What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Everyone... God who made it possible for Adam to APPEAR ... also knew how to make Himself APPEAR.

How was this all done?
God created an image or visible bodily form for Adam ... and blew the unique invisible spirit of Adam and life into that form - saying ... Adam became a soul.

Well, did you know that God speaks about His own soul as well - Leviticus 26:11 And I will set my tabernacle among you: and MY SOUL shall not abhor you.

So, God knew how to create a visible bodily form which would be associated with HIS OWN invisible living nature!

Is it any wonder that God was able to truthfully say that he would create mankind after HIS (or our) image and likeness? After all the Father and the Son were to share that same image and likeness!

This bodily form was a super-natural presence and 74 men saw IT at one time - Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 where (in the KJV) IT was called "a body of heaven in HIS clearness."

When God was referencing the SAVIOR and his mission within the world, God said this in Isaiah 42:1-9
1 Behold my servant (speaking of the Lord Jesus), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him..
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I AM the LORD: that is MY NAME:
a.) and my glory will I not give to another

Do you see the truth connections?

a.) God again mentions HIS SOUL ...
b.) and goes on to say that - besides with our Lord Jesus - He will not share his glory (a visible presence) with anyone else.
c.) Nor will He allow praise to be given to some man made visible graven lifeless form.

As Jesus read publicly from Isaiah about the mission of the promised "elect savior," he announced that with his arrival the scripture was fulfilled ...

Is it any wonder that Jesus said these things:
When anyone HAS SEEN Me ... they HAVE SEEN the Father.

For God himself told us in Isaiah that he would share his name and glory and praise with his "elect" one.

Our Lord Jesus was the express image (visible bodily form) of the Father (except that the level glory of his bodily mortal fleshly form did not match the glory of the super-natural bodily form - at least it didn't before the resurrection and ascension.)

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creatures ... which I'm sure you realize means that God had created his own visible bodily IMAGE before he created Adam's body after ITS image and likeness.
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Well-known member

You forget the motto of TOL: "Open rebuke is better than secret love" (Proverbs 27:5).

Proverbs 12:2 says: "A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn."

It is against your "wicked devise" which you call the "CHRIST SPIRIT" that I have "reproved" you (Eph.5:11). You "add" unto 'HIS WORDS" Keypurr. This is disobedience to Proverbs_30:6 which says: " Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. "

Now if your CHRIST SPIRIT was the same "Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow" (1 Peter 1:11) I would not object. For "the Spirit of Christ" here is a reference to what was "in them (Christians)" AFTER Christ's exaltation.

Your evil CHRIST SPIRIT was. supposedly "used" as you say in creating everything IN ETERNITY PAST. Furthermore, you claim to see your CHRIST SPIRIT in the expression "the express image of his person" in Hebrews 1:3. However in context this is a reference to the time AFTER his exaltation and glorification when Christ "sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high."

Why do you call what God creates evil? This is not my creation, I do not have that power. God is Spirit, his express image is spirit. It is God's firstborn, or first creation. If you differ from that then show me why I am wrong. Any one can point a finger but give me scripture and reason to think in a different manner. I is fair to assume that his express image is a spirit. All signs point to that Spirit being Christ. You fail to see that this spirit was before the world was created.

I have answered your questions in a way I thought you might understand. Scripture does conflict only because we are not understanding it correctly. Christ was with God before the world was Read. Christ is this express image, I thiank he is a created image. A created godlike spirit with the fullness of the father. Why was the Father pleased because he has the fullness and why did he feel he hadto tell us that.

1. In context does the unique expression "the express image of his person" refer to a time AFTER "the birth of Jesus Christ?" (Mt.1:18) (Answer yes or n0)[/qoute]

NO, Christ was before creation

2. If your answer is "yes" will you admit there is no justification to insist that the unique term "the express image of his person" is a reference to a supposed CHRIST SPIRIT prior to the birth of Jesus Christ, sometime in ETERNITY PAST ?

That is why I said NO.

Keypurr, I need eight (8) questions answered 2 in this post and 6 in an earlier post.

If you do not answer my 8 simple questions, I will understand that I am not welcome on your thread.


Mr Read, your welcome to post on any thread I may start. You do not have to agree with me. If fact, its more educational if you don't. I feel that I have answered your questions. God did all his creating through Christ. You also do not have to agree with me to be a friend, I make no demands for my friendship. Again, feel free to join in the discussion. I have already learned from yor rebuttal.

Peace friend


Well-known member
Everyone... God who made it possible for Adam to APPEAR ... also knew how to make Himself APPEAR.

How was this all done?
God created an image or visible bodily form for Adam ... and blew the unique invisible spirit of Adam and life into that form - saying ... Adam became a soul.

Well, did you know that God speaks about His own soul as well - Leviticus 26:11 And I will set my tabernacle among you: and MY SOUL shall not abhor you.

So, God knew how to create a visible bodily form which would be associated with HIS OWN invisible living nature!

Is it any wonder that God was able to truthfully say that he would create mankind after HIS (or our) image and likeness? After all the Father and the Son were to share that same image and likeness!

This bodily form was a super-natural presence and 74 men saw IT at one time - Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 where (in the KJV) IT was called "a body of heaven in HIS clearness."

When God was referencing the SAVIOR and his mission within the world, God said this in Isaiah 42:1-9
1 Behold my servant (speaking of the Lord Jesus), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him..
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I AM the LORD: that is MY NAME:
a.) and my glory will I not give to another

Do you see the truth connections?

a.) God again mentions HIS SOUL ...
b.) and goes on to say that - besides with our Lord Jesus - He will not share his glory (a visible presence) with anyone else.
c.) Nor will He allow praise to be given to some man made visible graven lifeless form.

As Jesus read publicly from Isaiah about the mission of the promised "elect savior," he announced that with his arrival the scripture was fulfilled ...

Is it any wonder that Jesus said these things:
When anyone HAS SEEN Me ... they HAVE SEEN the Father.

For God himself told us in Isaiah that he would share his name and glory and praise with his "elect" one.

Our Lord Jesus was the express image (visible bodily form) of the Father (except that the level glory of his bodily mortal fleshly form did not match the glory of the super-natural bodily form - at least it didn't before the resurrection and ascension.)

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creatures ... which I'm sure you realize means that God haf created his own visible bodily IMAGE before he created Adam with his body after ITS image and likeness.

Don't I, at least, get a:
"Wow, Ps82! This is a new perspective from scripture to consider."


New member
Hi Read, I think i've explained my viewpoints already....as they are quite 'versatile' concerning the man Jesus and the 'Christ' (which of course means 'anointed one', but can also refer to the divinity in man, or to a divine agency used by God...depends on how you define the term and the context in which it is used).

Since different points of view exist on 'Christ', let alone 'Christology'.... I dont think quoting a few passages from Is. says alot, for most all monotheists (even monists) hold that there is only One 'God' who is the origin of existence, the 'Creative Intelligence' behind all that is. There is one universal MIND or SPIRIT, one incorporeal reality out of which all forms emerge and take shape. 'God' Alone is the sole life, energy, light and intelligence from which all things derive.

The 'LORD' in Isaiah is claming to be the sole originator or maker of all things...so this Supreme "I" is indeed the Supreme Deity speaking, as a monothetic reality. You might also NOTE that this same 'God' in Gen. says Let "us" make man in our own image, so there is an aspect of 'associative deity' or a 'divine collective' at work here as 'Elohim'. "Us" could be referring to a first-born Son who works with 'God'....who embodies or personifies the "Logos" or "Word", the creative wisdom inherent in 'God' from all eternity, but expressed in the unfolding of creation, that thru which he makes the worlds. An 'Arian' view could just as easliy hold here, as a 'Trinitarian', for it is still God creating thru his own 'personality-matrix'.

To specifically answer your question of "was God alone when he created?".....the answer is 'yes' and 'no'. 'God' was alone in the sense that there is only One Creative Power and Presence. If God did use other creative agencies, intelligences, personalities in the creative process of cosmic expansion,...then 'God' was not alone IF there was an 'associative co-operation' of forces working together in creation. 'God' is surely 'One', the Singular Source of all, but this 'One' is also a 'manifold' One, distributing, individualizing itself in the play of creation, which includes a vast heirarchy of beings, personalities, angels, etc. Understood metaphysically....everything is 'God'. Nothing could exist apart from or outside of 'God'. 'God' makes all and everything possible....all actuals and potentials.

The entires cosmos has 'God' as its source and sustainer...consider the root, seed, substance and form. (basic metaphysics). 'God' is the only Life, Power, Presence, Truth, Reality there IS. So,...back to semantics, doctrinal biases, dogma or point of view,.....still 'God' is the One and Only Real Presence, and the source or substratum in which all creation arises,....even if 'God' allows or includes another personality or 'agency' thru which to mold and shape his universe.


Yes Free,
You have explained YOUR viewpoints already and now you have composed YOUR OWN question and answered it. I asked 6 questions and you answered not one of them. Here is your question:

"To specifically answer your question of "was God alone when he created?"

Then you go on at length to answer your own question.

I am not asking you what you believe Freelight, I am asking you SIX questions regarding what Isaiah believed.

Here is the 'passage under discussion:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..."

Please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed, not what you believe Freelight:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

I am not asking what you believe Freelight as fascinating as that is, I am only interested at this point in what Isaiah actually wrote.



Well-known member
The "express image of God" is the visible Person of the invisible God. Jesus Christ.

Are you saying God is a man?

I only ask so I can understand you.

Joh_4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

This is why I believe his express image is a spirit.


Eclectic Theosophist
important to consider......

important to consider......

Yes Free,
You have explained YOUR viewpoints already and now you have composed YOUR OWN question and answered it. I asked 6 questions and you answered not one of them. Here is your question:

"To specifically answer your question of "was God alone when he created?"

Then you go on at length to answer your own question.

I am not asking you what you believe Freelight, I am asking you SIX questions regarding what Isaiah believed.

Here is the 'passage under discussion:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..."

Please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed, not what you believe Freelight:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

I am not asking what you believe Freelight as fascinating as that is, I am only interested at this point in what Isaiah actually wrote.


I did answer the 6 questions,...amply in fact. However I find you using one passage in Isaiah to prove anything to be rather insufficient, since you're presuming alot from just one inference that God acted alone in his creating. 'God' is One...and in that sense...He acts alone. There is no 'other' besides 'God'. So...looks like semantics here. It depends on how you 'interpret' the passage. Just because the LORD refers to himself as "I" in a seemingly singular fashion does not mean he could not employ or co-operate with other personalities, principles or 'agencies' in the creative process...since He is the Source of them anyways :idunno:

One can take these subject only so far...before its just more spinning on the hamster wheel, splitting hairs or straining at gnats - you know the drill. You cant put 'God' in a box. From our limited finite human perspectives...there will always be different points of view.

To me, 'God' is One, yet also 'many'....whether you compound Him (or Her :) ) into an original Trinity or a pantheon,...no matter...since All is God anyways. All is Brahman.



New member
The "express image of God" is the visible Person of the invisible God. Jesus Christ.


TL I have composed 6 questions but nobody on this site will answer them directly. Would you be willing to answer them?

Here is the 'passage under discussion Isaiah 44:24:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..."

Please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

Thank you TL,



Well-known member
Hi keypurr and others
Keypurr wrote:
I realize that there is only ONE true God, Jesus told us that. We also know that his father is the most high God, Luke told us that. So that implies two Gods of different ranks. Now you know why I am confused.

You are only mildly confused. Yes, there is only ONE true God ... and yes he is invisible spirit. Yes, the Father is the Most High God... for this is said of him in Exodus 6:3
I (the ONE God) APPEARED unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH (also interpreted as LORD in KJV) was I not known to them.

This is who the Father God is ... He is the invisible ONE God, who was able to APPEAR as JEHOVAH / LORD.

No, there are not two Gods ... the truth has been told us: There is ONE God. We must accept this truth to grasp the fulness of understanding.

Even though there is ONE God... yet we know that there is a Father and a Son who has been revealed ... How can this be?
ANS. God created a visible image/a bodily form/a body of heaven in his clearness/an angelic presence. God used this super-natural form to reveal himself unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty.

Later the ONE God used his visible form to present all his glory to Moses ... and at that event he called out the NAME which he had chosen for that visible form. Exodus 34:5,6,9 That NAME in KJV is: The LORD, the LORD God.

Yes, there is ONE God and yes there is a difference between the FORM of the Father and the form of the Son ... but only in this way. The LORD Father had a super natural GLORY to his presence ... but the Lord Son had a lesser natural fleshly mortal glory to his presence. Other than that ... when anyone had seen the body of the Son, then they had seen the bodily form of the Father.

Colossians 1:14,15 tells us that our Lord Jesus, the Son, bore the "image of God" ... the image being the first born of all creatures.

In my latest post I shared where God said this about the future presence of His "elect" / aka: "His promised Savior"
Isaiah 42:1-9
1 Behold my servant (speaking of the Lord Jesus), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him..
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I AM the LORD: that is MY NAME:
a.) and my glory (a visible manifestation) will I not give to another,
(IOW, to anyone other than my elect!)

The ONE God shared his created image with the Father God and with the Son God... so that it makes them seem like two gods who appeared ... but even Jesus told us that HE and the Father ARE ONE!

Isaiah 43:11 also tells us that the Most High God is LORD the Father ... and that without him as the ONE God, who appears as the LORD, there is no savior... IOW, they are the ONE God ... appearing with the image named LORD.

This is why Jesus said something like this: You are correct to call me LORD, but why do you call me LORD and then don't do what I say?

You are only confused because you will not accept that God created a visible living image for his personal use ... and then used it.


Eclectic Theosophist
Are you saying God is a man?

I only ask so I can understand you.

Joh_4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

This is why I believe his express image is a spirit.

And it really all comes back to God as 'Spirit' working and acting within creation. Spirit alone is life and truth, and so all that is generated from this Spirit-source, however it is 'imaged' (as a divine Son or Christ serving as the Agent of God)....affects the soul for good.

The rest is more or less semantics.



Well-known member
You believe:
This is why I believe his express image is a spirit.

Yes, the image God used to appear as the Father was a more SPIRITUAL image... for it was super-natural in form and not natural flesh. It was called a heavenly body in his clearness in Exodus 24:9,10,11

This image, first created by God before the world was, for his personal use as the Father, is said to live in unapproachable light.

Yet, God manifested his created image again ... when he was ready for the Savior to accomplish the divine works for the restoration of mankind.

Is it any wonder that the creator came appearing as a literal mortal man?
After all, the works he would accomplish for us dealt with both the corruption of our sinful mortal flesh as well as our spiritual nature.
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New member
Friend, be sure of who it is that is speaking to you.

BR, you are right we must test the spirits - "...whether they are of God." (1 Jn.4:1).

I believe that this "CHRIST SPIRIT" as constructed by Keypurr is "not of God." I am not talking about "the spirit of Christ" as taught by Paul.

This socalled CHRIST SPIRIT has consumed Keypurr and he absolutely refuses to answer my questions. Will you kindly answer them for him:

I am asking SIX questions regarding what Isaiah believed.

Here is the 'passage under discussion:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..." (Isa.44:24)

If you are willing BR, please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

Thank you,



Well-known member
Why do the things I write ... seem to fit together so plainly ... whether I am in the OT or the NT ... or quoting God and Moses ... God and the other prophets?
Because I have found the key of truth that ties many confusing verses together so that they make sense.


Well-known member
And it really all comes back to God as 'Spirit' working and acting within creation. Spirit alone is life and truth, and so all that is generated from this Spirit-source, however it is 'imaged' (as a divine Son or Christ serving as the Agent of God)....affects the soul for good.

The rest is more or less semantics.


Good point friend.


Well-known member
Friend, be sure of who it is that is speaking to you.

I know who is leading me BR. He runs my life. But I an an uneducated man, why would he put this in me? I have very little college, some Tech schools but I have spent many years reading and trying to understand his words. Most all believe that the spirit leads them to God and guides their lives, I know I do.



Well-known member
image of God imo means attributes, abilities. Able to love and have relationship.

Paul records in Colossians 1 that this image had the FULLNESS of the Father and he was pleased. Then he used this image to create the worlds. It seems to me God created a lesser godlike spirit to do his bidding. Just my thoughts Angel.



Well-known member
BR, you are right we must test the spirits - "...whether they are of God." (1 Jn.4:1).

I believe that this "CHRIST SPIRIT" as constructed by Keypurr is "not of God." I am not talking about "the spirit of Christ" as taught by Paul.

This socalled CHRIST SPIRIT has consumed Keypurr and he absolutely refuses to answer my questions. Will you kindly answer them for him:

I am asking SIX questions regarding what Isaiah believed.

Here is the 'passage under discussion:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..." (Isa.44:24)

If you are willing BR, please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

Thank you,


Isa 44:24 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

All things come from God the father. He alone is responsiable for the creation. However, in the NT, he tells us that he had help. He had his express image to assist him. Do the words seem to conflict, yes they do. But they are there. Now we have to find truth.
Notice the words:

Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Now please answer my question, What is this express image of God?

Should we discard the words of the Apostle Paul?


New member
Isa 44:24 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

All things come from God the father. He alone is responsiable for the creation. However, in the NT, he tells us that he had help. He had his express image to assist him. Do the words seem to conflict, yes they do. But they are there. Now we have to find truth.
Notice the words:

Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Now please answer my question, What is this express image of God?

Should we discard the words of the Apostle Paul?


It would take me a very long time to answer all that you have said above and having done so - I doubt you would hear me.

Take for example this statement of yours: "Do the words seem to conflict, yes they do." Yes Keypurr, the words do SEEM to conflict but actually they don't.

To understand how Isaiah 44:24 perfectly matches with Colossians 1:15-16 and Hebrews 1:1-3; you must first find faith to believe Isaiah 44:24.

Keypurr do you believe Isaiah 44:24 which says:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?

Keypurr, I cannot proceed any further with you until you demonstrate that you believe Isaiah 44:24. The only way you can do this is to cast aside your own ideas about Hebrews and Colossians and honestly answer my 6 questions succinctly without comment.

Keypurr, I believe that I know what I am doing and have proved that already when I forced you to admit you were wrong in saying that Christ didn't die.

All I want you to do for a moment is to imagine that you only have the scroll of Isaiah, nothing else, no New Testament. Pretend you are Isaiah and answer my questions forgetting for a moment that you ever read the NT.

Here again is the what Isaiah believed:

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself..." (Isa.44:24)

If you are willing Keypurr (it will take you but a few moment, far less than this letter of mine), please answer my simple SIX questions about what Isaiah believed:

1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)

Do not be afraid of the truth Keypurr, just answer as if you were Isaiah. Look! I will even write the numbers for you:







Now, all have to is answer question 1 with seven letters and 2-6 with yes or no. After you have answered these questions and have believed Isaiah we will have a firm foundation from which to tackle the New Testament. This is how to find truth, start with "milk" and work up to meat.

Keypurr, at one point you asked me to pray and I have prayed that you will be able to understand how Isaiah perfectly matches Colossians and Hebrews and how the term "express image of his person" relates our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to his Father.

Thank you,


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Are you saying God is a man?

I only ask so I can understand you.

Joh_4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

This is why I believe his express image is a spirit.

That's what the bible teaches Bub..."He who was in the form of God He thought it not robbery to be co-equal with God but made Himself of no reputation but took upon Himself the form of a servant and being found in the form of man humbled Himself."

So being in the form of God [you cunningly changed it into "a" form of God in another thread because you said you were being sly] He became Man.