ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


New member
The middle wall of partition should not be confused with the temple as you seem to be confusing it. Back to studying, andy!

I don't think Cross Reference is Andy.

When Yeshua became the New Covenant, Jews and Gentiles became One in Him and Yeshua became our ability to establish a relationship with God as opposed to our obedience to the Law under the Old Covenant. That does not mean that the Law is no longer applicable to our lives but that we are now free to be obedient to the Law out of love for and honor of God. The Ruach, Holy Spirit, leads us in this obedience.

Cross Reference

New member
I don't think Cross Reference is Andy.

When Yeshua became the New Covenant, Jews and Gentiles became One in Him and Yeshua became our ability to establish a relationship with God as opposed to our obedience to the Law under the Old Covenant. That does not mean that the Law is no longer applicable to our lives but that we are now free to be obedient to the Law out of love for and honor of God. The Ruach, Holy Spirit, leads us in this obedience.
He does try to, doesn't He? I wonder what the holdup is?

Cross Reference

New member
Willful disobedience...that for which Paul stated "no sacrifice for sin is left".

Yep. Your last part vex's me because all my sinning took place with a knowledge of God within me ___ but by the same token has astonished me by His grace for my forgiveness after hitting bottom. I assume you are referring to Heb 6:6?


TOL Subscriber
ALL of this could be reconciled to the truth if anyone understood ontology rather than imputed righteousness just being a status of legal standing and position.

"In Christ" isn't an assigned identity, it's ontological hypostatic existence. Nobody here knows Paul's Gospel, though most are likely saved by elpis (hope/trust) [Romans 8:24-25].


New member
Yep. Your last part vex's me because all my sinning took place with a knowledge of God within me ___ but by the same token has astonished me by His grace for my forgiveness after hitting bottom. I assume you are referring to Heb 6:6?

More like Hebrews 10:26-27 but 6:6 plays a part in that. You aren't the only one who relies on His Mercy and Forgiveness. We all have to. We have to forgive ourselves also. Hard lessons. :)


New member
ALL of this could be reconciled to the truth if anyone understood ontology rather than imputed righteousness just being a status of legal standing and position.

"In Christ" isn't an assigned identity, it's ontological hypostatic existence. Nobody here knows Paul's Gospel, though most are likely saved by elpis (hope/trust) [Romans 8:24-25].

Good grief, all these big words! :) I agree that "In Christ" is not an assigned identity as the doctrine of the elect would have us believe. Being "in Christ" is a choice and a struggle; a perseverance if you will. Paul called it striving.

Cross Reference

New member
More like Hebrews 10:26-27 but 6:6 plays a part in that. You aren't the only one who relies on His Mercy and Forgiveness. We all have to. We have to forgive ourselves also. Hard lessons. :)
Yes, and the accuser only compounds it all. But I am learning to how to rejoice knowing he must think I am worth something to the kingdom that he would bother showing me to myself __ and then lie to me. . . Having said that, I am quite familiar with
Heb 10:25-27. I have experience that in my life as being the day of Lord __ the morning after.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
...I see no difference between the gospel preached by Jesus as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, and Paul.


No false lines at all in their message of the one Truth of God.

That is because your SOF is your authority. Neither the Lord Jesus Christ, in Mt-John, or the 12, at least prior to the DBR, ever preached, "I/Christ is going to die for your/our raised for your/our justification...Believe it, this good news, to be saved"=the gospel/good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.


New member
Yes, and the accuser only compounds it all. But I am learning to how to rejoice knowing he must think I am worth something to the kingdom that he would bother showing me to myself __ and then lie to me. . . Having said that, I am quite familiar with
Heb 10:25-27. I have experience that in my life as being the day of Lord __ the morning after.

Worthy to die for, Brother! :) That's a lot to rejoice about.


New member
That is because your SOF is your authority. Neither the Lord Jesus Christ, in Mt-John, or the 12, at least prior to the DBR, ever preached, "I/Christ is going to die for your/our raised for your/our justification...Believe it, this good news, to be saved"=the gospel/good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

No, John, it was just prophecy fulfilled in His coming. :rolleyes: Prophecy that all of God's people ate, drank, slept; were totally intimate with.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

MAD has devised an unrighteous system which divides the NT church in order to cover up their unbelief of--

the words of Jesus in the gospels,

the way of salvation in Acts,

the words of Paul to the Spiritual,

the teachings of Hebrews to the saints,

the corrections of James to the brethren.

the warnings of 2 Peter ch 2

and the instruction of Jude which is--

Jud 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.


"the words of Jesus in the gospels,"-LALaw

Acts 20:35 KJV

I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Show us "the words of Jesus in the gospels," where, "how he said,"

It is more blessed to give than to receive

Show us "what you gots," toots.