Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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I normally would say that if you quit acting like a buffoon then you're welcome to stay. But since that's not possible and you'll be back in a week or so anyway, do what you must.
I don't think you like me at all. :cry: :cry:

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to act a bit more mature..... :think:


New member
Dear aCW:

I will in all my best , try to be a better poster, a more mature contributor, and a better friend.

With very best regards
I remain yours ever,


New member
Again: I would like it very much if you sought spiritual and psychological help.

Now that the "All about GFR7 hour" is over, it's time to....

move on.
:mock: I just posted while you posted yours. :mock: YOU will be my spiritual and psychological help. :)


YOU will be my spiritual and psychological help. :)

I have an excellent idea: Why don't you check yourself into a psychiatric hospital for a few months? Chances are that the thread will be here when you return.



New member
Yes Al, it is very clear: It's wrong to steal another man's freedom without due process.
Perhaps then you simply conclude from the Bible that slavery can be justified by there actually being a supposed due process to entitle a person to be owned by another? Tacit approval of slavery in the Bible is clear enough afaic.

annadenebetti went silent after I responded to her attempt at an argument on the subject of Lot and his daughters (look for my post a couple of dozen pages back).

Now back to Holy Scripture and where it approves of homosexual behavior?
I would guess that annadenebetti doesn't particularly find that trying to have a rational dialog with you is likely to be anything but a counterproductive futile gesture aCW?
She is perhaps rather wiser than me? :think:

Anyway back to my futile gesture: Jesus at least, the guy whom your religion is named after, (remember him?), to my understanding didn't condone homosexuality nor slavery but he didn't mention either as being abominations when he easily could have, but he probably thought that money changers and fig trees were much more pressing matters?

Paul otoh did condone slavery while his homophobic bigotry was probably a match for yours aCW.
Perhaps your religion should have been named after Paul not Jesus Christ? :plain:


New member
I want to be productive so I will try for some good posting here, which can facilitate debate.

aCW, this picture below, taken from the series "The Haves and Have Nots" and depicting two gay characters, may be teaching us a history lesson.

*The historical portraits symbolize the past and tradition.
*The black gay male is musing, wondering how he went this route.
*The white gay male is alarmed, seeing your recriminalization campaign approaching.

aCW, what do you think? :think:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes Al, it is very clear: It's wrong to steal take another man's freedom without due process.

Perhaps then you simply conclude from the Bible that slavery can be justified by there actually being a supposed due process to entitle a person to be owned by another? Tacit approval of slavery in the Bible is clear enough afaic.

Boy Al, for someone who doesn't believe in God you sure do like to talk a lot about Him.

Regarding slavery: Imprisoning someone after convicting him or her in a court of law was what I was talking about, i.e. their freedom has justifiably been taken from them. As much as you want to hate God Al, He is just.

BTW Al, you are aware that your beloved muzzies still practice slavery aren't you?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
annadenebetti went silent after I responded to her attempt at an argument on the subject of Lot and his daughters (look for my post a couple of dozen pages back).

Now back to Holy Scripture and where it approves of homosexual behavior?

I would guess that annadenebetti doesn't particularly find that trying to have a rational dialog with you is likely to be anything but a counterproductive futile gesture aCW?

You'd have to ask her.

She is perhaps rather wiser than me?


^Wiser than Al.

Anyway back to my futile gesture: Jesus at least, the guy whom your religion is named after, (remember him?), to my understanding didn't condone homosexuality nor slavery but he didn't mention either as being abominations when he easily could have, but he probably thought that money changers and fig trees were much more pressing matters?

He covered everything in His first Book and made a few changes in His second. I'm still waiting to see where He embraced sexual sins (you being the expert theologian and all).

Paul otoh did condone slavery while his homophobic bigotry was probably a match for yours aCW.
Perhaps your religion should have been named after Paul not Jesus Christ?



New member
Boy Al, for someone who doesn't believe in God you sure do like to talk a lot about Him.
No, I don't talk about God I talk about other people's Godly beliefs.

Regarding slavery: Imprisoning someone after convicting him or her in a court of law was what I was talking about, i.e. their freedom has justifiably been taken from them. As much as you want to hate God Al, He is just.
An entity that probably doesn't exist probably isn't anything nor something that can logically be hated.

BTW Al, you are aware that your beloved muzzies still practice slavery aren't you?
If I ruled the world aCW Islam would be the first religion I'd abolish.
Anyone found praying to Mecca would be criminalised and beheaded. :plain:


New member
Perhaps then you simply conclude from the Bible that slavery can be justified by there actually being a supposed due process to entitle a person to be owned by another? Tacit approval of slavery in the Bible is clear enough afaic.

I would guess that annadenebetti doesn't particularly find that trying to have a rational dialog with you is likely to be anything but a counterproductive futile gesture aCW?
She is perhaps rather wiser than me? :think:

Anyway back to my futile gesture: Jesus at least, the guy whom your religion is named after, (remember him?), to my understanding didn't condone homosexuality nor slavery but he didn't mention either as being abominations when he easily could have, but he probably thought that money changers and fig trees were much more pressing matters?

Paul otoh did condone slavery while his homophobic bigotry was probably a match for yours aCW.
Perhaps your religion should have been named after Paul not Jesus Christ? :plain:

Paul didn't say anything about homosexuality, that is just a modern alteration to his letters


Last try, I just saw this on Public Discourse, Karl - and thought you might be interested:

He divorced his wife to make a home with another man in the '90s, then did a complete turn around and is back with his wife and kids:

Your own thoughts, Karl?

Who is Karl?


New member
Paul didn't say anything about homosexuality, that is just a modern alteration to his letters
I was referring mainly to this:

Romans 1:
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Has this been changed?
Apart from being sexist it seems to imply that both male and female homosexuality is vile, unnatural and that they are all destined for damnation, apparently.


In the past, you always knew it was you.........omgggggggg :cry:


Regarding your article:

Had homosexuality still been a criminal offense the man wouldn't have been able to leave his wife and children in a whim for another man and instead would have been forced to seek psychological counseling.

Heck, maybe you and him could have found a shrink that gave "2 fer" discounts.


New member
For this cause God gave aCW up unto vile coldness: for did he change the natural friendship with GFR into that which is against nature: Rejection of him.

And even as aCW did not like to retain God in his knowledge, God gave aCW over to a reprobate mind....

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