Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Or perhaps that's you? Look, if I were a parent and locked up my child with no chance of escape then who's responsible for the kids isolation and torturous loneliness? It would be me right? Therefore I'm the tormentor as I'm the one imposing that suffering onto the child. If you can pick that apart then go right ahead. If you're just going to make drive by remarks because someone has an opposing argument and doesn't fall into line with your own view after a few exchanges then that's hardly very impressive, or honest frankly.

NOT the point as I clearly said it was about physical torture, but apparently you just like to equivocate.

The torment is because of the one who sinned, not the person who holds them accountable for their sins. Again your VERY limited human understanding does NOT make God bad, just you ignorant.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If God all of the sudden approves of Adam and Steve having perverted sexual relations Stan, why doesn't He make that act disease free?

God hasn't change and you know it, or at least should.

Yes, homosexuality always has been, currently is, and always will be an abhorrent behavior as seen through the Eyes of God.

This kind of stupid comment in not surprising come from you.
The SIN is NOT the sinner. Although, in your case there may be an exception.

Sin is defined in the Bible. Those who engage in those acts are sinners. Those who don't repent are held accountable by God (Welcome to Christianity 101 Stan).

Anyway, thanks for stopping by Stan, I've wasted enough time on you.

That being said: The next time you do stop by (and you will), please share what the righteous role of government is as seen through the Eyes of God (since this thread is political, don't be afraid to talk politics).
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
NOT the point as I clearly said it was about physical torture, but apparently you just like to equivocate.

The torment is because of the one who sinned, not the person who holds them accountable for their sins. Again your VERY limited human understanding does NOT make God bad, just you ignorant.

Torture is torture whether it's physical or mental and I don't recall you specifying only the physical variety. In fact I recall you centring more on the psychological sort after my contention against aCW's 'literal burning hell' if you remember? The same principle would essentially apply both to your notion and his as they're both states of suffering from which there is no escape.

I may be a human with limited understanding but that same would apply to you by the same token. Having qualms regarding a doctrine of eternal torture of any sort doesn't make one ignorant of the matter either. Your belief in what hell or the lake of fire consists of is far from the only one.


You jest cain't get away from those dad-blasted pesky gays...

Franklin Graham, the media preacher who inherited his father's (Billy Graham) organization had a post on FaceBook (I call it MyFace). It grabbed my interest:


Graham had his money in Wells Fargo but a recent television commercial from them showed a gay lesbian couple with a deaf daughter.

Of course, this set him off and he moved all his money into a bank called B B & T. Come to find out, their advertising is really gay.

Next stop, er, some other bank I guess...


New member
Torture is torture whether it's physical or mental and I don't recall you specifying only the physical variety. In fact I recall you centring more on the psychological sort after my contention against aCW's 'literal burning hell' if you remember? The same principle would essentially apply both to your notion and his as they're both states of suffering from which there is no escape.

I may be a human with limited understanding but that same would apply to you by the same token. Having qualms regarding a doctrine of eternal torture of any sort doesn't make one ignorant of the matter either. Your belief in what hell or the lake of fire consists of is far from the only one.

Again, if you can't or won't understand what I post then I won't post just to fulfill some bizarre desire in you to equivocate about. Torment and torture are NOT the same thing. Read my last post or go to an online dictionary.

I don't have to KNOW, I have faith in what God says. YOU want to know in order to give mental assent, when in fact you don't have the ability to judge God. That you continue to call it something it is not only shows your bias and inflexibility to think outside your very limited box.


New member
You jest cain't get away from those dad-blasted pesky gays...

Franklin Graham, the media preacher who inherited his father's (Billy Graham) organization had a post on FaceBook (I call it MyFace). It grabbed my interest:


Graham had his money in Wells Fargo but a recent television commercial from them showed a gay lesbian couple with a deaf daughter.

Of course, this set him off and he moved all his money into a bank called B B & T. Come to find out, their advertising is really gay.

Next stop, er, some other bank I guess...

Their money, their choice. You not understanding the optics isn't the issue.


You jest cain't get away from those dad-blasted pesky gays...

Franklin Graham, the media preacher who inherited his father's (Billy Graham) organization had a post on FaceBook (I call it MyFace). It grabbed my interest:


Graham had his money in Wells Fargo but a recent television commercial from them showed a gay lesbian couple with a deaf daughter.

Of course, this set him off and he moved all his money into a bank called B B & T. Come to find out, their advertising is really gay.

Next stop, er, some other bank I guess...

One would have to look very hard to find a corporation that hasn't sided with the goose-stepping child molesters of the LGBTQueer movement these days.

In the future I would suggest that Reverend Graham look at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/child rapist Terry Bean) "Corporate Equality Index" for information.


Of course if homosexuality were recriminalized, this insanity wouldn't be occurring.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again, if you can't or won't understand what I post then I won't post just to fulfill some bizarre desire in you to equivocate about. Torment and torture are NOT the same thing. Read my last post or go to an online dictionary.

I don't have to KNOW, I have faith in what God says. YOU want to know in order to give mental assent, when in fact you don't have the ability to judge God. That you continue to call it something it is not only shows your bias and inflexibility to think outside your very limited box.

I understand all too well and my analogy using your own should have shown that. Perhaps I should have reversed it in regards to the roles - the child is in torment and the parent is the torturer for imposing it - but it stands. Otherwise show how the human parent isn't torturing the child? He doesn't have to be physically bullying the child in order to be torturing him/her.

Your assumptions about me are noted although you're off the mark. It isn't 'judging God' to question a doctrine of eternal suffering and if you think it is then tell that to the myriad people of faith who don't believe that it's what you think it is at all. Has it ever occurred to you that your own belief on the matter could be wrong? If not then you're the one within the confines of a doctrinal box.


One would have to look very hard to find a corporation that hasn't sided with the goose-stepping child molesters of the LGBTQueer movement these days.

In the future I would suggest that Reverend Graham look at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/child rapist Terry Bean) "Corporate Equality Index" for information.


Of course if homosexuality were recriminalized, this insanity wouldn't be occurring.
I just don't see it happening.

Sorry to be blunt but that's what seems to be going on.

There are a few holdouts like the Muslims and most Christians, but I think they are circling the wagons. But the battle is over.

Just my view--and I can easily be accountable for being mistaken.

I don't know the mind of God totally. I DO know the tribal customs of pre-history and I do see the "cultural war" breaking out at times.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would have to look very hard to find a corporation that hasn't sided with the goose-stepping child molesters of the LGBTQueer movement these days.

In the future I would suggest that Reverend Graham look at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/child rapist Terry Bean) "Corporate Equality Index" for information.


Of course if homosexuality were recriminalized, this insanity wouldn't be occurring.

I just don't see it happening want it to happen.

Fixed that typo for ya.

Sorry to be blunt but that's what seems to be going on.

Gee, I hadn't noticed.

There are a few holdouts like the Muslims and most Christians, but I think they are circling the wagons. But the battle is over.

You can only mock God for so long before He gets really really mad.

Just my view--and I can easily be accountable for being mistaken.

Mark my word, you will be held accountable for your views.

I don't know the mind of God totally.

Based on your defense of a behavior that He detests, I would safely say that you don't know Him at all.


Fixed that typo for ya.
Don't you think that hammering down any nail that threatens you is a bit like a tyrannical dictatorship?

You can only mock God for so long before He gets really really mad.
To me Jesus is the standard for seeing God on earth.

"The Father makes his sun to shine on both the good and the evil and sends his rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous alike."

Mark my word, you will be held accountable for your views.
I expect nothing less.

Based on your defense of a behavior that He detests, I would safely say that you don't know Him at all.
It's not my vision of God. I don't hold to the tradition of a jealous Creator that demands a blood sacrifice for justice.

There are other traditions and theologies--plenty to choose from.
And they are often contradictory--sometimes within a single verse!

I try to follow the unique teachings of Jesus, not the theology that grew around him after his resurrection.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Fixed that typo for ya.

Don't you think that hammering down any nail that threatens you is a bit like a tyrannical dictatorship?

God was the One who told the Jews to put to death those who engage in homosexuality. Since then, Judeo-Christian based countries had taken homosexuality very seriously, charging those who were caught in homosexual acts with felonies.

If you want to call God a "tyrannical dictator" for being responsible for righteous laws against perverts, then go right ahead.

You can only mock God for so long before He gets really really mad.

To me Jesus is the standard for seeing God on earth.

"The Father makes his sun to shine on both the good and the evil and sends his rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous alike."

Show me where Jesus approves of homosexuality (you can't).

Mark my word, you will be held accountable for your views.

I expect nothing less.

You know that you speak lies against God yet continue to do so.

Based on your defense of a behavior that He detests, I would safely say that you don't know Him at all.

It's not my vision of God. I don't hold to the tradition of a jealous Creator that demands a blood sacrifice for justice.

There are other traditions and theologies--plenty to choose from.
And they are often contradictory--sometimes within a single verse!

I try to follow the unique teachings of Jesus, not the theology that grew around him after his resurrection.

Since Stan didn't come back to answer this question, I'll let you have a shot at it:

What is the role of a righteous government as seen through the Eyes of God?


New member
What is the role of a righteous government as seen through the Eyes of God?
To uphold what God has deemed just, and to fight what he deems unjust, and you get a pretty good idea of what's important to him in these passages from the prophet:

Will not the day of the LORD be darkness instead of light, Even gloom with no brightness in it?

I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.

Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings.…

Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them.

For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.

Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.

Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.

Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

Woe to them that are at ease in Zion...

Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near;

That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall;

That chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of musick, like David;

That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.

Therefore now shall they go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them that stretched themselves shall be removed.

The Lord God hath sworn by himself, saith the Lord the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate his palaces: therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein.

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