Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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aCultureWarrior said:
But where would you vacation if police departments starting doing their job and conducted vice raids in places like the queer bars of Provincetown?
Somewhere else on the Cape. :think: - and have you ever been to PTown? The Police are gay :chuckle:


(actually, they nixed this uniform, and i don't blame them:



The cultural and spiritual death of a nation can't be placed on two people.
True as far as it goes. But Justice Kennedy and Justice Roberts are uniquely positioned to apply the brakes now, and they won't. A plague on both their houses, then.


New member
They obviously want to get rid of this wedge issue.

The surprise is that there are not 900 conservative and liberals sending an amicus brief in favor of traditional marriage; it was not so long ago (in fact very recently) that both sides could argue for this protection of tradition.

It goes to show just how massively powerful the gay lobby has become; aCW, your suggestions needed to be done a decade ago.

Maybe there are no amicus briefs opposing marriage equality because there is no legal standing for marriage discrimination


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But then since atheists are really the true expert on Holy Scripture Al, tell us what "God wants" when it comes to government and electing legislators.

I've just had a quick chat to God about this, since we have a General Election here in the UK in a couple of months, but sadly His light is being kept under a bushel it seems, and is probably remaining neutral.

Remember that Book that you reference so much, the one where you bookmarked the prohibition against eating lobster and wearing blended materials? Well it talks about the role of government as well.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since that absolutely brilliant theologian and Libertarian in denial WizardofOz (aka Aaron, aka Captain Obvious) hasn't graced the thread with his presence in sometime, I guess I'll have to have you tell us what "God wants" when it comes to electing government officials and legislating laws Al.

As I say He is keeping quiet.

Hear with your eyes Al (read Holy Scripture, it'll tell you what God expects of the civil magistrate).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Show us that "God changed His mind" and really wants the drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters/indoctrinators that make up the LGBTQueer movement as government legislators.

They are all His children apparently aCW and perhaps doesn't currently want them all stoned to death or criminalised just for being what He made them to be.

Yes, we are all God's children but He wants us to repent our of sinful behavior and accept His love. Regarding stoning homosexuals to death: Surely you remember not too far back in this thread that Jesus rescinded the punishment phase against deviant sexual behaviors but by no means did He embrace them.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me make it easy for you Al:

Show us that God really approves of this evil man and worthless excuse for a President:

There are many far worse and evil people around than your current POTUS (whom I rather like btw) or drag quees imo. Jihadi John comes to mind, do what you like to him.

Surely you must be aware that B. Hussein Obama is not only the best friend of sodomites and abortionists, but to Islamic terrorists as well?

Barack Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But where would you vacation if police departments starting doing their job and conducted vice raids in places like the queer bars of Provincetown?

Somewhere else on the Cape. - and have you ever been to PTown?

Going to resort towns that cater exclusively to proud and unrepentant sodomites has never been on my bucket list.

The Police are gay

Perverts policing perverts. How refreshing.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The cultural and spiritual death of a nation can't be placed on two people.

True as far as it goes.

That bit of truth goes a long way.

But Justice Kennedy and Justice Roberts are uniquely positioned to apply the brakes now, and they won't. A plague on both their houses, then.

Again: The institution of marriage is only one area that the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist has permeated. The cancer has spread throughout the whole body, yet it is still curable by legislating righteous laws and returning to cultural mores' that embrace decency.


Oh, nooooooooooo
Big Daddy, do something!

I ran across this study by the National Institute of Health that talks about child molestation and fatherless homes.

Read the 2nd paragraph down from "Introduction" (you're sick and you desperately need help).


Hundreds of Big Companies Urge Supreme Court to Back Gay Marriage

379 of them: Apple, Hilton, Facebook, Amazon, General Electric, Bank of America, Ebay..................


I've posted numerous times throughout this 3 part thread that corporations are in bed with your LGBTQueer movement. The Human Rights Campaign (founded by accused pederast/rapist Terry Bean) uses their gaystapo tactics to make sure that corporations comply with their perverted ways.




New member
If you think I'm so sick (and where does my behavior show this, except in being so nice to you?) why wouldn't you want to act as a father-mentor?


The History-Making Gay Kiss: ‘The Fosters’ Features the Youngest Same-Sex TV Kiss Ever

"Sin that used to slink down the back alley now struts in the street." Lk 17:28 ~ Adrian Rogers

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:


In "Indoctrinate em while they're young" news:

The History-Making Gay Kiss: ‘The Fosters’ Features the Youngest Same-Sex TV Kiss Ever


Straight teens have watched their television counterparts smooch on-screen for years, but The Fosters made history by showing the youngest same-sex kiss ever on U.S. television.

Teenage love—it’s hormonal, complicated, and makes for great television.

On Monday night, ABC Family’s The Fosters featured a kiss between 13-year-olds Jude and Connor. So what’s the big deal? The boys’ lip-to-lip contact is apparently the youngest same-sex kiss on U.S. television.

Jude and Connor’s BFF-level friendship has been building over the past two seasons. Connor was introduced to the show when he hesitated to fend off bullies who were picking on Jude for wearing nail polish—only to end up painting his nails in solidarity with Jude, which made for a delightfully heartwarming television moment.

Read more: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...tures-the-youngest-same-sex-tv-kiss-ever.html

Let's just hope that ABC Family shows that "heartwarming moment" when 13 year olds Jude and Connor tell their parents that they've contracted AIDS.


Can we all agree that homosexuality is no longer something that "consenting adults do in private"?

never happened acw

couldn't have

i have it on good authority that kids can't consent to do that sort of thing


New member
Remember that Book that you reference so much, the one where you bookmarked the prohibition against eating lobster and wearing blended materials? Well it talks about the role of government as well.
I'm sorry that if your favourite ancient scriptural ramblings, aimed at controlling the lives of ancient middle eastern goat herders, is sometimes an embarrassment to you aCW, even after cherry picking ...but then that really isn't my problem.;)

Hear with your eyes Al (read Holy Scripture, it'll tell you what God expects of the civil magistrate).
I expect that God doesn't expect anything at all aCW, but I suspect that of course won't stop you from telling us what you nevertheless expect God to expect regarding who He should expect to be criminalised .:plain:

Yes, we are all God's children but He wants us to repent our of sinful behavior and accept His love. Regarding stoning homosexuals to death: Surely you remember not too far back in this thread that Jesus rescinded the punishment phase against deviant sexual behaviors but by no means did He embrace them.
Well, we know at least who you think should repent anyway, but I haven't seen your credentials showing that you are in fact God's spokesperson on Earth.
Jesus' lack of antipathy for homosexuals rather suggests imo that you should be following his lead rather than choosing a route of homophobic bigotry instead.

Surely you must be aware that B. Hussein Obama is not only the best friend of sodomites and abortionists, but to Islamic terrorists as well?

Barack Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection
I still think that Jihadi John is much higher up the list of people whom the world would be a far better place without them.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Can we all agree that homosexuality is no longer something that "consenting adults do in private"?

never happened acw

couldn't have

i have it on good authority that kids can't consent to do that sort of thing

My bad. The term "gay youth" doesn't exist.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Remember that Book that you reference so much, the one where you bookmarked the prohibition against eating lobster and wearing blended materials? Well it talks about the role of government as well.

I'm sorry that if your favourite ancient scriptural ramblings, aimed at controlling the lives of ancient middle eastern goat herders, is sometimes an embarrassment to you aCW, even after cherry picking ...but then that really isn't my problem.

Either you understand that Book better than I do or you don't Al. How about you quit using it as a reference and just leave it to us unedjumacated middle eastern goat herders who actually understand what is written in it?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hear with your eyes Al (read Holy Scripture, it'll tell you what God expects of the civil magistrate).

I expect that God doesn't expect anything at all aCW, but I suspect that of course won't stop you from telling us what you nevertheless expect God to expect regarding who He should expect to be criminalised .

Common sense shows why homosexuality had been criminalized for over 2,000 years. Heck, even a morally confused guy from NYC who spends his vacations in the homosexual resort town of Provincetown MA thinks that it should be.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, we are all God's children but He wants us to repent our of sinful behavior and accept His love. Regarding stoning homosexuals to death: Surely you remember not too far back in this thread that Jesus rescinded the punishment phase against deviant sexual behaviors but by no means did He embrace them.

Well, we know at least who you think should repent anyway, but I haven't seen your credentials showing that you are in fact God's spokesperson on Earth.
Jesus' lack of antipathy for homosexuals rather suggests imo that you should be following his lead rather than choosing a route of homophobic bigotry instead.

I'd ask you to reference the New Testament and it's theme of repentance and redemption, but I think it's a good idea that you stay away from that Book unless you're looking for the Truth.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you must be aware that B. Hussein Obama is not only the best friend of sodomites and abortionists, but to Islamic terrorists as well?

Barack Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection

I still think that Jihadi John is much higher up the list of people whom the world would be a far better place without them.

It's been well established throughout this 3 part thread Al that the secular humanist LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and the false religion of Islam have so much in common:

Their HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine being the biggest common denominator (kiddy sex coming a close second).


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Heck, even a morally confused guy from NYC who spends his vacations in the homosexual resort town of Provincetown MA thinks that it should be.
:think: ............................... Daddy! :roses:


New member
Either you understand that Book better than I do or you don't Al. How about you quit using it as a reference and just leave it to us unedjumacated middle eastern goat herders who actually understand what is written in it?
If your ancient scripture were clear, consistent and unambiguous then you'd probably have little use for it aCW, unable to spin it to suit your own requirements. We heathens can do the same of course but then we don't have to pretend a believer's respect for it and can probably often show rather more intelligent constructive criticism.

Common sense shows why homosexuality had been criminalized for over 2,000 years. Heck, even a morally confused guy from NYC who spends his vacations in the homosexual resort town of Provincetown MA thinks that it should be.
Many believers might perhaps benefit from thinking outside an ancient scripture occasionally and deal rationally with the real world with real people in it instead?

I'd ask you to reference the New Testament and it's theme of repentance and redemption, but I think it's a good idea that you stay away from that Book unless you're looking for the Truth.
"Truth" as a proper noun I see aCW, just a name you give to something that you presume is true without any perceived need for critical thinking. Just a child-like scriptural belief, rather than testing that supposed "Truth" against hard evidence and reason, that it really is the truth.

It's been well established throughout this 3 part thread Al that the secular humanist LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and the false religion of Islam have so much in common:

Their HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine being the biggest common denominator (kiddy sex coming a close second).
The subject of kiddy sex is never far away with you aCW or so it seems. :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Either you understand that Book better than I do or you don't Al. How about you quit using it as a reference and just leave it to us unedjumacated middle eastern goat herders who actually understand what is written in it?

If your ancient scripture were clear,

If Holy Scripture wasn't clear about homosexuality, you'd have found and incessantly used that verse or passage.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Common sense shows why homosexuality had been criminalized for over 2,000 years. Heck, even a morally confused guy from NYC who spends his vacations in the homosexual resort town of Provincetown MA thinks that it should be.

Many believers might benefit from thinking outside an ancient scripture occasionally and deal rationally with the real world with real people in it.

As in writing their own moral code to fit their selfish desires. I believe that is referred to as "The new christianity" Al.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd ask you to reference the New Testament and it's theme of repentance and redemption, but I think it's a good idea that you stay away from that Book unless you're looking for the Truth.

"Truth" as a proper noun I see aCW, just a name you give to something that you presume is true without any perceived need for critical thinking. Just a child-like scriptural belief, rather than testing that supposed "Truth" against hard evidence and reason, that it really is the truth.

When it comes to the recriminalization of homosexuality, the hard evidence has been presented throughout this 3 part thread and any reasonable person would acknowledge that it's necessary.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's been well established throughout this 3 part thread Al that the secular humanist LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and the false religion of Islam have so much in common:

Their HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine being the biggest common denominator (kiddy sex coming a close second).

The subject of kiddy sex is never far away with you aCW or so it seems.

Speaking of "far away": Did I mention that you and your sexual anarchists need to stay far far away from children?
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