Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
You know all about homosexual culture so you know what the meaning of "Daddy" is.

Contribute to the thread or take a hike.
No, my language has different meaning. And NO, I will not take a hike.
You'll have to force the issue with you know who, who wants me out. And it will be vile and brutal and unfair. I have contributed greatly to your own thread and to TOL.

Stop projecting your own filthy thoughts onto my pure motives, you first class idiot.
I can call you "Daddy" if it is appropriate, and you can't stop me.
You can see on this forum which I quote below, that it is a known thing for New York City males to call greatly admired males, "Daddy" - and in this case, the sin exists in your own mind, and yours only: It is a New York thing and not a gay thing, you first class idiot.

... people in New Orleans and Delaware call male friends baby. I know it can sound gay, but its the way u say it.

When I moved to TX I'd be like whats up baby aight. Or u would refer to another man as ya baby. When I would do it, they would be like u from New Orleans id be like nah.

New Yorkers started doing the Daddy thing. NO people do it too, calling a man lil daddy, and NY be like what up daddy, how u doin daddy, lets get that money daddy.

I cant fix my mouth to call another man Daddy tho


As for 'Big Daddy':

Big Daddy

INFORMAL: someone or something dominantly important, powerful, wealthy, or, often, paternalistic


And what is so bad about that? Are you not paternalistic?
You have to stop queering me, man; it's enough to get me sick. :vomit:
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No, my language has different meaning. And NO, I will not take a hike.
You'll have to force the issue with you know who, who wants me out. And it will be vile and brutal and unfair. I have contributed greatly to your own thread and to TOL.

Stop projecting your own filthy thoughts onto my pure motives, you first class idiot.
I can call you "Daddy" if it is appropriate, and you can't stop me.
You can see on this forum which I quote below, that it is a known thing for New York City males to call greatly admired males, "Daddy" - and in this case, the sin exists in your own mind, and yours only: It is a New York thing and not a gay thing, you first class idiot.


Since TOL's resident drag queen (Persephone66, aka Chuck) hasn't returned to TOL, I need someone who I can point to that is in desperate need of help, which the recriminalization of homosexuality would do for that person.

Stick around GFR7: You're Chuck without the pantyhose and cheap eyeliner.


I Always Use The Word Papadaddyo

Then here's a belated Christmas present for you Simon.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Homosexualists, as seen by the above post, think that this subject is a joke.

I hope that it didn't ruin your moderately Libertarian day Aaron.

That's why we have laws, because decent people can't reason with the mentally and morally deranged.

I don't have the time nor desire to deviate from exposing the homosexual agenda and the absolutely filthy child molesting behavior that is a part of it to talk about you Aaron. Besides, the Libertarian Party and it's doctrine was thoroughly discussed in part 2.

That being said: I've spent a fair amount of time in the past 3 weeks putting more plugs in for TOL and specifically this thread. I'm amazed at how in other forums proud and unrepentant homosexuals are delighted to talk about their perversion, yet for some reason here on TOL they're silent.

Hopefully we'll get some new blood (even if it is tainted with HIV/AIDS) in this thread due to my efforts, as the regular homosexualists here on TOL (except for homosexual activist TracerBullet) are downright boring.

Back later today with "Gay Days at Disney World" (did I mention that homosexuals just love to be around children?) and an excellent article by Mission America's Linda Harvey on why homosexual adults shouldn't be allowed around children.

You are welcome to hold whatever private beliefs you want. But homosexuality isn't some new, evil part of society. It's not harmful either. Only 0.0022% of Americans diagnosed with AIDS succumb to the disease. And for every gay man with the HIV virus there are plenty of straight men with it as well.

The study about children of gay parents having a more difficult social life I have no doubt is true. The same was true for the black students that attended the first desegregated schools. But now this issue is hardly thought of. In 30 years children of gay parents will not be seen as odd anymore and they'll be treated completely normally. All change takes time to be accepted.

Hitler was certainly not gay. He had relations with both Ava Braun and (grossly) his niece. He did however consider himself a Christian. Using him to bolster your anti-gay sentiments is ill-advised.

If you are correct about a large percentage of murderers and criminals being homosexual please post it here for me to examine. Otherwise this hate speech needs to end. Church and State are separated to prevent overzealous bigotry from oppressing certain peoples, like homosexuals.

That being said, the LBGT's push for government favoritism of gay/transgendered individuals is unconstitutional also. People should be rewarded on merit alone, not race, gender, or anything else.

There is one very strong argument in your support that I have not seen mentioned by you in these threads yet. I'll keep it to myself for now


New member
Since TOL's resident drag queen (Persephone66, aka Chuck) hasn't returned to TOL, I need someone who I can point to that is in desperate need of help, which the recriminalization of homosexuality would do for that person.

Stick around GFR7: You're Chuck without the pantyhose and cheap eyeliner.
1. I fail to see how it would "help" me in any way.

2. If that is how you truly feel about me, and you don't value my friendship or intelligence at all, then I am gone, gone, gone.........You are dreadful and callous, cold and unappreciative and evil. Some father you turned out to be. :cry:
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New member
If Holy Scripture wasn't clear about homosexuality, you'd have found and incessantly used that verse or passage.
Your Holy Scripture is very clear on how to treat slaves I've noticed and that a good man will offer his daughters in place of angels about to be raped. :think:

As in writing their own moral code to fit their selfish desires. I believe that is referred to as "The new christianity" Al.
I take it that you disapprove aCW?

When it comes to the recriminalization of homosexuality, the hard evidence has been presented throughout this 3 part thread and any reasonable person would acknowledge that it's necessary.
Any reasonable person coming here seems to rapidly conclude that you ain't exactly no reasonable person aCW. :plain:

Speaking of "far away": Did I mention that you and your sexual anarchists need to stay far far away from children?
And you shouldn't? mmm :think:

I was going to say "who would protect them from the likes of you?" but that may have been a little OTT, or would it...?


Responding to a post that aCW wrote to that brilliant theologian and Libertarian in denial WizardofOz, aka Aaron, aka Captain Obvious waaaaay back on page 1 of this thread, Balfour4 writes:

You are welcome to hold whatever private beliefs you want. But homosexuality isn't some new, evil part of society.

The decriminalization and the agenda that followed is.

It's not harmful either. Only 0.0022% of Americans diagnosed with AIDS succumb to the disease. And for every gay man with the HIV virus there are plenty of straight men with it as well.

The Centers for Disease Control begs to differ.


The study about children of gay parents having a more difficult social life I have no doubt is true. The same was true for the black students that attended the first desegregated schools. But now this issue is hardly thought of. In 30 years children of gay parents will not be seen as odd anymore and they'll be treated completely normally. All change takes time to be accepted.

Yet in 30 years (if this country survives that long or if homosexuality isn't recriminalized) those children will still be raised by two (or more) proud and unrepentant perverts. You can't compare one's skin color with one's chosen sexual behavior (nice try though).

Hitler was certainly not gay. He had relations with both Ava Braun and (grossly) his niece. He did however consider himself a Christian. Using him to bolster your anti-gay sentiments is ill-advised.

Take it up with the numerous historians and records that show that amongst other things that he was a homosexual prostitute as a boy in Vienna.

I talked about Hitler mainly to show the close ties that the modern day LGBTQueer movement (aka the "gaystapo") has to Hitler and his SS thugs.

If you are correct about a large percentage of murderers and criminals being homosexual please post it here for me to examine. Otherwise this hate speech needs to end. Church and State are separated to prevent overzealous bigotry from oppressing certain peoples, like homosexuals.

Refer to the table of contents and the segment entitled "homosexual violence" for facts. Regarding serial killers being disproportionately those who engage homosexuality:


(Don't pay attention to the disclaimer, the author only wrote it to keep homosexualists like Tracerbullet off of his back).

That being said, the LBGT's push for government favoritism of gay/transgendered individuals is unconstitutional also. People should be rewarded on merit alone, not race, gender, or anything else.

I highly doubt that giving anyone "rights" based on an unnatural sexual behavior (one that is changeable by the way) was on the mind of our Christian Founding Fathers when they wrote the founding documents of our once great nation.

There is one very strong argument in your support that I have not seen mentioned by you in these threads yet. I'll keep it to myself for now

I won't sleep a wink until you reveal it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If Holy Scripture wasn't clear about homosexuality, you'd have found and incessantly used that verse or passage.

Your Holy Scripture is very clear on how to treat slaves

Yes Al, it is very clear: It's wrong to steal another man's freedom without due process.

I've noticed and that a good man will offer his daughters in place of angels about to be raped. :think:

annadenebetti went silent after I responded to her attempt at an argument on the subject of Lot and his daughters (look for my post a couple of dozen pages back).

Now back to Holy Scripture and where it approves of homosexual behavior?


1. I fail to see how it would "help" me in any way.

2. If that is how you truly feel about me, and you don't value my friendship or intelligence at all, then I am gone, gone, gone.........You are dreadful and callous, cold and unappreciative and evil. Some father you turned out to be. :cry:

Thoughts on the shooting of yet another "unarmed" black teenager in your former stomping grounds of Madison WI? (I thought I'd get your take on the story before I checked the HRC website to see if they condemned it).


(Pay no never mind that the ultra liberal HuffPo didn't talk about Robinson's violent background, i.e. a conviction for armed robbery/home invasion. Justice for Tony Robinson!).


New member
Thoughts on the shooting of yet another "unarmed" black teenager in your former stomping grounds of Madison WI? (I thought I'd get your take on the story before I checked the HRC website to see if they condemned it).


(Pay no never mind that the ultra liberal HuffPo didn't talk about Robinson's violent background, i.e. a conviction for armed robbery/home invasion. Justice for Tony Robinson!).

1. OK, I have never in my life been to Madison, WI.
I've lived in Los Angeles, New Jersey, and NYC; and visit London, Paris, Cape Cod and Boston - but that's it.

What in blazes would make you think some hicksville midwest place would be
my former stomping ground???? :think: :doh::kookoo:

2. I get the feeling this is just another notch in the belt for the "Black Lives Matter" campaign, they are racking them up. IF a suspect is unarmed and unthreatening, of course they should not be shot no matter the race. I would have to see a video and get the officers' sides as well. All lives matter, I assume.

He has a violent felony background; should be mentioned - of course this does not matter IF he was unarmed and compliant, in terms of killing though.

3. Yes, take HuffPo with a grain of salt--but then you knew how left and agendized they are. ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thoughts on the shooting of yet another "unarmed" black teenager in your former stomping grounds of Madison WI? (I thought I'd get your take on the story before I checked the HRC website to see if they condemned it).


(Pay no never mind that the ultra liberal HuffPo didn't talk about Robinson's violent background, i.e. a conviction for armed robbery/home invasion. Justice for Tony Robinson!).

1. OK, I have never in my life been to Madison, WI.
I've lived in Los Angeles, New Jersey, and NYC; and visit London, Paris, Cape Cod and Boston - but that's it.

What in blazes would make you think some hicksville midwest place would be
my former stomping ground???? :think: :doh::kookoo:

It's a liberal cesspool. You'd feel right a home there.

2. I get the feeling this is just another notch in the belt for the "Black Lives Matter" campaign, they are racking them up. IF a suspect is unarmed and unthreatening, of course they should not be shot no matter the race. I would have to see a video and get the officers' sides as well. All lives matter, I assume.

Is this the same GFR7 that defended black thugs like Ferguson's (Saint) Michael Brown earlier in this thread?

He has a violent felony background; should be mentioned - of course this does not matter IF he was unarmed and compliant, in terms of killing though.

Because police officers are notorious for shooting unarmed and compliant people.

3. Yes, take HuffPo with a grain of salt--but then you knew how left and agendized they are. ;)

Kinda like your beloved Time Magazine, full of lies.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thoughts on the shooting of yet another "unarmed" black teenager in your former stomping grounds of Madison WI? (I thought I'd get your take on the story before I checked the HRC website to see if they condemned it).


(Pay no never mind that the ultra liberal HuffPo didn't talk about Robinson's violent background, i.e. a conviction for armed robbery/home invasion. Justice for Tony Robinson!).

It's a liberal cesspool. You'd feel right a home there.

Is this the same GFR7 that defended black thugs like Ferguson's (Saint) Michael Brown earlier in this thread?

Because police officers are notorious for shooting unarmed and compliant people.

Kinda like your beloved Time Magazine, full of lies.
I don't like liberal cesspools.
I don't like Time Magazine; in fact, I loathe it.
You're just afraid if you knew the real me, you'd LIKE me too much. :jawdrop:
This is why you lie about me, and turn me into my opposite. :think:

I can have sympathy for Eric Garner without being a fop, silly :nono:


I don't like liberal cesspools.
I don't like Time Magazine; in fact, I loathe it.
You're just afraid if you knew the real me, you'd LIKE me too much. :jawdrop:
This is why you lie about me, and turn me into my opposite. :think:

I can have sympathy for Eric Garner without being a fop, silly :nono:

Let's talk about you leaving the thread and never coming back.

Here are my thoughts on the subject.



New member
Let's talk about you leaving the thread and never coming back.

Here are my thoughts on the subject.

I CAN'T SEE IT. Show me it this instant :madmad:

Was it the one that says, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya"???
If you really and truly feel that way, we're finished.
:cry: :AMR1:

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More on Ben Carson, one of the supposed "conservative" republican's that is exploring the idea of running for President.

Dr. Ben Carson: 'I Support Civil Unions for Gay Couples'


In a Facebook post following his interview with CNN’s “New Day,” Dr. Ben Carson issued a statement, apologizing for saying people who change their sexual orientation after going to jail shows that “being gay is a choice.”

“In a recent interview on CNN, I realized that my choice of language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues,” Carson said. “I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

As CNSNews.com previously reported, Carson said homosexuality is a “choice,” because “a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out, they’re gay.”

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon from Johns Hopkins Hospital, said in his statement on Facebook: “I'm a doctor trained in multiple fields of medicine, who was blessed to work at perhaps the finest institution of medical knowledge in the world. Some of our brightest minds have looked at this debate, and up until this point there have been no definitive studies that people are born into a specific sexuality.

“We do know, however, that we are always born male and female. And I know that we are all made in God's image, which means we are all deserving of respect and dignity,” he added.

“I support human rights and Constitutional protections for gay people, and I have done so for many years. I support civil unions for gay couples, and I have done so for many years. I support the right of individual states to sanction gay marriage, and I support the right of individual states to deny gay marriage in their respective jurisdictions,” Carson said

Read more: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-hunter/dr-ben-carson-i-support-civil-unions-gay-couples

As Bryan Fischer wrote in his March 6th renewamerica.com article entitled "How badly did Ben Carson hurt himself?"

"Bottom line: on homosexuality, and maybe on everything else, Ben Carson needs to decide right now whether he is going to listen to God or his handlers. His political future may rest on the answer to that question."

I say buh bye Ben, you're waaaay too wishy washy for me.



New member
Do you really want me off your thread? :think:



I would rather stay, but will fully respect your decision and your wishes.
Very best regards;
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