What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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The image of the fat Buddha is actually a Chinese diety known as Hotei...or the Laughing Buddha. he is very much like a Chinese santa Claus.

Hotei is NOT the historical Buddha Gotama who is depicted in statues as serene meditative and slim.

Hotei derived its beginnings from a mix in Buddhist and Shinto religions and can be traced back to the time of the Liang Dynasty in China.


New member
Arguements against homosexuality as sin, according to theologians:

One can't be christian and gay:

This is the biggest lie out there. So many gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered have been told by the mainstream church that God doesn't love them unless they change. Nothing could be further from the truth.

First off, Jesus says "whosoever believeth in me." There are no conditions on God's love. God does not say "change a few things, then come to me." No, God loves us as we are. We are to come to God just as we are. If there are issues of sin in our lives, God will deal with them, but we are accepted by God without condition.

Also, Paul assures us in Romans 8: 38-39: "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

What liberating words! NOTHING separates us from God. Not homosexuality, not disbelief in certain creeds, Bible passages, litanies or opinions of other believers. Not sin, not death, not anything. My fundamentalist friends, do you realize the freeing beauty of those words? Nothing!! Nothing! Will you take those words to heart? Will you believe the Holy Word Of God when it says nothing separates you from God? Or will you continue to thump your Bible and point out all those who you believe have been separated from God?

The choice is yours.



On Fire said:
Excuse me while I interject some simple truths:

-homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God

-unrepentent homosexuals are hell-bound

-Buddha was a fat man (emphasis on MAN); he can't save you

Excuse me if I retort thusly:

- www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7-1689843,00.html and your just God cursed the unborn?!?

- Angry hate pedalling heterosexuals are hell-bound

- There's a little fat man in all of us just trying to get out!


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HellFire said:
Buddha was a fat man (emphasis on MAN); he can't save you
If you're thinking of those fat statues in Chinese restaurants, that's not a traditional representation of Buddha, who was thin. It's an old Taoist character that was coopted by some later schools of lay Buddhism.

But beyond that, Buddhists aren't expecting the Buddha to save them.

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
I'm not a Christian. But I hate evil.
I hate murder. I hate when there is strife purposefully created, to make people fight with one another. I hate theft. (If you have ever been robbed, there is a feeling of someone having violated you, not just having stolen your things.)

But to hate the sinner?
Then I would have to hate all people.
When I asked if Christians were to hate evil, I was not implying that only Christians were to hate evil. I was merely framing my question in the context of who would be reading the Bible and accepting it as truth. And yes, I have been robbed, and know the feeling. Once again, you ignored what I stated in an earlier post, where I made it clear that Christians should not hate all sinners. And even of the ones they do hate, they should still love them enough to tell them the truth, warn them that they are headed for Judgment, and truly desire that that person turns from their wickedness. Love and Hate are not mutually exclusive. If you consider both Love and Hate to both be only emotions, you could come to the conclusion. But Love is an action, not a warm and fuzzy feeling. It is doing what is best for someone else, putting their own well being ahead of your own. Hate is more of an emotion. So, just as the Bible portrays it, God can hate the wicked, the blood thirsty, the murderous, etc, and still love them enough to send Jesus to die for them.

Let me give you an example.
Poly recently started a thread that I would call gossip.
It begins with:
Who cracks you up?
Who is worth their weight in gold?

A little bit farther down, it says:
Who should you avoid like the plague?
Who is rotten to the core?

It's nothing but gossip.

So, should I hate Poly? Is Poly evil?
Oh, come on! You're being a bit sensitive don't you think? It's a light-hearted thread, that everyone else seems to be enjoying. The title of the thread is "Just for Fun". Lighten up.

Christians sin, whether they say they do or not.
And when they know it's sin, and do it anyway, I would say that it is twice as offensive to God.

So, if your religion calls you to hate your neighbor, so be it.
Buddhism calls me to love my neighbor as myself, and that is what I choose.
Let's see, at least 2 strawmen in this quote. Of course Christians still sin. Whoever claimed otherwise? And my religion doesn't call me to hate my neighbor. I'm called to love my neighbor, but hate the blood thirsty and those with wicked intentions.

On Fire

New member
On Fire said:
Excuse me while I interject some simple truths:

-homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God

-unrepentent homosexuals are hell-bound

-Buddha was a man (emphasis on MAN); he can't save you

On Fire

New member
No wonder Buddhists are so confused. Here's a picture I found labled Buddha. Is it or is it not Buddha? If not, please notify the people who run the garden in China where this fat man sits.


Let me give you an example.
Poly recently started a thread that I would call gossip.
It begins with:
Who cracks you up?
Who is worth their weight in gold?

A little bit farther down, it says:
Who should you avoid like the plague?
Who is rotten to the core?

It's nothing but gossip.

Expressing what you think about someone is not gossip...it's opinion. And expressing an opinion isn't a sin, even if the opinion isn't shared or isn't popular.

Army of One

New member
wickwoman said:
If he was referring to evil people, he needs a grammar lesson. Because, last I checked, "that which" didn't refer to a person. It refers to an object.
"That which" is how it is stated in the KJV. The NIV and NKJV simply say "Abhor what is evil". And from what I can tell, it is one Greek word that means "evil", so a literal interpretation could be made, "Abhor evil". Which is all beside the point, because even if the Greek contained the phrase "what is" or "that which", the verse could still easily be interpreted as describing "evil" in general (both evil deeds and evil people).


New member
Army of One said:
"That which" is how it is stated in the KJV. The NIV and NKJV simply say "Abhor what is evil". And from what I can tell, it is one Greek word that means "evil", so a literal interpretation could be made, "Abhor evil". Which is all beside the point, because even if the Greek contained the phrase "what is" or "that which", the verse could still easily be interpreted as describing "evil" in general (both evil deeds and evil people).

I see.

So, according to your theology, people are divided easily into two categories:
Good People, and Evil People.

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
I see.

So, according to your theology, people are divided easily into two categories:
Good People, and Evil People.
No. But if I were to break everyone into 2 groups, it would be: Forgiven sinners, and Unforgiven sinners. And among the unforgiven, there are those who are especially despicable (child molesters, rapists, murderers, etc.), and deserving of my abhorrence.


New member
ArmyofOne said:
Oh, come on! You're being a bit sensitive don't you think? It's a light-hearted thread, that everyone else seems to be enjoying. The title of the thread is "Just for Fun". Lighten up.
Perhaps you might be sensitive about the thread if everyone was having fun telling each other to avoid you like the plague, or that you disgusted them, or whatever.


New member
cattyfan said:
Expressing what you think about someone is not gossip...it's opinion. And expressing an opinion isn't a sin, even if the opinion isn't shared or isn't popular.

What is the point of saying the positive things?
What is the point of saying the negative things?

Isn't gossip to talk badly about other people?
Is that something you approve of?
"Omg! Did you see what she's wearing? Omg! That is such an ugly dress..."


Gossip is not edifying, and is actually talking bad about another to tear them down for one's own ego, according to Buddhism.

What do Christians believe on the matter?

Army of One

New member
Balder said:
Perhaps you might be sensitive about the thread if everyone was having fun telling each other to avoid you like the plague, or that you disgusted them, or whatever.
Actually I wouldn't. Especially if I (being a Christian) were on an Athiest website, and they were saying that they didn't like me. I would get a chuckle out of that. Maybe I'm just not as thin-skinned as others though.


On Fire said:
Adam and Eve caused the Fall, not God. If babies are being born gay today you can attribute it to the Fall. Born gay, turned gay, choose gay...it DOESN'T MATTER. It's a sin.

Gay men across the world,
apologise to God for being made evil.

Why is homosexuality a sin?

I'm heterosexual but I wish I was bi-sexual.
Think of all those extra cookies in the cookie jar if I were.


Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
Gossip is not edifying, and is actually talking bad about another to tear them down for one's own ego, according to Buddhism.

What do Christians believe on the matter?
Light-hearted joking around on a public forum=Funny


New member
Army of One said:
Actually I wouldn't. Especially if I (being a Christian) were on an Athiest website, and they were saying that they didn't like me. I would get a chuckle out of that. Maybe I'm just not as thin-skinned as others though.

I'm not thin skinned.

I suppose it simply saddens me, having been raised Lutheran, to have never seen the hatred that exists in Christianity. I was always taught to reach out to others in kindness, to forgive, that I was loved as a sinner, so I should extend that to others.

And it has transformed into a place where people gossip for entertainment, and others support it, or they turn to the bible to show how their hatred is supported by the bible.

It's hard for me to chuckle at that.


New member
Army of One said:
No. But if I were to break everyone into 2 groups, it would be: Forgiven sinners, and Unforgiven sinners. And among the unforgiven, there are those who are especially despicable (child molesters, rapists, murderers, etc.), and deserving of my abhorrence.

Are you not deserving of God's abhorrence?
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