ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


New member
More "Dr. Phil"/"Dr. Joyce"/"Dr. Laura" psycho babble.
Still a good song.
Still a real sickness.
Still something you show typical behavioral traits of.

His favorite zinger-"cowards." Everyone is a "coward," or "liar," and everyone is ganging up on poor Brucie boy, "personally attacking" him, and leveling "character attacks."

You are a liar when you lie. I show the lies. How is that inappropriate? Am I supposed to give you a scooby snack when you lie and congratulate you?

When you run from the points of the discussion and rely on making comments about the person, not the argument, you ran from the discussion and the arguments. How is that not cowardly?

You attack the threat you see, rather than suck it up and address the points. HOW is that not cowardly?

Why do you continuously refuse to address that naming a liar isn't "name calling"?

because it's all you have, try to discredit the big bad person you can't out argue.....

Nope. I dig chicks, so your "Johnny" "come on" doesn't work with me, and the babes are not impressed with you acting like a tough "guy," "Hoss."
Repeating you like chicks only makes you sound desperate. Not addressing if they know you like them makes you look evasive.
Not addressing what I actually said and just repeating your claim looks hollow. I'm more sure now.

Chapter and verse, where the LORD God(not "Gawd")requires me to "answer" any question posed to me, especially from a vile, child of the devil, and "wounded soul" actress, such as yourself?
You don't have to answer anything Jacky boy. You can run from every point that shows you to be daft. And you can pretend NO ONE notices when you do it.

Like I said, we see you as that BAT KID from a year ago... We humor you.

Nope. Your a hypocrite, actress, Brucie boy.
There you go trying to feminize me again.. You just can't think of me as anything other than female. That speaks volumes of you Jacky boy. Volumes.

My evidence? Every one of your cry baby, sniveling, hypocritical "posts" on TOL.

you are right, I expect reason and logic from you rather than blathering and mumbling. I am pretty stupid.... Seriously.


Well-known member
I will put you in the spot where you have admitted to what is acceptable as proof before I give it. It would have saved us all a lot of time, but you can't give an answer as an answer, but rather ask a question and pretend it's an answer. Then after 450 attempts to get you to answer, you finally....

I invited you to ask questions, not to whine. Cut the drama. It serves no purpose.


New member
No idea what that is supposed to mean. Can't answer until you explain it.

I'm waiting, will you accept psalm 110 as prophetic.

I flubbed up the name of the author, so you tried to distract the chat to THAT error, rather than answering the question.

I'm still waiting.

And still......


And waiting......

Then I also tried to jump ahead, and asked about Hebrews and Christ's claims, will you accept them as valid.... And you still try to evade and dodge....

What do you want me to do here?

I can't make you answer.

I can only point out how you refuse to and hope at some point you'll be shamed, or become aware, or realize, or whatever, the cowardly stunts you are pulling here....

I'm putting up with all your moves, TRYING to get you on point.

You are doing all the babbling you can do to avoid doing so.



New member
Here Musty,

Do you accept Psalm 110 as prophetic?

Since it's a Hebrew document, will you accept an explanation of it's impact from Hebrews?

Will you accept Christ's comments that corroborate these comments?

Do me a favor, and cut out the crap and give answers to them. Cut and past them with your answer after that.


New member
Cricket. Summer rerun season is here early.

You child of the devil. There-don't take it "personally"-it was impersonal.

How did I do?

Oh. Well, "Ya know..."

"Ya know" the rest...

I don't know-can I "choose c?" That worked, most of the time, in my "6 year college plan"

Anything to avoid addressing the statements made.

Show me more tricks Jacky boy.


New member
We're done, psycho.

So, the answer to ONE question is answered finally, you are a coward.

I give you three specific questions, so you choose that moment to bow out. :)

I've spent the afternoon/evening trying to get you to answer questions, and you have spent the time trying to dodge and evade.

No value.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Anything to avoid addressing the statements made.

Show me more tricks Jacky boy.

What was that verse, that I asked you to produce, cry baby, that demands that I answer any question, "addressing the statements," especially from a child of the devil, such as yourself, rummy Brucie boy? And don't take my "child of the devil" assessment/judgment, "personally," wounded soul-it is an "impersonal attack."

Hmphhh.... How did I do?

I thought so-still reading your "Seventeen" magazine," instead of surveying the book, eh, ignorant one?



Well-known member
Guess The Hypocrite:

Some of us would rather discuss the differences and learn from them, without the sanctimonious, denigratory, "vulgar form of debate" that we find prevalent.

If I agree with you, I have nothing to discuss. If we disagree we have things to discuss and we can learn from each other. But when someone feels they have to be right, none of the merits of the discussion are addressed.

Rather we just see where the longest yellow line in the snow is.


New member
What was that verse, that I asked you to produce, cry baby, that demands that I answer any question, "addressing the statements," especially from a child of the devil, such as yourself, rummy Brucie boy?
I addressed your point, where is the response you whining coward?

And don't take my "child of the devil" assessment/judgment, "personally," wounded soul-it is an "impersonal attack."

Hmphhh.... How did I do?
John if I thought you had a clue about who was GOD or the DEVIL it might sting a little.

I thought so-still reading your "Seventeen" magazine," instead of surveying the book, eh, ignorant one?



anything to avoid the points, right Jacky boy?


New member
Guess The Hypocrite:

Guess the empty accusation.

How was that hypocritical?

You are avoiding debate by not answering any questions. Coward or confidence, I dunno for sure which, but you sure as heck go to extreme measures to NOT answer and let a debate occur.

Here Musty,

Do you accept Psalm 110 as prophetic?

Since it's a Hebrew document, will you accept an explanation of it's impact from Hebrews?

Will you accept Christ's comments that corroborate these comments?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Still something you show typical behavioral traits of.

More opinions, opinions about opinions, about opinions, about opinions about opinions.....snorts.....grunts...emotional pleas/wines/babblings...

You are a liar when you lie.

Oh. And water is wet. More brilliance...What did we do, on TOL, all these years, on TOL, w/o your brilliant, "bright" insights?

Everyone is a liar, coward, evader....according to our hero.

Yes-"every man a liar."

Geez, Brucie boy. Your "teaching" is astounding. We did not know that all men are liars. Please teach me. Please teach us? Please?

At least you have an excused for lying-lost people, such as yourself, are expected to lie. Forever justified saints, such as myself, are not. But, then again, if/when I lie, lost people, such as yourself, are not in any position to judge a saint, such as myself.

Poor you-no authority.

Reading your own "posts"(loosely employed here), are you?

How is that inappropriate? Am I supposed to give you a scooby snack when you lie and congratulate you?

Teen talk. Lovely.

When you run from the points of the discussion and rely on making comments about the person, not the argument, you ran from the discussion and the arguments. How is that not cowardly?

The old reliable "you run...evade" stumper, that you spam to everyone.

And the Oscar goes to...

Everyone is a coward, according to our tough guy, Hetty.


You attack the threat you see, rather than suck it up and address the points. HOW is that not cowardly?

Cry baby. This is not "The Girl Scouts," Brucie boy.

Why do you continuously refuse to address that naming a liar isn't "name calling"?

Identifying/marking/exposing wolves/children of the devil, is name calling, and, unlike you, I don't apologize for it, you biblical ignoramus, as name calling is biblical, and attacking wolves, is also. And I don't negotiate with communists, or wolves, such as yourself.

Dig it? Groovy.

Because it's all you have, try to discredit the big bad person you can't out argue.....

Oh. I will file that one, Dr. Phil.

Repeating you like chicks only makes you sound desperate. Not addressing if they know you like them makes you look evasive.
Not addressing what I actually said and just repeating your claim looks hollow. I'm more sure now.

Fluff, psycho babble, grunts, emotional diatribes-that is your "ministry," besides wining/pining, and acting.

You don't have to answer anything Jacky boy. You can run from every point that shows you to be daft. And you can pretend NO ONE notices when you do it.

Like I said, we see you as that BAT KID from a year ago... We humor you.

Chapter, verse, again where I am required to answer anyone, much less a child of the devil?

You: Not a peep.

" we see you as that BAT KID from a year ago... We humor you. "

Who is this "we," Brucie boy? I am one of the directors on TOL, with power, authority, and clout. You're a slug, mostly ignored, like a gnat, a dancer, and this "we" can only be employed if you are a member of the body of Christ, punk.

There you go trying to feminize me again.. You just can't think of me as anything other than female. That speaks volumes of you Jacky boy. Volumes.

"Volumes"=cliche #666

That's your best shot?

Have a seat. Again, you're boring all of us. At least cry in a different manner.


New member
Still waiting for something relevant John.

It's not name calling if the names called are behaviors you commit.

I'm glad you agreed with me on that since you claimed water is wet, then we are good on that front.

That's twice you have ceded to me tonight Jacky boy. We are getting somewhere.


New member
There you go trying to feminize me again.. You just can't think of me as anything other than female. That speaks volumes of you Jacky boy. Volumes."Volumes"=cliche #666

Jackyboy said:
That's your best shot?

Nope. that's merely an observation. You are the one with thoughts of a feminine me Jacky boy...

It's not an insult, it's noting your interests based on your words....


New member
Jacky boy, you could be relevant. You are slightly intelligent. You could contribute to a conversation, but you refuse to do so. Instead you prefer to be a clown and make a total fool of yourself with all the personal conversations and not points in the discussion conversations.

People attack what is a threat to them.

I am a threat to you.

I don't intend to be.

But apparently I am.

I prefer to discuss, you prefer to insult.

hehehe it's like the little kid at school who runs their mouth all the time but the minute you stop and turn around to face up to them, they run off and hide.

You are like one of those purse pooches, that sit in the purse and yip at people walking by in the mall....

Lots of noise, little use.

Listen dude, you could contribute and be relevant. Why so insecure?

How long have you felt so insecure and threatened?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope. that's merely an observation. You are the one with thoughts of a feminine me Jacky boy...

It's not an insult, it's noting your interests based on your words....

I'll go slower for you, Brucie boy. Now, follow the bouncing ball, you puffed up "author," actor. I dig chicks, so your man crush/obsession with me, is akin to rearranging the proverbial deck chairs, on the SS Titanic, sonny.

But I understand that your using my legendary status on TOL, to draw attention to yourself, as not many are paying attention to you, on the TOL circuit.

Am I clear? Good, Colonel Klink!