What to do when Islam will conquer Europe after 20years?


New member
I don’t like your pseudo name here. I am giving true name but others hide behind false names!
I, an Indian of non-violence background, was saved by Love-God message of the epistle of John. That saved me, neither bible, nor gospel. It resonates with our background and conscience. if you take care to read my other threads you shall find my theology. It is most appropriate for me an engineer and ex-seminarian in modern age india. I follow science and humanity not fairy tale Bible.

Islam based on bloody Old testament and worse than Devil hell-sending God of fake Revelation, drove us bloodily out of our home land. So I think it as enemy of humanity.
I don’t like Catholic made bible. but living Christ is with me as I follow him in celibacy for 55 years.

Neither Christians are Christlike nor Islam is God-surrendering. But we must surrender to Love-God not to others to be victorious. Love

OOHH MY!!! - Again, --- Nothing but self garbage, nothing of God!! - Who cold have guessed it??

Paul -- 041513

The Barbarian

Experience is not the same as expertise. I have seen plenty of very experienced people towards the end of their careers who have managed to avoid becoming experts due to an unhealthy respect for common sense and experience.

In safety engineering, they used to say "not twenty years of experience; a year of experience, twenty times."

Some people just stop learning. The real benefit to a hairy-eared engineer is that he's messed up just about every way there is to mess up, and he learned from it. Not true of every engineer, though.


In safety engineering, they used to say "not twenty years of experience; a year of experience, twenty times."

Some people just stop learning. The real benefit to a hairy-eared engineer is that he's messed up just about every way there is to mess up, and he learned from it. Not true of every engineer, though.

In everyday life you and I are guided by our personal experiences, never by unknown people's statistics!
In case one have no experience in a particular field, he might search statistics or seek other peoples experiences.
But in our case we had the deepest experience which the statisticians never had.


New member
But in our case we had the deepest experience which the statisticians never had.

That's where you are mistaken. Experience does not equal knowledge or understanding. Statistics, properly done, shine light on reality and prevent you from concluding whatever satisfies your preconceptions and biases.

How have you excluded personal biases and preconceptions from your conclusions?

My bet is that when an experienced person repeatedly ignores reliable statistics on the basis of their non-specific experience, they are ususlly woefully wrong.

As are you.


That's where you are mistaken. Experience does not equal knowledge or understanding. Statistics, properly done, shine light on reality and prevent you from concluding whatever satisfies your preconceptions and biases.

How have you excluded personal biases and preconceptions from your conclusions?

My bet is that when an experienced person repeatedly ignores reliable statistics on the basis of their non-specific experience, they are ususlly woefully wrong.

As are you.

It might be that I and many others are woefully wrong in European case. But, instead of Islam some other new antichristian movement like french revolution, communism, fascism can sweep over Europe and any other land. Then also my proposed conduct for real Christians stands.