Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So a comrade of yours praises a white supremist/Nazi group and you just want to ignore it Art?

Boy, you're no fun.

Ya know Art, and correct if I'm wrong here, but I get the sneakin suspicion that you and the guy who worships those goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network both don't want homosexuality recriminalized.

Why is that?
How thick-skulled are you? :think:
I don't know that much about this group, and I made clear I am against any fascist nationalism or racism (which I haven't seen among their University student members). Stop telling me I "worship" something when I don't. Secondly, your whole recriminalization campaign has not worked for a reason: You would do better with the Traditionalist Network, but that's just my guess. :think:


Did I or did I not say that I did NOT agree with their racism or nationalism?
And it is NOT the college kids who are espousing this.

In any case, I was just posting some placards; I'm not part of this group and
I bear zero responsibility for them. :AMR1:

How thick-skulled are you? :think:
I don't know that much about this group, and I made clear I am against any fascist nationalism or racism (which I haven't seen among their University student members). Stop telling me I "worship" something when I don't. Secondly, your whole recriminalization campaign has not worked for a reason: You would do better with the Traditionalist Network, but that's just my guess. :think:

(Sigh*, GFR7, aka "the fuhrer", has so many personalities, yet so little memory).

So I decided to post some posters from Traditionalist Youth Network, as they are the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution...

This is coming from the most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)

...I do think they are a very earnest, brilliant, God-fearing, Jesus loving network...

but I do believe they are trying in the best way they can to serve God and truth.

(Because we all know the best way to serve God and truth is to keep those darkies on the plantation and annihilate those filthy Jewwwws).


Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
Why don't you just be honest and admit that this was a lifetime project for you from the outset? You had zero interest in your OP actually coming about and it's nowt more than a platform for you to vent and/or project...

Man, you'd be disappointed if your thread's ideal were to actually come about as you'd be redundant and no longer have an internet soapbox to spew out the stuff you do. You'd be at a complete loss...

No more tables of contents...

No more 'hilarious mockery' about other posters being gay...

No more side splittingly funny 'written lisps'...

No more cut 'n' pastes...

What would you do aCW?

You mean that aCW may not be particularly sincere?:jawdrop:
That this thread and topic is simply a vehicle to spew his misinformation, malice and bigotry from?

No, no, surely not AB.

Oh! ..have a nice day aCW.

Welcome back Al. Be honest for once in your life and answer this question:

Aren't you terribly embarrassed to have GFR7 on your...ahem...team?


New member
(Sigh*, GFR7, aka "the fuhrer", has so many personalities, yet so little memory).



(Because we all know the best way to serve God and truth is to keep those darkies on the plantation and annihilate those filthy Jewwwws).
I didn't know the EXTENT of their nazi/racist views when I posted that- I had been reading only about their fight against modernity :AMR1: - alwight knows I do not approve of racism nor bigotry ....


New member
Welcome back Al. Be honest for once in your life and answer this question:

Aren't you terribly embarrassed to have GFR7 on your...ahem...team?
No, he seems like an honest and sincere person to me aCW. The real question here afaic is whether am I terribly embarrassed to have someone like you as fellow member of the human race? :think:



I didn't know the EXTENT of their nazi/racist views when I posted that- I had been reading only about their fight against modernity :AMR1: - alwight knows I do not approve of racism nor bigotry ....

surely you realize that acw is trolling you, right?


New member
No, he seems like an honest and sincere person to me aCW. The real question here afaic is whether am I terribly embarrassed to have someone like you as fellow member of the human race? :think:

Thank you for this. I had based my admiration of TYN on this mission statement only:

I did not know this was an offshoot of white supremist thinking:
Tradition is our Mission

The Traditionalist Youth Network exists to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students throughout North America who are learning about the Traditionalist School of thought, helping one another apply the principles and spirit of Tradition in their lives, and organizing in defense of Tradition on their campuses and in their communities. While members and supporters are encouraged to embrace a particular Tribe and Tradition, the TYN empowers them to unite and speak as one voice against the united voices of decadence, individualism, Marxism, and Modernity.


I didn't know the EXTENT of their nazi/racist views when I posted that- I had been reading only about their fight against modernity :AMR1: - alwight knows I do not approve of racism nor bigotry ....

Boy GFR7, I'm teaching you quite a bit since you joined this thread:

That the guy who you previously quoted on your signature (Friedrich Nietzsche) was a God-hating homosexual.

The guy you're currently using (Soren Kierkegaard) was a moral relativist existentialist ("...the thing is to find a truth which is true for me, to find the idea for which I can live and die").

The guy you're in love with (Morrissey) isn't a fag, he's a "humasexual".

And now the "most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)"...

a "very earnest, brilliant, God-fearing, Jesus loving network..."

are a bunch of anti semite racists.

Keep up the good work, you can fool fools like the adulterer who brags about out of wedlock sex, beats up his wife, and stalks fellow TOL'ers, but you can't fool those of us with an ounce of common sense.


New member
Boy GFR7, I'm teaching you quite a bit since you joined this thread:

That the guy who you previously quoted on your signature (Friedrich Nietzsche) was a God-hating homosexual.

The guy you're currently using (Soren Kierkegaard) was a moral relativist existentialist ("...the thing is to find a truth which is true for me, to find the idea for which I can live and die").

The guy you're in love with (Morrissey) isn't a fag, he's a "humasexual".

And now the "most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)"...

a "very earnest, brilliant, God-fearing, Jesus loving network..."

are a bunch of anti semite racists.

Keep up the good work, you can fool fools like the adulterer who brags about out of wedlock sex, beats up his wife, and stalks fellow TOL'ers, but you can't fool those of us with an ounce of common sense.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
aCultureWarrior; said:
Ya know Art, and correct if I'm wrong here, but I get the sneakin suspicion that you and the guy who worships those goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network both don't want homosexuality recriminalized.

Why is that?

Well let's see, because it's an infringement on human rights, that it's none of your business etc?

Never mind though, it won't be recriminalized so at least you'll have yer blog to devote so much attention to. :)


New member
Because I was a philosophy major/ post graduate academic it follows that I have eclectic knowledge and academic interests; It does not define nor label me. It is my personal values, the way I live my life, and my relationship with Christ which matters.

People like Christian Liberty, Rez, Musterion, Arthur and Alwight are more educated than you and simply are too bright to make your Kentucky Turnip-Head judgments.

You get that???


We Kentucky boyz think with our turnips only.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior;
Ya know Art, and correct if I'm wrong here, but I get the sneakin suspicion that you and the guy who worships those goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network both don't want homosexuality recriminalized.

Why is that?

Well let's see, because it's an infringement on human rights, that it's none of your business etc?

Where does this "human right" to commit disease ridden acts and create a movement that amongst other things molests the minds and bodies of children come from Art?

Never mind though, it won't be recriminalized so at least you'll have yer blog to devote so much attention to. :)

Not anytime soon Art (i.e. disease, misery and death that comes with the immoral behavior will continue).


Because I was a philosophy major/ post graduate academic it follows that I have eclectic knowledge and academic interests; It does not define nor label me.

One would think that someone as 'edjumacated' as you would know about Nietzsche's atheism and homosexuality, about Kierkegaard's existentialism and the Traditionalist Youth Network's blatant racism and anti-Semitism.

It is my personal values, the way I live my life, and my relationship with Christ which matters.

So your laissez faire "live and let live" philosophy still allows you to have "a relationship with Christ"?


New member
One would think that someone as 'edjumacated' as you would know about Nietzsche's atheism and homosexuality, about Kierkegaard's existentialism and the Traditionalist Youth Network's blatant racism and anti-Semitism.

So your laissez faire "live and let live" philosophy still allows you to have "a relationship with Christ"?
Stop playing dumb. (or are you even playing? :think: )

I already knew all of those things,

OR are you actually so stupid and evil that you think people can do an honors thesis with no knowledge of that which they are writing and presenting?

I have explained myself and the smart people get it.

Get your turnip brain out of the Kentucky soil and try to learn to think.

Yes, I can be informed on all those things and relate to Christ. I am not going to let myself be "meshaked" here.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think that someone as 'edjumacated' as you would know about Nietzsche's atheism and homosexuality, about Kierkegaard's existentialism and the Traditionalist Youth Network's blatant racism and anti-Semitism.

Stop playing dumb. (or are you even playing? :think: )

I already knew all of those things,...

Of course you did. You're just having fun with the dumb hicks on a Christian conservative website.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So your laissez faire "live and let live" philosophy still allows you to have "a relationship with Christ"?

Yes, I can be informed on all those things and relate to Christ.

There's a huge difference between being informed about something and going against God's Word by promoting it.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think that someone as 'edjumacated' as you would know about Nietzsche's atheism and homosexuality, about Kierkegaard's existentialism and the Traditionalist Youth Network's blatant racism and anti-Semitism.

Of course you did. You're just having fun with the dumb hicks on a Christian conservative website.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So your laissez faire "live and let live" philosophy still allows you to have "a relationship with Christ"?

There's a huge difference between being informed about something and going against God's Word by promoting it.
I am not playing with anyone - and I find most people on TOL to be intelligent.

I believe you are playing dumb on purpose; hence I can freely call you "dumb", as I know you aren't really limited in the ways you pretend to be.

I am not promoting anything other than to examine the loss of our traditional values to postmodernity. If you look at my threads, this is what I post about.

Best regards;


I am not promoting anything other than to examine the loss of our traditional values to postmodernity.

I have one more question before you go on about your way fighting atheists, racists, anti-Semites, pornographers, homosexuals and abortionists.

You have stated this in a couple of posts about TYN:

You would do better with the Traditionalist Network,...

When you said "You", I assume that you meant our country would do better fighting the culture war by adhering to the philosophy and game strategy of the people at the Traditionalist Youth Network.

Please expound.


New member
I have one more question before you go on about your way fighting atheists, racists, anti-Semites, pornographers, homosexuals and abortionists.

You have stated this in a couple of posts about TYN:


When you said "You", I assume that you meant our country would do better fighting the culture war by adhering to the philosophy and game strategy of the people at the Traditionalist Youth Network.

Please expound.
Well, certainly the blatant racism and nationalism is not standing them in good stead.

However, they do adhere to a strict respect for traditions, folk culture, Christian morality, in a way that we are not seeing in our mainstream politics.

If there were more people passionately believing in these things, our culture would not be so far gone as it is. Of course because their numbers are small, they are already being labeled as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. To tell the truth, I have been surprised for years at how lukewarm most "social conservatives" and Christians really are. I think that is what drew me to reading sites such as AFTAH and MassResistance: At least these were people taking a stance, even though they are a different type of Christian to me.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I have one more question before you go on about your way fighting atheists, racists, anti-Semites, pornographers, homosexuals and abortionists.

You have stated this in a couple of posts about TYN:


When you said "You", I assume that you meant our country would do better fighting the culture war by adhering to the philosophy and game strategy of the people at the Traditionalist Youth Network.

Please expound.

Well, certainly the blatant racism and nationalism is not standing them in good stead.

However, they do adhere to a strict respect for traditions, folk culture, Christian morality, in a way that we are not seeing in our mainstream politics.

So blatant racism and anti-Semitism is part of "Christian morality" and traditions and folk cultures that we as a country should adhere to?

If there were more people passionately believing in these things, our culture would not be so far gone as it is. Of course because their numbers are small, they are already being labeled as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

But wait, you said you don't know that much about the TYN:

I don't know that much about this group...

Regarding the Southern Poverty Law Center labeling the racists and anti-Semites at the Traditionalists Youth Network as a hate group:

Gee, I wonder what ever gave them that idea?
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