Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Oh and by the way:

Behind the Increase in HIV Infections Among Gay and Bisexual Men

Sept. 26, 2014

Gay and bisexual men represent an estimated 2% of the U.S. population but more than half of all people living with HIV and 66% of new HIV infections. They are the only population group in the United States for which HIV infections are rising. Projections have shown that if current trends continue, half of all gay and bisexual men will be HIV-positive by age 50.

Makes perfectly good sense to me to allow those who partake in buggery to give blood.

Yep, uh huh.



I'm thoroughly shocked and amazed that no one would want to expose their loved ones to tainted blood donated by proud and unrepentant homosexuals.

How about you CabinetMaker, being that you neg repped me with this, you most likely wouldn't have a problem would you?

Quote: Posted by CabinetMaker

Your are just the most closeted gay person I have ever


Here's an interesting story:

Indonesia's conservative Aceh province votes to punish gay sex by caning

Sept. 27, 2014

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia – Lawmakers in Indonesia's conservative Aceh province have passed a law that makes gay sex punishable by caning and subjects non-Muslims to it too.

The law passed Saturday says anal sex between men is punishable by up to 100 lashes. Women found guilty of "rubbing" their body parts against each other for sexual pleasure are also liable for caning.

Lawmaker Mahyaruddin Yusuf says the law was passed unanimously by the outgoing 69-member assembly on its last day of work.

Indonesia's secular central government granted Aceh the right to implement a version of Islamic Shariah law as part of a peace deal to end a separatist war.

People convicted of adultery, gambling and consuming alcohol already face caning, as do women wearing tight clothes and people who skip Friday Muslim prayers.


Being that I had a beer the other night and skipped Friday Muslim prayer, I guess I'm due for a good caning.

As far as caning those who engage in buggery:

Me thinkz that they'll enjoy it.



Here's another interesting story:

White lesbian mother sues sperm bank after she gave birth to mixed-race baby because she was sent black man's sperm

Oct. 3, 2014

A white lesbian mother is suing a Chicago sperm bank after she claims she was mistakenly sent a black man's sperm and gave birth to a mixed-race daughter.

Jennifer Cramblett, 36, claims the mistake has caused her stress and anguish because her family is racist and she lives in a small, all-white Uniontown in northeast Ohio.

In a lawsuit filed this week in Cook County, Illinois, Ms Cramblett says Midwest Sperm Bank sent her several vials of a black man's sperm by mistake because the clinic keeps paper records and accidentally transposed numbers on her order.

The couple had specifically chosen a white donor to be the father of their child.

Midwest Sperm Bank charged $400 per vial of semen and Ms Cramblett and her partner received six vials of the wrong semen.

The lawsuit says the clinic later sent Ms Cramblett an apology note and a refund for the six vials - though charged her for the vials of the correct semen she received.

Ms Cramblett she has 'limited cultural competency relative to African-Americans' and worries that her daughter Payton will not be accepted in her hometown of Uniontown.

'Jennifer lives each day with fears, anxieties and uncertainty about her future and Payton's future,' according to the lawsuit...


So the family and the small, all white Uniontown in NE Ohio is ok with a couple of dykes raising an innocent child, but if the child is mixed race that's a no no?


Some of these views seem rather extreme...

Yes, legalizing a perverse behavior that is disease ridden and brings about nothing but misery and quite often an early death; one that has formed into a "collective" that is redefining and destroying invaluable institutions is "extreme".

BTW, welcome back GFR7!


Careful... you're about four seconds from aCW slapping you with the "Defender of Sodomy" epithet.

I've been meaning to ask you Caledvwich (with an "i').

Being that you're an atheist who writes his own moral code and have stated that you're married with children, have you any great plans for your children?

Abortions, HIV/AIDS, etc etc etc?


New member
I've been meaning to ask you Caledvwich (with an "i').

Being that you're an atheist who writes his own moral code and have stated that you're married with children, have you any great plans for your children?

Abortions, HIV/AIDS, etc etc etc?

I never said anything about being married. But I do have a strict 5-abortion limit for my kids before the age of eighteen.


I never said anything about being married.

Silly me, what was I thinking, marriage is sooooo 'Judeo-Christian'.

But I do have a strict 5-abortion limit for my kids before the age of eighteen.

Good man. And how about HIV/AIDS, do you have all the hot places to meet (i.e. public restroom toilet stalls, park bushes) mapped out for the boyz?


New member
Yes, legalizing a perverse behavior that is disease ridden and brings about nothing but misery and quite often an early death; one that has formed into a "collective" that is redefining and destroying invaluable institutions is "extreme".

BTW, welcome back GFR7!
Nice try. I don't do sock puppetry, and am staying clear from you. If I had a hankering to say something to you, it would be in my own name and style. Whoever that is, it's not me, just as Aaron, Christian Liberty, SammyT and whoever was/is not. But thanks for the welcome back, anyway :wave2: Buh bye; I'm outta here :D


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Silly me, what was I thinking, marriage is sooooo 'Judeo-Christian'.

Good man. And how about HIV/AIDS, do you have all the hot places to meet (i.e. public restroom toilet stalls, park bushes) mapped out for the boyz?

I have to assume there's apps for that now.

No doubt that there are, and unlike the behavior, disease free.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, legalizing a perverse behavior that is disease ridden and brings about nothing but misery and quite often an early death; one that has formed into a "collective" that is redefining and destroying invaluable institutions is "extreme".

BTW, welcome back GFR7!

Nice try. I don't do sock puppetry, and am staying clear from you. If I had a hankering to say something to you, it would be in my own name and style. Whoever that is, it's not me, just as Aaron, Christian Liberty, SammyT and whoever was/is not. But thanks for the welcome back, anyway :wave2: Buh bye; I'm outta here :D

You're reading more into the comment than was meant.

I was hoping that my (and hopefully others) prayers would have some impact on you, but evidently not.

Civil government was created by God to help those that are engulfed in immoral behavior, i.e. to help those that won't help themselves.

God bless.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, legalizing a perverse behavior that is disease ridden and brings about nothing but misery and quite often an early death; one that has formed into a "collective" that is redefining and destroying invaluable institutions is "extreme".

BTW, welcome back GFR7!

You're reading more into the comment than was meant.

I was hoping that my (and hopefully others) prayers would have some impact on you, but evidently not.

Civil government was created by God to help those that are engulfed in immoral behavior, i.e. to help those that won't help themselves.

God bless.
Why would say welcome back to me on his post? :think: Prayers are always appreciated, if sincere.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Silly me, what was I thinking, marriage is sooooo 'Judeo-Christian'.

Good man. And how about HIV/AIDS, do you have all the hot places to meet (i.e. public restroom toilet stalls, park bushes) mapped out for the boyz?

No doubt that there are; and unlike the behavior, disease free.

How hard is it to figure out the quote feature?

So, hypothetically speaking, if you could trade cell phone pictures, and remain disease free, should it still be criminalized?


New member
Do you mean pornography? Looking at the menu usually leads people to do more than look.

Not exactly, I was thinking more picture sharing between two people. But anyway, it seemed that a big part of your terrible criminalization argument is based on specific claims about diseases, which, obviously can't be shared via picture messaging.


Not exactly, I was thinking more picture sharing between two people. But anyway, it seemed that a big part of your terrible criminalization argument is based on specific claims about diseases, which, obviously can't be shared via picture messaging.

The disease aspect is only one reason for recriminalizing homosexuality.
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