ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


New member
I have a new root objection to M.A.D. it's adherents can't answer a simple question nor stay on point.

I'd be ashamed to join a cult that I was required to make myself substantially dumber to be a member of.

Simon Baker

Oooooo no one will figure out that you edited and fixed YOUR post, to mock mine that was just a cut and paste of yours...

Jack, you ain't gotta clue. You are a clown. You are incompetent and impotent, and you act out to compensate for it. You probably drive a really nice car too, just for some extra umph to your confidence.


Wat is the big argument here ? Why the personal insults ?
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TOL Subscriber
What is M.A.D. ? Cult ?


Hi Simon, you would think it was the way people talk about it, but their reaction is usually because it goes against what they've been taught in the religious, denominational system that they are in bondage to or they are listening to someone involved in one.

Here's an old thread, but a goodie on the topic if you don't just want the hater's diatribe.

and welcome to TOL!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
What is M.A.D. ?

The good news of your salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ died for your sin and was raised for your justification. The acronym refers to the apostle Paul. This good news was given to him for us, as you know if you have read the Bible.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

Jesus brings them with Him TO Heaven

Jesus isn't ever bringing anyone back to planet earth. The Kingdom is not of this world.

Yes, they "remain" on earth. You claim they "remain", but at the same time you claim they are rapture away.

How can someone "remain" and be raptured away at the same time?

Common sense and Dispensationalism are mutually exclusive.

1 Thessalonians 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

1 Thessalonians 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

You have to really want to mess this up.

The alive and remain are in contrast to the departed/bring with him.


New member
Wat is the big argument here ? Why the personal insults ?

What personal insult?

Look the word insult up.

Look up ad hominem as well.

I've done neither.

You have a man who edited his post to make it work correctly, then challenge my post that quoted his and thus showed the same error.

He was dishonest as heck doing that. It makes him a liar, as it was deliberate and malicious. That is NOT an insult, it's just the word for the actions he committed.

The problem isn't me using the ONE WORD descriptor rather than beat around the bush on the comment, it's that he did the action.

If you don't see that, you need not address me, we'll be in different universes speaking.


New member

Hi Simon, you would think it was the way people talk about it, but their reaction is usually because it goes against what they've been taught in the religious, denominational system that they are in bondage to or they are listening to someone involved in one.

Here's an old thread, but a goodie on the topic if you don't just want the hater's diatribe.

and welcome to TOL!

As opposed to someone reading the whole of the book of God and recognizing the intrinisic silliness of the M.A.D. doctrine, who tries to discuss it with them, and watches them flee the conversation, avoid the convicting questions, and pretend they are right and wise instead......
Yeah, right.

They are a cult. And not a really bright one either. They leave the powder out of their Koolaid it seems.


New member
OH, and Heir, you can sit back and avoid the arguments and scream you are right all day long. You can pull a sheet over your head and pretend the firing squad isn't there, but the bullets as the arguments, still will rip you apart.


New member
The good news of your salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ died for your sin and was raised for your justification. The acronym refers to the apostle Paul. This good news was given to him for us, as you know if you have read the Bible.

You mean, "you know if you read the selected parts of the Bible we read, and avoid the ones we can't answer for!"

I get it.

It's important when you edit God's word and eliminate Christ's Church, that you not let people catch you at it and make you admit to it.

Y'all are so cute....... I mean, really...> God's little editors.


New member
Other than the lemon he bought from Mrs. Lesh, I've only seen him drive the squad car.

OHHH mr. braniac comes oout to play. :)

STP, I never courted his, "ex girlfriend". I did enjoy her company at a meal one time as we discussed life and got to know each other better.

You might benefit from living in reality, vs creating your own. Jack's failures are his own and not of my doing.


TOL Subscriber
OH, and Heir, you can sit back and avoid the arguments and scream you are right all day long. You can pull a sheet over your head and pretend the firing squad isn't there, but the bullets as the arguments, still will rip you apart.

What arguments? :idunno:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oprah and sickly one? Watermelons and stock investments, peanut butter and horse flies. Is this a competition of absolutely STUPID things to say?

Stupid is, as stupid does, Lt. Brucie boy/Col. Klink.

So there.

That "CAPS" ploy is another stunner. Quit shouting, you meanie, or I'm going to rat on you, Larry Mondello!

How did I do?

Using the word THINK is a bit optimistic for you eh Jacky?

Thanks, "bright" "author." How about another "rofl?"


Your actions betray your words.

Approaching the record, for cliches, within a 24 hour period.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Jack, I've been cleaning up your posts all night long... you gotta be kidding me....

See Pee Wee Herman defense above.

you are truly bereft of anything substantial to contribute.

Your obsession with me is duly noted-I'm honored. I'm like a drug. But, I dig chicks, so, move on.

And you just broke the record for cliches, "author."