Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course it's a choice Al; it's really too bad that you didn't choose the sexual orientation that starts with the letters "h-e-t-e-r-o".

So when did you "choose" to be whatever sexual orientation you are?

Shortly after the "all girls are icky" stage of a little boy's life. I think I was around 7 or 8 when I had my first crush on a girl.

But keep in mind Art, that I wasn't molested as a child; I had a dad that fulfilled the masculine role in my life; I didn't have an overbearing mother, etc. etc. etc.

Also keep in mind Art that "experimenting" with different kinds of sex wasn't popular when I was a teen and that the people perverts in the video below would have been in jail (and righteously so) if they gave that kind of advice to teenagers.

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It seems even public health and safety, the safety of pregnant women and children, do not carry weight against the political correctness crowd and their rainbow mania.

Homosexuals live a 'deathstyle', why not share it with others through tainted blood?


New member
The Planned Parenthood video is deeply disturbing, but not really a surprise. It is the natural and necessary consequence of the sexual revolution, feminism, pornography, gay rights, etc.

If you are going to have a culture where revisionism holds sway, marriage, chastity, and fidelity are regulated to the past, fatherhood becomes unimportant, and freedom of the individual becomes supreme, sex is going to become something different than the act of procreation within marriage. All the doors are flung open now. This is postmodernism.


New member
Peter LaBarbera has an essay on the falseness of gay masculinity, something which I had always detected, and now he notes this openly.

For LaBarbera, gay males are a kind of anemic, pre-manhood hiding behind muscles, steroids, leather, and drugs.

LeBarbara calls this a "masculinity crisis".

I believe he is right, and that it has it's etiology in feminism and the damage done to boys' upbringings and the male ego in the '60s and '70s.

Says LaBarbera:

Homosexual “leathermen” urinate on and in each other as a “sex” act (they call it “watersports”). They live in twisted “master-slave” relationships. They insert their hand and forearm into the rectum and lower intestines of their “partner”–for sexual pleasure: a Chicago male homosexual “fisting” club–MAFIA, the Mid America Fists in Action–had a booth at IML [not joking here]. Check out this medical article on a surgical procedure to repair a perforation in a homosexual man’s sigmoid colon resulting from an anal “fisting” episode. The array of perversions–now including mock bestiality through animal role-playing–is too long to cover here.

Animal role-playing is among the perversions celebrated at International Mr. Leather and the "kink" movement that enjoys acceptance under the LGBT umbrella. This is the cover of a Chicago "gay" publication.


And yet, though this “leather community” is fully accepted within the larger “LGBT” umbrella–there is even a black-and-blue “Leather Pride” flag–such depravities go largely uncriticized courtesy of the New Tolerance. They are not part of the larger debate, which focuses incessantly on “marriage equality” and “rights.” The latest “gay” cop out is to claim that all these BDSM deviancies are now also practiced by straights–true, technically, but who could deny that they originated among homosexuals, who are all too happy to see their perversions spread in the culture? And there is nothing in the “straight” world approaching the sheer, prodigious evil of IML, or the annual San Francisco “Folsom Street Fair,” both of which have their roots in “gay liberation.”

A free discussion of homosexuality, unshackled by political correctness, would analyze the many manifestations of the “gay” male’s manhood crisis–from the historic linkage between transvestism and homosexuality; to the body-building narcissism; to the many “daddy-boy” relationships fulfilling the homosexual man’s search for a father figure; to the comical yet tragic “macho” play-acting of the “leather” crowd.



LaBarbera asks, "Is this manhood? Or is this a masculinity crisis?"
And his question is both compassionate and poignant.

another fan of Porno Pete. the guy spends his time sneaking into gay bars and events and drooling over his massive collection of gay porn...yeah little Pete is an expert on masculinity all right.

what' really funny here is that you are so desperate to justify your own prejudice that you are willing to cut and paste junk form this pervert


New member
If that quote is indeed from Ryan Sorba, he forgot a very important word in there:

a deadly hobby.

(Traci is going on a lisp rant over Ryan Sorba now. I guess he tired of his lisp rant of Paul Cameron).

Speaking of the gay gene hoax Traci:

What are your thoughts on what causes homosexual desires?

how is your pal Cameron? he still hiding in janitor closets at convention centers so he can claim he presented his latest paper at a prestigious professional conference?


New member
another fan of Porno Pete. the guy spends his time sneaking into gay bars and events and drooling over his massive collection of gay porn...yeah little Pete is an expert on masculinity all right.

what' really funny here is that you are so desperate to justify your own prejudice that you are willing to cut and paste junk form this pervert
This "junk" was not created by this "pervert". It was created by a group of gay males.
I think LaBarbera's analysis is a good one.
I would rather live life as a LaBarbera than as a leather boy.


New member
This "junk" was not created by this "pervert". It was created by a group of gay males.
I think LaBarbera's analysis is a good one.
I would rather live life as a LaBarbera than as a leather boy.

if you spend your days sneaking into gay bars and brag that you have one of the world's Largent collections of pornography then yeah you are a perv


New member
if you spend your days sneaking into gay bars and brag that you have one of the world's Largent collections of pornography then yeah you are a perv
Is LaBarbera doing this to engage in pornography, or to show the public something? If he is doing it for a thrill, why not keep it secret? And who is supplying him with this material, if not the gay community? :think:


The Planned Parenthood video is deeply disturbing, but not really a surprise. It is the natural and necessary consequence of the sexual revolution, feminism, pornography, gay rights, etc.

Well said, i.e. "do your own thing".

If you are going to have a culture where revisionism holds sway, marriage, chastity, and fidelity are regulated to the past, fatherhood becomes unimportant, and freedom of the individual becomes supreme, sex is going to become something different than the act of procreation within marriage. All the doors are flung open now. This is postmodernism.

Bryan Fischer wrote an excellent article on marriage, showing the 3 main components of it:


backing it up with Holy Scripture.

"Same-sex "marriage" does not, indeed cannot, fulfill even a single one of these three purposes."

May 28, 2014

Purposes of marriage: same-sex "marriage" strikes out



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If that quote is indeed from Ryan Sorba, he forgot a very important word in there:

a deadly hobby.

(Traci is going on a lisp rant over Ryan Sorba now. I guess he tired of his lisp rant of Paul Cameron).

Speaking of the gay gene hoax Traci:

What are your thoughts on what causes homosexual desires?

how is your pal Cameron? he still hiding in janitor closets at convention centers so he can claim he presented his latest paper at a prestigious professional conference?

Speaking of closets Traci, when are you going to come out of yours?
(Practice saying: "We're here, we're queer, get used to it!" and you'll feel better about your perversion).

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you:

What are your thoughts on what causes homosexual desires?


Originally Posted by TracerBullet
if you spend your days sneaking into gay bars and brag that you have one of the world's Largent collections of pornography then yeah you are a perv

Is LaBarbera doing this to engage in pornography, or to show the public something? If he is doing it for a thrill, why not keep it secret? And who is supplying him with this material, if not the gay community?

Exposing the perversion that goes on amongst those that practice homosexual behavior isn't popular with the sodomites GFR7, hence the nickname they've given Peter LaBarbera: "Porno Pete". Looking back throughout the 3 part thread you'll see that numerous homosexualists have used the same tactics against me (I must be doing something right).
Be prepared for the same, as they'll use any tactic they can to smear the person sharing the truth about this absolutely filthy-disease ridden behavior.


New member
Of course it's a choice Al; it's really too bad that you didn't choose the sexual orientation that starts with the letters "h-e-t-e-r-o".
I didn't have to aCW, it chose me.
For you however it seems that you get to choose either way, but unfortunately as a fundie Christian I tend to suspect that your options were rather made for you by your peers and religion?
It must be so frustrating for you with only all this web trawling you do and the pretence at being a cultural warrior as cover for the only outlet you have for your "dark side" perhaps?


New member
Originally Posted by TracerBullet
if you spend your days sneaking into gay bars and brag that you have one of the world's Largent collections of pornography then yeah you are a perv

Exposing the perversion that goes on amongst those that practice homosexual behavior isn't popular with the sodomites GFR7, hence the nickname they've given Peter LaBarbera: "Porno Pete". Looking back throughout the 3 part thread you'll see that numerous homosexualists have used the same tactics against me (I must be doing something right).
Be prepared for the same, as they'll use any tactic they can to smear the person sharing the truth about this absolutely filthy-disease ridden behavior.
Well, they should know that such ad hominem attacks are not philosophically or logically sound.

If they feel the porn which is being exposed is not so bad, they ought to defend it.

Yes, you must be doing something right.....:cool:


New member
People are starting to see the intolerance of homosexuals with lawsuits against Christian bakers, florists and innkeepers. However they're not seeing the entire picture, nor do they have a remedy for this insanity that we're seeing.

We can tolerate the intolerance of homosexuals toward Christian bakers.

What we cannot survive is the tolerance of mass murder through
mass abortion 'on demand' and simultaneous destruction of moral values
by the Mad LGBT Maxes who are now in control of:

(1) The Political Infrastructure, backed by uber-rich homosexual racist/eugenicist murderers.
(2) The Court Systems, backed by a massive secret cabal of homosexual lawyers.
(3) The 'Educational' System, controlled by a Socialist/Atheist/Communist
group who run the largest pedophile Uber-system the world has ever known.

Until you wake up and realize that "Organized Crime"
really consists of these ideologically obsessed power-mad lunatics,
there can be no 'winning' of this war.

These people need to be rounded up by independent militia,
paramilitary groups, and vigilantes,
and executed and buried with bulldozers,
as per O.T. Law code.

When that war starts, there will be a chance for change.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I've always assumed that aCW and Nazaroo were the same person

They are not.

Nazaroo and I have been on good terms, while aCW believes I'm a pervert who should be locked up.

Nazaroo is anti-war while aCW wants to bomb more Muslims.

Nazaroo, IIRC, is an actual theonomist while aCW likes to mix their ideology with neocon ideology and fascist ideology.

And so forth...


We can tolerate the intolerance of homosexuals toward Christian bakers.

What we cannot survive is the tolerance of mass murder through
mass abortion 'on demand' and simultaneous destruction of moral values
by the Mad LGBT Maxes who are now in control of:

(1) The Political Infrastructure, backed by uber-rich homosexual racist/eugenicist murderers.
(2) The Court Systems, backed by a massive secret cabal of homosexual lawyers.
(3) The 'Educational' System, controlled by a Socialist/Atheist/Communist
group who run the largest pedophile Uber-system the world has ever known.

Until you wake up and realize that "Organized Crime"
really consists of these ideologically obsessed power-mad lunatics,
there can be no 'winning' of this war.

These people need to be rounded up by independent militia,
paramilitary groups, and vigilantes,
and executed and buried with bulldozers,
as per O.T. Law code.

When that war starts, there will be a chance for change.
It takes only one more republican president in 2020, and disaster will strike them. ACW is unaware of this.


New member
We can tolerate the intolerance of homosexuals toward Christian bakers.

What we cannot survive is the tolerance of mass murder through
mass abortion 'on demand' and simultaneous destruction of moral values
by the Mad LGBT Maxes who are now in control of:

(1) The Political Infrastructure, backed by uber-rich homosexual racist/eugenicist murderers.
(2) The Court Systems, backed by a massive secret cabal of homosexual lawyers.
(3) The 'Educational' System, controlled by a Socialist/Atheist/Communist
group who run the largest pedophile Uber-system the world has ever known.

you forgot to mention the alien mind control satellites
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