Yes, Christ the man died. You just pointed something out to me that is important. When Christ went into man he took the form of man, so he could die. I stand corrected.
But it only reinforces my thoughts. Now we know why God made an experss image, so it could lower itself and take the form of man. (Philippians 2) God could not send himself to die for us, he sent his Christ (son). Now I see a reason for the express image. Christ could die when he took the form of man.
Thank you Read for pointing that out to me, the puzzle is almost complete. Now I ask, what form was he when his Father raised him and he appeared in the closed room?
I am not at all satisfied with the answer you gave Bright Raven to his question in #295
Bright Raven asked How could the Christ be a spirit if He offered His flesh and blood as a sacrifice?
BR quoted Luke 24:39 which proves that Christ is NOT a spirit. So Christ says: "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." Here our Lord Jesus Christ denies that he is a spirit.
But you Keypurr denied our Lord Jesus Christ by telling BR that: "You will not see the spirit but you can see the man."
The spirit you are referring to of course is not the spirit Christ "gave up" at his death (Jn.19:30); but your own wicked invention with which you have gone awhoring which you call the "CHRIST SPIRIT".
This socalled CHRIST SPIRIT of yours is the same evil spirit which LED YOU in your post #291 to declare THAT Christ cannot die, therefore did not die for the sins of the world.
Here are your exact words Keypurr from post 291 for everybody on TOL to see where your evil CHRIST SPIRIT has led you:
"Christ is a form of God, he cannot die."
But your HERESY that "Christ cannot die" was discovered Keypurr.
However having been reprimanded and after saying: "I stand corrected" you go right back awhoring with your Christ spirit and say to Genez in your post #306:
" God is a spirit, but he did make an express image of himself. True you can not see it, but it is there.
I call it the Christ spirit. God used it to create everything with. With this spirit he reveiled himself to us. Being the exact image of the Father, Christ allowed us to see the personal trates of God."
Keypurr this "Christ spirit" is a figure of your own imagination which you have constructed out of your misunderstanding of the term "the express image of his person" in Hebrews 1:3. Let scripture show you that the "image" you have created which you have named "THE CHRIST SPIRIT" is nothing but vanity.
Of your WICKED CHRIST SPIRIT you say in your post #306 "God used it to create everything with." Keypurr what you are apparently saying here is that your supposed CHRIST SPIRIT was WITH the LORD God and God used it to create everything.
Now read Isaiah 44:24 Keypurr:
Isa_44:24 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
Now answer these questions Keypurr:
1. According to Isaiah who was it "that maketh all things?"
2. According to Isaiah, was it the LORD " that maketh ALL things?" (Answer yes or no)
3. According to Isaiah, when the LORD spread abroad the heavens, was he "ALONE?" (Answer yes or no)
4. According to Isaiah and to Isaiah only, did the LORD say: "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?" (Answer yes or no)
5. Is it true that Isaiah said that: "the LORD maketh all things; stretcheth forth the heavens alone; and spreadeth abroad the earth by himself?" (Answer yes or no)
6. Did Isaiah believe that the LORD God made everything ALONE...BY HIMSELF? (Answer yes or no)
If you answer these 6 questions correctly and admit you were wrong in saying that : "God used it (the Christ spirit) to create everything with" you will begin to understand "the simplicity that is in Christ" Keypurr.
It as Bright Raven tried to tell you
Christ is NOT a spirit, neither has there ever been such a thing as a CHRIST SPIRIT, except in your wicked imagination Keypurr.