Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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I highly recommend that you review the table of contents for the first two threads, posted on page 1 of Part 2.

If you think that this cancer that is consuming an entire body can be stopped by only dealing with one area (a very important one, the institution of marriage, but only one area nonetheless), you're gravely mistaken.

I look forward to more conversation with you after you've reviewed the 3 part thread.


Just wanted to add (because I can see by the sheer volume of the material, it is going to be slow, slow going in terms of catching up) that I am very familiar with Peter LaBarbara and AFTAH, and have had online contact with him in the past. I have followed his writings for years, and am aware of his photo documentation of the Folsom St. Fair in San Francisco.

Additionally, I have read much of the writings of Fischer, Tammy Bruce, Matt Barber , et al. - I am also aware of the Peter Truong/Mark Newton/NAMBLA case, of the writings of Dan Savage, and have viewed the film "Cruising" in addition to having read Edmund White's "States of Desire".

I am aware of the scope and the dangers of the agenda, but what can conceivably be done at this late date (from 1969 Stonewall to 2014?) and post- Lawrence v Texas? And with the same-sex marriage agenda having bulldozed it's way into the hearts and minds of the masses, and of federal judges?


I only read the "All the gay parenting studies are flawed" For a site called the American thinker it seems very little thinking is going on.

the author claims that if a study is authored by or has n some way a contribution by a homosexual then that study is biased and useless. (he doesn't even try to hide the double standard he uses to say that naturally heterosexuals could not be biased)
He mentions a prominent researcher and bemoans the fact she is a lesbian and her longitudinal and in depth studies are therefor biased. Naturally he can not point to any actual bias in her research, he just makes the accusation.

Ultimately what the author says is that he wants to believe that gay/lesbian parents are not good parents and harm children and that he doesn't care what any research shows. if a study doesn't support his view then it is biased.

Thinking at it's very best :first:

I was hoping that you'd read the details of this article and explain to the readers of this thread how a real (i.e. pro homosexual) study should be done Traci.



Just wanted to add (because I can see by the sheer volume of the material, it is going to be slow, slow going in terms of catching up) that I am very familiar with Peter LaBarbara and AFTAH, and have had online contact with him in the past. I have followed his writings for years, and am aware of his photo documentation of the Folsom St. Fair in San Francisco.

Additionally, I have read much of the writings of Fischer, Tammy Bruce, Matt Barber , et al. - I am also aware of the Peter Truong/Mark Newton/NAMBLA case, of the writings of Dan Savage, and have viewed the film "Cruising" in addition to having read Edmund White's "States of Desire".

I am aware of the scope and the dangers of the agenda, but what can conceivably be done at this late date (from 1969 Stonewall to 2014?) and post- Lawrence v Texas? And with the same-sex marriage agenda having bulldozed it's way into the hearts and minds of the masses, and of federal judges?

It appears that you're quite familiar with this aspect of the culture war. Keep in mind that we're not dealing solely with homosexuality, but with the sexual anarchy movement as a whole (but we'll have to deal with one aspect of the sexual anarchy movement at a time; currently homosexuality is at the forefront of the culture war).

What can be done at this late stage? Short of a bloody revolution, counteract what the sexual anarchists have done to get where they are today, but use the same resources:

*Educate the populace about the homosexual lifestyle and it's agenda. The lamesteam media won't tell the truth, so it's up to us to do so.

*Become politically active and vote people into public office who aren't afraid to talk about important social issues. Once they've been elected, don't sit back feeling comfortable that they'll do the right thing, let them know if they aren't.


New member
It appears that you're quite familiar with this aspect of the culture war. Keep in mind that we're not dealing solely with homosexuality, but with the sexual anarchy movement as a whole (but we'll have to deal with one aspect of the sexual anarchy movement at a time; currently homosexuality is at the forefront of the culture war).

What can be done at this late stage? Short of a bloody revolution, counteract what the sexual anarchists have done to get where they are today, but use the same resources:

*Educate the populace about the homosexual lifestyle and it's agenda. The lamesteam media won't tell the truth, so it's up to us to do so.

*Become politically active and vote people into public office who aren't afraid to talk about important social issues. Once they've been elected, don't sit back feeling comfortable that they'll do the right thing, let them know if they aren't.
Yes, I am aware of, and would agree that, the gay agenda is secondary: only symptom, consequence, and incident of the larger and primary sexual/moral anarchy movement.

It is true that the truth must continue to be told, albeit to a small audience as the MSM is watched by most.

And we have seen what politicians are wont to do: Shift with whichever way the mainstream winds are blowing. So even voting them in and letting them know when they have backslid is not likely to do much.

I often wonder if a totally collapsed economy or total war or a come-back of disease would accomplish a reversal..........especially since all is now on a global scale.

( addendum: Are you familiar with Mass Resistance and their website?)
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New member

Just wanted to add (because I can see by the sheer volume of the material, it is going to be slow, slow going in terms of catching up) that I am very familiar with Peter LaBarbara and AFTAH, and have had online contact with him in the past. I have followed his writings for years, and am aware of his photo documentation of the Folsom St. Fair in San Francisco.

Additionally, I have read much of the writings of Fischer, Tammy Bruce, Matt Barber , et al. - I am also aware of the Peter Truong/Mark Newton/NAMBLA case, of the writings of Dan Savage, and have viewed the film "Cruising" in addition to having read Edmund White's "States of Desire".

I am aware of the scope and the dangers of the agenda, but what can conceivably be done at this late date (from 1969 Stonewall to 2014?) and post- Lawrence v Texas? And with the same-sex marriage agenda having bulldozed it's way into the hearts and minds of the masses, and of federal judges?

yeah it's a mythical agenda and not the fact that those darn federal judges have read the constitution :dunce:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I was hoping that you'd read the details of this article and explain to the readers of this thread how a real (i.e. pro homosexual) study should be done Traci.

don't know what you mean. the study results are clear, it's not being gay that is the problem it is having to endure hate and discrimination

So all of those that partook in homosexual behavior that died of AIDS and various other causes in San Francisco in 1985 that were overwhelmingly in their 30's were enduring hatred and discrimination?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that you're quite familiar with this aspect of the culture war. Keep in mind that we're not dealing solely with homosexuality, but with the sexual anarchy movement as a whole (but we'll have to deal with one aspect of the sexual anarchy movement at a time; currently homosexuality is at the forefront of the culture war).

What can be done at this late stage? Short of a bloody revolution, counteract what the sexual anarchists have done to get where they are today, but use the same resources:

*Educate the populace about the homosexual lifestyle and it's agenda. The lamesteam media won't tell the truth, so it's up to us to do so.

*Become politically active and vote people into public office who aren't afraid to talk about important social issues. Once they've been elected, don't sit back feeling comfortable that they'll do the right thing, let them know if they aren't.

Yes, I am aware of, and would agree that, the gay agenda is secondary: only symptom, consequence, and incident of the larger and primary sexual/moral anarchy movement.

It is true that the truth must continue to be told, albeit to a small audience as the MSM is watched by most.

And we have seen what politicians are wont to do: Shift with whichever way the mainstream winds are blowing. So even voting them in and letting them know when they have backslid is not likely to do much.


I often wonder if a totally collapsed economy or total war or a come-back of disease would accomplish a reversal..........especially since all is now on a global scale.
( addendum: Are you familiar with Mass Resistance and their website?)



New member
So all of those that partook in homosexual behavior that died of AIDS and various other causes in San Francisco in 1985 that were overwhelmingly in their 30's were enduring hatred and discrimination?
the study results are clear, it's not being gay that is the problem it is having to endure hate and discrimination


New member
From a purely secular point of view Al, anyone with one living brain cell that has been following this thread can see that those who engage in homosexual behavior are more prone to disease and early death (I'm not done with the B.A.R. obituaries by the way).
Anyone who believes your spin might well think that all of life's ills were directly because of homosexuals.:rolleyes:
You might be slightly more credible aCW if you at least made a gesture toward balance and fairness, but sadly you don't even try.

We've also seen since homosexuality was decriminalized that those same people have organized into an extremely powerful movement backed by multi national corporations and governments. As shown throughout the 3 part thread the homosexual movement has made children a huge part of their agenda.
I'm not particularly interested to revisit the details you like to provide but clearly there is no evidence that homosexuals are intrinsically abusers of children any more than heterosexuals. You simply won't accept that some young people will simply discover that they are gay and will suddenly be confronted by social rejection. It gets your goat that gay organisations exist and quite naturally want to help young people in that situation. Your attempts to associate all gay organisations with child abuse is simply part of how you choose to mislead and spin, that's your agenda.

So you see Al, those examples where I showed homosexuals preying on young boys (and in some cases girls), isn't anything out of the ordinary for those that proudly identify with the homosexual movement. Need I show more pictures of children being exposed to a gay pride parades, while public officials do nothing?
Again you have no personal credibility as an honest broker aCW we can both find selected miscreants to suit. Your attempted expose of typical behaviour in gay parades was typically dubious and disingenuous to say the least.

I like that word Al: "Obedient". If you truly love God you'll be obedient to His Word.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that you're quite familiar with this aspect of the culture war. Keep in mind that we're not dealing solely with homosexuality, but with the sexual anarchy movement as a whole (but we'll have to deal with one aspect of the sexual anarchy movement at a time; currently homosexuality is at the forefront of the culture war).

What can be done at this late stage? Short of a bloody revolution, counteract what the sexual anarchists have done to get where they are today, but use the same resources:

*Educate the populace about the homosexual lifestyle and it's agenda. The lamesteam media won't tell the truth, so it's up to us to do so.

*Become politically active and vote people into public office who aren't afraid to talk about important social issues. Once they've been elected, don't sit back feeling comfortable that they'll do the right thing, let them know if they aren't.


Thanks very kindly.


New member
300 Articles You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

Many of these articles were discussed in my 3 part thread.
Thanks muchly for this.

My suspicions were aroused in the past concerning the honesty of the gay agenda when I read a detailed account about how Prop 8 supporters in CA had had their cars and stairs urinated on, spat on, etc. Also, the amount of hate crimes against LGBTQ which wound up being hoaxes conducted by the "victims" themselves. Once more thanks kindly for this comprehensive list of links.


New member
Posted this on the marriage thread as well:

WaPo bias: Children of gay couples are “happier, healthier”
Cherry-picking and twisting research to say what you want to believe

The gay family with kids as Leave It To Beaver is a constant throbbing drumbeat, kept alive through media bias and editorial cherry-picking.

Today’s WaPo headline reads “Children of same-sex couples are happier and healthier than peers, research shows” and the lede is:

Children of same-sex couples fare better when it comes to physical health and social well-being than children in the general population, according to researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Except that the study isn’t about healthier or happier children at all.

[. . . ]There’s no evidence? A study based on a self-selected population of same-sex parents who likely have an agenda to show that their kids are all-stars, focusing on stigma is not going to have a foregone conclusion?

The study doesn’t show or prove anything about children of same-sex couples other than a Leave It To Beaver family sample shows kids doing well. It doesn’t look at broken families, children in traditional families where a parent left for a gay lover, or any of the more negative situations which damage children.



The study doesn’t show or prove anything about children of same-sex couples other than a Leave It To Beaver family sample shows kids doing well. It doesn’t look at broken families, children in traditional families where a parent left for a gay lover, or any of the more negative situations which damage children.

I had a segment in part 2 dedicated solely to what happens to children that are adopted by homosexuals.

Aside from the risk factor of being physically molested, the major concern is that those innocent and impressionable children will be taught that this particular sexual perversion is perfectly normal.

A week ago Sunday was the annual march of the moral degenerates in downtown Seattle (some people call it a "gay pride parade"). While I have yet to attend one (I don't think I could keep my cool watching all of the perversion going on in front of innocent children and absolutely nothing being done about it), I was a few blocks away wearing my new shirt.


The one thing that I noticed yet again about the people going to the parade was how young they were. Aside from the infants, toddlers and chlidren being taken to the parade by their homosexual 'parents' and liberal heterosexual parents, or their homosexual aunts and uncles, there was an exorbitant amount of teens.

We as a society are creating moral zombies, and we'll pay for it further down the road.


New member
I had a segment in part 2 dedicated solely to what happens to children that are adopted by homosexuals.

Aside from the risk factor of being physically molested, the major concern is that those innocent and impressionable children will be taught that this particular sexual perversion is perfectly normal.

A week ago Sunday was the annual march of the moral degenerates in downtown Seattle (some people call it a "gay pride parade"). While I have yet to attend one (I don't think I could keep my cool watching all of the perversion going on in front of innocent children and absolutely nothing being done about it), I was a few blocks away wearing my new shirt.


The one thing that I noticed yet again about the people going to the parade was how young they were. Aside from the infants, toddlers and chlidren being taken to the parade by their homosexual 'parents' and liberal heterosexual parents, or their homosexual aunts and uncles, there was an exorbitant amount of teens.

We as a society are creating moral zombies, and we'll pay for it further down the road.
I will look for that section. I for one have taken the Truong-Newton case to be a sign of what lies beneath the surface re gay male adoptions (Two gay men and a little boy - now what could go wrong?); albeit in a form of excess, I don't believe there was anything severely peculiar about these two gay men, as far as their interests went.

Yes, we will pay dearly not for leaving gays in peace - which I believe in, and had been their original plea - but for allowing them to become an aggressive and activist part of the broader agenda of immorality.

I like your Tee, brother.

Here only 2 small examples among thousands of children at gay pride parades:




New member
You're welcome.
I see your new fan has noticed there are so many children at gay pride parades yet manages to home in on same source material about them as you do aCW. (The guy in the flesh coloured trunks above could be seen wearing a Stetson in your picture.) :chuckle:
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