What is the express image of God?

Lazy afternoon

You Sir, are not only a windbag, but, a cantankerous curmudgeon.

You have called me that often but I do not take any notice of a son of hell, otherwise I would have been insulted.

Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You have called me that often but I do not take any notice of a son of hell, otherwise I would have been insulted.

Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.


Are you still "predicting" that I will be beheaded in the near future,
Nostradamus? So far, your prediction hasn't come to fruition? How


YOU fail to understand that the EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD, a creation, was given the fullness of the Father. He was second only to his Father (creator). God created everything through his Spirit SON Christ. No one has the power and glory that the Father has, for he is the most high God.

Joh_17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

He says here that He had glory before but he does not say he has his Father's glory.

Here it is in the Aramaic Translation:

Yochanan 17:5
5. And now glorify me my Father with You in that glory that I had with You from before the world was.

While the new age use Christ like you do, you got fishy. Now you're using Yochanan and got more fishy. You're starting to smell.

The Hebrew Roots Movement which encompasses Messianic Judaism and both in fact are one and the same, just packaged differently in order to deceive more people, is gaining momentum in these last days.

Some of the errors in the HRM, or ANY, for that matter, who classify themselves Messianic Jews today are:

1. They call for Christians to recognize extra-biblical Jewish books, which are supposed to give fuller understanding of the Greek New Testament. In fact some go so far as to proclaim the Hebrew Scriptures are the authentic scriptures, not the Greek text of the KJV Bible.

The New Testament was given in its original, inspired from the Hand of God, in GREEK, not Hebrew. Most of the extra-biblical Hebrew “scriptures” that the HRM is seeking to foist onto the Christian Church are ancient writings, often with occult and mystical sources, traditional material which are NOT Scripture at all. They are extra-biblical sources of knowledge.

A Judaic Christian is an absurdity, an oxymoron, (plural oxymora or oxymorons) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory. Judaic Christian, there is no such thing according to Jesus, the Apostle, the New Testament.


Well-known member
In your way of thinking? The answer would be no! Christ was born
as a man, however, He had no beginning and no end. He "created"
ALL that ever was. He is, "God the Son." He was born of a virgin and
came to die for the sins of ALL mankind. There is: God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Yet, these three are ONE.

Your "theories" are false and might I add, "Oddball-ish."

Your send conflicting words GM.

If Christ was BORN he is a creation, not a God.

How can God be born?

Jesus was born, Christ was made. I bet you do not see that.

Jesus was a man born to God and Mary.

Christ is a spirit, the express image of the Father.

Jesus did come to die for us as the Saviour. We agree on that.

But Jesus Christ was much more than that, right?

It is hard to defend the fables that you hold on to GM. To find truth you must open your mind and heart. Use what you have as a starting point.


Well-known member
While the new age use Christ like you do, you got fishy. Now you're using Yochanan and got more fishy. You're starting to smell.

The Hebrew Roots Movement which encompasses Messianic Judaism and both in fact are one and the same, just packaged differently in order to deceive more people, is gaining momentum in these last days.

Some of the errors in the HRM, or ANY, for that matter, who classify themselves Messianic Jews today are:

1. They call for Christians to recognize extra-biblical Jewish books, which are supposed to give fuller understanding of the Greek New Testament. In fact some go so far as to proclaim the Hebrew Scriptures are the authentic scriptures, not the Greek text of the KJV Bible.

The New Testament was given in its original, inspired from the Hand of God, in GREEK, not Hebrew. Most of the extra-biblical Hebrew “scriptures” that the HRM is seeking to foist onto the Christian Church are ancient writings, often with occult and mystical sources, traditional material which are NOT Scripture at all. They are extra-biblical sources of knowledge.

A Judaic Christian is an absurdity, an oxymoron, (plural oxymora or oxymorons) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory. Judaic Christian, there is no such thing according to Jesus, the Apostle, the New Testament.

Maybe your nose needs cleaning Puppet.

I have been quoting from my Aramaic English NT, it is translated from the original language used by Jesus. Some of the earliest manuscripts were done in this language. Some scholars think it is more accurate than the Greek. I really do not know enough about it to be an authority on it, but I do compare it with my other translations and see differances.

I don't know about the mumbo jumbo HRM you brought up. I am not a Jew, but my Lord was so I read his book. Now I even read it from the language he used.

Do you wish to fully understand his words Puppet?


Well-known member
When I read your theories and see they have no logic and reason,

I know that I'm sane, and your theories are not.

GM, I am not good with words, I wish I had the gift of gab. But I have tried to get you to see what God as given me to share. I know it goes against the flow of traditional churches, but the truth is the truth. The early church fathers were misled and lied to. Satan dis a great job.

My theories go deep, they are insane, but they are correct. The world is not flat GM, like the early fathers thought it was. They are full of logic friend, they make more sense than your doctrines do.

God sent his son to bring light onto the darkness. Yet, you do not listen to his words. You would rather follow the crowd. I can not follow you GM, I must follow my Lord who leads me to my God.


New member
Keypurr, this thread is too long for me to read all of it, but I read your opening post and all I can say is, flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven, DID. He revealed it to me, too. One is the holy Seed, one is the "husk" the Seed was veiled in. Now take it deeper (if you haven't already). :first:

PS. Read my last post under the "Salvation by the law or faith" thread....
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your send conflicting words GM.

If Christ was BORN he is a creation, not a God.

How can God be born?

Jesus was born, Christ was made. I bet you do not see that.

Jesus was a man born to God and Mary.

Christ is a spirit, the express image of the Father.

Jesus did come to die for us as the Saviour. We agree on that.

But Jesus Christ was much more than that, right?

It is hard to defend the fables that you hold on to GM. To find truth you must open your mind and heart. Use what you have as a starting point.

You are one strange guy!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Keypurr, this thread is too long for me to read all of it, but I read your opening post and all I can say is, flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven, DID. He revealed it to me, too. One is the holy Seed, one is the "husk" the Seed was veiled in. Now take it deeper (if you haven't already). :first:

Another "Keypurr Cultist" declares himself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
GM, I am not good with words, I wish I had the gift of gab. But I have tried to get you to see what God as given me to share. I know it goes against the flow of traditional churches, but the truth is the truth. The early church fathers were misled and lied to. Satan dis a great job.

My theories go deep, they are insane, but they are correct. The world is not flat GM, like the early fathers thought it was. They are full of logic friend, they make more sense than your doctrines do.

God sent his son to bring light onto the darkness. Yet, you do not listen to his words. You would rather follow the crowd. I can not follow you GM, I must follow my Lord who leads me to my God.

You've finally found "Genuine Madness." What an achievement. You
must be proud?


Maybe your nose needs cleaning Puppet.

I have been quoting from my Aramaic English NT, it is translated from the original language used by Jesus. Some of the earliest manuscripts were done in this language. Some scholars think it is more accurate than the Greek. I really do not know enough about it to be an authority on it, but I do compare it with my other translations and see differances.

I don't know about the mumbo jumbo HRM you brought up. I am not a Jew, but my Lord was so I read his book. Now I even read it from the language he used.

Do you wish to fully understand his words Puppet?

I don't have a nose. I don't smell the Word like you do. Your theories smells like roadkill. God spoke Jesus into existence. Jesus is Gods word, alive. Of course the puppets believe in Gods word.