Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What is the role of a righteous government as seen through the Eyes of God?

To uphold what God has deemed just, and to fight what he deems unjust, and you get a pretty good idea of what's important to him in these passages from the prophet: ...

Yet I didn't see anything that specifically deals with the role of civil government in your post.

Here's what I called the "Most important posts in Part 1" because one shows what God expects of civil government and the second shows what happens when civil government doesn't legislate wisely.

Exodus 18:21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.
Deuteronomy 1:13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.
1 Peter 2:13–14 13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
1 Kings 3:28 When all Israel heard the verdict the king had given, they held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice.
Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls,
but victory is won through many advisers.

And Part 2:

As we've seen throughout our society in the past 4+ decades with pornography, no fault divorce, cohabitation, abortion, and now homosexuality organized into a "Collective", the laws that once set a "moral guideline" for our society are no longer written to "do good", hence the two other institutions ordained by God for the governance of men (the Famiy and Church) are failing too..

In 1969, in Stanley v Georgia

SCOTUS ruled in favor of pornography, hence opening up the flood gates to where it is a multi billion dollar industry today.

California Governor Ronald Reagan signed into law no fault divorce legislation in late 1969, other states quickly followed.

It was in the early 1970's that cohabitation laws were decriminalized,

abortion was made legal, and the America Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders, hence most states decriminalized it. As shown below, the two other institutions that God ordained for the governance of men were gravely effected as well:

The Family: US divorce and cohabitation rates increase since 1970

Church attendance in decline since 1970

Now if anyone would like to step forward and show how good secular humanist laws have been for the US in the past 46 years, then please do so.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Good, then I won't bother trying to explain something you already know.

As far as ECT vs. Annihilation is concerned, feel free to start a thread on it and I'll jump in.

There's a number of threads on the nature of "hell" already and I will add that those aren't the only two options on the matter either in case you thought they were?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While you're here Art:


(He must have missed it while flirting with the new guy).

Well it isn't making up sleazy innuendo about people aCW. Do you have any idea about how much projection you put forward with crap like this 'flirting' remark alone? If you were familiar with the biblical description of love you wouldn't continually indulge in it but I guess misrepresenting people is your idea of 'Christian behaviour'? Even though it could and would alienate people from your "message" and theoretically land them in the fiery torment of which you believe?


Well it isn't making up sleazy innuendo about people aCW. Do you have any idea about how much projection you put forward with crap like this 'flirting' remark alone? If you were familiar with the biblical description of love you wouldn't continually indulge in it but I guess misrepresenting people is your idea of 'Christian behaviour'? Even though it could and would alienate people from your "message" and theoretically land them in the fiery torment of which you believe?

Now that you've gotten that off of your chest:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then from Art Brain's perspective, what is the true definition of love?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that you've gotten that off of your chest:

Then from Art Brain's perspective, what is the true definition of love?

The opposite as to how you act on here. Love is selfless and doesn't indulge in lies and innuendo. Check out Corinthians and see how close you measure up to it...

So we should look to the Holy Bible when it comes to defining love: i.e. legislating righteous laws, promoting a godly culture, "love your neighbor as you'd love yourself", etc. ?

(Are my eyes deceiving me or did Art Brain finally convert to Christianity?)


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Fixed that typo for ya.

God was the One who told the Jews to put to death those who engage in homosexuality. Since then, Judeo-Christian based countries had taken homosexuality very seriously, charging those who were caught in homosexual acts with felonies.

If you want to call God a "tyrannical dictator" for being responsible for righteous laws against perverts, then go right ahead.

You can only mock God for so long before He gets really really mad.

Show me where Jesus approves of homosexuality (you can't).

Mark my word, you will be held accountable for your views.

You know that you speak lies against God yet continue to do so.

Based on your defense of a behavior that He detests, I would safely say that you don't know Him at all.

Since Stan didn't come back to answer this question, I'll let you have a shot at it:

What is the role of a righteous government as seen through the Eyes of God?

I read the Bible and then try to find out the meaning of the passage by studying the intentions of the original authors and their audiences at the time the passage was written.

Only then can I hope to apply what I learn to my own life and times.
To me the Bible is not some psychological inkblot test where you use your modern sensibilities to make up whatever meaning you please.

What we call "homosexuality" in the Bible had nothing to do with gay sex. Man-on-man intercourse or rape had to do with phallic aggression, not a loving union.

Now it IS possible that there were gay relationships with love and respect (David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible?) but the textual evidence within and without the Bible does not support it.

What is the role of a righteous government in God's eyes?
I will answer that with more questions...

What is the character of your God?

Is it a God of mercy that demands repentance and a contrite heart?

Or is it a God of violent justice that demands a violent blood sacrifice?

Is it the God of Caesar and the mighty Roman or American Empire?

Or is it in a peasant rabbi preacher named Jesus of Nazareth?

BOTH traditions are in the Bible--sometimes in the same verse when another writer added his own agenda to the mix!

I take them both seriously because both are THERE. I have to respect both.

I try to find, understand and follow the traditions carried on by Jesus.
I leave the theology he is made to declare because he was a simple teacher of righteousness. People saw God in him, as do I.

It's just that the God we affirm is different because we are following different theologies.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What is the role of a righteous government as seen through the Eyes of God?

I read the Bible and then try to find out the meaning of the passage by studying the intentions of the original authors and their audiences at the time the passage was written.

Only then can I hope to apply what I learn to my own life and times.
To me the Bible is not some psychological inkblot test where you use your modern sensibilities to make up whatever meaning you please.

Uh huh, and now we get to the good stuff (gay christian* theology).

*Not to be confused with incestuous or adulterous christian theology.

What we call "homosexuality" in the Bible had nothing to do with gay sex. Man-on-man intercourse or rape had to do with phallic aggression, not a loving union.

Now it IS possible that there were gay relationships with love and respect (David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible?) but the textual evidence within and without the Bible does not support it.

(aikido7 paid very close attention in the "Little Mattie Vines bastardization of the Bible" lectures that he attended).

What is the role of a righteous government in God's eyes?
I will answer that with more questions...

That's ok, you've said more than enough.



okay, you've said more than enough.

I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.

Your early life with your family does not seem to have stressed caring, respect and fairness and I see you acting out your own childhood pain. We always tend to treat others the way we ourselves have been treated. I wish you were able to answer my questions and not fling out adolescent insults.

I looked up Matthew Vine's site and what he is saying is old hat. Any first-year theological or seminary student for the last 150 years has covered this stuff already. People are just now becoming more aware of it, I think. This is because some historians are able to communicate their scholarship to the general public as well as their peers.

"Everything hidden will be revealed."

But by all means, carry on with your research.


New member
I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.
The fact is aCW is not responding to you with a crude, cruel and callous attitude, he responds to everyone that way.
I admit that I too, may get drawn in occasionally, but essentially the guy is a troll! :troll:
aCW will combat anyone on anything, he is currently trying to wind up Nazeroo :)kookoo:) on another thread by posting comments to him that I agree with, but I'm sure that if he were debating with me then he'd simply be arguing something completely opposite.
I sometimes try to wind up aCW here in my own way about his own sexuality but have failed each time, you can't kid a kidder obviously. :plain:


New member
(aikido7 paid very close attention in the "Little Mattie Vines bastardization of the Bible" lectures that he attended).
You think no one reads or thinks on their own.

If like I did, you sit around reading the Old Testament through your teen years because you prefer that to anything else, one will discover the David and Jonathon thing independently and get its message. You don't need Matt Vines or any newfangled Bible interpreters to understand.

As for aikido asking why you must respond in so cruel, mean-spirited, and vulgar a manner: he needs to grasp that this is the core of your character, it's alpha and omega, so to speak. You couldn't change if you tried; it is genetic I'm sure, and that's why I cut you so much slack.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
(aikido7 paid very close attention in the "Little Mattie Vines bastardization of the Bible" lectures that he attended).

I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful....

Your early life with your family does not seem to have stressed caring, respect and fairness and I see you acting out your own childhood pain. We always tend to treat others the way we ourselves have been treated. I wish you were able to answer my questions and not fling out adolescent insults.

I looked up Matthew Vine's site and what he is saying is old hat. Any first-year theological or seminary student for the last 150 years has covered this stuff already. People are just now becoming more aware of it, I think. This is because some historians are able to communicate their scholarship to the general public as well as their peers.

"Everything hidden will be revealed."

But by all means, carry on with your research.

When I read your most recent LGBTQueer propaganda it made me go back to the early pages of Part 3 and reread Linda Harvey's article entitled:

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Two things I feel closely relate to you:

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled...


12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome...

By not telling sexually confused youth about the health risks of homosexual behavior, you're leading them down destructive path.

By misleading them by bastardizing Holy Scripture to meet your own selfish agenda, you're putting a stumbling block in front of them that will prevent them from spending eternity with God.

One more question aikido7:

Have you been fitted for your millstone?

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6



You think no one reads or thinks on their own.

If like I did, you sit around reading the Old Testament through your teen years because you prefer that to anything else, one will discover the David and Jonathon thing independently and get its message. You don't need Matt Vines or any newfangled Bible interpreters to understand.

As for aikido asking why you must respond in so cruel, mean-spirited, and vulgar a manner: he needs to grasp that this is the core of your character, it's alpha and omega, so to speak. You couldn't change if you tried; it is genetic I'm sure, and that's why I cut you so much slack.

Have I mentioned that I love it when you're honest and fly your LGBTQ colors GFR7?



New member
Have I mentioned that I love it when you're honest and fly your LGBTQ colors GFR7?

Um, I'm not flying any rainbow colors. You didn't even hear my interpretation of the D & J story, so as usual you're just projecting. Have I mentioned that I love it when you're honest and project, sweetie? :thumb::cigar:


We have a new inductee into the thread's "Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch"

In Part 2, on page 204, post #3047 I talked about how the homosexual movement is reinterpreting/redefining Scripture to meet it's selfish perverted desires, and attached the link to the website "Gay Christian Movement Watch"



Well, TOL has it's fair share of people who pervert God's Word to meet their selfish and unnatural desires as well, hence me starting an ongoing segment entitled:

TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch

While there are many on TOL that have made statements saying that the Bible allows sexual acts outside of the confines of marriage between a man and a woman, I've only documented [edit] 7 that have either posted in this thread, or "debated" me in another thread about this subject, all the while claiming that they're "Christian".

Without further adieu, here are [edit] 7 quotes from the new "TOL Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch" list :

#7 An unapologetic defender of both Islam and homosexuality, aikido7 bastardizes Holy Scripture by putting a plug in for "loving homosexual relationships" :

Originally Posted by aikido7
What we call "homosexuality" in the Bible had nothing to do with gay sex. Man-on-man intercourse or rape had to do with phallic aggression, not a loving union.

Now it IS possible that there were gay relationships with love and respect (David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible?) but the textual evidence within and without the Bible does not support it.


#6 Fraud and ardent defender of homosexuality Kdall openly states in Part 3

Originally Posted by Kdall
Because some, as Jesus also said, are born gay. You can't repent of natural sexuality


#5: A constant defender of homosexual 'marriage', homosexualist Town Heretic shows off his 50 cent vocabulary with this rant while promoting homosexual 'marriage':

Originally Posted by Town Heretic
Our predominantly Christian forefathers attempted to make sure that we wouldn't repeat the mistakes of Europe, where religious conviction alone could fashion a law and from that a bloody 30 Years War could decimate the population, resulting in the victor, Catholic or Protestant, enforcing their will and practice upon men in violation of their right to hold their own peace with God and exercise their faith as they saw fit.

#4: Eeset, when asked if there is such a thing as a "Homosexual (Gay) Christian" replied:

Originally Posted by Eeset
As to your question on who can be a Christian I confess that I leave such difficult things in God's hands. I am not qualified to pass judgement on others.


#3: Doormat stating that consensual homosexuality between adults does not violate Matthew 7:12.

Originally Posted by Doormat
...Because people with unclean hearts cannot understand that consensual homosexuality between adults does not violate the principle of Matthew 7:12 but coveting does;...


#2: Heterodoxical states that those who oppose homosexuals 'marrying' are "anti-Christ".

Originally Posted by Heterodoxical
I'll defend the position, that to campaign against gay marriage is ANti Christ.


#1: The Jr. Libertarian saying that any kind of behavior, as long as it's consensual, is Biblical:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Accepting any type of behavior between people as long as it's consensual is Biblical?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
Define the word "acceptance." If by "acceptance" you mean "Not using violence to prevent" and by "consensual" you are talking about adults, and not children who live with their parents, than yes, I would say "accepting any type of behavior between people as long as its consensual is Biblical."


If you too are a "Christian" who believes that the Bible accepts homosexuality or "any type of behavior between people as long as its consensual", submit your post here in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 2" thread and our panel of judges (me) will decide if you're worthy of being on

"TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch" list.


Um, I'm not flying any rainbow colors. You didn't even hear my interpretation of the D & J story, so as usual you're just projecting. Have I mentioned that I love it when you're honest and project, sweetie? :thumb::cigar:

Is going from being your "daddy" to "sweetie" an upgrade or downgrade GFR7?

Daddy (gay slang)

A Daddy in gay culture is a slang term meaning a (typically) older man sexually involved in a relationship or having a sexual interest in a younger man.


Please share your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing".

If like I did, you sit around reading the Old Testament through your teen years because you prefer that to anything else, one will discover the David and Jonathon thing independently and get its message. You don't need Matt Vines or any newfangled Bible interpreters to understand.
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New member
Is going from being your "daddy" to "sweetie" an upgrade or downgrade GFR7?


Please share your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing".
Daddy. :cigar: I'd rather call you that. :D Hows come you nos call me "muffin" no more? :think: I think it was when zoo pointed out its meaning.


I figured that regarding David and Jonathon, there may have been something, but that they were not overly worried about it (as in, "the errors of great men are worth more than the truths of little men".)


I figured that regarding David and Jonathon, there may have been something,

So "there may have been something" is the result of your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing"?

but that they were not overly worried about it (as in, "the errors of great men are worth more than the truths of little men".)

So you're implying that these men of God weren't overly worried about a same sex desire, even though God abhors such things?


New member
So "there may have been something" is the result of your "independent discovery of the David and Jonathon thing"?

So you're implying that these men of God weren't overly worried about a same sex desire, even though God abhors such things?
Gee, I dunno :idunno: How do you read it? I was only 15, Daddy-O. :AMR1:
(and Daddy-O means different to Daddy, okayz? :) )

Daddy-OaCW said:
Daddy (gay slang)

A Daddy in gay culture is a slang term meaning a (typically) older man sexually involved in a relationship or having a sexual interest in a younger man.

Mid 50's to mid-60's beatnik/hipster slang.
Somewhat equivalent to today's "dude" or "man" but with a much cooler zen-bohemian and/or streetwise hipster attitude.
Skoopy loopy koo! Skippitty dippitty wah wah wah!Like, dig that jazz, daddy-o!


Oh, and Daddy-O, why aren't you on about this???? :think:

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