What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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Army of One

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eccl3_6 said:
I'm asking why it is sinful outside the bible...you can't say because anything that is sinful leads to no good. Why is it sinful. Using reverse logic there is lots of good that can come out of a gay relationship. How does Homosexuality lead to moral destruction?
You really can't see what is wrong with homosexuality? Obviously the human body was not designed for such behavior, but was rather designed so that a Man and Woman "fit". It was also designed so that when a Man and Woman join together it results in life. Homosexuality on the other hand, results in disease and death. Any one with half a brain cell can look at the male anatomy and determine, "Hey that ain't supposed to go there".

And please, stop repeating the stupid claim that homos are born that way. Not only is there no scientific evidence to support that claim, but there are many who have "switched sides" so to speak.


New member
intro2faith said:
How can you be for Christ and for buddhism? It just doesn't mesh. I truly am sorry that you won't see the truth. You know, the only difference between you and me is this:

We both sin, disgusting horrible unrighteous sin. We both deserve to go to Hell. The only difference is, I am forgiven of my disgusting sin, and you are not. Because you have not asked. You have to ask to recieve...

You claimed that I am leading people astray.
I simply state my belief, and believe as I choose.

Have I once asked you to convert to Buddhism?
Have I once asked you to stop believing in Christianity?
Have I asked it of anyone?


New member
beanieboy said:
You claimed that I am leading people astray.
I simply state my belief, and believe as I choose.

Have I once asked you to convert to Buddhism?
Have I once asked you to stop believing in Christianity?
Have I asked it of anyone?
Probly not, but you could be misleading people anyways. You are saying that homosexuality is okay with God, am I right? That is very misleading. You are saying that you do not need Christ to get to Heaven. I know you are saying that is just what YOU believe, but you are saying it. True, you can believe what you want...at your own risk.


New member
intro2faith said:
:chuckle: I could debate it with you...but I'd just make a blubbering fool outta myself! I'm going to study the matter first. :)
I respect your decision to study first. I'll be here if you want to come back to the subject.

Interestingly (and perhaps sadly), the Book of Mormon carries this line of reasoning in the direction I indicated. In the New World, Jesus leads mission after mission to utterly destroy various American Indian communities, killing all men, women, and children in them.


New member
intro2faith said:
Probly not, but you could be misleading people anyways. You are saying that homosexuality is okay with God, am I right? That is very misleading. You are saying that you do not need Christ to get to Heaven. I know you are saying that is just what YOU believe, but you are saying it. True, you can believe what you want...at your own risk.

And you can believe as you wish, at your own risk.
It may be Allah and Mohammed at Judgement day, and you will fry.
It may be no one, and you will be but worm food.
It may be that I am right, and you are destined to repeat your life over and over until you get it right.

As for me, I simply concentrate on pure thought, pure speech, pure action. I follow the rule "Treat others as you wish to be treated."

From a biblical standpoint, the story of the Sheep and the Goats says, "When did I do these things for you," and Christ says, "as often you did this for the least of them, you did so unto me." Now, you have to take this into context with other parts of the bible, but in my personal studies, I have found this to be the most important - the treatment of others - serving God through action, and not words. It is the Buddhist way was well.

By the way, because you are a christian, this may interesting you:
Taking Jesus Seriously: Buddhist Meditation for Christians
by John Cowan

Zen for Christians: A
Beginner's Guide
by Kim Boykin

Zen Contemplation for Christians : A Bridge of Living Water
by Elaine MacInnes

Living Buddha, Living Christ
by Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhism isn't the antithesis of christianity.


New member
beanieboy said:
And you can believe as you wish, at your own risk.
It may be Allah and Mohammed at Judgement day, and you will fry.
It may be no one, and you will be but worm food.
It may be that I am right, and you are destined to repeat your life over and over until you get it right.

As for me, I simply concentrate on pure thought, pure speech, pure action. I follow the rule "Treat others as you wish to be treated."

From a biblical standpoint, the story of the Sheep and the Goats says, "When did I do these things for you," and Christ says, "as often you did this for the least of them, you did so unto me." Now, you have to take this into context with other parts of the bible, but in my personal studies, I have found this to be the most important - the treatment of others - serving God through action, and not words. It is the Buddhist way was well.

By the way, because you are a christian, this may interesting you:
Taking Jesus Seriously: Buddhist Meditation for Christians
by John Cowan

Zen for Christians: A
Beginner's Guide
by Kim Boykin

Zen Contemplation for Christians : A Bridge of Living Water
by Elaine MacInnes

Living Buddha, Living Christ
by Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhism isn't the antithesis of christianity.
Doing all those things won't get you anywhere unless you've accepted Christ. It's not by works, but by faith in CHRIST that we are saved.


New member
I understand that you believe that.
I was raised Lutheran.
I understand all of that.
I just don't agree.

I believe it is how we spend on life on earth that matters, not the theology that we believe.
I don't believe that we earn our way toward anything, but it is impossible to live a giving life, and not become closer to God. It's in our very nature.

I am Buddhist, and believe it is more how one lives their life.

But I have given you book titles that may be of help to you in your travels as a Christian, and wish you well.



New member
Other personal recommendations:

How to Quit Church Without Quitting God: 7 Good Reasons to Escape the Box
by Martin Zender

Martin Zender Goes to Hell: A Critical Look at an Un-Criticized Doctrine
by Martin Zender

Martin Zender is Christian.
He simply questions what most doctrine teaches, which is often not biblical.

Worth a look.


beanieboy said:
Other personal recommendations:

How to Quit Church Without Quitting God: 7 Good Reasons to Escape the Box
by Martin Zender

Martin Zender Goes to Hell: A Critical Look at an Un-Criticized Doctrine
by Martin Zender

Martin Zender is Christian.
He simply questions what most doctrine teaches, which is often not biblical.

Worth a look.
It's clear how you forsake the authority of God and follow after the thoughts and minds of men.....both physically and spiritually, as it is in your case. :think:


New member
Agape4Robin said:
It's clear how you forsake the authority of God and follow after the thoughts and minds of men.....both physically and spiritually, as it is in your case. :think:

"I'm a Buddhist" is a clear indicator of that, yes.
I thought that was a given.


beanieboy said:
"I'm a Buddhist" is a clear indicator of that, yes.
I thought that was a given.
Hbr 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if [any man] draw back(literally means apostasy..), my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Hbr 10:39 But we (followers of Christ) are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

This means that followers of Christ are forgiven. :D

Didn't see Buddhists in there........Oh, but you know that! :thumb:
Hope you don't complain about hell........when you couldn't praise God. :think:


New member
intro2faith said:
So you foresake the authority of God and follow man instead?? Wow...that's just not smart!

Do I follow the authority of man?

Well, let's see.
Society says that success means how much stuff you have, how big your house is, what kind of car you drive. I disagree with this.
Fame is something that is valued by man, as well as power. I don't value this.
There is a phrase "Nice guys finish last." I don't follow it.

So, no, I don't follow man.

Buddhism teaches to not be attached to material things, to not see yourself as a individual but realize that you are one with the world. You are to keep your thoughts pure, because they filter down into your words and actions. You are to be still, and simply be, and when I am still, I feel the Creator, who shines bright within me. I find that the things that matter - my friends, my family, take priority over things I want. I find that I want less, and instead, focus on what I need. And am very happy.

Technically, I could argue that man wrote the bible (literally.) You claim that it is written by God, claim that God approved of the enemy baby killing song of David, and many other questionable verses.

So, I could argue that you are the one that follows man's idea of what God is.

As for me, I simply ask God to reveal himself, and he continues to do so. If you are right, I should wind up where you are. If not, then I'll be sure to wait for you to catch up.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
Hbr 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if [any man] draw back(literally means apostasy..), my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Hbr 10:39 But we (followers of Christ) are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

This means that followers of Christ are forgiven. :D

Didn't see Buddhists in there........Oh, but you know that! :thumb:
Hope you don't complain about hell........when you couldn't praise God. :think:

Why would you see Buddhists in the Bible?
I see nothing about Christians in Buddhist texts, but again, I thought that was a given.

Strangely, you seem to be gloating that you are forgiven, and I'm not, and mocking that I will end up in hell. I hope that vision is of some help to you, because it seems that your own salvation isn't enough joy, because you have to mock my belief as well, and imagine me in a fiery eternity.

I could find no such happiness knowing of the suffering of another in those conditions.

You may choose to worship as you wish, but I find nothing redeeming in your belief for me.


beanieboy said:
Why would you see Buddhists in the Bible?
I see nothing about Christians in Buddhist texts, but again, I thought that was a given.

Strangely, you seem to be gloating that you are forgiven, and I'm not, and mocking that I will end up in hell. I hope that vision is of some help to you, because it seems that your own salvation isn't enough joy, because you have to mock my belief as well, and imagine me in a fiery eternity.

I could find no such happiness knowing of the suffering of another in those conditions.

You may choose to worship as you wish, but I find nothing redeeming in your belief for me.
Such mock indignation................ :rolleyes:

I said no such thing about being happy about what waits for you in hell. :nono:

By your own admission.....you choose hell. :think:


New member
Agape4Robin said:
Such mock indignation................ :rolleyes:

I said no such thing about being happy about what waits for you in hell. :nono:

By your own admission.....you choose hell. :think:

I don't believe in hell.
I'm a Buddhist.

I'm not sure why you aren't understanding this.


New member
beanieboy said:
I don't believe in hell.
I'm a Buddhist.

I'm not sure why you aren't understanding this.
You've stated that you are a Buddhist many times. That does not excuse that fact that you are acting foolishly. Or the fact that your fate is not good...unless you change.


New member
intro2faith said:
You've stated that you are a Buddhist many times. That does not excuse that fact that you are acting foolishly. Or the fact that your fate is not good...unless you change.

Muslims think you are going to hell.
Why do you reject Allah and Mohammed?
Do you want to go to hell?

Understand yet?
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