What to do when Islam will conquer Europe after 20years?


We should rejoice that muslims are coming to our neighborhoods, not try and drive them out. Show them who Jesus is, preach the Gospel.

Also is no one else going to comment on all the things he is saying about "jew-scriptures" or his thoughts on the book of Revelations?

Why exactly do you believe that the scriptures are corrupted by "anti-love", "jew-scriptures" and what do you have against the book of Revelation?
You can't covert them to Christ's Heavenly Father if you worship the same vengeful jew-god as them.

Do you think that after bloodlessly attaining freedom of our India by Christ’s enemy love I shall follow the bloody Jew-god? That time the renegade Christendom was killing ‘Christians” in 2nd world war following that god. Please read another answer to Toten in this post. Real living Christ has found me. No need of the fake Christ of the Catholics whom protestants follow too.
They made bible expressly to blast the root enemy-love message of Christ. I am concerned for the souls of people, not their physical, cultural or national identities. How blasphemously they say that love is only one attribute of God, not the root attribute from which all the attributes follow!


New member
You can't covert them to Christ's Heavenly Father if you worship the same vengeful jew-god as them.

Do you think that after bloodlessly attaining freedom of our India by Christ’s enemy love I shall follow the bloody Jew-god? That time the renegade Christendom was killing ‘Christians” in 2nd world war following that god. Please read another answer to Toten in this post. Real living Christ has found me. No need of the fake Christ of the Catholics whom protestants follow too.
They made bible expressly to blast the root enemy-love message of Christ. I am concerned for the souls of people, not their physical, cultural or national identities. How blasphemously they say that love is only one attribute of God, not the root attribute from which all the attributes follow!

And you can't claim to be a Christian and reject scripture.

You have made a God of your own design, invented a Jesus of your own making and follow teaching that you have devised yourself.


New member
i hate long posts

but i will save and read later

for now i have this to say

Muslims have always wanted to take over the world

and they have always worked on it and put such a thing 1st (well not all of them but the jihadists, and God knows there are far too many of them)

somewhere in Europe... wish i coud recall the country... Netherlands, i believe

some cartoonist was murdered by the Muslims... (those peace loving Muslims... aren't they lovely?)

and the Netherlands (i htink it was them) had enough

and they cracked down... wish i could remember how exactly...

but anyhow...

i hope the US does as well


And you can't claim to be a Christian and reject scripture.
In the first place I don't have the audacity to claim myself as a christian (christ like). I hope you are more christlike to claim so.
Yes! I must reject the violent scripture of catholics to uphold absolute love Christ.

You have made a God of your own design, invented a Jesus of your own making and follow teaching that you have devised yourself.
Jews accused Christ of the same crime. Time proved him. I have to speak what I am promoted to say. Time will prove it too.


And you can't claim to be a Christian and reject scripture.
In the first place I don't have the audacity to claim myself as a christian (christ like). I call myself worse than Judas. I hope you are more christlike to claim so.
Yes! I must reject the violent scripture of catholics to uphold absolute love Christ.

You have made a God of your own design, invented a Jesus of your own making and follow teaching that you have devised yourself.
Jews accused Christ of the same crime and punished for that. Time proved him. I have to speak what I am promoted to say. Time will prove it too.


New member
Jews accused Christ of the same crime. Time proved him. I have to speak what I am promoted to say. Time will prove it too.

Jesus was God himself who took on human flesh to be the final revelation of who God is, and was attested to by the "jew scriptures" that you so despise and lived His life according to them.

The Jewish leaders who opposed Jesus as a blasphemer during his life time did so against what the Old Testament Scriptures taught about Him.

He claimed and is the messiah written of in Isaiah 53 and all throughout the Old Testament.


i hate long posts

but i will save and read later

for now i have this to say

Muslims have always wanted to take over the world

and they have always worked on it and put such a thing 1st (well not all of them but the jihadists, and God knows there are far too many of them)

somewhere in Europe... wish i coud recall the country... Netherlands, i believe

some cartoonist was murdered by the Muslims... (those peace loving Muslims... aren't they lovely?)

and the Netherlands (i htink it was them) had enough

and they cracked down... wish i could remember how exactly...

but anyhow...

i hope the US does as well

The root of Islam is in Bible's old testament and Revelation. As long as we use gun our protests against guns are useless. Christ didn't prescribe crackdown.
They cant surpass Germans and Russians in killing Christians.

The Berean

Well-known member

I've seen this video before. An Egyptian Christian, who is a former Muslim, spoke at my church a few months ago and showed this video. It presents startling population statistics. He shared his Christian testimony and his experiences sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.

By 2100 Europe will be very different, mostly likely Muslim dominated. I find it ironic that the secularization of Europe over the past 100 years (and the de-emphasis of large families) may be the eventual downfall of secular Europe. Assuming Europe does became Muslim dominant I wonder what flavor of Islam will be the prevailing religion? :idunno:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What to do when Islam will conquer Europe after 20years?

Maybe the Catholic church will launch another crusade. :plain:

that is really a stupid comment

it shows you do not understand

the significance of the first crusades
the limitations of the Church today
the seriousness of the threat

The Berean

Well-known member
Sharia Law.

I suspect at some point when the Muslim population boom becomes more obvious many European countries will start banning Muslims immigrants and perhaps even start expelling Muslims already in Europe. They'll do this for their own self-protection. The US did this with the Chinese in the 1880's with the Chines Exclusion Act as the Chinese were seen as a threat.


I suspect at some point when the Muslim population boom becomes more obvious many European countries will start banning Muslims immigrants and perhaps even start expelling Muslims already in Europe. They'll do this for their own self-protection. The US did this with the Chinese in the 1880's with the Chines Exclusion Act as the Chinese were seen as a threat.

The problem with that theory is that you're assuming Muzzies don't vote.

It's pretty hard to expel a group of people when they have their own people in high political offices.


I've seen this video before. An Egyptian Christian, who is a former Muslim, spoke at my church a few months ago and showed this video. It presents startling population statistics. He shared his Christian testimony and his experiences sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.

By 2100 Europe will be very different, mostly likely Muslim dominated. I find it ironic that the secularization of Europe over the past 100 years (and the de-emphasis of large families) may be the eventual downfall of secular Europe. Assuming Europe does became Muslim dominant I wonder what flavor of Islam will be the prevailing religion? :idunno:

Celibate me is for spiritual propagation of Christ. Alas! Christians have lost both the capacity for spiritual and physical propagation.



Jesus was God himself who took on human flesh to be the final revelation of who God is, and was attested to by the "jew scriptures" that you so despise and lived His life according to them.

The Jewish leaders who opposed Jesus as a blasphemer during his life time did so against what the Old Testament Scriptures taught about Him.

He claimed and is the messiah written of in Isaiah 53 and all throughout the Old Testament.

Book of Mormon and Indian Vedas attested that Jesus is God. So they are infallible!!
Our books of medicines and sciences contain far more truths than mostly imaginary and truth contradicting Jew-scripture. Still they dont claim infallibility.
Actually it is blasphemy when I say God is a torturous killer. OT and Revelation beleivers just do that



Dear Toten

I am answering it also in my thread for others to see.

Do you think that the realization Christ gave me in my 50 year celibate Christ-following among Muslims will go away if forced by holding my collar? It wouldn’t go away even by crucifying.

You called Gandhi rascal and that is less than the abuses jews heaped upon Christ. As Christ forgave and loved them, Gandhi also had done the same to his abusers and persecuters.
Nonviolence heritage Indian I have no regards for polygamous, coward warmonger and irresponsible wife-deserter Abraham. He is no better than us.
Why I have to take the massacring jew-god (census31-16;1sam15-14.)
and his scripture more violent than Indian gods and scriptures? I have left those being drawn by the absolute love Christ exemplified on the cross. Shall I fall back to worse jew-god? Everything must be evaluated in love-scale. Even children do that.
Corrupt humanity corrupts everything on which they lay their hands on including scriptures. See the obvious corruption in Peter’s and Thomas’s gospels. Certainly Peter and Thomas didn’t do it.
Fortunately I need no corrupted scriptures to believe in Christ, as living he saved me. I have no need of his genealogy, history, so called death or resurrection. His saving power only matters. Living he often appears often here to speak, touch and heal. Let them call him devil or rascal.
Christ had to take devil's protegee bloody David as father to be born in this Devil's kingdom. Every king is devil's protegee. But that didn't really make him David-Devil's child. So it doesn't make him an Israelite. He is above race and nationality.
Having tasted jewish religion and tradition-derived Islam’s sword on us driving us out of our hearth and home, I must declare that as evil.
Simony is evil. Christ never sought money but freely given money was allowed and kept by Judas.
I still consider you a friend