Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I'm not reporting you; you'll have plenty of explaining to do to God when your judgment day comes.

Your comments are documented in the table of contents.
I know they are. :D

That is NOT my wording, that is Traditionalist Youth Network's wording. (I didn't even notice that- it was the political satire I noticed). Since I had stopped posting to you, I noticed you were getting zero comments on your thread. So I decided to post some posters from Traditionalist Youth Network, as they are the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution. I have NOT taken God's name in vain (and I am sure they do not believe they have, either, as they are DEVOUT- it was the philosopher speaking, but then, these are top University students, and you wouldn't grasp the satire.).

I was doing you a favor by bumping your ignored thread-- you were receiving NO comments at all. :AMR1: Now act like an adult, and stop being silly. :loser: Am removing it now. But it is stupid. This is coming from the most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)


New member
I deleted TYN 's boo boo and here is a great poster from them:

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Hold onto your chairs folks, GFR7's going to do some serious spinning here:

That is NOT my wording, that is Traditionalist Youth Network's wording. (I didn't even notice that- it was the political satire I noticed). Since I had stopped posting to you, I noticed you were getting zero comments on your thread. So I decided to post some posters from Traditionalist Youth Network, as they are the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution. I have NOT taken God's name in vain (and I am sure they do not believe they have, either, as they are DEVOUT).

I was doing you a favor by bumping your ignored thread-- you were receiving NO comments at all. :AMR1: Now act like an adult, and stop being silly. :loser: Am removing it now. But it is stupid. This is coming from the most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)

As I mentioned yesterday (you were probably passed out for the night when I posted it), this thread has years before I'm done with it. Just because I take a break from this disgusting topic doesn't mean that I'm abandoning this 2 1/2 year project.

Now run along and continue to fool people like musterion into believing that you stand for decency while I catch up on the table of contents and write a post telling what people to expect from this 3 part thread in the near future.


New member
Hold onto your chairs folks, GFR7's going to do some serious spinning here:

As I mentioned yesterday (you were probably passed out for the night when I posted it), this thread has years before I'm done with it. Just because I take a break from this disgusting topic doesn't mean that I'm abandoning this 2 1/2 year project.

Now run along and continue to fool people like musterion into believing that you stand for decency while I catch up on the table of contents and write a post telling what people to expect from this 3 part thread in the near future.
I never said you were abandoning it.

And I don't pass out, because I don't abuse alcohol or any other substances. :AMR1:

ETA: And it's not your place to say I am "fooling" musterion or anyone else. I have no need to, and no desire to: and he, Christian Liberty, Rez, etc. all have access to your thread and I get on well and honestly with all of them, on forum and off.
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That is NOT my wording, that is Traditionalist Youth Network's wording. (I didn't even notice that- it was the political satire I noticed). Since I had stopped posting to you, I noticed you were getting zero comments on your thread. So I decided to post some posters from Traditionalist Youth Network, as they are the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution. I have NOT taken God's name in vain (and I am sure they do not believe they have, either, as they are DEVOUT- it was the philosopher speaking, but then, these are top University students, and you wouldn't grasp the satire.).

...This is coming from the most conservative Christian site in the world. (TYN)

Could you tell the readers of this thread about the "Traditionalist Youth Network", as I'm certain that many of them (including me) aren't familiar with this "DEVOUT conservative Christian organization", who are "the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution".


New member
Traditionalist Youth Network is a global network of Christians who are strongly traditionalist but are against exploitative capitalism. So they are considered right-wing when it comes to social values, but could be considered left leaning when it comes to exploitation, etc.

I know a Professor who is involved with it.

They are mainly college age; and my son loves reading their stuff on Facebook. (He is brilliant but scholastically behind due to his autism and bipolar).

I do think they are a very earnest, brilliant, God-fearing, Jesus loving network. I don't agree with all they espouse, (such as the racism and anti-zionist tendencies, and their glorification of both war and nationalism) - *such disclaimers are de rigeur with aCW* - but I do believe they are trying in the best way they can to serve God and truth.

And I give them brownie points for fighting postmodernism! Someone's got to! :chuckle:

I was trying to provide some comic relief with their satire poster, but it went unappreciated. :AMR1:

PS: THEY HATE MODERNITY, Marxism, and Postmodernism, which is all to the good!



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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Could you tell the readers of this thread about the "Traditionalist Youth Network", as I'm certain that many of them (including me) aren't familiar with this "DEVOUT conservative Christian organization", who are "the only ones working on a REAL conservative revolution".

Traditionalist Youth Network is a global network of Christians who are strongly traditionalist but are against exploitative capitalism. So they are considered right-wing when it comes to social values, but could be considered left leaning when it comes to exploitation, etc.

I know a Professor who is involved with it.

They are mainly college age; and my son loves reading their stuff on Facebook. (He is brilliant but scholastically behind due to his autism and bipolar).

I do think they are a very earnest, brilliant, God-fearing, Jesus loving network. I don't agree with all they espouse, (such as the racism and anti-zionist tendencies, and their glorification of both war and nationalism) - *such disclaimers are de rigeur with aCW* - but I do believe they are trying in the best way they can to serve God and truth.

And I give them brownie points for fighting postmodernism! Someone's got to! :chuckle:

I was trying to provide some comic relief with their satire poster, but it went unappreciated. :AMR1:

PS: THEY HATE MODERNITY, Marxism, and Postmodernism, which is all to the good!

And now for the rest of the story:

Looking at their website, I saw the name "Thomas Buhl". Here's a little bit of information about ole Tommy:

Name: Thomas Buhls

Date of Birth: 06/06/1983

Ideology: White Supremacist

Address: Bloomington, IN

(Honorable Discharge) United States Marine Core: Seargent

(KKK) Knight’s Party: Veteran’s League Coordinator

Indiana University White Student Union: Founding Member

Traditionalist Youth Network: Founding Member, Officer

Thomas Buhls is a white supremacist activist operating in Indiana. Buhls began his activism after returning from active duty in the United States Marine Core. Buhls was an organizer for the Knight’s Party (KKK) while still a member of the Marines. After his discharge from the armed forces, Buhls stepped up the visibility of his white supremacist recruiting and organizing.

In May 2011, Thomas was arrested by police in Martinsville, IN where he was living at the time. He was charged with littering after he dropped copies of The Crusade, the Knight’s Party’s Newspaper, on the property of a business owner who didn’t want the trash at her business. The littering charges were eventually dismissed. A counter-suit was filed on Buhls behalf with the assistance of the American Civil Liberties Union which was eventually successful in winning a small punitive reward for Buhls.

It was near this time that Buhls enrolled at Bloomington’s Indiana University within the Continuing Studies program. Here Buhls began an unsuccessful recruitment campaign on the streets of Bloomington, Indiana. When protesters under the “Occupy Wall Street” banner began occupying People’s Park near the university, Buhls began distributing KKK literature to young people in the vicinity of the “Occupy Wall Street / Occupy Bloomington” encampment. A pattern of cat-and-mouse games with local anti-racists was established at this time. Buhls began taunting HARM and other organizations he perceived as threats to his white supremacist recruiting (feminist, Jewish, Code Pink…) through online mediums as well as crude graffiti in downtown Bloomington...





A fine "God fearing/Jesus loving network" those racists at Traditionalist Youth Network are GFR7 (GFR7 never disappoints me with his lunacy).
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hold onto your chairs folks, GFR7's going to do some serious spinning here:

As I mentioned yesterday (you were probably passed out for the night when I posted it), this thread has years before I'm done with it. Just because I take a break from this disgusting topic doesn't mean that I'm abandoning this 2 1/2 year project.

Now run along and continue to fool people like musterion into believing that you stand for decency while I catch up on the table of contents and write a post telling what people to expect from this 3 part thread in the near future.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that this was a lifetime project for you from the outset? You had zero interest in your OP actually coming about and it's nowt more than a platform for you to vent and/or project...

Man, you'd be disappointed if your thread's ideal were to actually come about as you'd be redundant and no longer have an internet soapbox to spew out the stuff you do. You'd be at a complete loss...

No more tables of contents...

No more 'hilarious mockery' about other posters being gay...

No more side splittingly funny 'written lisps'...

No more cut 'n' pastes...

What would you do aCW?



What a shock, Traditionalist Youth Network co-founder Matthew Heimbach hates Jews!

August 13, 2014

Matthew Heimbach Marks Return With Vicious Anti-Semitic Essay

Matthew Heimbach, who took a three-month sabbatical from writing on the blog of the white supremacist Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN) that he co-founded, has returned with a virulently anti-Semitic essay accusing Jews of murder, world domination, and “cold-blooded cruelty.”

In May, after Heimbach’s priest rebuked him for his “racist and separationist ideologies.” Heimbach ceased most of his public activism. He did not write a single piece for the TYN blog until this week. His essay, published August 11, shows that Heimbach continues to harbor hateful views towards Jews...



(To the Right of photo) Matthew Heimbach posing with multiple members of the Aryan Terror Brigade.

Hitler would be proud.


Why don't you just be honest and admit that this was a lifetime project for you from the outset? You had zero interest in your OP actually coming about and it's nowt more than a platform for you to vent and/or project...

Man, you'd be disappointed if your thread's ideal were to actually come about as you'd be redundant and no longer have an internet soapbox to spew out the stuff you do. You'd be at a complete loss...

No more tables of contents...

No more 'hilarious mockery' about other posters being gay...

No more side splittingly funny 'written lisps'...

No more cut 'n' pastes...

What would you do aCW?


Welcome back Art. I'm currently exposing your buddy GFR7 for praising a Nazi organization. Care to join in?


Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

The pink triangle, rendered in hot pink as a gay pride and gay rights symbol, was originally rendered in pink and used pointed downward on a Nazi concentration camp badge to denote homosexual men.

Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, gay organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general, were burned, and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were murdered.

The Gestapo compiled lists of homosexuals, who were compelled to sexually conform to the "German norm."

Between 1933 and 1945, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested as homosexuals, of whom some 50,000 were officially sentenced.

Most of these men served time in regular prisons, and an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 of those sentenced were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps.

It is unclear how many of the 5,000 to 15,000 eventually perished in the camps, but leading scholar Rüdiger Lautmann believes that the death rate of homosexuals in concentration camps may have been as high as 60%.

Homosexuals in the camps were treated in an unusually cruel manner by their captors.

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

Demands for the criminalization of homosexuality has a familiar ring - gays in Germany were first targeted by the ruling Nazi Party in 1933 and its estimated that 60% of those sent to concentration camps perished.

Do Christians really want to emulate Hitler's example?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Welcome back Art. I'm currently exposing your buddy GFR7 for praising a Nazi organization. Care to join in?

Not really, considering you're dumb enough to think most of the Nazi's were gay anyway. It's more amusing to see how you deflect away from the fact that were your ideal to come to fruition just how redundant you'd actually be...


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

The criminalization of homosexuality has a familiar ring - gays in Germany were first targeted by the ruling Nazi Party in 1933 and its estimated that 60% of those who were consigned to concentration camps perished.

Do Christians really want to emulate Hitler's example?

I doubt that GFR7's "DEVOUT Christian network" (Traditionalist Youth Network) wants to recriminalize homosexuality jgarden. If you want to discuss Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams The Pink Swastika when I start a review of part 1 and 2 (which I should be doing in the next week or so), I'll gladly go over that subject as it has so much to do with the modern day homosexual movement.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Welcome back Art. I'm currently exposing your buddy GFR7 for praising a Nazi organization. Care to join in?

Not really, considering you're dumb enough to think most of the Nazi's were gay anyway. It's more amusing to see how you deflect away from the fact that were your ideal to come to fruition just how redundant you'd actually be...

So a comrade of yours praises a white supremist/Nazi group and you just want to ignore it Art?

Boy, you're no fun.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

Demands for the criminalization of homosexuality has a familiar ring - gays in Germany were first targeted by the ruling Nazi Party in 1933 and its estimated that 60% of those sent to concentration camps perished.

Do Christians really want to emulate Hitler's example?

Quite, but only the 'effeminate' ones as the real dangerous homosexuals within the Nazis were the 'macho' ones who wanted them exterminated according to aCW. It does make you wonder why he thinks he's being funny when he puts on a written lisp considering...

Why is that aCW? Why do you think you're being amusing when you type out 'hairdretther' and 'Bruth' considering it's the apparently "manly" type of homosexual who poses so much of a threat?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So a comrade of yours praises a white supremist/Nazi group and you just want to ignore it Art?

Comrade? Nyet!

Right now I'm just focusing on your own posts and your complete reticence to give any sort of answer. Nice deflection though...well, pretty feeble actually...

Boy, you're no fun.

Oh but you are though. Predictable as always but in some ways still good for a laugh. In some ways I'd feel sorry for you if this thread was redundant...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So a comrade of yours praises a white supremist/Nazi group and you just want to ignore it Art?

Comrade? Nyet!

Right now I'm just focusing on your own posts and your complete reticence to give any sort of answer. Nice deflection though...well, pretty feeble actually...

Boy, you're no fun.

Oh but you are though. Predictable as always but in some ways still good for a laugh. In some ways I'd feel sorry for you if this thread was redundant...

Ya know Art, and correct if I'm wrong here, but I get the sneakin suspicion that you and the guy who worships those goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network both don't want homosexuality recriminalized.

Why is that?


New member
Did I or did I not say that I did NOT agree with their racism or nationalism?
And it is NOT the college kids who are espousing this.

In any case, I was just posting some placards; I'm not part of this group and
I bear zero responsibility for them. :AMR1:
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New member
Why don't you just be honest and admit that this was a lifetime project for you from the outset? You had zero interest in your OP actually coming about and it's nowt more than a platform for you to vent and/or project...

Man, you'd be disappointed if your thread's ideal were to actually come about as you'd be redundant and no longer have an internet soapbox to spew out the stuff you do. You'd be at a complete loss...

No more tables of contents...

No more 'hilarious mockery' about other posters being gay...

No more side splittingly funny 'written lisps'...

No more cut 'n' pastes...

What would you do aCW?

You mean that aCW may not be particularly sincere?:jawdrop:
That this thread and topic is simply a vehicle to spew his misinformation, malice and bigotry from?

No, no, surely not AB.

Oh! ..have a nice day aCW.
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