What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
keypurr + dagg = UMAS (uni mutual admiration society)

Stan + ALL others on this thread = TRUTH of God.

I admire a lot of folks on TOL that disagree with me Stan, but your not one of them. Keep learning and maybe I will change my mind.


Well-known member
The ONLY ego that keeps manifesting itself here keypurr is your's, which apparently needs to spout this all the time to keep from being driven nuts by your own constant cognitive dissonance.
I don't really care what you say you are ALLOWED to do, I do care that you are a false teacher and spread lies about MY God and Savior Jesus Christ.
I know a number of Christian site where you WOULD be banned. Opinions are only valid IF they agree with the written word of God, which yours have been demonstrably shown NOT to, despite your denials and condescension. If we could ban you by poll I'm sure we would, but that's not our call.
But hey you never know.

You do realize that the Apostles were not to popular at the start of the church? Do you also realize that the established church of today is nothing like the church of the first century?

I will not sell my soul to be popular Stan. I am what I say I am, a follower of Christ my Lord, we share the same God together.


Well-known member
Another childish retort. Come on daqq, contribute something of substance other than denial. I have no idea what you're on about regarding generations in Matthew, the issue is Jesus being the hypostatic and EXACT representation God. Try to focus and stay on track will you.

Then I guess everyone but you knows about the famous Matthew generation count problem which cannot logically be resolved from the Trinitarian viewpoint. It has everything to do with the supposed hypostatic union which is exactly why you cannot resolve it, (hypostatic fallacy). So you hypocritically accuse me of being off topic while you then go on to continue lobbing verbal missiles and assaults which have nothing to do with the topic, (and by the way, I would not mention to beware of things from the scripture if I had not also been through them myself already in my own walk; and you have no fear of God whatsoever in you, much less His Word).

You have clearly shown that what the scripture says about you is true: schizoid multiple personality disorder; Pharisee, Sadducee, and Herod, all in one lump of a man.

This is the same delusional rhetoric keypurr uses so I'm not surprised you came here to find some comfort with a like minded person. To continually say you and your ilk, like keypurr, are the only ones that see or have the truth is what ALL cults do. Real Christians agree on the basics that have been proven over the centuries. That you and keypurr are deluded or deceived is very apparent. That you continue to post this type of response in lieu of all the refutation you have and will receive is a very good indicator of Asperger's. Starting your own thread means diddly squat. If you want like minds, go find a uni forum where you can all rejoice together in your supreme knowledge of your uni god.

There is your twisted Pharisee and false accuser speaking.

keypurr + dagg = UMAS (uni mutual admiration society)

Stan + ALL others on this thread = TRUTH of God.

There is your murderous king Herod speaking.

The ONLY ego that keeps manifesting itself here keypurr is your's, which apparently needs to spout this all the time to keep from being driven nuts by your own constant cognitive dissonance.
I don't really care what you say you are ALLOWED to do, I do care that you are a false teacher and spread lies about MY God and Savior Jesus Christ.
I know a number of Christian site where you WOULD be banned. Opinions are only valid IF they agree with the written word of God, which yours have been demonstrably shown NOT to, despite your denials and condescension. If we could ban you by poll I'm sure we would, but that's not our call.
But hey you never know.

There is your Sadduc Sanhedrin ruler of the congregation speaking.

Matthew 16:6
6. Then said Yeshua unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Mark 8:15
15. And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.

The kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven, which a woman takes and hides in three measures of meal, until the whole lump is leavened. And when the generations of the lump are complete, and it is fully risen up, it is put into the oven. He that has two ears let him buy a sword; he that has an ear to hear, let hear! :crackup:


It is a pleasure to find someone who sees what I have been blessed to see. Most will reject this topic for it tugs at their error ridden Trinity doctrine. It exposes the works of evil and elevates the Father to the glory he alone deserves. Yet we see Christ as he really is, the right hand of the most high God. God's first and greatest creation with whom God created the Universe. Christ is so much greater than the man Jesus. Why can't the majority see what is said by Jesus Christ when he states that his Father is the only true God?

Makes me sad that they choose church tradition over God's word.
Will their eyes ever be opened?

God has blessed you also daqq.

Indeed I count myself blessed as you do, to have been brought out of that system, (and that by a fiery purging and terrible troubles). As Yochanan says a man can receive nothing except it be given him from the heavens. The Son is indeed Elohim from the beginning, (and this one descended from the heavens in the somatikos-bodily form of a dove into the man Yeshua) and the Father created and made all things through the Son: but the Son likewise taught me that "You shall have no Elohim before YHWH your Elohim!" Therefore, knowing the fear of YHWH, we persuade men. :)


New member
I admire a lot of folks on TOL that disagree with me Stan, but your not one of them. Keep learning and maybe I will change my mind.

and I count it a privilege to be at odds with the enemy of our true God and savior Jesus Christ.
You should have kept learning ketpurr, instead, you became apostate.


New member
You do realize that the Apostles were not to popular at the start of the church? Do you also realize that the established church of today is nothing like the church of the first century?

I will not sell my soul to be popular Stan. I am what I say I am, a follower of Christ my Lord, we share the same God together.

Not being popular with the established OC church was their purpose for being keypurr. That's right, today's church is not like the early one, nor was the church of Jesus' day like it was originally either. The reason it isn't today is because of so many FALSE teachers like you and daqq.

You already have sold your soul keypurr...to a lie that Jesus is not God.
Heb 6:4-6


New member
Then I guess everyone but you knows about the famous Matthew generation count problem which cannot logically be resolved from the Trinitarian viewpoint. It has everything to do with the supposed hypostatic union which is exactly why you cannot resolve it, (hypostatic fallacy). So you hypocritically accuse me of being off topic while you then go on to continue lobbing verbal missiles and assaults which have nothing to do with the topic, (and by the way, I would not mention to beware of things from the scripture if I had not also been through them myself already in my own walk; and you have no fear of God whatsoever in you, much less His Word).
You have clearly shown that what the scripture says about you is true: schizoid multiple personality disorder; Pharisee, Sadducee, and Herod, all in one lump of a man.

As 'everyone' in you world is you and keypurr, then your view is as equally as flawed.
What YOU continue to do is avoid THE issue here and deflect to unimportant issues. As you can't understand the true God of the NT, I'm not surprised you don't understand anything else in it. Why would I engage you about something you are wrong about already?

There is your twisted Pharisee and false accuser speaking.

This is the evidence that you don't really KNOW how to speak proper English.

There is your murderous king Herod speaking.

No this was ME writing. You seem very lost in anti Jewish rhetoric.

There is your Sadduc Sanhedrin ruler of the congregation speaking.

No again this is ME writing and you need to get back on your meds.

Indeed I count myself blessed as you do, to have been brought out of that system, (and that by a fiery purging and terrible troubles). As Yochanan says a man can receive nothing except it be given him from the heavens. The Son is indeed Elohim from the beginning, (and this one descended from the heavens in the somatikos-bodily form of a dove into the man Yeshua) and the Father created and made all things through the Son: but the Son likewise taught me that "You shall have no Elohim before YHWH your Elohim!" Therefore, knowing the fear of YHWH, we persuade men.

You have become apostate just like keypurr, and cannot renew yourself to repentance. Unless God has mercy on you, you WILL die in your unbelief.
False teaching is not persuading, and ONLY God can draw and persuade unbelievers to come to Christ.
It would seem you can't even get on the same page as keypurr, who does NOT believe the Son is God. You two are quite the dysfunctional pair!


Well-known member
Not being popular with the established OC church was their purpose for being keypurr. That's right, today's church is not like the early one, nor was the church of Jesus' day like it was originally either. The reason it isn't today is because of so many FALSE teachers like you and daqq.

You already have sold your soul keypurr...to a lie that Jesus is not God.
Heb 6:4-6

You can not displace the most holy God with your fairy tales Stan. The master himself told you who his God is. You just refuse to go against the traditions of the RCC that created your trinity God.

Your problem, not mine.


Well-known member
As 'everyone' in you world is you and keypurr, then your view is as equally as flawed.
What YOU continue to do is avoid THE issue here and deflect to unimportant issues. As you can't understand the true God of the NT, I'm not surprised you don't understand anything else in it. Why would I engage you about something you are wrong about already?

This is the evidence that you don't really KNOW how to speak proper English.

No this was ME writing. You seem very lost in anti Jewish rhetoric.

No again this is ME writing and you need to get back on your meds.

You have become apostate just like keypurr, and cannot renew yourself to repentance. Unless God has mercy on you, you WILL die in your unbelief.
False teaching is not persuading, and ONLY God can draw and persuade unbelievers to come to Christ.
It would seem you can't even get on the same page as keypurr, who does NOT believe the Son is God. You two are quite the dysfunctional pair!

How many God's do you have Stan?
Jesus Christ has a God, the same one we have.
So I would think since there is only one God it would be the God Jesus Christ has.

Do you understand the difference between God and a form of God? I do not think you do. Being a created copy of God does not make you God, it makes you a form of God. Oh, why do I try to tell you things like that, you will not understand it.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How many God's do you have Stan?
Jesus Christ has a God, the same one we have.
So I would think since there is only one God it would be the God Jesus Christ has.

Do you understand the difference between God and a form of God? I do not think you do. Being a created copy of God does not make you God, it makes you a form of God. Oh, why do I try to tell you things like that, you will not understand it.

How many do you have friend? You worship Jesus as a God, yet you say he has a God. That makes at least two.


New member
You can not displace the most holy God with your fairy tales Stan. The master himself told you who his God is. You just refuse to go against the traditions of the RCC that created your trinity God.
Your problem, not mine.

More of the same pompous and supercilious statements keypurr. They have NO effect on me or true believers.

Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.



New member
How many God's do you have Stan?
Jesus Christ has a God, the same one we have.
So I would think since there is only one God it would be the God Jesus Christ has.

Do you understand the difference between God and a form of God? I do not think you do. Being a created copy of God does not make you God, it makes you a form of God. Oh, why do I try to tell you things like that, you will not understand it.

I've already told you time and time again keypurr. You really do have a problem with comprehending what is in writing, don't you? No wonder you are so deceived about who the one true God is.

Jesus said: I and the Father are one.

So if you believe in the Shema, and you don't believe what Jesus says here is true, then what EXACTLY do you believe?



Well-known member
How many do you have friend? You worship Jesus as a God, yet you say he has a God. That makes at least two.

Not so BR. In Phil 2 Christ is said to be a form of God. He is a creation. He did not exist until the Father created him. At one point there was only the Father. Christ was given the fullness of the Father, but that did not make him God, he is a form of God, in other words "a" god. He answers to his God, the only true God.

Does this take away from his greatness, no, he is the first and highest of all creatures, Col 1:15.

Jesus tells you that he went to HIS GOD and our God. Listen to him, he is the Lord, not God. Paul tell you that also:
We have one God, the father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ.

Why are folks trying to seat Christ on the throne of his God?


Well-known member
More of the same pompous and supercilious statements keypurr. They have NO effect on me or true believers.

Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.

He also said something about believe in God and believe in me also. I am not concerned with my sins Stan, Christ took care of that for me. All I have to do is show my love for God and his Christ and reflect it to mankind in my everyday life.


Well-known member
More of the same pompous and supercilious statements keypurr. They have NO effect on me or true believers.

Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.

By the way, when he said I am he, that was the Christ in him speaking. But you do not see that.


Well-known member
I've already told you time and time again keypurr. You really do have a problem with comprehending what is in writing, don't you? No wonder you are so deceived about who the one true God is.

Jesus said: I and the Father are one.

So if you believe in the Shema, and you don't believe what Jesus says here is true, then what EXACTLY do you believe?

I am one with the father also.
You can be also, just live the way he taught you.

I believe that there is only one true God, the father and one Lord, his son Jesus Christ. I do not believe in a three piece creator. That is a fairytale that crept into the early church to appease the pagans who were the vast majority at the time. It was enforced by the Emperor of Rome in the fourth century. I suggest you do your own study on that Stan.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not so BR. In Phil 2 Christ is said to be a form of God. He is a creation. He did not exist until the Father created him. At one point there was only the Father. Christ was given the fullness of the Father, but that did not make him God, he is a form of God, in other words "a" god. He answers to his God, the only true God.

Does this take away from his greatness, no, he is the first and highest of all creatures, Col 1:15.

Jesus tells you that he went to HIS GOD and our God. Listen to him, he is the Lord, not God. Paul tell you that also:
We have one God, the father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ.

Why are folks trying to seat Christ on the throne of his God?
So, you don't worship Jesus?


New member
I am one with the father also.
You can be also, just live the way he taught you.

I believe that there is only one true God, the father and one Lord, his son Jesus Christ. I do not believe in a three piece creator. That is a fairytale that crept into the early church to appease the pagans who were the vast majority at the time. It was enforced by the Emperor of Rome in the fourth century. I suggest you do your own study on that Stan.

So God says He is one and you say you are one WITH Him?

You seem to have a very convenient connotation for ONE keypurr? It means whatever you want it to mean?
What you don't believe IS in scripture and IS what Jesus taught and what Peter and Paul taught, so you don't believe them either? What EXACTLY do you believe? Not the Shema obviously because you just said you and God are one.


New member
He also said something about believe in God and believe in me also. I am not concerned with my sins Stan, Christ took care of that for me. All I have to do is show my love for God and his Christ and reflect it to mankind in my everyday life.

He also said something? You don't know what He said? How about actually quoting scripture and owning up to it?
God and His Christ? Funny because the scriptures say Jesus IS Christ the Savior AND our God.

2 Peter 1:1 (NIV)
Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.
Col 1:9-10 (NIV)
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.
Titus 1:3 (NIV)
and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.

Titus 2:10 (NIV)
and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

Titus 2:13 (NIV)
while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Titus 3:4 (NIV)
But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared

Titus 3:6 (NIV)
whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior

Obviously you and daqq both DENY what the scriptures are telling us ALL. Jesus Christ is our God and Savior, ONE and the SAME.
You can deny and deflect and avoid, but the truth is known, and by it, you WILL be judged.