Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I did an entire segment on traditional marriage, emphasizing how invaluable it is to a society. I don't talk about homosexuals 'marrying' much because as I've mentioned many times before, it's just one aspect of the 'gay agenda'.

You can't defeat the cancer that is killing our society by dealing with only one aspect of it, you have to cut it out at the core in order for the body to survive.

Recriminalizing homosexuality and changing our cultural mores' is a step in the right direction that very well might save our once Christian nation.

So knowing what harm homosexuality does to the individual engaging in it and knowing what harm the homosexual agenda has done to western civilization, you're going to sit back and do absolutely nothing about it?

I opened this 3 part thread with this quote:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke

If a person knows that evil exists and does absolutely nothing about it, can that person call himself a man? I think not, as being a man, amongst other things requires courage in the face of adversity.

Perhaps you have an underlying problem with recriminalization fearing that a close friend or relative will be effected by it?

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
-- Jewish Proverb
No, I would not like to "sit back and do nothing", and I agree with both the Burke quote and the proverb.

I try to persuade on forums, and vote my conscience. When I was teaching, I spoke my mind, and I speak my mind to family and associates. I would agree that being a man has to do with integrity and courage in the face of adversity, but other than dissent, where is the opportunity for this? Tell me, that I may learn from you.

Look at North Carolina and other states where majorities voted in bans on SSM , and look how easily all of this is washed away.

I am just wondering on a grand scale what you envision as the first steps of a backlash and reversal, at a time when the Supreme Court, the federal judges, the mainstream media, and the majority all seem to have tipped in the totally opposite direction? If you were to lay it out for me as a political prediction (the first signs of the reversal) I would fully appreciate it (and I am not being snarky but with genuine respect I ask this; I see how fully you have dedicated your time and your thought to this area.).

My family member is so obnoxious and dismissive of me (in ways going well beyond gay rights) that I would not give a hoot about a reversal, by the way. ;)

So that you may see I am genuine, and not in any manner trollish, I will tell you the possibilities I have seen outside of any violent action, and in tandem with dissent :

1. That SCOTUS will hand the matter of SSM back to the states, beginning a reversal.

2. that public opinion may shift due to economic perils, shortages, diseases, war

3. That the gay agenda may become too hubristic and lay the seeds for its own implosion (this group's logo is "Imploding Gay Power"

http://nowayborngay.org/home.php )

4. Here is one man's idea of action, from the above cited website; He asserts that there is only one solitary venue left and that efforts must be redirected as he indicates. Do you agree with him, CW?:

2.1 Exposing the falsehood of "born gay" is the only path to victory

Although gay power appears to be a powerful monolith, it is strikingly fragile because it is built on a lie. The lie is “There’s an organic basis for homosexuality. I was born this way. My sexual orientation is fixed.” If the lie can be countered effectively, gay power will crash.

Before you dismiss this approach remember that one definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” If we could not defeat the gay agenda ten years ago when our supporters were stronger and opponents weaker is there any reason to believe it can be defeated now unless we do something different? It is imperative that we redirect our efforts.***See also section 2.5 Spreading the Death of Gay Power
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New member
While I dedicated an entire segment to this topic

here's a link backing it.

I'd be interested to hear what you believe causes homosexual desires Traci.

I asked:
Overstated? A good percentage of those that partake in homosexual behavior were molested themselves,

What percentage?

how does that compare to heterosexuals who were molested as children?

evidence that this is a factor in the development of sexual orientation?

no answers from you. what a suprise

I think it was that evil Family Research Council once again trying to make homosexuals look bad.
or, more likely, you are just presenting false witness again

Keep in mind that homosexual males destroyed the Boy Scouts of America and made the Catholic Church the brunt of many child molestation jokes.

So why on earth do you think that two perverts that adopted an innocent child and molested him are extreme and not a commonality amongst homosexuals?

What should be done by adoption officials Traci, so that these innocent children aren't placed in the custody of perverts?
obviously stop heterosexuals from adopting. we have to think of the safety and well being of the children after all


New member
Yes, it certainly does happen. What was different about the Truong-Newton case is that you had two gay male partners and their friends all reinforcing each other and all molesting the adopted boy. The couple worked in concert with each other, and with their network of gay, male friends. There was a prevailing ideology that they all shared.

and here is what lies just beneath the surface in most straight men


obviously it is common for heterosexuals to molest children and it is a pervading ideology for straights


New member
Look at North Carolina and other states where majorities voted in bans on SSM , and look how easily all of this is washed away.
just like segregation and anti-miscegenation laws were swept away by those darn activist judges. didn't the will of the majority of the people in North Carolina and other states matter when it came to segregation?

1. That SCOTUS will hand the matter of SSM back to the states, beginning a reversal.
if the Supreme Court declines to hear the appeals (handing it back to the states then Marriage equality will immediately go into effect for 10 states that have had laws banning same gendered marriage ruled unconstitutional. They will join the 19 states that already have marriage equality. There are now legal challenges in all of the remaining 21 states. By handing it back to the states the Supreme Court will guarantees that those 21 states will also have their bans struck down.

2. that public opinion may shift due to economic perils, shortages, diseases, war
how would any of these increase prejudice and discrimination?

3. That the gay agenda may become too hubristic and lay the seeds for its own implosion (this group's logo is "Imploding Gay Power"[/COLOR][/B]
http://nowayborngay.org/home.php )
what agenda?

4. Here is one man's idea of action, from the above cited website; He asserts that there is only one solitary venue left and that efforts must be redirected as he indicates. Do you agree with him, CW?:[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

to bad that all the evidence is against this assertion


New member
how would any of these increase prejudice and discrimination?

what agenda?

to bad that all the evidence is against this assertion
1. Have you read history? Have you no idea about backlashes against movements which occur during fourth turnings in the historical saeculum? :think: (hint: Think Civil War, Great Depression, WW II)

2. The Gay Agenda, just like there is a conservative agenda, a feminist agenda, a dog breeders agenda- there is no movement without an agenda. :sam:

3. Nope. :nono:


New member
1. Have you read history?
of course, and your list of disasters has never increased hate and discrimination against minorities. such increases have come from those who used those disasters to engaged in propaganda to promote hate

2. The Gay Agenda, just like there is a conservative agenda, a feminist agenda, a dog breeders agenda- there is no movement without an agenda. :sam:
Still left wondering what agenda
3. Nope. :nono:
well lets take a good look at the evidence that homosexuality is a choice. wait...there isn't any.

well we can always look at the pile of studies showing that homosexuality is related to poor father-son relationships. Except there aren't any of those either


New member
of course, and your list of disasters has never increased hate and discrimination against minorities. such increases have come from those who used those disasters to engaged in propaganda to promote hate
Right. That's how it happened. (Please recall that prior to the reversals of these movements, the masses had smouldering resentment for them, as these "elites" had prospered while they failed. Leaders cannot incite to anger without the powder keg of the emotions of the masses.)

  • Prior to the Civil War in America, women's rights had made great strides. The movement had to begin again almost from scratch afterwards.
    [*]Prior to the Great Depression and WW 2, gays had won much acceptance in the cities, then FDR sent out the vice squads and it all went bad.
    [*] In Germany, the acceptance of Jews had never been higher, just prior to Hitler's ascension to power.

This is history. It happens.
This was my point.
I didn't say it is a great way to enact change.
I said it happens to reverse movements.
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New member
GFR7 said:
That SCOTUS will hand the matter of SSM back to the states, beginning a reversal.

Tracer Bullet said:
if the Supreme Court declines to hear the appeals (handing it back to the states then Marriage equality will immediately go into effect for 10 states that have had laws banning same gendered marriage ruled unconstitutional. They will join the 19 states that already have marriage equality. There are now legal challenges in all of the remaining 21 states. By handing it back to the states the Supreme Court will guarantees that those 21 states will also have their bans struck down.
This is NOT what I meant. I meant, if gay marriage winds up back at SCOTUS - and all indications are that it will - and they rule that states can have gay marriage bans; that it is not unconstitutional to define marriage by state.

This is what I meant.

And if this is no longer possible, that they could rule that way?

Then why bother, if it is already pre-ordained?

Gay advocates long to get this issue before SCOTUS and "settle things up", assuming as they do because of Windsor, that Justice Kennedy will rule in favor of state bans being unconstitutional.

But why do this, why rule at all, if only one outcome is any longer possible?

In any event, things seem to be speeding toward some conclusion:

Breaking: Utah Appeals Same-Sex Marriage To US Supreme Court

The Republican Attorney General of Utah has just announced he is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling that upheld a lower court's decision that found the Beehive State's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.

The Washington Blade notes that the Utah case could be the one the Supreme Court chooses to decide the fate of marriage across the nation.
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New member
This is NOT what I meant. I meant, if gay marriage winds up back at SCOTUS - and all indications are that it will - and they rule that states can have gay marriage bans; that it is not unconstitutional to define marriage by state.

This is what I meant.
doing so would mean reversing not just their decision last June in the DOMA case but also in Loving V. Virginia

And if this is no longer possible, that they could rule that way?

Then why bother, if it is already pre-ordained?
like the striking down of segregation

Gay advocates long to get this issue before SCOTUS and "settle things up", assuming as they do because of Windsor, that Justice Kennedy will rule in favor of state bans being unconstitutional.

But why do this, why rule at all, if only one outcome is any longer possible?

In any event, things seem to be speeding toward some conclusion:
yes, equality for all


New member
doing so would mean reversing not just their decision last June in the DOMA case but also in Loving V. Virginia
So it's all settled, then. So why bother with the process?
Why did they call the Windsor ruling "narrow" last year?

WASHINGTON -- Many legal experts believe when the Supreme Court reconvenes in the fall, they’ll likely decide whether bans on same-sex marriage in North Carolina and in other states are constitutionally legal.

The nationwide legal battle over same-sex marriage is heading straight for the Supreme Court.

Across the country, there are currently more than 70 legal challenges in the 32 states and territories where gay marriage is illegal.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

While I dedicated an entire segment to this topic

here's a link backing it.

I'd be interested to hear what you believe causes homosexual desires Traci.

I asked:

What percentage?

48% of respondents said that, as children or youth, they had been sexually abused by an older or more powerful person. Usually it was by a male, and in those cases, 96% considered the abuse to have contributed to their developing SSA feelings.

how does that compare to heterosexuals who were molested as children?

You tell me. Obviously some children who were molested in their youth were able to go on and live normal sex lives.

evidence that this is a factor in the development of sexual orientation?

no answers from you. what a surprise

See the above.

What should be done by adoption officials Traci, so that these innocent children aren't placed in the custody of perverts?

obviously stop heterosexuals from adopting. we have to think of the safety and well being of the children after all

(And people wonder why homosexuality was considered a mental disorder).

I'm still interested in hearing your thoughts on what causes homosexual desires Traci.


New member
48% of respondents said that, as children or youth, they had been sexually abused by an older or more powerful person. Usually it was by a male, and in those cases, 96% considered the abuse to have contributed to their developing SSA feelings.
yeah...a survey of the 200 members of "people can change" :rolleyes:

(And people wonder why homosexuality was considered a mental disorder).
it's only considered so by those with mental disorders


New member
OK. Either he suddenly turned liberal, or he does not think SCOTUS should step in the way of the process until it hits them fully. :think: :rolleyes:

or, more likely, recognizes that there is no constitutional justification for discrimination against a minority


New member
or, more likely, recognizes that there is no constitutional justification for discrimination against a minority
Well, did he dissent on Windsor? ( But you and I both know he did, silly. ;) )

In any case:
This will be Justice Kennedy's court.
After the Hobby Lobby ruling, one cannot be certain how he will rule.

Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, Sotomayor will favor ruling SSM as the law of the land.
Thomas, Roberts, Scalia, Alito will be against.
Kennedy will be the swing.
And Windsor makes clear it could go either way.
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I am just wondering on a grand scale what you envision as the first steps of a backlash and reversal, at a time when the Supreme Court, the federal judges, the mainstream media, and the majority all seem to have tipped in the totally opposite direction? If you were to lay it out for me as a political prediction (the first signs of the reversal) I would fully appreciate it (and I am not being snarky but with genuine respect I ask this; I see how fully you have dedicated your time and your thought to this area.).

Keep in mind that it took the sexual anarchists (the legalization of cohabitation/no fault divorce, pornography, abortion and now homosexuality) over 60 years to get where they are today; returning to a society that espouses decency and traditional family values won't come overnight. Education is the key to getting things turned around.

Here is one man's idea of action, from the above cited website; He asserts that there is only one solitary venue left and that efforts must be redirected as he indicates. Do you agree with him, CW?
2.1 Exposing the falsehood of "born gay" is the only path to victory

Although gay power appears to be a powerful monolith, it is strikingly fragile because it is built on a lie. The lie is “There’s an organic basis for homosexuality. I was born this way. My sexual orientation is fixed.” If the lie can be countered effectively, gay power will crash.

Before you dismiss this approach remember that one definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” If we could not defeat the gay agenda ten years ago when our supporters were stronger and opponents weaker is there any reason to believe it can be defeated now unless we do something different? It is imperative that we redirect our efforts

The born gay hoax is one of many things that we must educate the public about. I enjoy getting alwight the atheist all riled up showing case after case where people have left homosexual behavior behind (and often times desires). The disease aspect of homosexuality must be shown whenever possible, as the general public has no idea how disease ridden homosexuality is. Of course showing how children are a big part of the homosexual movement is of great importance, and I encourage you to expose what the perverts have planned for the children of America whenever you can.

I notice that you're intrigued by the marriage issue. While it is an important battle, why are you concentrating so much on that issue and not getting to the core of the problem: the recriminalization of of a behavior that was illegal for over 2,000 years?
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