What to do when Islam will conquer Europe after 20years?

Totton Linnet

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Dear Stephen but Jesus IS the Jew God, That shocks you I know but there is hardly a greater truth in the bible. He was crucified as King of the Jews, nor will He return until they own Him as their Messiah....and they will.

There is a truth about the cross I am not sure that you see, it is this that when Jesus was being punished He was being punished by God His Father. Not for any sin that He had commited or wrong He had done but because it PLEASED God to bruise Him. Yes it is shocking but true for Jesus God's Son was being punished for us, on our behalf....if He had not been punished then YOU and I would have to have been punished and killed, I was the sinner, I deserved to die but He did it for me. O.K. I apologise for saying Ghandi was a rascal...I think Churchill was a rascal but many English people think he was great.

Abraham was no better than us it is true, this gives me hope, for if he by believing God could find favour then so can I. Moses killed, David killed, all are dirty rotten sinners. The difference, the DIFFERENCE between them and all other people, whether it be Muslims or Romans or Greeks or British all who have been savage in their time is GOD....God chose them out of the rabble of mankind, not because they were better but so that He could show His love THROUGH them by lifting them up.

See I am no better than my neighbour, no better than Muslim, but God loves me, He chose me, He hopes that I can reach out and bless them and show His love for them.

You are I am sure opposed to Catholicism, but don't look at the Catholic church look at Mother Theresa.


New member
Where does this Muslim majority in 20 years come from? The prediction is currently an increase from 6 to 8% by 2030. The high birth rate of Muslim women will decrease as they become more educated and incorporate into European lifestyles.

Majority in 20 years? Made up fact.

The Barbarian

Perhaps it is best to listen to the truth coming from the mouth of the horse. The Internet site aljazeera.net published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani أحمد القطعاني An important Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity."

In 1900, Africa was predominately Muslim. Now, it is predominately Christian, and the disparity is growing.

In most of Europe, Islam would die out, if it were not for new immigrants:
There is even a secret underground network to support and protect those who leave Islam. One estimate suggests that as many as 15 per cent of Muslims in Western societies have lost their faith, which would mean that in Britain there are about 200,000 apostates.


Perhaps it is best to listen to the truth coming from the mouth of the horse. The Internet site aljazeera.net published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani أحمد القطعاني An important Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity."

In 1900, Africa was predominately Muslim. Now, it is predominately Christian, and the disparity is growing.

In most of Europe, Islam would die out, if it were not for new immigrants:
There is even a secret underground network to support and protect those who leave Islam. One estimate suggests that as many as 15 per cent of Muslims in Western societies have lost their faith, which would mean that in Britain there are about 200,000 apostates.

There are many statistics opposing it. In USA enormous number of Christians are converted to Islam. In India almost a million are converted in every year. In our East Bengal within 50 years they becoming majority drove us out.
Africa was not Muslim but predominantly animists. Now Muslims are increasing rapidly

The Barbarian

There are many statistics opposing it.

I notice you don't have any.

Africa was not Muslim but predominantly animists.

No. More Muslims than anything else. But that's not the case now.

Now Muslims are increasing rapidly

The latest figures reveal that Christianity has become the African continent’s number one religion, clearly surpassing Islam. This is according to the findings of a study presented today during the course of a conference organised by CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions) at El Jadida University in Morocco. The figures revealed at the conference which was attended by seventy speakers from 18 countries, today, Christians account for 46, 53% of the African population compared to the 40, 46 % represented by Muslims and the 11, 8% represented by traditional African religions. The study states that among African countries, 31 have Christian majorities, 21 have Muslim majorities and 6 have populations which adhere mostly to traditional African religions. In 1900 Christians in Africa totalled ten million; in 2012 this number reached five hundred million. In 1900 only 2% of Christians in the world were African; today, this figure has risen to 20%. In ten years time they will be the largest continental bloc within Christianity, outdoing Europe and the Americas. “This data is still not widely known - stated sociologist Massimo Introvigne, CESNUR’s founder – but they have a profound historical, cultural and political significance. There are now more practicing Christians in Africa than in Europe. In the long run, this will not only change Africa but Christianity as well as John Paul II had intuited. His attention to Africa was continued by Benedict XVI who has already visited the continent twice.”



I notice you don't have any.

No! I have history. In our south Asia many countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. converted rapidly to Islam within a century. We were driven out by them from Bangladesh.
Here Christians and hindus practice birth control. Islam forbids but educated muslims practice. But they are small in number. So islam is exploding in India too. The trend suggests that hindus will turn minority within 50 years. Contemplate the fall and Islam conversion of vast Byzantine Empire.
But it is to be expected as this world is given to pride-devil and violence. Devil will outwardly win here even in violent OT worshipping Christianity. I am proposing what real Christ-followers should do in the changed circumstances

The Barbarian

Barbarian, regarding statistics:
I notice you don't have any.

That is why you failed.

I have history.

But you seem unaware of history. Africa was, at the turn of the century, mostly Muslim. Now it's mostly Christian. A huge hit for Islam in the heartland of the faith.

As you see, many Muslims in Europe are converting to Christianity, and American Muslims bemoan the fact that without immigration, their faith would die out in America.

And the worldwide numerical lead of Christianity is growing, not shrinking.

In our south Asia many countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. converted rapidly to Islam within a century.

Which century?

We were driven out by them from Bangladesh.

Were Muslims driven out of other parts of the subcontinent by Hindus?

Here Christians and hindus practice birth control. Islam forbids but educated muslims practice. But they are small in number. So islam is exploding in India too.

13% or thereabouts. Hardly a threat.

The trend suggests that hindus will turn minority within 50 years.

This is a cautionary tale about reckless extrapolation of data.

Contemplate the fall and Islam conversion of vast Byzantine Empire.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the old Byzantine empire lost large amounts of land, leading to the formation of many Christian-dominated nations.


Barbarian, regarding statistics:
I notice you don't have any.

That is why you failed.

But you seem unaware of history. Africa was, at the turn of the century, mostly Muslim. Now it's mostly Christian. A huge hit for Islam in the heartland of the faith.

As you see, many Muslims in Europe are converting to Christianity, and American Muslims bemoan the fact that without immigration, their faith would die out in America.

And the worldwide numerical lead of Christianity is growing, not shrinking.

Which century?

Were Muslims driven out of other parts of the subcontinent by Hindus?

13% or thereabouts. Hardly a threat.

This is a cautionary tale about reckless extrapolation of data.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the old Byzantine empire lost large amounts of land, leading to the formation of many Christian-dominated nations.

I am too busy to counter your inflated and sectarian statistics. Our experience counts more. From 1900 to 20th century those countries turned islam from Buddist and animists. Peacable Hindus dont drive Muslims. Only Sikhs do.Those converted in Africa were mainly animists not Muslims.
May be some are converted in Europe but their high birth rate overwhelm that. Here 95% of converted ones revert back. That will happen there when Islam becomes near majority.


New member
Here Christians and hindus practice birth control. Islam forbids but educated muslims practice. But they are small in number. So islam is exploding in India too. The trend suggests that hindus will turn minority within 50 years. Contemplate the fall and Islam conversion of vast Byzantine Empire.

India's Sachar Committee Report about Muslims in India disagrees with you. It reports that demand for contraceptives from Muslims is high, the growth rate is falling, and that Muslims will amount to about 19% of the population in fifty years, based on an analysis of the recent trends.

Your fears of a Muslim dominated India are luckily as unfounded as the OP regarding Europe.


The Barbarian

I am too busy to counter your inflated and sectarian statistics.

I'm guessing "busy" isn't the problem.

Our experience counts more.

See above. That's the reality.

From 1900 to 20th century those countries turned islam from Buddist and animists. Peacable Hindus dont drive Muslims. Only Sikhs do.Those converted in Africa were mainly animists not Muslims.
May be some are converted in Europe but their high birth rate overwhelm that. Here 95% of converted ones revert back. That will happen there when Islam becomes near majority.

I see someone else has shown that even in India, your claim is wrong.

Reality has to count for something for you, doesn't it?


I'm guessing "busy" isn't the problem.

See above. That's the reality.

I see someone else has shown that even in India, your claim is wrong.

Reality has to count for something for you, doesn't it?

Those statics are biased politically and religiously. There are many opposite statics. Our practical observation counts more. One can easily find statistic one likes. But first hand practical observation superceeds them.


New member
Those statics are biased politically and religiously. There are many opposite statics. Our practical observation counts more. One can easily find statistic one likes. But first hand practical observation superceeds them.

Can you quote an academic study that thoroughly refutes the Sachar study? Practical observations don't trump academic studies unless you can show you have used a reliable methodology. What methodology have you used?

The trick is not to find statistics one likes like you have, but ones that have provenance and reliability.


New member
I don't think the world as we know it will be here in another 20 years and do not think there will be anyone here that believes in Islam either.

Where is Israel at this time you are speaking of here in this post I'm answering right now???

Paul -- 031213


New member
Hall of Fame
Where is Israel at this time you are speaking of here on the post before this one; - Post #57 - I answered the same as I’m answering this time here on #59???

Paul – 031213

Define what you mean by " where is israel at this time" im not sure what you mean. Where are they in connection to what exactly?