Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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It's not only amazing how things can change so drastically in a matter of two decades, it's also amazing that a proud and unrepentant adulterer (who by the way jumped on the LGBTQueer movement bandwagon too) said these words.

Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?

Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993

November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

The power to reverse legislation by legislation, a decision of the United States Supreme Court, is a power that is rightly hesitantly and infrequently exercised by the United States Congress. But this is an issue in which that extraordinary measure was clearly called for. As the Vice President said, this act reverses the Supreme Court’s decision Employment Division against Smith and reestablishes a standard that better protects all Americans of all faiths in the exercise of their religion in a way that I am convinced is far more consistent with the intent of the Founders of this Nation than the Supreme Court decision.

More than 50 cases have been decided against individuals making religious claims against Government action since that decision was handed down. This act will help to reverse that trend by honoring the principle that our laws and institutions should not impede or hinder but rather should protect and preserve fundamental religious liberties.

The free exercise of religion has been called the first freedom, that which originally sparked the development of the full range of the Bill of Rights. Our Founders cared a lot about religion. And one of the reasons they worked so hard to get the first amendment into the Bill of Rights at the head of the class is that they well understood what could happen to this country, how both religion and Government could be perverted if there were not some space created and some protection provided..

Read more: http://thefederalist.com/2015/03/26/remember-when-democrats-used-to-support-religious-freedom/



New member
It's not only amazing how things can change so drastically in a matter of two decades, it's also amazing that a proud and unrepentant adulterer (who by the way jumped on the LGBTQueer movement bandwagon too) said these words.

Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?

Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993

November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

The power to reverse legislation by legislation, a decision of the United States Supreme Court, is a power that is rightly hesitantly and infrequently exercised by the United States Congress. But this is an issue in which that extraordinary measure was clearly called for. As the Vice President said, this act reverses the Supreme Court’s decision Employment Division against Smith and reestablishes a standard that better protects all Americans of all faiths in the exercise of their religion in a way that I am convinced is far more consistent with the intent of the Founders of this Nation than the Supreme Court decision.

More than 50 cases have been decided against individuals making religious claims against Government action since that decision was handed down. This act will help to reverse that trend by honoring the principle that our laws and institutions should not impede or hinder but rather should protect and preserve fundamental religious liberties.

The free exercise of religion has been called the first freedom, that which originally sparked the development of the full range of the Bill of Rights. Our Founders cared a lot about religion. And one of the reasons they worked so hard to get the first amendment into the Bill of Rights at the head of the class is that they well understood what could happen to this country, how both religion and Government could be perverted if there were not some space created and some protection provided..

Read more: http://thefederalist.com/2015/03/26/remember-when-democrats-used-to-support-religious-freedom/


Using religions freedom to justify bigotry, now that is really sick and perverted


New member
Back to LGBTQueer "culture": Wow, can you believe that part of the LGBTQueer "culture" is to have sex in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste zoo?

Pretty sick huh?

My widdle friend zoo22 helps point out yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"
It used to be "sodomy chambers" that were once your thing aCW, not so much recently though, I miss them.

Could I remind you again that anyone engaged in sex acts in public toilets is already committing a criminal offence and is thereby off topic.
Yes :duh:, a great many heterosexuals also indulge in dubious forms of sexual activity that good Christians might disapprove of, only they don't generally tend to meet up in public "bathrooms" as you Americans will so quaintly put it.

In your now infamous crusade against homosexuality you will of course try to use any mud you can find but no one is being fooled by your stupid propaganda tactics. :nono:
That any sub-group of people deserves to be criminalised in civil law because of the actions of a few of them is ridiculous and you know it.
Imo it's every bit as ridiculous as criminalising people because what was written in some ancient scripture thousands of years ago but there you go, perhaps you must be doubly ridiculous aCW.:rolleyes:

If you have a problem with the aims of any gay activist groups then I suggest you campaign against them specifically, to have them criminalised or perhaps deemed as a hate group like your beloved AFTAH is.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The free exercise of religion has been called the first freedom, that which originally sparked the development of the full range of the Bill of Rights. Our Founders cared a lot about religion. And one of the reasons they worked so hard to get the first amendment into the Bill of Rights at the head of the class is that they well understood what could happen to this country, how both religion and Government could be perverted if there were not some space created and some protection provided..

Using religions freedom to justify bigotry, now that is really sick and perverted

I'm almost under the impression that you're on the side of a bunch of child molesting drag queens, dykes and fairies on this issue Traci, and not those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong here.


New member
Yet for many Reagan was the closest thing to the 2nd Coming, and there is no telling them otherwise.
You don't have to. It was acting. We needed a Democrat, and we simultaneously needed to believe that we had a Republican. We got what we wanted/needed. Unless you think that carrying 99 of 1 hundred states over his two elections is a coincidence ?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to LGBTQueer "culture": Wow, can you believe that part of the LGBTQueer "culture" is to have sex in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste zoo?

Pretty sick huh?

My widdle friend zoo22 helps point out yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

It used to be "sodomy chambers" that were once your thing aCW, not so much recently though, I miss them.

"Public restroom toilet stall love nest" has a nice ring to it don't cha think Al? (I'm more sensitive now to the romantic interests of the LGBTQueer crowd than before).

Could I remind you again that anyone engaged in sex acts in public toilets is already committing a criminal offence and is thereby off topic.

And amazingly so there are still a few jurisdictions that prosecute those caught doing unnatural sex acts in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste.

But let's remember that I put the emphasis on the word "culture" Al:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization...

Yes :duh:, a great many heterosexuals also indulge in dubious forms of sexual activity that good Christians might disapprove of, only they don't generally tend to meet up in public "bathrooms" as you Americans will so quaintly put it.

And we Christians have a name for those heterosexuals who do such things:


What do you call them Al, "allies"?

In your now infamous crusade against homosexuality you will of course try to use any mud you can find but no one is being fooled by your stupid propaganda tactics. :nono:
That any sub-group of people deserves to be criminalised in civil law because of the actions of a few of them is ridiculous and you know it.
Imo it's every bit as ridiculous as criminalising people because what was written in some ancient scripture thousands of years ago but there you go, perhaps you must be doubly ridiculous aCW.:rolleyes:

Don't cha just hate it when dementia kicks in and you (conveniently) forget the segment I did on homosexual "culture" at the end of Part 1?

Note how there are those who engage in homosexual behavior who take offense to the police having the audacity to arrest those just doing their own thing in a public setting:

Shining the Light of Justice on 'Bag-A-Fag' Stings

"There is no defense for what law enforcement officers do to gay men in public parks. It happens in city after city, county after county, and community after community. From shore to shore, from Seattle to South Florida, 'bag-a-fag' tactics are illegally employed by cops to ensnare and entrap otherwise innocent gay men.

Here is how it starts. An alleged complaint comes in to a city police department that there is 'lewd sexual activity' occurring in a public park. In other words, it is a known gay meeting place or hookup site.


So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.

Surely you don't disapprove of my efforts do you Al? Cuz if you do...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet for many Reagan was the closest thing to the 2nd Coming, and there is no telling them otherwise.

You don't have to. It was acting. We needed a Democrat, and we simultaneously needed to believe that we had a Republican. We got what we wanted/needed. Unless you think that carrying 99 of 1 hundred states over his two elections is a coincidence ?

Silly me, and here I thought what we "needed" as a country was to legislate laws and promote cultural mores' that strengthened the traditional family and once again valued innocent life (i.e. overturning Roe v Wade, returning to legislation that criminalized sexual deviancy, etc.).


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet for many Reagan was the closest thing to the 2nd Coming, and there is no telling them otherwise.

Silly me, and here I thought what we "needed" as a country was to legislate laws and promote cultural mores' that strengthened the traditional family and once again valued innocent life (i.e. overturning Roe v Wade, returning to legislation that criminalized sexual deviancy, etc.).
99 of 1 hundred states, AC. Are you saying, that it was a coincidence ?

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to LGBTQueer "culture": Wow, can you believe that part of the LGBTQueer "culture" is to have sex in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste zoo?

Pretty sick huh?

My widdle friend zoo22 helps point out yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

"Public restroom toilet stall love nest" has a nice ring to it don't cha think Al? (I'm more sensitive now to the romantic interests of the LGBTQueer crowd than before).

And amazingly so there are still a few jurisdictions that prosecute those caught doing unnatural sex acts in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste.

But let's remember that I put the emphasis on the word "culture" Al:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization...

And we Christians have a name for those heterosexuals who do such things:


What do you call them Al, "allies"?

Don't cha just hate it when dementia kicks in and you (conveniently) forget the segment I did on homosexual "culture" at the end of Part 1?

Note how there are those who engage in homosexual behavior who take offense to the police having the audacity to arrest those just doing their own thing in a public setting:

Shining the Light of Justice on 'Bag-A-Fag' Stings

"There is no defense for what law enforcement officers do to gay men in public parks. It happens in city after city, county after county, and community after community. From shore to shore, from Seattle to South Florida, 'bag-a-fag' tactics are illegally employed by cops to ensnare and entrap otherwise innocent gay men.

Here is how it starts. An alleged complaint comes in to a city police department that there is 'lewd sexual activity' occurring in a public park. In other words, it is a known gay meeting place or hookup site.


So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.

Surely you don't disapprove of my efforts do you Al? Cuz if you do...

well sure, that's why we have parks right ? so men can go there after dark in secret, they pay taxes. seriously, they raid underage drinkers and vandals too. if folks want that kind of thing in a public (usually restricted after dark) park, they need a no-tell motel or something, just like heterosexuals, if straight couples went to the park they would get "raided" too, same with rest stops, truck stops etc. keep it behind closed doors, not in my face. they don't do it at home ? why ? if it's a "sting" it only means they have advanced knowledge or previous reports. GO PO PO ! ! ! - :patrol:

View attachment 19547


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The free exercise of religion has been called the first freedom, that which originally sparked the development of the full range of the Bill of Rights. Our Founders cared a lot about religion. And one of the reasons they worked so hard to get the first amendment into the Bill of Rights at the head of the class is that they well understood what could happen to this country, how both religion and Government could be perverted if there were not some space created and some protection provided..

I'm almost under the impression that you're on the side of a bunch of child molesting drag queens, dykes and fairies on this issue Traci, and not those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

A follower Jesus wouldn't try to associate a minority with individuals who harm children.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet for many Reagan was the closest thing to the 2nd Coming, and there is no telling them otherwise.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Silly me, and here I thought what we "needed" as a country was to legislate laws and promote cultural mores' that strengthened the traditional family and once again valued innocent life (i.e. overturning Roe v Wade, returning to legislation that criminalized sexual deviancy, etc.).

99 of 1 hundred states, AC. Are you saying, that it was a coincidence ?

I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, but here's the bottom line:

After 4 years of putting up with the 2nd worst President in US history, the American people were ready for a huge change, and they thought that they were getting that in Ronald Reagan. He fooled social conservatives into believing that he was one, I've shown that he wasn't.

Unlike Ronald Reagan, Ted Cruz has the credentials of a true social conservative.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.

well sure, that's why we have parks right ? so men can go there after dark in secret, they pay taxes. seriously, they raid underage drinkers and vandals too. if folks want that kind of thing in a public (usually restricted after dark) park, they need a no-tell motel or something, just like heterosexuals, if straight couples went to the park they would get "raided" too, same with rest stops, truck stops etc. keep it behind closed doors, not in my face. they don't do it at home ? why ? if it's a "sting" it only means they have advanced knowledge or previous reports. GO PO PO ! ! ! - :patrol:

View attachment 19547

I have an idea:

Why don't we as a nation put an electrical fence around the property of that nutcase former congressman from Texas (the one who isn't sure if homosexuality is a sin; the same congressman who voted to let sodomites openly serve in the US military); and put all of the homosexuals/child molesters/pornograhpers (kiddy porn included) and drug pushers/addicts in our country where they'll feel right at home?

I forget his name but he's known for his tinfoil hat.



New member
...After 4 years of putting up with the 2nd worst President in US history, the American people were ready for a huge change, and they thought that they were getting that in Ronald Reagan. He fooled social conservatives into believing that he was one, I've shown that he wasn't...
First impressions / anchoring ? :idunno:

That truly was a great speech....
...Unlike Ronald Reagan, Ted Cruz has the credentials of a true social conservative.
Lincoln was the most conservative President we've ever had, followed by FDR. The severity of the challenges Presidents face is beyond their control. No one knows when we're going to need a JFK, GWB or other conservative powerhouse in the Oval Office; so, best to keep it chock full of them.


New member
"Public restroom toilet stall love nest" has a nice ring to it don't cha think Al? (I'm more sensitive now to the romantic interests of the LGBTQueer crowd than before).
And they say the age of romance is dead. :rolleyes:

And amazingly so there are still a few jurisdictions that prosecute those caught doing unnatural sex acts in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste.
Good for them.

But let's remember that I put the emphasis on the word "culture" Al:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization...
I think you'd see, if you wanted to aCW, that homosexuals just as with heterosexuals don't all have to be part of a any particular cultural collective or zeitgeist, even if some do.

And we Christians have a name for those heterosexuals who do such things:


What do you call them Al, "allies"?
Then how does highlighting selected homosexual ones require that all of them should be criminalised? You are simply displaying your homophobia, bias, hatred and bigotry for all to see. Maybe it eats you up?

Don't cha just hate it when dementia kicks in and you (conveniently) forget the segment I did on homosexual "culture" at the end of Part 1?
It isn't dementia, I probably never read it.

Note how there are those who engage in homosexual behavior who take offense to the police having the audacity to arrest those just doing their own thing in a public setting:

Shining the Light of Justice on 'Bag-A-Fag' Stings

"There is no defense for what law enforcement officers do to gay men in public parks. It happens in city after city, county after county, and community after community. From shore to shore, from Seattle to South Florida, 'bag-a-fag' tactics are illegally employed by cops to ensnare and entrap otherwise innocent gay men.

Here is how it starts. An alleged complaint comes in to a city police department that there is 'lewd sexual activity' occurring in a public park. In other words, it is a known gay meeting place or hookup site.


So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.

Surely you don't disapprove of my efforts do you Al? Cuz if you do...
Again, lewd acts in public places are already against the law, so complain to the police. :plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm almost under the impression that you're on the side of a bunch of child molesting drag queens, dykes and fairies on this issue Traci, and not those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

A follower Jesus wouldn't try to associate a minority with individuals who harm children.

You are aware that we're talking about a behavior that God detests and an extremely powerful movement that has coined the term "gay youth" aren't you?

Regarding the word "minority": How do you think 1-2% of Americans who engage in this detestable (yet changeable) behavior have gotten so much power?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...After 4 years of putting up with the 2nd worst President in US history, the American people were ready for a huge change, and they thought that they were getting that in Ronald Reagan. He fooled social conservatives into believing that he was one, I've shown that he wasn't...

First impressions / anchoring ? :idunno:

That truly was a great speech....

You haven't understood a single word I've said have you?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...Unlike Ronald Reagan, Ted Cruz has the credentials of a true social conservative.

Lincoln was the most conservative President we've ever had, followed by FDR. The severity of the challenges Presidents face is beyond their control. No one knows when we're going to need a JFK, GWB or other conservative powerhouse in the Oval Office; so, best to keep it chock full of them.

I do believe I hear a theology thread calling your name (politics isn't your forte').


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.

Surely you don't disapprove of my efforts do you Al? Cuz if you do...

Again, lewd acts in public places are already against the law, so complain to the police. :plain:

...Unless it's done in front of children at moral degenerate marches (aka "gay pride parades") where millions of morally lost people celebrate perversion every summer.

WARNING! This view of a taste of "homosexual culture" should be disturbing to anyone that has an ounce of decency.




Etc. etc. etc.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So you see Al, I'm just doing my duty to share the homosexual "culture" with those who aren't familiar with it.
So CW is stil going with this "kill the queers" theology. It is your theology, right, but without a single hint of justification from Christ's teachings or the New Testament. And Ted Cruz --- seriously? He would call you 7 kinds of moron, you know.


You almost have to feel sorry for these sick degenerates:

A life of misery and disease, followed often times by early death, and then they have to face God's wrath for mocking Him...

From the pornographic website "The Huffington Post":

Gay Passion of Christ Envisioned and Attacked

By Kittredge Cherry; Lesbian Christian author and art historian [and beauty queen]


March 29, 2015

Jesus arrives as a gay man of today in a modern city with "The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision," a controversial series of paintings that are newly available as a book.

The paintings and the new book that I wrote about them have been attacked as blasphemy by conservative Christians. But we refuse to concede Jesus to those who act like they own the copyright on Christ, then use him as a weapon to dominate others.

The contemporary queer Christ figure is persecuted, killed and rises again in the 24 paintings by New York artist Doug Blanchard. A surprisingly diverse group of friends join the gay Jesus on a journey from suffering to freedom.

Right-wing Christians denounced us as "blasphemers" and condemned our book as an "abomination," "disgusting" and "an outrage to mock Christ in this manner." Facebook canceled ads for the book because it was too "shocking." When the LGBT community protested, the social media company reversed its decision and "resurrected" the ad.

LGBT Christian visions are important now because conservatives are using religion to justify discrimination against queer people. Whenever anyone commits violence against another, Christ is crucified again -- including when LGBT people are attacked or killed because of who they are.

Every group envisions Christ in their own image from their own context, and now there is a gay vision of Jesus, shaped by the political, economic and cultural forces of our time. LGBT people often identify with the hurt and humiliation that Jesus experienced on the cross.

As Easter approaches, Christians around the world remember Christ's Passion -- his suffering in his final days as he was betrayed, arrested and brutally killed. Many LGBT Christians and their allies turn to "The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision" for inspiration...
Vomit first, and then read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kittr...hris_b_6888978.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

Mark this down as a moment to remember folks, the moment aCultureWarrior was speechless.
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So CW is stil going with this "kill the queers" theology.

Those who engage in the absolutely filthy behavior known as homosexuality have it down to a science when it comes to killing themselves johnny boy. If I were of the OT penalty phase mindset, I'd have to consult with dem "queers" on death.

It is your theology, right, but without a single hint of justification from Christ's teachings or the New Testament.

I've pointed out on numerous occasions that Jesus rescinded the penalty of death for those caught and convicted of homosexual acts johnny boy. That being said, He didn't rescind the seriousness of the act, meaning that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian legislation was right when they made homosexuality a felony.

Now also keep in mind that God takes the molestation of children (physically, emotionally and spiritually) serious. In a righteous society that would mean that child molesters would be executed, which of course would wipe out about 99.9% of the LGBTQueer "community".

And Ted Cruz --- seriously? He would call you 7 kinds of moron, you know.

I'm endorsing Ted Cruz because I like what I've seen thus far, based on similar ideologies. Ted Cruz might not agree with me on some things, but I wasn't aware that a political candidate had to agree with his constituents in order to accept their vote.
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