Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I see your new fan has noticed there are so many children at gay pride parades yet manages to home in on same source material about them as you do aCW. (The guy in the flesh coloured trunks above could be seen wearing a Stetson in your picture.) :chuckle:
All I had to do was Google "children at Pride parades". :nono:

Here is the version you refer to, via Google images:



New member
We know that many children have been brought to these Pride parades as we seem them standing or being held in numerous images, and we know what is shown at said parades:

What has always perplexed me, is that if a group of academics or entrepreneurs or firefighters ever staged parades dressing and acting like this, they would all be arrested. Why not gays? :think:




New member
it wouldn't be propaganda if it was representative
It need not represent all gays or all of gay pride parades, to speak loudly of certain dangers. Some of us are parents, and are fearful for children (not due to parades, which we keep them away from, but due to a certain indoctrination in schools and in society. I am not speaking about being fair to gay people, and leaving them to their privacy: That I support roundly.)


New member
It need not represent all gays or all of gay pride parades, to speak loudly of certain dangers. Some of us are parents, and are fearful for children (not due to parades, which we keep them away from, but due to a certain indoctrination in schools and in society. I am not speaking about being fair to gay people, and leaving them to their privacy: That I support roundly.)

representing all gays is exactly what you wanted to do.
I for one have taken the Truong-Newton case to be a sign of what lies beneath the surface re gay male adoptions (Two gay men and a little boy - now what could go wrong?); albeit in a form of excess, I don't believe there was anything severely peculiar about these two gay men, as far as their interests went.

Yes, we will pay dearly not for leaving gays in peace - which I believe in, and had been their original plea - but for allowing them to become an aggressive and activist part of the broader agenda of immorality.

I like your Tee, brother.

Here only 2 small examples among thousands of children at gay pride parades:

at least be man enough to be honest about your motives


New member
representing all gays is exactly what you wanted to do.

at least be man enough to be honest about your motives
I might have over-stated on the Truong -Newton case. I do believe that they represent an extreme , but one existing on a continuum of feeling shared by gay males. Perhaps because I spent a great deal of time in a gay community of a certain notoriety, I 've come to believe that things are not as scrubbed and clean as the advocates would like to present, and want people to believe.

Just listen to the things Dan Savage will say about his marriage ("is it really adultery if I'm at one end of a guy, and he's at the other?" - this, while he is advocating for gay marriage.)

If I am wrong ; if my thinking is in excess, time will reveal it. (And if I were proven wrong, I would both admit it, and apologize for my error.)


New member
Here is something which I think it is important to post here, and on the marriage thread.

What is being done in this Italian district I think speaks to many in the US and elsewhere who have the same concern about an agenda being pushed in schools:

Lombardy rejects ‘gay marriage’ and gender propaganda in schools

MILAN – The Regional Council of Lombardy, which includes the city of Milan, has voted to approve a motion protecting “the natural family” and rejecting the imposition of “gender ideology” in schools.

The Lombardy region is the most populated and economically prosperous in Italy.

Motion 263 explicitly states that marriage is only between one man and one woman, establishes an annual celebration of the Day of the Natural Family for the region, and calls on the Regional Council to introduce the “Family Factor” as a criterion in determining taxes to “support active and passive income of Lombard families.”

Simone Pillon, head of the National Council Of Families Forum, called the motion “a decisive and forceful move to tell the world that Italy is not following this dictatorship of the LGBT lobby.”

“The fight against unfair discrimination cannot be translated into incitement to homosexuality,” Pillon said. “The text of the motion makes explicit reference to the many abuses perpetrated by the gay lobbies in the past few months.”

The motion states that “the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman is the natural institution, open to the transmission of life and is the only appropriate context in which can be met the needs of children.” It accepts “in extreme cases” adoption and single parent custody.

The motion quotes the third paragraph of article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, saying, “The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society, and as such has a right to protection by society and the State.”

“Much more than a mere juridical, social and economic [institution],” the motion continues, the family is “a community of affection and solidarity to teach and transmit cultural, ethical, social, spiritual and religious values, essential for the development and welfare of its members and society.” It is also the “place where different generations come together and help one another to grow in wisdom and to harmonize the rights of individuals with other demands of social life.”


I might have over-stated on the Truong -Newton case. I do believe that they represent an extreme , but one existing on a continuum of feeling shared by gay males.

Overstated? A good percentage of those that partake in homosexual behavior were molested themselves, why do you think that the Truong-Newton case was something that is extreme amongst homosexuals? Keep in mind that these degenerates molest the minds of children regularly (as shown in the posts where children are being subjected to nudity at pride parades and festivals like the Folsom Street Fair). Keep in mind that homosexual males destroyed the Boy Scouts of America and made the Catholic Church the brunt of many child molestation jokes.

So why on earth do you think that two perverts that adopted an innocent child and molested him are extreme and not a commonality amongst homosexuals?

Perhaps because I spent a great deal of time in a gay community of a certain notoriety...

If you don't mind me asking, are you an ex homosexual?


Here is something which I think it is important to post here, and on the marriage thread...

I did an entire segment on traditional marriage, emphasizing how invaluable it is to a society. I don't talk about homosexuals 'marrying' much because as I've mentioned many times before, it's just one aspect of the 'gay agenda'.

You can't defeat the cancer that is killing our society by dealing with only one aspect of it, you have to cut it out at the core in order for the body to survive.

Recriminalizing homosexuality and changing our cultural mores' is a step in the right direction that very well might save our once Christian nation.


I did an entire segment on traditional marriage, emphasizing how invaluable it is to a society. I don't talk about homosexuals 'marrying' much because as I've mentioned many times before, it's just one aspect of the 'gay agenda'.

You can't defeat the cancer that is killing our society by dealing with only one aspect of it, you have to cut it out at the core in order for the body to survive.

Recriminalizing homosexuality and changing our cultural mores' is a step in the right direction that very well might save our once Christian nation.

You know I hear a lot about the unpopular gay agenda; and I don't think it has made any progress from being an upperclass disease.


New member
Overstated? A good percentage of those that partake in homosexual behavior were molested themselves,

What percentage?

how does that compare to heterosexuals who were molested as children?

evidence that this is a factor in the development of sexual orientation?

I've lost track of how many times you have been asked for supporting evidence and not once have you been honest enough to provide any

why do you think that the Truong-Newton case was something that is extreme amongst homosexuals? Keep in mind that these degenerates molest the minds of children regularly (as shown in the posts where children are being subjected to nudity at pride parades and festivals like the Folsom Street Fair).
you mean the guy in the vaguely flesh colored tights?

Since you have a long history of posting photo shopped pictures I have to wonder if this isn't another one of those

Keep in mind that homosexual males destroyed the Boy Scouts of America and made the Catholic Church the brunt of many child molestation jokes.

So why on earth do you think that two perverts that adopted an innocent child and molested him are extreme and not a commonality amongst homosexuals?




obviously it is common for heterosexuals to molest adopted children


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Overstated? A good percentage of those that partake in homosexual behavior were molested themselves,

What percentage?

how does that compare to heterosexuals who were molested as children?

evidence that this is a factor in the development of sexual orientation?

While I dedicated an entire segment to this topic

here's a link backing it.

I'd be interested to hear what you believe causes homosexual desires Traci.

I've lost track of how many times you have been asked for supporting evidence and not once have you been honest enough to provide any

You should see a doctor for that Traci, as you might be in the Tertiary stage with your memory loss and all.

why do you think that the Truong-Newton case was something that is extreme amongst homosexuals? Keep in mind that these degenerates molest the minds of children regularly (as shown in the posts where children are being subjected to nudity at pride parades and festivals like the Folsom Street Fair).

you mean the guy in the vaguely flesh colored tights?

Since you have a long history of posting photo shopped pictures I have to wonder if this isn't another one of those

I think it was that evil Family Research Council once again trying to make homosexuals look bad.

Keep in mind that homosexual males destroyed the Boy Scouts of America and made the Catholic Church the brunt of many child molestation jokes.

So why on earth do you think that two perverts that adopted an innocent child and molested him are extreme and not a commonality amongst homosexuals?

obviously it is common for heterosexuals to molest adopted children

What should be done by adoption officials Traci, so that these innocent children aren't placed in the custody of perverts?

Maybe adoptive parents Dan Savage and Terry Miller should be a model for officials to follow?



New member
Overstated? A good percentage of those that partake in homosexual behavior were molested themselves, why do you think that the Truong-Newton case was something that is extreme amongst homosexuals? Keep in mind that these degenerates molest the minds of children regularly (as shown in the posts where children are being subjected to nudity at pride parades and festivals like the Folsom Street Fair). Keep in mind that homosexual males destroyed the Boy Scouts of America and made the Catholic Church the brunt of many child molestation jokes.

So why on earth do you think that two perverts that adopted an innocent child and molested him are extreme and not a commonality amongst homosexuals?

If you don't mind me asking, are you an ex homosexual?
Well, because they keep saying I am wrong about Truong-Newton being a prototype , so I softened my stance so as not to appear an extremist. I went from saying they were an extreme of what lies just beneath the surface in most gay males, to saying they are an extreme end of a continuum of gay male sensibility.

No, I do not mind you asking, and no, I am not an ex-homosexual- I spent a lot of time in Provincetown, MA (gay community) because I had family there.


New member
Yes, it certainly does happen. What was different about the Truong-Newton case is that you had two gay male partners and their friends all reinforcing each other and all molesting the adopted boy. The couple worked in concert with each other, and with their network of gay, male friends. There was a prevailing ideology that they all shared.
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New member
I did an entire segment on traditional marriage, emphasizing how invaluable it is to a society. I don't talk about homosexuals 'marrying' much because as I've mentioned many times before, it's just one aspect of the 'gay agenda'.

You can't defeat the cancer that is killing our society by dealing with only one aspect of it, you have to cut it out at the core in order for the body to survive.

Recriminalizing homosexuality and changing our cultural mores' is a step in the right direction that very well might save our once Christian nation.
How likely is this to become a reality (failing total war/economic collapse and a complete regrouping of the social structure and/or a sudden spread of disease by the gay population)?

There has not even been a backlash against same-sex marriage, with many Republicans and Libertarians giving it the wink and nod. Even when I go on Catholic forums and someone complains about their primary school child being taught about 2 women marrying and adopting a baby, the general consensus is that that is fine, the child must learn about diversity.

Under our current conditions (still an affluent society with lots of academia-bias and media influence not to mention the entertainment industry and the influencing power of the APA) what you are proposing seems to me to be at this present juncture absolutely unattainable. Please enlighten me about how this drastic change might occur or what you propose to do about politicians who are spineless and go with the flow of whatever is culturally popular.

I highly respect your unwavering determination but it must align with reality.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I did an entire segment on traditional marriage, emphasizing how invaluable it is to a society. I don't talk about homosexuals 'marrying' much because as I've mentioned many times before, it's just one aspect of the 'gay agenda'.

You can't defeat the cancer that is killing our society by dealing with only one aspect of it, you have to cut it out at the core in order for the body to survive.

Recriminalizing homosexuality and changing our cultural mores' is a step in the right direction that very well might save our once Christian nation.

How likely is this to become a reality (failing total war/economic collapse and a complete regrouping of the social structure and/or a sudden spread of disease by the gay population)?

There has not even been a backlash against same-sex marriage, with many Republicans and Libertarians giving it the wink and nod. Even when I go on Catholic forums and someone complains about their primary school child being taught about 2 women marrying and adopting a baby, the general consensus is that that is fine, the child must learn about diversity.

Under our current conditions (still an affluent society with lots of academia-bias and media influence not to mention the entertainment industry and the influencing power of the APA) what you are proposing seems to me to be at this present juncture absolutely unattainable. Please enlighten me about how this drastic change might occur or what you propose to do about politicians who are spineless and go with the flow of whatever is culturally popular.

I highly respect your unwavering determination but it must align with reality.

So knowing what harm homosexuality does to the individual engaging in it and knowing what harm the homosexual agenda has done to western civilization, you're going to sit back and do absolutely nothing about it?

I opened this 3 part thread with this quote:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke

If a person knows that evil exists and does absolutely nothing about it, can that person call himself a man? I think not, as being a man, amongst other things requires courage in the face of adversity.

Perhaps you have an underlying problem with recriminalization fearing that a close friend or relative will be effected by it?

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
-- Jewish Proverb
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