Join us in the 21st century. This is not 1960's Alabama.
And you still haven't considered why that law came into play. If you ever do you need to understand that it didn't magically transform a land that was overwhelmingly racist to one degree or another, that taking down that institutionalized ignorance, both writ large and small, takes generations, just as it took generations to instill.
Actually, I know you DO get it. Your leftwing extremism and your dislike for me override your common sense and force you to argue with me, even though it is painfully obvious that I speak the simple truth.
You have all sorts of things wrong in there. I'm not a left winger, let alone an extreme version of that. None of those I've met are pro 2nd Amendment, against abortion, and regular adherents to the Christian faith, though I'm willing to grant there may be some who have one or two of those uncomfortably in their quiver. As for you...I'm largely indifferent beyond what you write. I don't invest emotionally in complete strangers. No reason to. For all I know you're some kid in Iowa having a go.
The world would be much better if people "Live and Let Live", and that includes letting someone live with their prejudices.
No, it wouldn't be. Evil ideas need to be opposed wherever they surface. Evil only prevails when good men do nothing about it. Now any fool can hold any fool notion they want to in the privacy of their own minds, but then again they always could, so we can't really be talking about that.
Every single person has them, including you Mr. High & Mighty.
Absolutely. Bias is part of human nature. On the benign side it can be a grouping of likened minds toward a good end, like a church or community action group. On the crappy, dangerous end of the spectrum it can lead to a Klan march, and public lynching, or lesser but institutionalized harms, like denying people the opportunity to compete in the system.
Racial, appearance, whatever. Some people don't like fat people. Some people don't like stupid people. Some people don't like smokers. If you want to sick the Thought Nazis on people, why stop at just race? How about everything else? You don't even realize how conditioned you are by society on this issue.
When we start lynching people for being fat, start denying equal access and opportunity to stupid people (and Congress is an argument against that prima facie) get back to me.
The difference between you and me on this issue is that I know HOW to think about it, and you are conditioned on WHAT to think about it.
No, I suspect the difference between us is that I have an intimacy with the consequence of racism, an exposure to it in a way that is foreign to you, that you're an insulated, younger white guy whose lack understanding of that has led him to error.