What is the express image of God?


New member
You do not wish to accept the fact that God made his exact image. Your not seeing how important that is.

If you would stop being so equivocal when addressing my posts I wouldn't have to constantly repeat myself. Not only that, but you don't use scripture when you make these kind of statements, which IMO is deliberate, in order to obfuscate the truth. The PROPER rendering in English is EXACT REPRESENTATION, when referring to Heb 1:3 (NIV)
What I do it RIGHTLY divide the Word of Truth, more common known as proper hermeneutical exegesis. Now either DEAL with the scriptures on an individual basis and refute what they say or don't. I am experienced with your type of misdirection and deflection and won't play that game.

I do not see that in the Bible Stan,

What Bible do you use that doesn't have Hebrews 1 and John 1 in it?

Nope, I do not see that also.

Again what Bible version are you using?

Everything BORN is a creation. Jesus is a creature like we are.

No, everything born is PRO created, which is the biological law God created in Genesis. God started the process by creation, but it continues on in the way God intended. You calling it creation, doesn't make it so.

The LORD in this verse is not Jesus.

That's right, the LORD in that verse is the WORD, which is who was incarnated in Jesus. My point to that verse is that GOD clearly says He is the ONLY savior so obviously Jesus our savior IS God.
How long did you say you studied the Bible in this regard?

My words were FIVE years ago I thought like you.
I have the same God that Jesus has.
Joh 20:17 Jesus saith unto her,Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

That's my point....two years ago you argued the same way, so your apostasy set in 3 years earlier and has NEVER changed. How long did you believe as I do?
Jesus doesn't HAVE a God He IS God.
If you understood the context of what Jesus was saying in John 20:17 (NIV), you wouldn't be so confused. Jesus was speaking as Jesus the Man, not Jesus the Christ. Funny how you miss what Thomas confirms just shortly after in John 20:28 (NIV)? Why is that?
I would say pay attention to Jesus' response in John 20:29 (NIV) to see how wrong you are.


Well-known member
If you would stop being so equivocal when addressing my posts I wouldn't have to constantly repeat myself. Not only that, but you don't use scripture when you make these kind of statements, which IMO is deliberate, in order to obfuscate the truth. The PROPER rendering in English is EXACT REPRESENTATION, when referring to Heb 1:3 (NIV)
What I do it RIGHTLY divide the Word of Truth, more common known as proper hermeneutical exegesis. Now either DEAL with the scriptures on an individual basis and refute what they say or don't. I am experienced with your type of misdirection and deflection and won't play that game.

What Bible do you use that doesn't have Hebrews 1 and John 1 in it?

Again what Bible version are you using?

No, everything born is PRO created, which is the biological law God created in Genesis. God started the process by creation, but it continues on in the way God intended. You calling it creation, doesn't make it so.

That's right, the LORD in that verse is the WORD, which is who was incarnated in Jesus. My point to that verse is that GOD clearly says He is the ONLY savior so obviously Jesus our savior IS God.
How long did you say you studied the Bible in this regard?

That's my point....two years ago you argued the same way, so your apostasy set in 3 years earlier and has NEVER changed. How long did you believe as I do?
Jesus doesn't HAVE a God He IS God.
If you understood the context of what Jesus was saying in John 20:17 (NIV), you wouldn't be so confused. Jesus was speaking as Jesus the Man, not Jesus the Christ. Funny how you miss what Thomas confirms just shortly after in John 20:28 (NIV)? Why is that?
I would say pay attention to Jesus' response in John 20:29 (NIV) to see how wrong you are.

Stan, I use thirty translations to formulate my thoughts. The NIV is one of them. I post verses when I am on my PC, but like now, I am not at home to do that. God sent the savour, so he gets credit for that too. I can see that you hold to the traditional doctrines of the second century church. The church was already corrupted by then.

Tell me your definition of the word incarnate.

Tell me when you believe this took place.

I understand the content in Heb 1 and John 1. My thoughts fit quite well with scripture. Jesus Christ tells you that his Father is the only true God. Why do you not believe your God?


Well-known member
Is Jesus eternal?

Jesus was a human being. He was the flesh son of God who came into existence when he was born. He held the express image of God in him. He now has been declared the Lord of all creation by his and our God. He sits to the right of the only being that has no beginning and no ending. Jesus is now eternal.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus was a human being. He was the flesh son of God who came into existence when he was born. He held the express image of God in him. He now has been declared the Lord of all creation by his and our God. He sits to the right of the only being that has no beginning and no ending. Jesus is now eternal.

Jesus has always been.

1 John 1:1-2 Modern English Version (MEV)

The Word of Life
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have touched, concerning the Word of life—

2 the life was revealed, and we have seen it and testify to it, and announce to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was revealed to us—

What does it say when he is forever eternal.


New member
Stan, I use thirty translations to formulate my thoughts. The NIV is one of them. I post verses when I am on my PC, but like now, I am not at home to do that. God sent the savour, so he gets credit for that too. I can see that you hold to the traditional doctrines of the second century church. The church was already corrupted by then.

Tell me your definition of the word incarnate.

Tell me when you believe this took place.

I understand the content in Heb 1 and John 1. My thoughts fit quite well with scripture. Jesus Christ tells you that his Father is the only true God. Why do you not believe your God?

Good to hear.

The Holy Spirit caused Jesus to be conceived in Mary, so of course He gets credit. Without God there is no hypostatic being in Jesus.
I hold to the teachings of the scriptures, which are NOT corrupted. I was only born in 1953.

You can find it in John 1

Again you can find that in John 1

Jesus said a lot of things, including that He was God, so why do you not listen to your God and savior? Is it because He is NOT your God and savior?


New member
Jesus was a human being. He was the flesh son of God who came into existence when he was born. He held the express image of God in him. He now has been declared the Lord of all creation by his and our God. He sits to the right of the only being that has no beginning and no ending. Jesus is now eternal.

He was much more than that, but over the years you have relegated him to that one dimensional position. Who did you confess as your savior, and when did you do it?


Shhhh....be vewy vewy qwiet....I'm hunting a uni! :chuckle:

there are quite a few of them. I am one of them. But I don't agree with many other things what other non-trins believe and practice.

Most of them are pro-military like most trinity believers, but I am anti-military according to what Jesus says. He says to love your enemy.

my two cents.


Well-known member
Jesus has always been.

1 John 1:1-2 Modern English Version (MEV)

The Word of Life
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have touched, concerning the Word of life—

2 the life was revealed, and we have seen it and testify to it, and announce to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was revealed to us—

What does it say when he is forever eternal.

That is speaking of the WORD which is the spirit Christ, not Jesus. Christ was God's first creation, God created everything through Christ. But he had a beginning for he is an image.

I am not familiar with the MEV friend.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
there are quite a few of them. I am one of them. But I don't agree with many other things what other non-trins believe and practice.

Most of them are pro-military like most trinity believers, but I am anti-military according to what Jesus says. He says to love your enemy.

my two cents.

not worth a plug nickle.


Well-known member
You agree that Jesus is your God and savior?

I see only one true God Stan, the Father. I see Jesus Christ as a man filled with the express image of the Father, this image is a created form of God. Jesus Christ is now our Lord, made so by his God. Jesus is the savour sent by his God.

The only true God sent his son Christ to take the form of man and die on a cross. That is what I see friend.


Well-known member
Good to hear.

The Holy Spirit caused Jesus to be conceived in Mary, so of course He gets credit. Without God there is no hypostatic being in Jesus.
I hold to the teachings of the scriptures, which are NOT corrupted. I was only born in 1953.

You can find it in John 1

Again you can find that in John 1

Jesus said a lot of things, including that He was God, so why do you not listen to your God and savior? Is it because He is NOT your God and savior?

The scriptures have been corrupted Stan. Man has done that early in the church. But that is another topic.

The express image has the fullness of the Father, it is a created form of God as told in Phil 2. This IT became flesh by dwelling in the only human God could trust with that power. Acts 10:38 say he gave that power to Jesus at his baptism.

Are you aware that in the early English translations of John 1 the word IT was used instead of the word HE. That change came with the KJV.

Show me the verse where Jesus said he was God.