Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
aCW seems to be afraid of the idea of executing homos,
because obviously a few Roman Catholic 'priests' might have to be included.

Those who are truly and impartially against homos will have no problem
however agreeing with Muslims on the issue of executing homos,
just as we already execute murderers now, and also muslim terrorists.
Good grief, is aCW a Catholic, then? :plain:


New member
We need to try and pair a few Christians with Lions again. I see how that practice caught on.

What's coming shortly will be far more entertaining.

When unrepentant atheists and other jerks are thrown into the Lake of Fire.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I didn't read the article GFR7/Scot, but looking at the subject title it sounds like that particular pastor (who obviously doesn't preach repentance) would be better suited if he gave himself another title:


aCW seems to be afraid of the idea of executing homos,..

Execute away Naz.
Firing squad, hanging or lethal injection? (I bet you're the kind that would want to stone these sexually confused kids to death).


Once again: Jesus repealed the penalty phase against homosexuality (there is a reason why Christian legislators rarely imposed the death penalty on acts of homosexuality, and I'm thinking because they understood Scripture better than you).

That's not to say if someone who engages in homosexual behavior is found guilty of a capital offense that the ultimate penalty shouldn't be carried out (purposely spreading a deadly incurable disease; molesting a child, etc.).

Recriminalizing homosexuality would amongst other things put a stop to the widespread of AIDS.


New member
Execute away Naz.
Firing squad, hanging or lethal injection? (I bet you're the kind that would want to stone these sexually confused kids to death).

Once again: Jesus repealed the penalty phase against homosexuality (there is a reason why Christian legislators rarely imposed the death penalty on acts of homosexuality, and I'm thinking because they understood Scripture better than you).

(1) Lets be clear that having a sinful desire is sinful,
but does not constitute a punishable death penalty offence
under the Torah,
unless a person acts on their sinful desire, and an abominable act is committed.

The Torah permits only a limited authority to enforce the law,
against overt acts which are forbidden and condemned.

The Torah does not permit anyone to kill anyone if they have not
committed one of the forbidden acts listed as death-penalty abominations.

The Torah does not give authority to punish sinful thoughts,
nor any means to test for them,
although it DOES forbid them (10th commandment) and
demand that people avoid sinful thoughts, clearly denoting them as sin.

(2) You on the other hand, like most confused modern Christians,
especially Roman Catholics who don't really study or understand the
authoritative Holy Scriptures, think that somehow Christ had the power to,
and somehow actually did, change the Law of God itself.

Any claims about Holy Scripture or any kind of repealing of the Law of God,
must be clearly and compellingly proven using the Holy Scriptures themselves.

You have made an incredible, ridiculous claim about Holy Scripture:

"Jesus repealed the penalty phase against homosexuality" - aCW

What are you even talking about?

(1) As far as Holy Scripture is concerned,
there never was a 'penalty phase' for mere homosexuality,
if by that you mean homosexual thoughts.

(2) Only homosexual acts such as sodomy were condemned by the death penalty,
and the penalty was certain death.
There are no other penalties for homosexual acts like sodomy.

Now in the next breath you back-pedal and allow a penalty for homosexual acts,
but without any authority whatever, sidestep the Death Penalty.
What do you think you are doing?

That's not to say if someone who engages in homosexual behavior is found guilty of a capital offense that the ultimate penalty shouldn't be carried out (purposely spreading a deadly incurable disease; molesting a child, etc.).
Try to follow this simple logic:

(1) Sodomy is a death penalty offence.

(2) THEREFORE, sodomizing a child or anally raping ANYONE is a death penalty offence.

There are no other alternatives,
and nothing in the ENTIRE New Testament suggests
that either sodomy is now legal, or that the death penalty for sodomy
has been revoked.

Recriminalizing homosexuality would amongst other things put a stop to the widespread of AIDS.
This is an unsubstantiated medical claim. Perhaps even a prophetic one.

But again, there is nothing in the Bible to support it.

The rampant plagues that killed thousands of Israelites in the Old Testament
were not because of homosexuality per se, but because of promiscuity,
mainly heterosexual sex outside of legal bounds,
bounds of tribe, and bounds of marriage.

That is, Israelites were struck down and killed by God,
for engaging in extramarital sex with non-Israelites.

Read your Bible, and get back to me.

I suggest you avoid consulting a 'priest', since they are total idiots.


New member
So you've basically disproven your own point. Neither term applies to homosexuality any more than heterosexuality. I wouldn't even call Christianity a "culture" or "lifestyle" despite the terms being substantially more applicable there than to SO.
the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group:
Still just disproving your own claim.

Yes! We're all followers of Christ and we do our very best to live by the guidelines that He gives us in Holy Scripture.
You're also obligated to adhere to the law of the land I believe so you better go hand yourself in for murder.

I don't think I've even contested any of your sources yet....
Because you can't.
Because I haven't had to. Your own sources support my points... I honestly don't know if you're just mentally deficient or dishonest or both. Do you have any diagnosed mental health issues? I assume OCD at least.

Regarding being molested: That usually falls under the behavior that you identify with.
Ah, I thought you probably were. I guess that explains where all your hatred comes from. A shame you can't look past that and actually care about the truth now you're an adult however, rather than lashing out at the mischaracterised demons of your childhood trauma.

Homosexuality is a perversion (you won't hear mental health organizations saying that these days
Yes, they don't tend to use need to use meaningless words with unjustified negative connotations as much as people like you do.

The fact is that God gave us free will to change,
As I said, prove that your invisible bigot exists. You won't even dare to try because you know your life is a lie and don't want to admit it or have it scrutinised.

thousands upon thousands of men and women that have engaged in homosexual behavior have changed.
So present the study which confirms this, rather than simply lying about it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Execute away Naz.
Firing squad, hanging or lethal injection? (I bet you're the kind that would want to stone these sexually confused kids to death).

Once again: Jesus repealed the penalty phase against homosexuality (there is a reason why Christian legislators rarely imposed the death penalty on acts of homosexuality, and I'm thinking because they understood Scripture better than you).

(1) Lets be clear that having a sinful desire is sinful,
but does not constitute a punishable death penalty offence
under the Torah,
unless a person acts on their sinful desire, and an abominable act is committed.

The Torah permits only a limited authority to enforce the law,
against overt acts which are forbidden and condemned.

The Torah does not permit anyone to kill anyone if they have not
committed one of the forbidden acts listed as death-penalty abominations.

The Torah does not give authority to punish sinful thoughts,
nor any means to test for them,
although it DOES forbid them (10th commandment) and
demand that people avoid sinful thoughts, clearly denoting them as sin.

You didn't answer my question Naz: Instead of giving those children who are sexually confused the opportunity to repent, are you going to execute them by firing squad, hanging or lethal injection?

My bad, Torah law says that they should be stoned.


If the penalty phase didn't change, surely you can't change the method of execution can you Mullah Nazaroo?

(2) You on the other hand, like most confused modern Christians,
especially Roman Catholics who don't really study or understand the
authoritative Holy Scriptures, think that somehow Christ had the power to,
and somehow actually did, change the Law of God itself.

(Naz rants on about the Torah and calls me a confused Christian?).

Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh amongst other things changed things such as Jewish dietary (ceremonial) laws for those who didn't practice the Jewish faith. While God's Universal Moral Laws (in this case against sexual sins) remained, the penalty phase against sinful sexual behaviors also changed.

(1) As far as Holy Scripture is concerned,
there never was a 'penalty phase' for mere homosexuality,
if by that you mean homosexual thoughts.

Civil government penalizing sinful thoughts? How is that even possible?

(2) Only homosexual acts such as sodomy were condemned by the death penalty,
and the penalty was certain death.
There are no other penalties for homosexual acts like sodomy.

Why do you think that civil governments, even those that don't practice your beloved religion of Islam have rarely if ever used the death penalty in cases of homosexuality/sodomy Mullah Nazaroo?

(I'll give you a hint: It isn't considered a capital offense in Christianized western civilization).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding being molested: That usually falls under the behavior that you identify with.

Ah, I thought you probably were. I guess that explains where all your hatred comes from. A shame you can't look past that and actually care about the truth now you're an adult however, rather than lashing out at the mischaracterised demons of your childhood trauma.

In the next update of the table of contents, I'll highlight the most important post in Part 3 of WHMBR!

It'll show what you filthy faggots did to an innocent little boy and what it turned him into.

As I discussed with Mullah Nazaroo in my previous post, Holy Scripture doesn't command that homosexuals be put to death for their crimes against nature, but as Jesus said In Matthew 18:6

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."


Keep your hands off of our children T4y.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
thousands upon thousands of men and women that have engaged in homosexual behavior have changed.

So present the study which confirms this, rather than simply lying about it.

How pathetic that your life consists of studies (it consists of things more than that, but you won't go into details about your life as person who proudly engages in homosexual behavior).

Review the various testimonies of people that have changed throughout this thread.

For every ex homosexual that has come out publically, I can only imagine that there are thousands more that haven't.

I'm sorry that you didn't have success in leaving your absolutely filthy behavior behind T4y, but as the old saying goes:

"Keep trying until you succeed."


New member
It'll show what you filthy faggots did to an innocent little boy and what it turned him into.
What hypocrisy aCW! It has been established over and over again that your only concern is for children molested by apparent homosexuals. You have no bleeding heart for all those children who are molested more by paedophiles and heterosexuals generally, only those that you can attach the word "homosexual" to.


What hypocrisy aCW! It has been established over and over again that your only concern is for children molested by apparent homosexuals. You have no bleeding heart for all those children who are molested more by paedophiles and heterosexuals generally, only those that you can attach the word "homosexual" to.

You might want to go over some of the testimonies that I posted from former lesbians who were molested by their father/step-father Al.



New member
You might want to go over some of the testimonies that I posted from former lesbians who were molested by their father/step-father Al.

But your selected anecdotes are simply designed to mislead us away from the unbiased truth, that non-homosexuals are typically far more likely to be the molesters.


New member
thousands upon thousands of men and women that have engaged in homosexual behavior have changed.
So present the study which confirms this, rather than simply lying about it.
How pathetic that your life consists of studies.
How pathetic that you continue to try to use anecdotal evidence to demonstrate what only a study could. My life doesn't consist of studies, I just use them to refute everything you say because they're the most reliable type of source.

Review the various testimonies of people that have changed throughout this thread.
I've seen plenty. They "still suffer with same-sex attraction" and the good lord hasn't "gifted them with opposite-sex attraction" yet unless they had it all along (I.E. are bisexual). There isn't a change in orientation, there is a semantic change in the labels people assign to themselves... nothing changes in reality... just the words used to describe it change to prop up the ridiculous delusion that change has occurred.

Here's an anecdote to match yours.

I can only imagine that there are thousands more that haven't.
You certainly need a wild imagination.


You might want to go over some of the testimonies that I posted from former lesbians who were molested by their father/step-father Al.

But your selected anecdotes are simply designed to mislead us away from the unbiased truth, that non-homosexuals are typically far more likely to be the molesters.

Children that are sexually molested often turn to homosexuality; I've shown case after case throughout this 3 part thread.

As far as non homosexuals being molesters: I've shown and will continue to show that child indoctrination/grooming/sex with adults is a huge part of the homosexual movement.


Photo from the NAMBLA website of the late “gay” icon Harry Hay (far right, wearing hat) speaking at a 1984 meeting of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in San Francisco. Hay said “gay” boys ages 12-15 benefit from sexual relationships with adult homosexual men.


Regarding my conversation with Mullah Nazaroo on the death penalty for those who engage in homosexuality/sodomy being rescinded by Jesus Christ:

A pagan homosexualist that goes by the name of WizardofOz (many of you know him by Aaron: "the Libertarian in denial") has informed me that I'm incorrect.

Aaron: Come and share your Biblical expertise with the people following this thread. Who knows, maybe we could all learn a thing or two from a pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian .


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Review the various testimonies of people that have changed throughout this thread.

How pathetic that you continue to try to use anecdotal evidence to demonstrate what only a study could. My life doesn't consist of studies, I just use them to refute everything you say because they're the most reliable type of source.

I've seen plenty. They "still suffer with same-sex attraction" and the good lord hasn't "gifted them with opposite-sex attraction" yet unless they had it all along (I.E. are bisexual). There isn't a change in orientation, there is a semantic change in the labels people assign to themselves... nothing changes in reality... just the words used to describe it change to prop up the ridiculous delusion that change has occurred.

Admit it T4y, the HATRED just oooooozes out of your slimey pores when you talk to one of them or just think about them. These brave people have been able to change (the vast majority by asking God's help, others with His help and professional therapy) and you haven't.

Regarding evidence: (not that this will convince any proud and unrepenant sodomite), there are many websites that talk about ex homosexuals, this is just one of them:

Ex-Gay Truth

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Now that the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has gotten over the shock of their founder Terry Bean being charged with RAPE of an underage boy (who would have thunk that homosexuals like em young?), it's back to business for them.

HRC Releases Report Establishing Basis for Federal LGBT Non-Discrimination Bill
December 4, 2014 by HRC staff

HRC today released a report

explaining the need for non-discrimination laws protecting LGBT people at the federal level.

“For over three decades, HRC has championed and fought for equality for all LGBT Americans,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Today, despite the incredible advances we’ve made, LGBT Americans still lack fundamental, enduring and explicit federal legal protections in this country. This report is the blueprint for a federal non-discrimination bill, a major step forward for our community and our nation.”

The report, “Beyond Marriage Equality: A Blueprint for Federal Non-Discrimination Protections,” focuses on needed legislation in seven categories: credit, education, employment, federal funding, housing, jury service and public accommodations.

“In more than a dozen states, same-sex couples can marry but are at risk of being fired because of their sexual orientation,” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC’s Legal Director. “Under federal law, transgender people lack legal recourse if they are turned away from movie theaters or harassed in a restaurant because of who they are. It’s time for federal legislation that recognizes the discrimination LGBT people face in the broad scope of our lives – and it’s time for our elected officials to answer the call and provide redress to millions of Americans in search of justice.”

Read more: http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/hrc-r...ing-basis-for-federal-lgbt-non-discrimination

As if these thugs aren't powerful enough now, they want federal legislation to give them even more power (and you can bet that B. Hussein Obama is waiting with pen in hand to sign such legislation).


Yet another reason why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized!


New member
Children that are sexually molested often turn to homosexuality; I've shown case after case throughout this 3 part thread.
Face it aCW by far most gay people have never been molested but nevertheless are gay anyway.
Your specially selected anecdotal spin doesn't make homosexuals as a group any more culpable of harming children than anyone else.
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