ECT What gospel was Paul saved under?

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Well-known member
In an attempt to merely compare notes, if I am not mistaken; even you assert the Lord's return has not yet taken place. That, as you assert; it was delayed (your Matt. 23b).

In this, you are asserting a version of a delay in some things.

Normally, a delay means a clock has temporarily stopped, even as time outside said clock ticks on.

As when aspects of what Daniel had been made privy to underwent many a century sealed.

Now, if you wish to make with the derisive labels in your reply, no problem; I'll simply jump down your throat about that, once more: if that is where you want to go.

It takes two to make an enemy.

You are packaging Judaic events with the Lord's return. There does not need to be anything in or about Israel for the Lord's return to happen. The things that sounded that way have been fulfilled says the NT use of the OT.

Lazy afternoon

You are packaging Judaic events with the Lord's return. There does not need to be anything in or about Israel for the Lord's return to happen. The things that sounded that way have been fulfilled says the NT use of the OT.

Madists believe Christ established the 12 Apostles in Judaism and Paul corrected them.

They also believe the Jews will rule the world while they are in Heaven.



New member
Madists believe Christ established the 12 Apostles in Judaism and Paul corrected them.

They also believe the Jews will rule the world while they are in Heaven.


No, that is what YOU believe the MADist believes.

Keep in mind; you are very sloppy in how you go about attempting to sort out many issues - including those you claim to hold to.

The LA Highway (more like Any Way) is still closed - massive collision :chuckle:


Well-known member
No, that is what YOU believe the MADist believes.

Keep in mind; you are very sloppy in how you go about attempting to sort out many issues - including those you claim to hold to.

The LA Highway (more like Any Way) is still closed - massive collision :chuckle:

Nevertheless, that is how MAD sounds.

Like Danoh, just when it starts to sound like the unity of Eph 2B-3A, the 2P2P distinctions show up, instead of the clean break of Heb 8:13 etc.

The Eph 1 expression 'when the times will have reached their fulfillment' v10 is put off to the future (after episodes with Israel the nation), instead of acknowledging courageously with the NT that Christ is "now raised above all rule and authority... not only in this age but the next" of v21. By courageous I mean specifically that we need to declare that to all nations, ours, Israel and Muslim nations.


New member
Nevertheless, that is how MAD sounds.

Like Danoh, just when it starts to sound like the unity of Eph 2B-3A, the 2P2P distinctions show up, instead of the clean break of Heb 8:13 etc.

The Eph 1 expression 'when the times will have reached their fulfillment' v10 is put off to the future (after episodes with Israel the nation), instead of acknowledging courageously with the NT that Christ is "now raised above all rule and authority... not only in this age but the next" of v21. By courageous I mean specifically that we need to declare that to all nations, ours, Israel and Muslim nations.

When I grow up, I wanna have a "one size fits all" lens just like Interloper, ur, planner :crackup:


New member
No, that is what YOU believe the MADist believes.

Keep in mind; you are very sloppy in how you go about attempting to sort out many issues - including those you claim to hold to.

The LA Highway (more like Any Way) is still closed - massive collision :chuckle:

Most massive interstate system ever and clogged all the time.

Lazy afternoon

No, that is what YOU believe the MADist believes.

Keep in mind; you are very sloppy in how you go about attempting to sort out many issues - including those you claim to hold to.

The LA Highway (more like Any Way) is still closed - massive collision :chuckle:

I heard Les Feldick (your MAD mentor)say Paul took over from the 12 Apostles and that The 12 were into Judaism until Paul corrected them.

He claims the Judaisers Paul was correcting in Galations, who were withstanding Paul , were the 12 Apostles.



New member
Les Feldick, the MADIST, says the church went back to the gospels and turned away from Paul.

You can hear him say that here---

I doubt I've watched Les Feldick more than three or four times in total, over the years he has been on Television.

Not that I see eye to eye with ol Les on what little I have watched, but much respect to him; his material being for newbies.

I was going to say Les is easy to follow; but then there is someone like you; who proves to be the exception - u-n-r-e-a-c-h-a-b-l-e :chuckle:

I'm sure you perceived his intended sense through your clogged up highway once more.

GM, thanks for that analogy; fits Lazy like a glove...


Well-known member
I doubt I've watched Les Feldick more than three or four times in total, over the years he has been on Television.

Not that I see eye to eye with ol Les on what little I have watched, but much respect to him; his material being for newbies.

I was going to say Les is easy to follow; but then there is someone like you; who proves to be the exception - u-n-r-e-a-c-h-a-b-l-e :chuckle:

I'm sure you perceived his intended sense through your clogged up highway once more.

GM, thanks for that analogy; fits Lazy like a glove...

Does anyone know Feldick's support for a departure from Paul in 68 for the 'gospels'? Or did he just mean they were leaving Paul to return to Judaism?


New member
Does anyone know Feldick's support for a departure from Paul in 68 for the 'gospels'? Or did he just mean they were leaving Paul to return to Judaism?

Standard MAD on that is a passage like...

2 Timothy 1:15 This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.


New member

1 Timothy 1:3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 1:5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: 1:6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 1:7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 1:8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; 1:9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 1:10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 1:11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

And so on...

Lazy afternoon

I doubt I've watched Les Feldick more than three or four times in total, over the years he has been on Television.

Not that I see eye to eye with ol Les on what little I have watched, but much respect to him; his material being for newbies.

I was going to say Les is easy to follow; but then there is someone like you; who proves to be the exception - u-n-r-e-a-c-h-a-b-l-e :chuckle:

I'm sure you perceived his intended sense through your clogged up highway once more.

GM, thanks for that analogy; fits Lazy like a glove...

Les Feldick thinks Christ established the church in Judaism and needed Paul to straighten them out.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I doubt I've watched Les Feldick more than three or four times in total, over the years he has been on Television.

Not that I see eye to eye with ol Les on what little I have watched, but much respect to him; his material being for newbies.

I was going to say Les is easy to follow; but then there is someone like you; who proves to be the exception - u-n-r-e-a-c-h-a-b-l-e :chuckle:

I'm sure you perceived his intended sense through your clogged up highway once more.

GM, thanks for that analogy; fits Lazy like a glove...

You're quite welcome. LA has less than nothing to add to nothing.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Les Feldick thinks Christ established the church in Judaism and needed Paul to straighten them out.


Unfortunately, you're lost in a fog and always have been. Nobody, I mean nobody should be listening to you. You're like a guy with one good eye and one blind eye. You cover your good eye and tell everybody what you're seeing with your blind eye.

Lazy afternoon

Unfortunately, you're lost in a fog and always have been. Nobody, I mean nobody should be listening to you. You're like a guy with one good eye and one blind eye. You cover your good eye and tell everybody what you're seeing with your blind eye.

Did you say something of worth, ever???

Lazy afternoon

Does anyone know Feldick's support for a departure from Paul in 68 for the 'gospels'? Or did he just mean they were leaving Paul to return to Judaism?

Feldick the MADist, says the church has gone back from Paul to the gospels, and the Lords Prayer, for the last two thousand years.

Feldick is the leader of a sect.

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