What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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Army of One said:
You're right, I don't think Poly was trying to edify Beanie with this thread. She was trying to mock and ridicule him

Ok, if this is true, then it is sin. I do not know if it is true, but here is just one verse backing me up:

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

Mocking is a sin....don't know if that was Poly's intentions or not, but if it was, then it was wrong.


On Fire said:
You repent of your sin once[regarding homosexuality] - not your whole life. You turn away from it and ask God to lead you in the right direction. God can take your sinful choices and turn them around.

But if you are gay you are attracted to men....you don't choose it...so if you repent once you'll be repenting for the reast of your life. Walk down the high street and you will not be able to look at any men. Work with any men....be near any men...because 'the sin would be in your heart' as you would say.

Someone who is gay can't stop being gay anymore than you can stop needing to sleep. Sooner or later you are going to want to sleep.

Homosexuality is a sin because God says so

Why is homosexuality a sin outside the bible? Disregarding the bible I can tell you why murder should be regarded as a sin, or theft. But I can't for homosexuality....enlighten me.

Just be careful of any PM's you get from beanie.

??? Why? I'm straight. Why should I be worried about getting messages from Beanie? He knows I'm straight and (presumably) he's gay. He knows he'd be wasting his time IF he wanted to chat me up (sorry to break it to you like this Beanie! :eek: ) Gay blokes always have loads of girl friends anyway

.....Beanie if you PM me I want names & telephone numbers​


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Posts 1172 and 1174 are now a number of pages back, but Missedmarks and Intro, I still would be interested in hearing your responses...

Best wishes,


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On Fire said:
We are SO FAR beyond these silly questions of yours.

You are an unrepentent, flaming homosexual looking for acceptance on a predominantly Christian internet forum. GET A CLUE!!!

When did I ever suggest that I was going to repent?
When did I ever suggest that I was going to become Christian?

I don't look for acceptance.
Personally, I think you are full of the sin of pride. You are self-righteous, and full of self exhaltation, and rarely have anything insightful to say.

So, why would I want to try to win your favor?
I disapprove of the way you treat others, and would only meet your acceptance if I became heterosexual, claimed to love Jesus, and then was spiteful to others.

No, thanks.

Now, shoo, before someone drops a house on you.


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eccl3_6 said:
But if you are gay you are attracted to men....you don't choose it...so if you repent once you'll be repenting for the reast of your life. Walk down the high street and you will not be able to look at any men. Work with any men....be near any men...because 'the sin would be in your heart' as you would say.

Someone who is gay can't stop being gay anymore than you can stop needing to sleep. Sooner or later you are going to want to sleep.
If you truly want to repent and become clean, then God will give you the strength to overcome your lustful desires. God is not the type who will sit there and laugh at us as we struggle with our sin, He wants to help us overcome it so we can enjoy the benefits of living a Godly life!

eccl3_6 said:
Why is homosexuality a sin outside the bible? Disregarding the bible I can tell you why murder should be regarded as a sin, or theft. But I can't for homosexuality....enlighten me.
Because it is unnatural and anything that is sinful leads to no good...
God didn't tell us that homosexuality was wrong just because He felt like it. Homosexuality leads to moral destruction.


New member
Balder, here's your response to post 1174:

I think that God kind of used to OT as one big lesson for us, ya know what I mean? Shows us what to avoid kind of...and how much better we have it now that Christ died for us!

On Fire

New member
eccl3_6 said:
But if you are gay you are attracted to men....you don't choose it...so if you repent once you'll be repenting for the reast of your life. Walk down the high street and you will not be able to look at any men. Work with any men....be near any men...because 'the sin would be in your heart' as you would say.

Someone who is gay can't stop being gay anymore than you can stop needing to sleep. Sooner or later you are going to want to sleep.
You're just plain wrong. At least entertain the possibility.


intro2faith said:
If you truly want to repent and become clean, then God will give you the strength to overcome your lustful desires. God is not the type who will sit there and laugh at us as we struggle with our sin, He wants to help us overcome it so we can enjoy the benefits of living a Godly life!
But why would you want to repent?..which kinda leads onto the second quote.

Because it is unnatural and anything that is sinful leads to no good...
God didn't tell us that homosexuality was wrong just because He felt like it. Homosexuality leads to moral destruction.

I'm asking why it is sinful outside the bible...you can't say because anything that is sinful leads to no good. Why is it sinful. Using reverse logic there is lots of good that can come out of a gay relationship. How does Homosexuality lead to moral destruction? Listening to beanie on this thread (assuming he is gay) he has plently of morality. People are telling him that he disgusts them and he says I forgive you and lets pray for them.

If it came down to asking for moral guidance it would be beanie first, the hate peddlars who voted on the thread second.


New member
eccl3_6 said:
But why would you want to repent?..which kinda leads onto the second quote.

I'm asking why it is sinful outside the bible...you can't say because anything that is sinful leads to no good. Why is it sinful. Using reverse logic there is lots of good that can come out of a gay relationship. How does Homosexuality lead to moral destruction? Listening to beanie on this thread (assuming he is gay) he has plently of morality. People are telling him that he disgusts them and he says I forgive you and lets pray for them.

If it came down to asking for moral guidance it would be beanie first, the hate peddlars who voted on the thread second.
Well, the main thing is that beanie is leading people astray. He is saying you do not need Christ to get to Heaven. Beanie may be a very "good" person, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he is a sinner. Just as you and I are. The difference between us is that I have accepted Christ, and you and beanie have not yet. God wants you and beanie to come to Him just as much as He wanted any of us Christians to come to Him.

God knows best. If He says homosexuality is a sin, then there is a very good reason for it. Just as lying is a sin. Just as lust is a sin.


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beanieboy said:
What is the point of saying the positive things?
What is the point of saying the negative things?

Isn't gossip to talk badly about other people?
Is that something you approve of?
"Omg! Did you see what she's wearing? Omg! That is such an ugly dress..."


Beanie this isn't Jr. High where kids are talking about kids, saying bad things about them for no good reason behind their back because they are immature not knowing of the more important things of life.

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

It's childish to bad mouth somebody for an outward appearance such as what kind of clothes one wears. People who do this need to get a life. We judge you with righteous judgement. Not for the dresses you wear but for your heart. It's evil, it's wicked and it's perverse. This isn't something we're saying behind your back as this would do you no good. We want what we have to say to you to be said in the open, publically and as clearly as possible. You're a disgusting homo who is going to hell unless you humble yourself before the One who can save you from your filth.


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intro2faith said:
Well, the main thing is that beanie is leading people astray. He is saying you do not need Christ to get to Heaven. Beanie may be a very "good" person, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he is a sinner. Just as you and I are. The difference between us is that I have accepted Christ, and you and beanie have not yet. God wants you and beanie to come to Him just as much as He wanted any of us Christians to come to Him.

God knows best. If He says homosexuality is a sin, then there is a very good reason for it. Just as lying is a sin. Just as lust is a sin.

I do not say that one does not need Christ to get to Heaven.
In fact, I have quoted from the bible, because I look to it for Guidance.

But I am Buddhist.
Have I tried to lead you astray, intro?
Have I somehow tempted you to leave the faith?

Or am I simply stating that this is my choice, and give you yours?

As is being argued, for every sin, there is a reason.
Lying - causes distrust and betrayal.
Murder - ends the life of another, makes you devalue the life of others.

As for homosexuality, that is simply the way I am attracted.

I understand that you believe that the bible says it is wrong. There are theologians who disagree with you, and ones who agree. If it is that important to you, and the truth of the Bible is important to you, I would suggest getting all the facts, and listening to both sides, praying, and coming to an understanding.

My brother is a pastor. He didn't see it as a sin.
As I said, people are divided, especially when they explore it in depth.

As for me, it's not against Buddhism, because it harms no one.


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Poly said:
Beanie this isn't Jr. High where kids are talking about kids, saying bad things about them for no good reason behind their back because they are immature not knowing of the more important things of life.

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

It's childish to bad mouth somebody for an outward appearance such as what kind of clothes one wears. People who do this need to get a life. We judge you with righteous judgement. Not for the dresses you wear but for your heart. It's evil, it's wicked and it's perverse. This isn't something we're saying behind your back as this would do you no good. We want what we have to say to you to be said in the open, publically and as clearly as possible. You're a disgusting homo who is going to hell unless you humble yourself before the One who can save you from your filth.

I'm going to go kill some kitties.


New member
intro2faith said:
Balder, here's your response to post 1174:

I think that God kind of used to OT as one big lesson for us, ya know what I mean? Shows us what to avoid kind of...and how much better we have it now that Christ died for us!
Okay, thanks. I agree that the Bible records incidents which we will do better to avoid repeating! I can understand why you wouldn't want to address this issue more head-on. Most Christians I've known (even when I was Christian) skirt around it and prefer to look elsewhere.


New member
Balder said:
Okay, thanks. I agree that the Bible records incidents which we will do better to avoid repeating! I can understand why you wouldn't want to address this issue more head-on. Most Christians I've known (even when I was Christian) skirt around it and prefer to look elsewhere.
Nah, I'm just not going to respond to something that I don't have enough knowledge on.


New member
beanieboy said:
I do not say that one does not need Christ to get to Heaven.
In fact, I have quoted from the bible, because I look to it for Guidance.

But I am Buddhist.
Have I tried to lead you astray, intro?
Have I somehow tempted you to leave the faith?

Or am I simply stating that this is my choice, and give you yours?

As is being argued, for every sin, there is a reason.
Lying - causes distrust and betrayal.
Murder - ends the life of another, makes you devalue the life of others.

As for homosexuality, that is simply the way I am attracted.

I understand that you believe that the bible says it is wrong. There are theologians who disagree with you, and ones who agree. If it is that important to you, and the truth of the Bible is important to you, I would suggest getting all the facts, and listening to both sides, praying, and coming to an understanding.

My brother is a pastor. He didn't see it as a sin.
As I said, people are divided, especially when they explore it in depth.

As for me, it's not against Buddhism, because it harms no one.
How can you be for Christ and for buddhism? It just doesn't mesh. I truly am sorry that you won't see the truth. You know, the only difference between you and me is this:

We both sin, disgusting horrible unrighteous sin. We both deserve to go to Hell. The only difference is, I am forgiven of my disgusting sin, and you are not. Because you have not asked. You have to ask to recieve...
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