What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
I don't have a nose. I don't smell the Word like you do. Your theories smells like roadkill. God spoke Jesus into existence. Jesus is Gods word, alive. Of course the puppets believe in Gods word.

Close, but no cigar.

Jesus is not the word, but the spirit Christ in him is. The word became flesh by dwelling in Jesus who is the body God prepared for him. Heb 10:5.


New member
Close, but no cigar.

Jesus is not the word, but the spirit Christ in him is. The word became flesh by dwelling in Jesus who is the body God prepared for him. Heb 10:5.

Wherefore when the Lord Jesus comes into the world as the Savior, Who undertakes in Grace to meet every claim the Throne of God has against penitent sinners, He said, (Ps. 40:6) Sacrifice and Offering You would not — refers to the fact that He would pay for sin, but not with animal Sacrifices — but a Body have You prepared Me — God became man with the full intention that His Perfect Physical Body was to be offered up in Sacrifice on the Cross, which it was; the Cross was ever His Destination.


Well-known member
Wherefore when the Lord Jesus comes into the world as the Savior, Who undertakes in Grace to meet every claim the Throne of God has against penitent sinners, He said, (Ps. 40:6) Sacrifice and Offering You would not — refers to the fact that He would pay for sin, but not with animal Sacrifices — but a Body have You prepared Me — God became man with the full intention that His Perfect Physical Body was to be offered up in Sacrifice on the Cross, which it was; the Cross was ever His Destination.

It Speaks of Christ, the spirit son of the Father. The spirit son needed a body to do the will of his Father. God prepared him a perfect body, Jesus. Jesus, the man, was the sacrifice. The Lamb without blemish. God did not become a man, his spirit son became a man in the body of Jesus. God can not die, his spirit son can for he is a creation. The gap we have between us is that I believe Christ became a man, you think God became a man. Consider that Christ is a form f God for he was given the fullness of his Father. God created all through his Christ.


New member
It Speaks of Christ, the spirit son of the Father. The spirit son needed a body to do the will of his Father. God prepared him a perfect body, Jesus. Jesus, the man, was the sacrifice. The Lamb without blemish. God did not become a man, his spirit son became a man in the body of Jesus. God can not die, his spirit son can for he is a creation. The gap we have between us is that I believe Christ became a man, you think God became a man. Consider that Christ is a form f God for he was given the fullness of his Father. God created all through his Christ.

You negate the deity of Christ, keypurr.
There is no such a thing as 'the spirit son of the father.' You made that up.

keypurr cannot die either.
keypurr will iive for ever.
keypurr will for ever be a man.

Christ is God manifested in the flesh as the Bible says in the person of the Jesus.

Jesus the Christ for ever will be the God-Man as He always has been because He is the same YESTERDAY, and He is the same TODAY, and He is the same FOREVER.


Close, but no cigar.

Jesus is not the word, but the spirit Christ in him is. The word became flesh by dwelling in Jesus who is the body God prepared for him. Heb 10:5.

I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the spirit inside you. You're just a bag of bones. Your spirit is not you. You are not your spirit. You still slice Jesus like I sliced you. Why would I want to talk like that? Does your spirit have a nickname so we can address to your real unfamiliar spirit?

You are keypurr the spirit. Too bad you're not one. You're two.

God raised The Messiah from the dead.
Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead.
The Holy-Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

Are not all the above statements true?


Well-known member
You negate the deity of Christ, keypurr.
There is no such a thing as 'the spirit son of the father.' You made that up.

keypurr cannot die either.
keypurr will iive for ever.
keypurr will for ever be a man.

Christ is God manifested in the flesh as the Bible says in the person of the Jesus.

Jesus the Christ for ever will be the God-Man as He always has been because He is the same YESTERDAY, and He is the same TODAY, and He is the same FOREVER.

Any deity Christ has was given to him. He is a created form of God. And yes there is a spirit son that is well documented in Heb 1. God is a spirit, just as Christ tells us. So it makes perfect sense that his express image is also a spirit. This spirit needed a body as told in Heb 10:5. This spirit is the true son that came down from heaven to become flesh in the body prepared for him. To see the true Christ all one has to do is read and think.

Keypurr dies a little everyday
Keypurr will not live forever in this world.
Keypurr is looking forward to a better body than the one he has.

There is no such thing as a God-man. I am sorry to be the one to tell you that.

Christ, the first born of all creatures, was with God before the worlds were formed. Jesus was not there at the time.


Well-known member
I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the spirit inside you. You're just a bag of bones. Your spirit is not you. You are not your spirit. You still slice Jesus like I sliced you. Why would I want to talk like that? Does your spirit have a nickname so we can address to your real unfamiliar spirit?

You are keypurr the spirit. Too bad you're not one. You're two.

God raised The Messiah from the dead.
Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead.
The Holy-Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

Are not all the above statements true?

God raised Jesus from the dead, I suspect he used the Holy Spirit to do it.
Jesus did not raise himself, for he was dead. Flesh dies.

You do not seem to think that spirits can control a body. Demons are spirit, one man had a legion of them in him. The spirit Christ has only dwelled in one person, Jesus. But the spirit of Christ can live in many. I pray that you understand thoes words. My spirits nickname is me/I.

A thread on spirits might be interesting to get into. I understand that the Bible has three words used and translated as spirit. Someday I will find time to get it started.


New member
If I could interject.....Not that hard to grasp if you look at it this way. HaShem the Father was IN CHRIST (Seed that is SPIRIT, "spittin" image of His Father), reconciling all men unto Him. The flesh man was the husk the Seed was hidden in, and the Seed was the "container" the Father was hidden in.

He said He came to give us life (the Seed) and life everlasting (the Father). This is how He had the fullness of God and that same fullness have we all received (through the Seed that contains HaShem).

No man comes to the Father except the Father call him. The call comes through the Seed, who said He only speaks what He hears His Father speak.

Christ was not His name, it was the Greek form of His title.

For this reason, you can see that He HAD to arise, as a Seed that fell to the ground and brought forth much fruit. The Seed of the Father is not "sterile". This is why the Word cannot return void. The Word IS the Seed.

Now hear Genesis 1 this way: in the beginning was the Seed, and the Seed was with God, and the Seed was God.......and then.....Yeshua was the Seed made flesh (man).

And then.....when you've seen ME (the Seed that is Spirit), you've seen the Father. Why? Because all seeds bear fruit after their own kind and his kind is the Father.

In the same way that a son's seed carries the DNA of his father, so too did the Seed carry His Father. He said, I am in the Father (as Seed) and the Father is in me (reconciling all men unto Him). How are we reconciled? By taking on His image that the Seed produces in us.

This is why we must decrease so that He can increase, and of the increase of His kingdom there will be no end, until mortality is swallowed up of life just like a natural seed swallows up all the corruption around that it needs to grow into a mature plant.

And this is why He who has begun a good work in you shall finish it. A seed doesn't stop growing until it reaches the image of the original seed at maturity and neither will we.


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

If I could interject.....Not that hard to grasp if you look at it this way. HaShem the Father was IN CHRIST (Seed that is SPIRIT, "spittin" image of His Father), reconciling all men unto Him. The flesh man was the husk the Seed was hidden in, and the Seed was the "container" the Father was hidden in.

He said He came to give us life (the Seed) and life everlasting (the Father). This is how He had the fullness of God and that same fullness have we all received (through the Seed that contains HaShem).

No man comes to the Father except the Father call him. The call comes through the Seed, who said He only speaks what He hears His Father speak.

Christ was not His name, it was the Greek form of His title.

For this reason, you can see that He HAD to arise, as a Seed that fell to the ground and brought forth much fruit. The Seed of the Father is not "sterile". This is why the Word cannot return void. The Word IS the Seed.

Now hear Genesis 1 this way: in the beginning was the Seed, and the Seed was with God, and the Seed was God.......and then.....Yeshua was the Seed made flesh (man).

And then.....when you've seen ME (the Seed that is Spirit), you've seen the Father. Why? Because all seeds bear fruit after their own kind and his kind is the Father.

In the same way that a son's seed carries the DNA of his father, so too did the Seed carry His Father. He said, I am in the Father (as Seed) and the Father is in me (reconciling all men unto Him). How are we reconciled? By taking on His image that the Seed produces in us.

This is why we must decrease so that He can increase, and of the increase of His kingdom there will be no end, until mortality is swallowed up of life just like a natural seed swallows up all the corruption around that it needs to grow into a mature plant.

And this is why He who has begun a good work in you shall finish it. A seed doesn't stop growing until it reaches the image of the original seed at maturity and neither will we.

Welcome to the conversation, I think you meant to refer to John 1. I find you thoughts interesting. I am a slow thinker sometimes so I need time to fully understand your ideas.

I know Christ is not the name of the true son, the express image of the Father, but I have been using it. It has caused more confusion than I thought it might.

You do understand that I believe in a spiritual son that was with God in the beginning? I believe that this spirit entered the body of Jesus and spoke through him. I think your expressing your thoughts on the flesh son. I hope I understand you.
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New member
Welcome to the conversation, I think you meant to refer to John 1. I find you thoughts interesting. I am a slow thinker sometimes so I need time to fully understand your ideas.

I know Christ is not the name of the true son, the express image of the Father, but I have been using it. It has caused more confusion than I thought it might.

Thank you. I hate to see people getting bashed over being brave enough to bring out the truth.

I know what you mean. I had the same problem when He gave this revelation that knocked me for a loop, in trying to explain it to others. And so, He showed me the Seed analogy and it became clearer who I was talking about.

Have you gone through the scriptures yet and "forced" your carnal mind to comply with what you THINK you understood about everything He said, keeping in mind that He said He only speaks what He hears the Father speak? First time I was actually aware of my carnal mind trying to translate it back to me under the previous understanding and it was a battle. Peace

PS. Yes to John 1 and NO, I am expressing my revelation on the Son that is Spirit, His express image. You see, dividing asunder soul and spirit includes HIS. Until you do this, you can't see HIM (Seed), and therefore you can't see the Father.

Deifying His flesh man (a flaw inherited from the RCC) before He ascended, is worshipping the serpent on the pole, which is why Yeshua the flesh man said, "Why callest me thou good? There is none good but the Father". HE'S NOT THERE (on the pole) ANYMORE.
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God raised Jesus from the dead, I suspect he used the Holy Spirit to do it.
Jesus did not raise himself, for he was dead. Flesh dies.

You do not seem to think that spirits can control a body. Demons are spirit, one man had a legion of them in him. The spirit Christ has only dwelled in one person, Jesus. But the spirit of Christ can live in many. I pray that you understand thoes words. My spirits nickname is me/I.

A thread on spirits might be interesting to get into. I understand that the Bible has three words used and translated as spirit. Someday I will find time to get it started.
Let's not get into spirits. Let's get into that God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4)- The Father, The Son and The Spirit are all one God.

The Father is God (John 6:27).
The Son is God (Hebrews 1:8).
The Spirit is God (1 Corinthians 3:16).


-the Father is not the Son or the Spirit.
-The Son is not the Father or the Spirit.
-The Spirit is not the Father or the Son.


Well-known member
Thank you. I hate to see people getting bashed over being brave enough to bring out the truth.

I know what you mean. I had the same problem when He gave this revelation that knocked me for a loop, in trying to explain it to others. And so, He showed me the Seed analogy and it became clearer who I was talking about.

Have you gone through the scriptures yet and "forced" your carnal mind to comply with what you THINK you understood about everything He said, keeping in mind that He said He only speaks what He hears the Father speak? First time I was actually aware of my carnal mind trying to translate it back to me under the previous understanding and it was a battle. Peace

PS. Yes to John 1 and NO, I am expressing my revelation on the Son that is Spirit, His express image. You see, dividing asunder soul and spirit includes HIS. Until you do this, you can't see HIM (Seed), and therefore you can't see the Father.

Deifying His flesh man (a flaw inherited from the RCC) before He ascended, is worshipping the serpent on the pole, which is why Yeshua the flesh man said, "Why callest me thou good? There is none good but the Father". HE'S NOT THERE (on the pole) ANYMORE.

I think you and I will get along just fine friend. You seem to have experienced a journey similar to mine with a curious mind that can drive you crazy. I was thrown into deep thought with the words express image in the KJV. After Reading over it for many years I believe I was given a true understanding of it value. The problem is, I am not gifted with words of explanation to its mesning. It is frustrating to say the least.


Well-known member
Let's not get into spirits. Let's get into that God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4)- The Father, The Son and The Spirit are all one God.

The Father is God (John 6:27).
The Son is God (Hebrews 1:8).
The Spirit is God (1 Corinthians 3:16).


-the Father is not the Son or the Spirit.
-The Son is not the Father or the Spirit.
-The Spirit is not the Father or the Son.

God is one and only one.
Why do you not heed the words of your Lord in John 17:3?

O God in Hebrews also tells you the "God, your God" , do you see that? Christ is a form of God, not God, he is a god.

The Holy Spirit is the power God uses to do his will. You follow the fables of man without understanding what the words in scripture tell you. Jesus told you that his Father is the only true God, listen to him.


New member
I think you and I will get along just fine friend. You seem to have experienced a journey similar to mine with a curious mind that can drive you crazy. I was thrown into deep thought with the words express image in the KJV. After Reading over it for many years I believe I was given a true understanding of it value. The problem is, I am not gifted with words of explanation to its mesning. It is frustrating to say the least.

I totally understand.

It was not said that John heard words that were not lawful (not from the flesh man, the law is only in effect as long as a man liveth) to speak when he was in the Spirit IN THE TEMPLE (know ye not ye are the temple of the living God?) on the Lord's day (7th day is the Seed, no part darkness), for nothing.

Revelation of the Spirit is deep water, and those that swim in it, willingly "drown" joyfully, but often have difficulties convincing others to...... come on in the water's fine. :rain: :D


New member
If I could interject.....Not that hard to grasp if you look at it this way. HaShem the Father was IN CHRIST (Seed that is SPIRIT, "spittin" image of His Father), reconciling all men unto Him. The flesh man was the husk the Seed was hidden in, and the Seed was the "container" the Father was hidden in.

He said He came to give us life (the Seed) and life everlasting (the Father). This is how He had the fullness of God and that same fullness have we all received (through the Seed that contains HaShem).

No man comes to the Father except the Father call him. The call comes through the Seed, who said He only speaks what He hears His Father speak.

Christ was not His name, it was the Greek form of His title.

For this reason, you can see that He HAD to arise, as a Seed that fell to the ground and brought forth much fruit. The Seed of the Father is not "sterile". This is why the Word cannot return void. The Word IS the Seed.

Now hear Genesis 1 this way: in the beginning was the Seed, and the Seed was with God, and the Seed was God.......and then.....Yeshua was the Seed made flesh (man).

And then.....when you've seen ME (the Seed that is Spirit), you've seen the Father. Why? Because all seeds bear fruit after their own kind and his kind is the Father.

In the same way that a son's seed carries the DNA of his father, so too did the Seed carry His Father. He said, I am in the Father (as Seed) and the Father is in me (reconciling all men unto Him). How are we reconciled? By taking on His image that the Seed produces in us.

This is why we must decrease so that He can increase, and of the increase of His kingdom there will be no end, until mortality is swallowed up of life just like a natural seed swallows up all the corruption around that it needs to grow into a mature plant.

And this is why He who has begun a good work in you shall finish it. A seed doesn't stop growing until it reaches the image of the original seed at maturity and neither will we.

Paraphrasing the OT is the path that leads to false teaching. We have MANY translations, which CLEARLY show the Triune nature of God. We are not to look at it differently than it is worded unless you don't believe it is BREATHED of God. If that IS the case, then you have no credibility here whatsoever, just as keypurr and his ilk have none.


New member
I'm not interested in "credibility", because credibility comes from man's approval, not HaShem's. Yeshua on the other hand was approved by HaShem by signs and wonders, and that's the same way we are to be approved.

So is it wiser to you to seek credibility or to seek Him and His wisdom? And 1) I do believe it is breathed from HaShem, and 2) clearly you didn't understand my posts. Peace


New member
I'm not interested in "credibility", because credibility comes from man's approval, not HaShem's. Yeshua on the other hand was approved by HaShem by signs and wonders, and that's the same way we are to be approved.
So is it wiser to you to seek credibility or to seek Him and His wisdom? And 1) I do believe it is breathed from HaShem, and 2) clearly you didn't understand my posts. Peace

IF you are addressing my post, and IF that were true, you wouldn't be here. What does Christian (other) mean? Are you a Messianic Jew?
As we speak English here, it's best to use the English names in the Bible and not the Hebrew ones you assign.

BTW, the NT says Jesus grew in favour and stature with God and Man.
Luke 2:52


Well-known member
Wherefore when the Lord Jesus comes into the world as the Savior, Who undertakes in Grace to meet every claim the Throne of God has against penitent sinners, He said, (Ps. 40:6) Sacrifice and Offering You would not — refers to the fact that He would pay for sin, but not with animal Sacrifices — but a Body have You prepared Me — God became man with the full intention that His Perfect Physical Body was to be offered up in Sacrifice on the Cross, which it was; the Cross was ever His Destination.

Why would God be his own sacrifice to God?

That does not make sense.

Christ, a spirit, needed a body, God provided it.

God did not become man, he sent his son, the spirit son he had in heaven. That son became flesh in the body of Jesus.

Now that is a lot more logical.


Well-known member
I totally understand.

It was not said that John heard words that were not lawful (not from the flesh man, the law is only in effect as long as a man liveth) to speak when he was in the Spirit IN THE TEMPLE (know ye not ye are the temple of the living God?) on the Lord's day (7th day is the Seed, no part darkness), for nothing.

Revelation of the Spirit is deep water, and those that swim in it, willingly "drown" joyfully, but often have difficulties convincing others to...... come on in the water's fine. :rain: :D

You understand what being a Christian really means.

As you see, most do not wish to swim in truth, it hurts their eyes.