White Lives Matter


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Oh please.........
Give it up........
Why should I give up admiring things that white people have done?

I think you're very selective about which white folks you take interest in.... just my opinion....
Well of course it is selective, dingbat.
Try to use some common sense.
We certainly don't claim that all white people are credited for Chopin's Nocturne op.9.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you have to ask it must be you.

Not to worry your noggin though, you're more than overcompensating (either). :shocked: :)

I only wish you'd come up with something that would put a smile on everyone's face, instead of a grimace. Somewhere during your "Walk of Life," someone haphazardly told you that your jokes were a real "Knee slapper." Well, sorry to say, they gave you false hope. One is either born with "WIT" or one is YOU. I'm only trying to point you in the right direction. Obviously, you're one of those people who doesn't take directions well. Do something you're good at, such as being arrogant, snide, and reprehensible at times.

Stop "self-deluding" yourself TH, it's utterly embarrassing to watch you do this to yourself.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I only wish you'd come up with something that would put a smile on everyone's face, instead of a grimace.
In fairness, all you have to do is log out, so your standard is a bit uneven.

Somewhere during your "Walk of Life," someone haphazardly told you that your jokes were a real "Knee slapper." Well, sorry to say, they gave you false hope.
Are you saying no one ever gave that to you or that you believed them when they did?

And God bless mom's everywhere.

One is either born with "WIT" or one is YOU.
We can't all be born with yours if we want the lights to stay on.

I'm only trying to point you in the right direction.
Then you're using the wrong finger.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Only all the way to the other side of the Atlantic!
Good swimmer, are you?

Look, I could probably have done better than that, it's just so pathetic imo to feel the need to shout stuff like 'white lives matter' when you know full well that millions of white lives in your country and mine need a lot of support at this time, because robotics, IT andother technology is undermining jobs left right and centre.

Hundreds of thousands of folks need financial support at this time, and loads of 'em are white, and I just get the sneekiest feeling that they won't be getting much support from the right wing in politics.

So...... I think your thread could be hypocritical, that's all.....

what do you think the purpose of this thread is?

to find jobs for white people who aren't trained in robotics design and maintenance? :freak:

what country are you from?




Well-known member
Why should I give up admiring things that white people have done?

Well of course it is selective, dingbat.
Oh yes....... It certainly is...!

Try to use some common sense.
I do..... I try....... but we can't all be as fast as you.

We certainly don't claim that all white people are credited for Chopin' Nocturne op.9.
Ah..... the thought of you sitting there, your heart and mind in sweet harmony with that music..... it brings tears to me eyes.....

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In fairness, all you have to do is log out, so your standard is a bit uneven.

Are you saying no one ever gave that to you or that you believed them when they did?

And God bless mom's everywhere.

We can't all be born with yours if we want the lights to stay on.

Then you're using the wrong finger.

See what I mean? You just gave a good example of yourself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, that was a good example, of myself. :plain: You are to insight what the Socrates was to break dancing.

I've heard of "Socrates" but who is "The Socrates?" Try a little harder TH. I'm seeing an unoriginal pattern developing within your reasoning. You're starting to drift slowly back into your stilted ways of communication. You have my deepest condolences if that helps?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've given it a few hours of thought and have come to the conclusion that, TH may have been comparing HIMSELF to the Philosopher Socrates. Quite an amusing thought, huh?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I realize that TH thinks highly of himself and his many varied accomplishments in his, "Walk of Life" however, to actually compare himself to the great Philosopher seems to be a bit much. To each his own I guess. Remember this TH, "You are what you think you're not." Or, something along that line?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i think i am therefore i am hungry

or something like that :idunno:

or, as the pointyheads would put it: cogito ergo sum ego sum esurientem

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He needs to lay off the Socrates stuff and get a good child rearing manual to pass his time.
Oh, SNAP! Rambora is on the loose!
If this place has taught me anything of value it's how to deal with spoiled children. So don't make me turn this conversation around. :)

Speaking of literal children, my boy just placed in the top ten percent of math and reading students in Kindergarten (nationally, he beat the pants off the state and district) and made the student of the month at his school.


Yep! TH really needs to stay way from his own comparisons to others. It's just getting out of hand if you ask me.
But really, who in his right mind would do that? And of those who would, how many of them could actually speak English?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
THs so-called "humor" is his ultimate downfall. He needs to do some real soul searching in order to see who he is in reality. I know it'll be a burden on him, however, the outcome will be worth the effort. I wish him well in all his future endeavors.