What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire

New member
eccl3_6 said:
Gay men across the world,
apologise to God for being made evil.

Why is homosexuality a sin?

I'm heterosexual but I wish I was bi-sexual.
Think of all those extra cookies in the cookie jar if I were.

Why would a gay man need to apologize to God? That's silly.

Homosexuality is a sin because God says so:

Leviticus 18:22

" 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Leviticus 20:13

" 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Seems clear enough but gay and lesbian theologians would say…

o This is cultural and limited to ancient Israel (like dietary laws)

o Or…refers to sex involved in a fertility cult worship a broader problem.

And, if this was an isolated reference I might be inclined to consider that as a possibility but it isn’t and within the context of the entire story of God the issues appears 1000s of years later…

1 Cor. 6:9-11

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Gay and lesbian theologians would say that is what this is about – sex with young boys

· “male prostitutes” = malakoi = lit. = soft or effeminate - Greek it was a slang term used of young teen boys used sexually – but could also mean older men.

But it is the 2nd word that is not debatable.

· “Homosexual offenders” - arsenokotai = derived from Hebrew phrase in the Leviticus passages – Paul chose a term that is directly adapted from the words in Leviticus (linking the two thoughts from way earlier in the story of God)

You wish you were bi-sexual? Sorry 'bout cha.

And I don't get the "extra cookies" bit.

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
Are you not deserving of God's abhorrence?
Yes, we are. We can admit it. We ask God to forgive us.

You, on the other hand, believe that your sexual sin is not a sin at all. Your lust is blinding you.

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
Are you not deserving of God's abhorrence?
Yes, and I'm sure that I was the object of it at several points in my life (when I was nothing more than a drunk/drug addict). But when one that is abhorred by God turns from their wickedness, and humbles himself before Jesus, they are forgiven.

On Fire

New member
The creation that God called “good” was Male and female

o Compatible in every way including sexually – clear physiological design to “fit together” – heterosexual sex in a marriage arrangement God declared “good”

o And God declared procreation is good – having babies

This is “natural” – a man and a woman leaving their families, united as husband and wife, enjoying the sex they were designed to enjoy and faithfully caring for the children that resulted.

For this reason, the practice of homosexual sex is out of the will of God and is sin.


New member
Army of One said:
Yes, and I'm sure that I was the object of it at several points in my life (when I was nothing more than a drunk/drug addict). But when one that is abhorred by God turns from their wickedness, and humbles himself before Jesus, they are forgiven.

God hated you before? Does God call people to hate the unsaved?


New member
On Fire said:
The creation that God called “good” was Male and female

o Compatible in every way including sexually – clear physiological design to “fit together” – heterosexual sex in a marriage arrangement God declared “good”

o And God declared procreation is good – having babies

This is “natural” – a man and a woman leaving their families, united as husband and wife, enjoying the sex they were designed to enjoy and faithfully caring for the children that resulted.

For this reason, the practice of homosexual sex is out of the will of God and is sin.

Yes, yes.
If I become heterosexual, I will be saved.
You've made your point a while back.

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
God hated you before? Does God call people to hate the unsaved?
:bang: Do me a favor, and actually read the posts I've made already, since your question was answered at least once already.


On Fire said:
Why would a gay man need to apologize to God? That's silly.
I agree....being born gay and then spending your life repenting the way you are is silly. If you are gay....be gay and don't feel bad about it. Enjoy it. Why not? I love being straight

Homosexuality is a sin because God says so:

No...the bible says so. This is one of the reasons why I am agnostic. I will not be told something is wrong which I know in my heart is not. My intellect and reasoning does not let me see why it should be wrong. Outside of the bible why is it wrong?

And I don't get the "extra cookies" bit.
If I could choose both men and women then I would have more choice....I can't I'm straight so I only get to date the female of the species.

Its not all that bad though.....


New member
Army of One said:
But when one that is abhorred by God turns from their wickedness, and humbles himself before Jesus, they are forgiven.

You are saying that God abhorred you.

So, explain this to me:
How does Christianity explain:
For God so loved the world...

Did God send Christ to die for those who he loved - ie., were obeying him, or did he come for the lost?

Why would he send his son for those whom he hated?

On Fire

New member
eccl3_6 said:
I agree....being born gay and then spending your life repenting the way you are is silly. If you are gay....be gay and don't feel bad about it. Enjoy it. Why not? I love being straight.
You repent of your sin once - not your whole life. You turn away from it and ask God to lead you in the right direction. God can take your sinful choices and turn them around.

eccl3_6 said:
No...the bible says so. This is one of the reasons why I am agnostic. I will not be told something is wrong which I know in my heart is not. My intellect and reasoning does not let me see why it should be wrong. Outside of the bible why is it wrong?
Thanks for the perfect definition of sin.

eccl3_6 said:
If I could choose both men and women then I would have more choice....I can't I'm straight so I only get to date the female of the species.

It's not all that bad though.....
Just be careful of any PM's you get from beanie.

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
You are saying that God abhorred you.

So, explain this to me:
How does Christianity explain:
For God so loved the world...

Did God send Christ to die for those who he loved - ie., were obeying him, or did he come for the lost?

Why would he send his son for those whom he hated?
Yet another set of questions that I just answered. Maybe you missed my last 10 posts. So again, I'm saying that I would "not[edited]" be shocked to find out that God abhorred me in my former years, just for the countless lives I put at risk on a nightly basis by my lifestyle.

What do mean how does Christianity explain "For God so loved the world.."? Let take a wild stab at it and say it means...oh, I don't know "For God so loved the world". Whoever said that God only loves those that obey Him? He loves the world , and desires that all would be saved. As I explained earlier, Love and Hate are not mutually exclusive. And as I also explained, I would put people into two categories: Saved and Unsaved- and among the unsaved are some that are especially despicable (child molesters, murderers, rapists, for example) and worthy of my abhorrence.

Please, actually read my posts before asking me questions.


New member
Dear Army of One:

You missed this one.

wickwoman said:
Abhor means to have a strong aversion to or to be in horror of something. Which is a more cognitive function, wouldn't you say? Whereas hatred is something that is the opposite of love who's origin we traditionally do not place in the brain but in a more warm and fuzzy place -- like the soul or what some call the heart. (But not the collection of vessels that pumps blood to the body.)

So, if you believe in the eternal soul, I think you would agree that if the "fruits of the spirit" are manifest by this "secret place" and so it stands to reason a person with rotten fruit would manifest hatred from that same place.

But, more than that, if we are to "think on these things" where does this thread fall into that category? Because, I don't see anything here that displays "virtue, good report," etc. So it appears Poly has asked us to contact something deep inside us that helps us know what "disgusts us." By doing so, I don't think it is possible to think of "virtue, good report, or praise." Do you? If so, point it out.

Past that, the edification of Beanieboy is accomplished how? By slander such as this thread? He will somehow read how disgusting Poly - a person who has no real standing in his heart or mind because of the very rude behavior displayed toward him by Poly in the past - and her cronies feel he is disgusting? Here, in the south, we have a saying about drawing flies with honey or vinegar. I think that applies here.

So, it appears Poly's motivation in making this thread was not to edify or rebuke Beanie but more to let off some steam. Which originally probably made Poly feel very good. But, I suspect Poly's not feeling so good any more. Because eating rotten fruit just causes a very bad tummy ache.


Army of One

New member
wickwoman said:
Dear Army of One:

You missed this one.
Actually, I didn't miss it, I just didn't feel like it needed a response. But if it means that much to you I will. ;)

Abhor means to have a strong aversion to or to be in horror of something. Which is a more cognitive function, wouldn't you say? Whereas hatred is something that is the opposite of love who's origin we traditionally do not place in the brain but in a more warm and fuzzy place -- like the soul or what some call the heart. (But not the collection of vessels that pumps blood to the body.)
I really don't see that much of a difference between Hate and Abhor (they are merely synonyms with slightly different meanings). So I don't see how one could argue authoritatively that one proceeds from the mind while one proceeds from the heart or soul/spirit. And again, I don't see Hate and Love as mutually exclusive. I have no problem hating some pervert who is intent on harming children, yet I would like nothing more than for them to repent and become a Christian.

So, if you believe in the eternal soul, I think you would agree that if the "fruits of the spirit" are manifest by this "secret place" and so it stands to reason a person with rotten fruit would manifest hatred from that same place.

But, more than that, if we are to "think on these things" where does this thread fall into that category? Because, I don't see anything here that displays "virtue, good report," etc. So it appears Poly has asked us to contact something deep inside us that helps us know what "disgusts us." By doing so, I don't think it is possible to think of "virtue, good report, or praise." Do you? If so, point it out.

Past that, the edification of Beanieboy is accomplished how? By slander such as this thread? He will somehow read how disgusting Poly - a person who has no real standing in his heart or mind because of the very rude behavior displayed toward him by Poly in the past - and her cronies feel he is disgusting? Here, in the south, we have a saying about drawing flies with honey or vinegar. I think that applies here.

So, it appears Poly's motivation in making this thread was not to edify or rebuke Beanie but more to let off some steam. Which originally probably made Poly feel very good. But, I suspect Poly's not feeling so good any more. Because eating rotten fruit just causes a very bad tummy ache.

You're right, I don't think Poly was trying to edify Beanie with this thread. She was trying to mock and ridicule him, and yes to rebuke him also. I know that you don't see how that could ever be a good thing, but she does (and I agree with her). As for your saying about drawing bees with honey or vinegar; well sometimes a can of Raid is even more appropriate. And I doubt that Poly is having trouble sleeping at night over this thread. Beyond that (and maybe I've said more than I rightly should), I'm not going to speak for Poly. How about asking her what her motives and intentions were, as all I can offer you is conjecture on that topic.


New member
Army of One said:
Light-hearted joking around on a public forum=Funny
I agree, but ya gotta admit....you KNOW some of the stuff being said isn't lighthearted joking around. It's designed to put someone down, harsh.



New member
What's the difference between gossip, and light hearted chit chat where you talk trash about others?

That is the very definition of gossip.

Buddhism doesn't support this. Does Christianity?

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
What's the difference between gossip, and light hearted chit chat where you talk trash about others?

That is the very definition of gossip.

Buddhism doesn't support this. Does Christianity?
We are SO FAR beyond these silly questions of yours.

You are an unrepentent, flaming homosexual looking for acceptance on a predominantly Christian internet forum. GET A CLUE!!!
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