I've learned that liberals' confirmation bias makes any real effort futile.
That must come in real handy for you, if this sort of thing is how you meet difference. And by "that" I mean what follows. People who can't make an argument for their position will often as not find a reason and means to dodge having to.
On the plus side, your latest is funnier than most, given I'm not a liberal. . . real confirmation bias in unintended illustration.
You're just a Word Power version of the typical declaration in lieu of argument or illustration crowd.
Your mildly demented worldview, which you think is accurate and valid, is not going to change. It's an epistemological fact.
Again, declaration and the occasionally interesting word or phrase does not an argument or illustration make. You might as well be without a wrench if all you do with it is hang it on a wall.
And my point about the Bar is the most significant topic for anyone to address. It's sad you don't know why.
The capitalized Bar should reference one of the examinations I took, or its not being used in a way that would give someone not privy to your circumstance or group insight into another meaning. If you're not following conventions, providing context is your job, as I did with "that" above.
Here's that sentence of yours again in all it's declarative, contextual want:
"You don't even know what the Bar actually is."
Either you're speaking correctly to my education and I noted it, or you're incorrectly capitalizing a standard...or you just need to flesh that out a bit, provide some additional context, supra.
I don't need to appeal to anyone and convince them. Truth is truth, regardless of whether you will ever access it.
The last refuge of the rhetorically unprepared: I don't need to prove anything, because its true. A neat freehand circle.
I thought that was your meat, a more ornamental declaration with the same deficiency in support and assumption in premise, but I always like to give anyone who appears to have a position the chance to make their case.