What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
As long as you entertain this archaic imagery and metaphysical language your insights are too heavenly good to be earthly valuable to you.

When you realistically accept Truth as more imlportant than the compromises and rationalizations we all make to avoid changing attitudes and behavior, your just treading water in a fantasy world full of lies useful to you in some way or another.

I don't concern myself with earthly values. You know the old saying, you can't take it with you when you go.


Well-known member

Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;


The Bible puts no difference between "the first man Adam" and "the last Adam" Jesus, as to the fact that both Adam (Gen.1:27) and Jesus (2 Cor.4:4) are both said to be "the image of God." In between all men are said to be "the image of God" (Gen.9:6) and even "the image and glory of God" (1 Cor.11:7). So the term "image of God" can be said of Adam, Jesus and all other men and apparently, is applicable to "mortal man" (Job 4:17), that is every human being who ever has or will live.

Now what I am going to suggest is that when we come to our Lord Jesus, who is described as being "the image of the invisible God..." (Col.1:15a); we have here a description of him prior to his being "the firstborn from the dead" (Col.1:18), "...not yet glorified" (John 7:39).

Conversely, the phrase "the express image of his person" (Heb.1:3), the subject of this thread, is spoken of Jesus after his resurrection and after he entered "into his glory" (Luke 24:26). That the description of Jesus as being "the express image" of God, is a reference to the time after his exaltation on the right hand of God, is proven by reading of Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3:

"Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high."

MY CONCLUSION: The term "image of God" is common to all mortals whereas the term "the express image of his person" describes only our Lord Jesus and then only after his being "glorified" (John 7:39).

Should you or anyone else can think of any objection to this line of thinking, I am happy to hear it.


You conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider thi image to be? I know all men are created in the image of God, but this seems to me like a supreme being of sorts. I see the express image exsisting before creation. Are we to assume that Hebrews wants us to think your way? Or is it possiable the express image did exsist with the Father before creation. Who is the Lord who laid the foundations in verse 10 of Hebrews 1.

I can see friend that your a lot more educated than I so you just might be able to untangle this for me. God bless you for trying and please do not give up on me. I am a stubborn old man.

Peace my friend


New member
The express image of god is the father, son, and holy ghost

Dear Disciple of Christ,

Thank you for your imput and for advising us WHO you think the express image of God is. However I must inform you that within the context of Hebrew 1:1-4 (which we are discussing) the Holy Ghost teaches us differently and insists that it is only "his Son" WHO is "the express image of his person." Here are the verses which I have highlighted for you to show you exactly what the Spirit is saying:

Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Now kindly read the truth unencumbered by other words that seem to have confused you:

"God...hath...spoken...by his Son...Who being...the express image of his person...sat down"

Disciple of Christ, you will kindly notice that the One who sat down is the same one described as "being the express image of...God."

Now that I have shown you I hope you will kindly acknowlege that within the context of the passage the One spoken of as "being the express image of God"is "his Son" and that neither the Father nor Holy Ghost are even mentioned.



Well-known member
Friend, I am so galad you see what i am saying, most do not.
That image is a godlike representative of God. He acts and speaks for God. I do not think he is equal to the god that sent him.

Keep in mind that the IMAGE is a creature. Yet it has been given godlike power. The image would also only speak the words of his father.

Yes I do see his presence in the OT.

The reason why I see two as father and son is the son is the IMAGE of the father. Christ is a spirit exsisted many years before Jesus. I believe God united this spirit with his physical human son.


You brought a smile to my face friend, we have know each other for a few years now and I think we understand more or each other than we ever did.

God Bless

Hey Keypurr,
I always knew that we had similar thoughts; so, that why I kept coming back to you again and again (other than this is my favorite topic anyway).

Yet, there is one big difference in our thinking. Me personally, I don't think that this is a difference that leads to a "loss of salvation difference," because we both acknowledge Jesus as the only Savior sent by God for our salvation.

Yet, it is also an important difference worth mentioning. In my long post I was trying to point out this difference as well as our similarities.

It is the point about whether Jesus was God.

You call "the Christ" a created being ... and feel that God imparted the spirit of "the Christ" unto Jesus ... so this makes Jesus, the Christ, but unequal to the Father.

Well, I'd ask you to consider that IT is just the bodily image that was created a living form... and that the image was not God at all, but was the first born of all creatures. Forget for the moment that you have named IT - "Christ."

Yes, I agree with you that God used this living visible form (His image) so that IT spoke only his words ... and only had the power God was able to impart unto it... AND YET... this visible living form represented the Spiritual God that was invisible. This OT presence could be considered Emmanuel (God among men) because IT only represented Him!

This is the presence of the Father God, whose glory was revealed to Moses along with IT's Name: The LORD, the LORD God. Exodus 34:5,6,9

This is the God revealed by a body of heaven Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 (which you choose to call the "Christ - who you think was not God.")

I ask that you to consider the duality of the created living visible body plus the divine Spirit of the ONE invisible God manipulating IT

... and simply say: The living image is not God ... but the spirit behind IT is totally God ... and IT (the living body) has total access to all of the spiritual nature of God himself.

Now, in the same way God used His created living image AGAIN ... to manifest his invisible nature to mankind in a literal manner.

He manifested IT of flesh ... instead of a "body of Heaven." IT is the same image ... just of living flesh the second time. IT still has total access to the spiritual nature of God himself. IT (the body of Jesus) only spoke the words of God and used the power God was able to impart unto IT. IOW, the created creature once again represented the ONE God as Emmanuel (God among men) on earth... but this time as the promised Savior.

God revealed himself as "The Father" - with the created super-natural form ... which you call the Christ ... and God revealed himself as "the Son" with the fleshly form.

This is why Jesus could say: "When you HAVE SEEN me ... you HAVE SEEN the Father. The image is identical - except for the essence of mortal flesh and lack of glory!

The reason that Jesus could say: "I and the Father are ONE" ... that's because they not only shared the same created IMAGE within the world, but they also shared the ONE Spirit of God associated with IT.

Oh well, I hope you will see my points ... if you don't accept them that is fine ... but I believe we are so close to seeing things the same way.


New member
Keypurr writes: You conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider thi image to be?

Keypurr, I am not insisting what I am saying is entirely correct but it may give us something to consider.

It has been pointed out by many students of the Bible that Col.1:15-17 is NOT actually describing the original creation of Genesis 1:1, but is describing the new creation of Revelation 21:1. Here is the passage:

"Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Now you will notice that the "all things created" are not the actual heaven and earth as created by God in Genesis 1:1 but rather "all things created, that are IN heaven, and that are IN earth."

Further you will notice that what is created is a reference to both "visible and invisible" and are in particular "thrones, dominions, principalities and powers" - not to material things but rather to government (Isa.9:6), to the future rule of our Lord as " KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" (Rev.19:16).

On this I believe I can insist but there is still a problem I have not entirely figured out to my satisfaction in Colossians 1:15.

What do you think so far?



Well-known member
Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Heb 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Col 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Who or What is this EXPRESS image of God?

1. God is a spirit, so his image would be a spirit.
2. This is God's firstborn of every creature, a creation.
3. This spirit has deity for it has the fullness of the father.
4. This spirit was with God before the creation, creation was done through this spirit.
5. This spirit is a form of God

I use the term Christ spirit to discribe this image.

What do YOU think it is?


The basic answer is in the verses you posted!

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person,

Remember, truth is simple.

The son is the express image!



Well-known member
Hey Keypurr,
I always knew that we had similar thoughts; so, that why I kept coming back to you again and again (other than this is my favorite topic anyway).

Yet, there is one big difference in our thinking. Me personally, I don't think that this is a difference that leads to a "loss of salvation difference," because we both acknowledge Jesus as the only Savior sent by God for our salvation.

Yet, it is also an important difference worth mentioning. In my long post I was trying to point out this difference as well as our similarities.

It is the point about whether Jesus was God.

You call "the Christ" a created being ... and feel that God imparted the spirit of "the Christ" unto Jesus ... so this makes Jesus, the Christ, but unequal to the Father.

Well, I'd ask you to consider that IT is just the bodily image that was created a living form... and that the image was not God at all, but was the first born of all creatures. Forget for the moment that you have named IT - "Christ."

Yes, I agree with you that God used this living visible form (His image) so that IT spoke only his words ... and only had the power God was able to impart unto it... AND YET... this visible living form represented the Spiritual God that was invisible. This OT presence could be considered Emmanuel (God among men) because IT only represented Him!

This is the presence of the Father God, whose glory was revealed to Moses along with IT's Name: The LORD, the LORD God. Exodus 34:5,6,9

This is the God revealed by a body of heaven Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 (which you choose to call the "Christ - who you think was not God.")

I ask that you to consider the duality of the created living visible body plus the divine Spirit of the ONE invisible God manipulating IT

... and simply say: The living image is not God ... but the spirit behind IT is totally God ... and IT (the living body) has total access to all of the spiritual nature of God himself.

Now, in the same way God used His created living image AGAIN ... to manifest his invisible nature to mankind in a literal manner.

He manifested IT of flesh ... instead of a "body of Heaven." IT is the same image ... just of living flesh the second time. IT still has total access to the spiritual nature of God himself. IT (the body of Jesus) only spoke the words of God and used the power God was able to impart unto IT. IOW, the created creature once again represented the ONE God as Emmanuel (God among men) on earth... but this time as the promised Savior.

God revealed himself as "The Father" - with the created super-natural form ... which you call the Christ ... and God revealed himself as "the Son" with the fleshly form.

This is why Jesus could say: "When you HAVE SEEN me ... you HAVE SEEN the Father. The image is identical - except for the essence of mortal flesh and lack of glory!

The reason that Jesus could say: "I and the Father are ONE" ... that's because they not only shared the same created IMAGE within the world, but they also shared the ONE Spirit of God associated with IT.

Oh well, I hope you will see my points ... if you don't accept them that is fine ... but I believe we are so close to seeing things the same way.

Ps82, we do seem to be close in our thoughts. Your right that the important thing is to accept the Father and the Son he sent. I do believe that the image is a form of God, but I see IT as an image and not the real thing. It's not hard for me to think that this image has been given powers that only a supreme being would have. We know that this image is very special.



Well-known member
Keypurr, I am not insisting what I am saying is entirely correct but it may give us something to consider.

It has been pointed out by many students of the Bible that Col.1:15-17 is NOT actually describing the original creation of Genesis 1:1, but is describing the new creation of Revelation 21:1. Here is the passage:

"Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Now you will notice that the "all things created" are not the actual heaven and earth as created by God in Genesis 1:1 but rather "all things created, that are IN heaven, and that are IN earth."

Further you will notice that what is created is a reference to both "visible and invisible" and are in particular "thrones, dominions, principalities and powers" - not to material things but rather to government (Isa.9:6), to the future rule of our Lord as " KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" (Rev.19:16).

On this I believe I can insist but there is still a problem I have not entirely figured out to my satisfaction in Colossians 1:15.

What do you think so far?


I know my friend that you are not demanding that I agree. But I am still hung up on the power that this image had to create for or with the Father. I disagree with most that he was NOT the express image the world was created. Colossians 1 tell us that this image was the first creation. Hebrews 1:10 God calls him a God and tells us that he created all. This is why I believe he was the express image of God before the world was. If I could see proof to dispute this it would open the door to my mind more.

Read, I enjoy your thoughts, we must see all apects of God's word. Most will tell you that I have gone off the deep end. But I believe that for some reason God brought this to my attention. He will not allow me to let go of it. For years I have seen these verses, but never in this way. We need to study Colossians 1 and Hebrews 1 with the words of Jesus to come up with truth. Pray for truth with me friend and lets explore it deeper.

Thanks for your input, Bob


Well-known member

The basic answer is in the verses you posted!

Remember, truth is simple.

The son is the express image!


AMEN Oatmeal, but that makes him a created form of God. The first creation. The creator for his Father who is his God. With this in mind I see John 1 in a different light. He was with God, he was a God. Is the logos this image, which is the Christ spirit? Is this image a super being?

I realize that I have opened Pandora's box. I am still seeking the answers. Any input you have on this subject would be of great interest to me Oat.

Peace my brother


Well-known member
Therefore, He is God. The distinction between the terms "Son" and "God" is YOUR distinction and is not known to the scripture.

You always assume your distinction without proving it.

But is he a created god?

Being an image does not make him the real thing. He is an image.


Well-known member
Ps82, we do seem to be close in our thoughts. Your right that the important thing is to accept the Father and the Son he sent. I do believe that the image is a form of God, but I see IT as an image and not the real thing. It's not hard for me to think that this image has been given powers that only a supreme being would have. We know that this image is very special.


I'm puzzled by what you wrote:
I do believe that the image is a form of God, but I see IT as an image and not the real thing.

On the one hand you say that you believe the image is something called a form of God ...
On the other hand you say that you don't believe the image/form is a real thing.

This confuses me, because a visible form is a real thing.

You wrote:
It's not hard for me to think that this image has been given powers that only a supreme being would have.

Then you wrote the truth of how this real literal form or image of God has been given divine powers from God. I like to say that the image had access to God himself or God had total access to IT.

I so agree with you about your next statement:
We know that this image is very special.

Yes, IT is special because IT is literally a real form ... and IT does represent the ONE God. (example in OT Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 - Seventy-four men saw God - "the body of heaven in HIS clearness".) They ate a meal in His presence and the LORD did not harm them.

I think you consider the ONE they SAW to be "the Christ."
I say they saw the image of God named LORD... but consider this:
that the ONE God Almighty manifested His created presence visually as the image named LORD.

This truth is what makes Isaiah 43:11 so clear:
I (the ONE invisible God Almighty), even I AM the LORD (who appeared), beside ME (as God Almighty and as the visible LORD) there is no savior.

Therefore, if Jesus is the Savior - then he is God Almighty appearing with His presence, named LORD, manifested in flesh.

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the image of God was the first born of all creatures. God the Father was not created nor born, but was the eternal God appearing with His created super-natural form.

... but, God as his own begotten Son, was begotten by having his special form born of woman.
John 1:18 says that no man had ever seen God, the begotten Son ... but John the B declared him.

Since God is LIFE and the giver of LIFE in measures to all creatures, then God was able to give LIFE to his form. That miracle made the manipulation of that form much more useful to Him within this world and in heavenly places as well.

God is a jealous God ... and wants no one to create images of stone, metal, or wood fashioned after any sort of created creature or thing ... after all, man cannot create something as wonderfully made as the divinely created living bodily form of our God's lordly presence!

Having trouble getting this to post!!!!


Well-known member
Hello READ and Keypurr,

You conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider thi image to be? I know all men are created in the image of God, but this seems to me like a supreme being of sorts. I see the express image exsisting before creation. Are we to assume that Hebrews wants us to think your way? Or is it possiable the express image did exsist with the Father before creation. Who is the Lord who laid the foundations in verse 10 of Hebrews 1.

I can see friend that your a lot more educated than I so you just might be able to untangle this for me. God bless you for trying and please do not give up on me. I am a stubborn old man.

Peace my friend

Was this post for me, Keypurr? - Opps, it was for READ.
Well I'm responding anyway.

READ you wrote and asked:
Your conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider the image to be?

If by HE you mean that Lord Jesus had powers before the world was created ... and are also referring to Colossians 1:15,16,17, then I would say that the image of God, who represented God himself, had powers - etc. - before the world was because God existed before the world was... and even also His created IMAGE existed before the world was. It was by Him (being God working through His image named LORD) that God created and manifested all things.

Let me give you an example to demonstrate how God works - especially when it came to using His created super-natural living image.

Take God's work regarding Adam as the example:

Gen.1 God established by his spoken word that mankind would be male and female ... that they would reproduce and multiply after their own kind ... and then he decided that mankind would share the likeness of "His/OUR" own image.

This meant that Adam's manifested bodily form would very closely resemble the likeness of God's own visible FORM. Therefore in Gen. 2 when God as the LORD was ready to manifest the body for mankind ... he added moisture (which I believe speaks of a measure of LIFE) to the ground and then took some of these earthly elements called moistened ground and formed a living body for Adam. Next he imparted the next measure of LIFE unto Adam ... the LIFE that made Adam a unique spiritual entity (male/female) in one body. It was then that Adam became a uniquely completed living soul.

Well, God did the same "sort of thing" for Himself. He formed a bodily form that dwells within unapproachable light and gave IT LIFE... then he associated IT with himself. The invisible God became the unique spiritual entity that completed the soul of God.

Did you know that God says he has a soul?
Levitcus 26:11
And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you.

So, what might God's complete soul be?
IT is His created living bodily form plus his own unique spiritual nature.

So, Keypurr, God did make us after his image and his likeness after all!

He found a way to become a divine living soul ... and he made us in the form of a living soul as well.

If you understand where I am going with this then you will get this:
It is not wonder that our Lord Jesus looked like a regular man with nothing about him that would make someone think that he was the image of the ONE God? ... After all, mankind was manifested in the form/image and likeness of our Lord.

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus told the unbelieving religious experts of his day ... that they did not know who he was (recognize who he was) because they had never heard the Father's voice nor SEEN HIS SHAPE.

If they had heard the Father's voice and seen His SHAPE/FORM, then they would have recognized Jesus as being God and Lord when they SAW Him. He also accused him of not comprehending the truth from scripture (aka: the law) ... for it was scripture that spoke of Him as well.
John 5:37,38

I think I touched on all your points above.


Well-known member
Keypurr, you wondered:
Or is it possible the express image did existed with the Father before creation. Who is the Lord who laid the foundations in verse 10 of Hebrews 1.

Yes ... It existed before the world was.
Who is the LORD?
I the invisible nature of the LORD existed before the world was ... you will see where the invisible spiritual nature of God was working in Genesis 1. Setting the boundaries, realms, and rules of behavior for all things in creation.

I believe that when God said, "Let there be LIGHT." That this was the point at which his super-natural FORM that lives in unapproachable LIGHT probably first appeared. But there may have been no men or angels to see IT at first.

It was in Genesis 2:2,3,4 where we are told that the invisible nature of God stopped His work and we begin to see God working in a "literal hands-on" sort of way upon the earth... as His created presence named LORD!

It was the LORD that began to manifest the created things within the world ... moisture, mankind, plants, then animals, then a special place (a garden) in which the man and animal could dwell ... etc.

So, who is the LORD of the 7th Day?

HE is the "soul of God" (which means He is His created visible super-natural living bodily form plus HIS own unique invisible nature), who is working within creation. A super-natural Emmanuel.


Well-known member
I'm puzzled by what you wrote:

On the one hand you say that you believe the image is something called a form of God ...
On the other hand you say that you don't believe the image/form is a real thing.

This confuses me, because a visible form is a real thing.

You wrote:

Then you wrote the truth of how this real literal form or image of God has been given divine powers from God. I like to say that the image had access to God himself or God had total access to IT.

The image is not visable friend, The father is not visiable, so his image is not either. It is a spirit. I do believe it is the real thing, but an invisiable one.

I so agree with you about your next statement:

Yes, IT is special because IT is literally a real form ... and IT does represent the ONE God. (example in OT Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 - Seventy-four men saw God - "the body of heaven in HIS clearness".) They ate a meal in His presence and the LORD did not harm them.

Christ is a spirit, a form of god. I think this is the spirit Jesus had. It was the only way God could be visiable to us.

I think you consider the ONE they SAW to be "the Christ."
I say they saw the image of God named LORD... but consider this:
that the ONE God Almighty manifested His created presence visually as the image named LORD.

I really have not given that much thought friend, but I suspect so.

This truth is what makes Isaiah 43:11 so clear:
I (the ONE invisible God Almighty), even I AM the LORD (who appeared), beside ME (as God Almighty and as the visible LORD) there is no savior.

Therefore, if Jesus is the Savior - then he is God Almighty appearing with His presence, named LORD, manifested in flesh.

This theory is compatable with a lot of verses.

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the image of God was the first born of all creatures. God the Father was not created nor born, but was the eternal God appearing with His created super-natural form.

... but, God as his own begotten Son, was begotten by having his special form born of woman.
John 1:18 says that no man had ever seen God, the begotten Son ... but John the B declared him.

I believe that the father is the only uncreated being. Jesus is created and he inturn created for his father. So he had the power to create the worlds.

Since God is LIFE and the giver of LIFE in measures to all creatures, then God was able to give LIFE to his form. That miracle made the manipulation of that form much more useful to Him within this world and in heavenly places as well.

God is a jealous God ... and wants no one to create images of stone, metal, or wood fashioned after any sort of created creature or thing ... after all, man cannot create something as wonderfully made as the divinely created living bodily form of our God's lordly presence!

Having trouble getting this to post!!!!

I do not question any thing the the father creates.

Peace friend


Well-known member
Hello READ and Keypurr,

Was this post for me, Keypurr? - Opps, it was for READ.
Well I'm responding anyway.

READ you wrote and asked:

If by HE you mean that Lord Jesus had powers before the world was created ... and are also referring to Colossians 1:15,16,17, then I would say that the image of God, who represented God himself, had powers - etc. - before the world was because God existed before the world was... and even also His created IMAGE existed before the world was. It was by Him (being God working through His image named LORD) that God created and manifested all things.

Let me give you an example to demonstrate how God works - especially when it came to using His created super-natural living image.

Take God's work regarding Adam as the example:

Gen.1 God established by his spoken word that mankind would be male and female ... that they would reproduce and multiply after their own kind ... and then he decided that mankind would share the likeness of "His/OUR" own image.

This meant that Adam's manifested bodily form would very closely resemble the likeness of God's own visible FORM. Therefore in Gen. 2 when God as the LORD was ready to manifest the body for mankind ... he added moisture (which I believe speaks of a measure of LIFE) to the ground and then took some of these earthly elements called moistened ground and formed a living body for Adam. Next he imparted the next measure of LIFE unto Adam ... the LIFE that made Adam a unique spiritual entity (male/female) in one body. It was then that Adam became a uniquely completed living soul.

Well, God did the same "sort of thing" for Himself. He formed a bodily form that dwells within unapproachable light and gave IT LIFE... then he associated IT with himself. The invisible God became the unique spiritual entity that completed the soul of God.

Did you know that God says he has a soul?
Levitcus 26:11
And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you.

So, what might God's complete soul be?
IT is His created living bodily form plus his own unique spiritual nature.

So, Keypurr, God did make us after his image and his likeness after all!

He found a way to become a divine living soul ... and he made us in the form of a living soul as well.

If you understand where I am going with this then you will get this:
It is not wonder that our Lord Jesus looked like a regular man with nothing about him that would make someone think that he was the image of the ONE God? ... After all, mankind was manifested in the form/image and likeness of our Lord.

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus told the unbelieving religious experts of his day ... that they did not know who he was (recognize who he was) because they had never heard the Father's voice nor SEEN HIS SHAPE.

If they had heard the Father's voice and seen His SHAPE/FORM, then they would have recognized Jesus as being God and Lord when they SAW Him. He also accused him of not comprehending the truth from scripture (aka: the law) ... for it was scripture that spoke of Him as well.
John 5:37,38

I think I touched on all your points above.

I wonder why God used the word "image" in two different ways.

a.) Man is made in the image of god
b.) An express image of God, a spirit.

Was this to confuse us?


Well-known member
The image is not visable friend, The father is not visiable, so his image is not either. It is a spirit. I do believe it is the real thing, but an invisiable one.

Christ is a spirit, a form of god. I think this is the spirit Jesus had. It was the only way God could be visiable to us.

I really have not given that much thought friend, but I suspect so.

This theory is compatable with a lot of verses.

I believe that the father is the only uncreated being. Jesus is created and he inturn created for his father. So he had the power to create the worlds.

I do not question any thing the the father creates.

Peace friend

Only the human body and human nature of Jesus Christ was created.
The person/mind within that tabernacle is uncreated.