


Can I assure you aCW that as a traditionalist I don't go for older women myself.:)
Tbh I simply can't understand it myself, but I prefer that people like you don't get to control what others want to do for themselves.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So "there may have been something" is the result of your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing"?

So you're implying that these men of God weren't overly worried about a same sex desire, even though God abhors such things?

Now that you're over the age of 15 and pretty much an expert on everything under the sun, what do you think it means now?

More importantly, like your buddy aikido7, do you think that the Bible approves of "loving" same sex relationships?
You really need to ask me that??? No, I do not think it does. You have not paid attention to me. *flounces off* :AMR1:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that you're over the age of 15 and pretty much an expert on everything under the sun, what do you think it means now?

More importantly, like your buddy aikido7, do you think that the Bible approves of "loving" same sex relationships?

You really need to ask me that??? No, I do not think it does. You have not paid attention to me. *flounces off* :AMR1:

So the next time someone like aikido7 bastardizes Holy Scripture to make it appear that God approves of "loving same-sex relationships", instead of posting something like this:

You think no one reads or thinks on their own.

If like I did, you sit around reading the Old Testament through your teen years because you prefer that to anything else, one will discover the David and Jonathon thing independently and get its message. You don't need Matt Vines or any newfangled Bible interpreters to understand.

As for aikido asking why you must respond in so cruel, mean-spirited, and vulgar a manner: he needs to grasp that this is the core of your character, it's alpha and omega, so to speak. You couldn't change if you tried; it is genetic I'm sure, and that's why I cut you so much slack.

you'll be setting him /them straight by saying that it doesn't?

Heck, why wait for the next time, respond to his post right now:


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
From civil government legislating righteous laws,

Romans 13:4

to a mother and father loving their children,

Proverbs 22:6

to speaking about the afterlife

Luke 13:3b

, the Bible is full of love.

I'm glad that we both agree that the Holy Bible is the basis for love.

Funny how you don't address Corinthians on the specific description of love itself.

Not at all surprising that you can't address your sleaze, lies and innuendo though. After all, how could you justify them?



Can I assure you aCW that as a traditionalist I don't go for older women myself.:)
Tbh I simply can't understand it myself, but I prefer that people like you don't get to control what others want to do for themselves.

So you have no problem with a mentally ill man having his genitals mutilated, dressing up like a woman and then going to a place that employs 450 proud and unrepentant sexual deviants and has over 3,000 volunteers who are sexual deviants as well, talking to sexually and gender confused youth?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
From civil government legislating righteous laws,

Romans 13:4

to a mother and father loving their children,

Proverbs 22:6

to speaking about the afterlife

Luke 13:3b

, the Bible is full of love.

I'm glad that we both agree that the Holy Bible is the basis for love.

Funny how you don't address Corinthians on the specific description of love itself.

Not at all surprising that you can't address your sleaze, lies and innuendo though. After all, how could you justify them?


I've defined love, how about you give another shot at it?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've defined love, how about you give another shot at it?

Corinthians defines love, at least as eloquently as anything I've ever read. You, yourself, have defined nothing.

All you've defined is that you deliberately and continually do the opposite through your lies, sleaze and innuendo. Are you really going to squirm out of justifying these things again? One would think the reason you continually deflect around your actions is because you know there isn't a justification?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've defined love, how about you give another shot at it?

Corinthians defines love, at least as eloquently as anything I've ever read...

1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians? Please provide more specific information (passages/verses) as to what the definition of love is.

In any event, I'm very pleased that you continue to go back to Holy Scripture when it comes to defining love (Art's gonna get a big gold star by his name in the table of contents).


New member
So you have no problem with a mentally ill man having his genitals mutilated, dressing up like a woman and then going to a place that employs 450 proud and unrepentant sexual deviants and has over 3,000 volunteers who are sexual deviants as well, talking to sexually and gender confused youth?
No not particularly, why should it concern me? Or you?
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