ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?

john w

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Hall of Fame
The narcissist rarely does. They feel they are above such trivial things. If you catch them in their ignorance they try to hide it with charm, or address it with challenge. Talk or battle. They don't hold any reasoning to them at all.

OR they are just simply cowards and don't want to face the truth. There are two schools of thoughts on that.

More "Dr. Phil"/"Dr. Joyce"/"Dr. Laura" psycho babble.

His favorite zinger-"cowards." Everyone is a "coward," or "liar," and everyone is ganging up on poor Brucie boy, "personally attacking" him, and leveling "character attacks."

That's your best shot, Brucie? Have any hankies?

Why do you act like you don't know my gender? Are you trying to hide your interest in the word homo and myself in so many same sentences???? You know I'm male. Why do you even pretend to not know? Rofl.

Nope. I dig chicks, so your "Johnny" "come on" doesn't work with me, and the babes are not impressed with you acting like a tough "guy," "Hoss."

How about a "ROFLOl," instead of your cute " Rofl." Please? TTYL!!!(How did I do?)

You suggested hypocrisy, and it was shown false. Lacking an answer to the rebuttal, you simply ignore it and repeat yourself. Know who else repeats themselves? People suffering Autism challenges.

Chapter and verse, where the LORD God(not "Gawd")requires me to "answer" any question posed to me, especially from a vile, child of the devil, and "wounded soul" actress, such as yourself?

I thought so.

Nope. Your a hypocrite, actress, Brucie boy. My evidence? Every one of your cry baby, sniveling, hypocritical "posts" on TOL.

I'd prefer someone man enough to answer the arguments. I'm not going to find that with you am I?

Lacking a bit of confidence in your "man"hood, are you Brucie, with that "man enough" stock cliche?

It's a rhetorical question. Do you know what a " rhetorical question" is, "bright" Brucie? You taught me that.

The only battle here is you with yourself John. You are no threat to me, not in ANY sense of the word. Certainly not in words in a chat board where you run from every substantial point and retort with, "YOU BIG FAT DUMMY!!!!"

More psycho babble. Thanks Fred "G" Sanford, and the "G" is for "Gawd/"god."

Why? You run like the coward you are from EVERY point that is made. Why give you more just to watch a coward flee the real conversation?

That "coward" zinger stumps all of us.

Next up: It is, what it is...The truth is the truth....

Thanks for contributing to the growth of TOL.

This is a prima facie fact.

What is the ticker symbol of the above?

I'll give you my friggin phone number, what do you think you are going to do with it? What does my name do for you? Other than make you look "tough" while you imply personal violent threats in a public forum.


I aint too bright, Ellie Mae. Translate? Gimme sum "exegesis," and all that jazz. Did you get that from "Seventeen" magazine?

Sorry-I dig chicks, so, I won't be calling you, Brucie boy. As they say in Texas, "If the phone don't ring, you'll know it's me."

Can you dig it? Good.

Jacky, I just want you to answer the points so we can discuss. You are just infatuated with ME and the word HOMO being used close together. It's not going to happen that way. Give up. Just stick to the bible parts bub.

Poor little Jacky, acting so tough and all.

Sorry-I dig chicks, Brucie boy, so your "Jacky" won't work with me either.


New member
You implied earlier today that you have questions no MAD can adequately answer. I've yet to see any except the one on OT prophecy, which I answered. If you really do have others, ask now.

You claimed you answered I'm still waitin on where that occurred. You've yet to produce that....

You did answer it here at the end, but lacking proof of doing it earlier you'll be a liar.

Don't you think it's important to find out if you're speaking to a liar or not?????

Psalm 110, do you accept Paul's comments to be about the Messiah?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Really? Are you one of those idiots that think GOD is the Lord's name?

Stop your "personal" attacks!!!!! If you must, only "impersonally" attack!!!! Stop!!!!

How did I do?

hahahahahahahahaaha that's rich.



The moderators suggest that you source your sources, Brucie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
irrelevant to the discussion, just an attack.

Cricket. Summer rerun season is here early.

You child of the devil. There-don't take it "personally"-it was impersonal.

How did I do?

You know, we only attack things that are threats.

Oh. Well, "Ya know..."

"Ya know" the rest...

Or we are psychopathic and do it for fun.

WHich of those is it for you Jack?

I don't know-can I "choose c?" That worked, most of the time, in my "6 year college plan"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Johnny is a boys name. You act like a boy. I moved it to Jacky to help you associate with it. Do chicks know you did em? I sorta doubt they do, I imagine they have lots of doubts about that.

More talk show, arm chair psycho babble, from "The Nutty Professor" Brucie.

Real tough guy aren't you, "Little Joe?"

How did I do?

Nice spin, actress, but it won't work. I dig chicks, and it's saint John W to you, Brucie boy. Dig? Cool(I thought you'd feel "groovy," with me employing a word that you understand).

You are the one on the brink of making threats Jacky boyo. I merely offered to provide you a phone number when you asked me my name, of which I've already given half of.

Show me where I made a threat, you cry baby, sniveling punk.

You tend to deliberately (?) ignore things that happen so it won't get in the way of your bash fest.

do you ever make relevant points on topics? Or is it all comic relief?

Another gem/stumper. Please bedazzle me, and all of TOL, further. Please?

I never tell on people.
I'm the one that always gets "told on". So nice try coward.

Vegas has it 2/1 that Brucie will zing us with that "coward" baffler, at least 666 more times.

Everyone is a coward, to this sap.

Jacky, jacky jacky, you never did answer me, how do I threaten you so I can avoid repeating that behavior.

Jack, in all seriousness, you are so et up with the narcissism, you believe your own tripe I believe.

More talk show psycho babble-standard fare.

Now, Brucie boy, you really are starting to bore me.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You claimed you answered I'm still waitin on where that occurred. You've yet to produce that....

You did answer it here at the end, but lacking proof of doing it earlier you'll be a liar.

Don't you think it's important to find out if you're speaking to a liar or not?????

Psalm 110, do you accept Paul's comments to be about the Messiah?


Please repeat. Please?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Cut him some slack, John, he thinks Paul wrote Psalm 110.


I think he's been hangin' out, being an author and all, in "The Partridge Family" bus, smokin' a few doobies, with Danny B., and Keith, and Laurie...Wait....he's too emotional, uptight, to be high.....


Well-known member
I think he's been hangin' out, being an author and all, in "The Partridge Family" bus, smokin' a few doobies, with Danny B., and Keith, and Laurie...Wait....he's too emotional, uptight, to be high.....

Mr. Kincaid would tell him to chill out.

Wait -- he said he's an author?


New member
Paul didn't write Psalm 110.

You are right. This is what happens when you splice two thoughts together. Do you accept David's comments in Psalm 110.

Do you accept Christ's claims about Himself????

And can we trust corroborating proof from more modern Jews as to David's claims where they link up and tell a story?

I need to know what is acceptable to you before I lay it on the table.


New member
You implied earlier today that you have questions no MAD can adequately answer. I've yet to see any except the one on OT prophecy, which I answered. If you really do have others, ask now.

I will put you in the spot where you have admitted to what is acceptable as proof before I give it. It would have saved us all a lot of time, but you can't give an answer as an answer, but rather ask a question and pretend it's an answer. Then after 450 attempts to get you to answer, you finally....