ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Somewhere, amid all this nonsense, there is a decent discussion to be had. :sigh:


TOL Subscriber
Happy to see you're still on the wrong side of logic, knowledge, and
Spiritual discernment! At least those who are members of the "Body
of Christ" KNOW who the enemies of "Paul's Gospel" are! You're
right out in the open, at least!

I'd have thought you and "Student X" would be of one accord?

I simply answered musterion's question with subject matter for rational discussion. Why do you start all this nonsense again, including neg reps? I thought you wanted some kind of peace without all that.


New member
You mean we say consistently that works do not save anyone

Yes, you do say that consistently but then again, so do I and so do others who believe that we have an onus of responsibility within the faith. It's called keeping our end of the Covenant.

or keep them saved, and those who teach that, are teaching falsehoods, thanks.

"Those" being Yeshua, Peter, name a few. John 15:1-6, Matthew 7:21...well, you know.


New member
Why are you trying to change the subject. I asked how to enter eternal life. He said keep the commandments. And you try and derail the topic. Jesus is God, and therefore good.

This would be true of a Jew who didn't know who Jesus was.

No. What must I do to enter into life? Keep the commandments. Deal with it you filthy weasel. Let you be accursed.

I dealt with it. The 'keep the commands' was replaced with 'follow Jesus'.


New member
including selling out!

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

When you look at the passage we see a man who appeared totally sincere about his desire to lack nothing. God in the flesh stood in front of him and said, "sell all you have and give to the poor, then come follow me". Anyone in their right mind would gladly do that if they were asked to by Jesus. Obviously this man's sincerity had limits. Eternal life wasn't as valuable to him as it seemed.

Why do people always conveniently leave that out? Why haven't you sold out? You claim M, M, L and John are to you so why not?

How do you know I haven't sold out?
If Jesus told me to give everything I had away, I'd be straight down the bank drawing money out.