You conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider thi image to be? I know all men are created in the image of God, but this seems to me like a supreme being of sorts. I see the express image exsisting before creation. Are we to assume that Hebrews wants us to think your way? Or is it possiable the express image did exsist with the Father before creation. Who is the Lord who laid the foundations in verse 10 of Hebrews 1.
I can see friend that your a lot more educated than I so you just might be able to untangle this for me. God bless you for trying and please do not give up on me. I am a stubborn old man.
Peace my friend
Was this post for me, Keypurr? - Opps, it was for READ.
Well I'm responding anyway.
READ you wrote and asked:
Your conclusion does make sense friend. But in Colossians he had godlike powers before the world was created. What do you consider the image to be?
If by HE you mean that Lord Jesus had powers before the world was created ... and are also referring to Colossians 1:15,16,17, then I would say that
the image of God, who represented God himself,
had powers - etc. - before the world was because God existed before the world was... and even also
His created IMAGE existed before the world was. It was by Him (being God working through His image named LORD) that God created and manifested all things.
Let me give you an example to demonstrate how God works - especially when it came to using His created super-natural living image.
Take God's work regarding Adam as the example:
Gen.1 God established by his spoken word that mankind would be male and female ... that they would reproduce and multiply after their own kind ... and then he decided that mankind would share the likeness of "His/OUR" own image.
This meant that Adam's manifested bodily form would very closely resemble the likeness of God's own visible FORM. Therefore in Gen. 2 when God as the LORD was ready to manifest the body for mankind ... he added moisture (which I believe speaks of a measure of LIFE) to the ground and then took some of these earthly elements called moistened ground and formed a living body for Adam. Next he imparted the next measure of LIFE unto Adam ... the LIFE that made Adam a unique spiritual entity (male/female) in one body. It was then that Adam became a uniquely completed living soul.
Well, God did the same "sort of thing" for Himself. He formed a bodily form that dwells within unapproachable light and gave IT LIFE... then he associated IT with himself. The invisible God became the unique spiritual entity that completed the soul of God.
Did you know that God says he has a soul?
Levitcus 26:11
And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you.
So, what might God's complete soul be?
IT is His created living bodily form plus his own unique spiritual nature.
So, Keypurr, God did make us after his image and his likeness after all!
He found a way to become a divine living soul ... and he made us in the form of a living soul as well.
If you understand where I am going with this then you will get this:
It is not wonder that our Lord Jesus looked like a regular man with nothing about him that would make someone think that he was the image of the ONE God? ... After all, mankind was manifested in the form/image and likeness of our Lord.
Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus told the unbelieving religious experts of his day ... that they did not know who he was (recognize who he was) because
they had never heard the Father's voice nor SEEN HIS SHAPE.
If they had heard the Father's voice and seen His SHAPE/FORM, then they would have recognized
Jesus as being God and Lord when they SAW Him. He also accused him of not comprehending the truth from scripture (aka: the law) ... for it was scripture that spoke of Him as well.
John 5:37,38
I think I touched on all your points above.