What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
intro2faith said:
Being a homosexual is a sin if you profess to be a Christian. Beanieboys only sin is not accepting Christ. That is the only one that is to be worried about.

And here it is. "Being a homosexual is a sin if you profess to be a Christian."

It's a sin if one professes to be a Christian. . . . uh, OK, then murder's a sin if you're a Christian. Rape is a sin if you're a Christian. Stealing is a sin if you're a Christian. Slander is a sin if you're a Christian. Adultery is a sin if you're a Christian.
Everybody else is in the clear.

Intro2Faith, I'm starting to make a judgment about you and it will lead me to treat you like any other unbeliever who mocks God. I'm trying to fight it, but I don't think you'll give me a choice.


New member
intro2faith said:
I've already told you that homosexuality is a sin. If beanieboy does not believe that, how is us telling him over and over again going to change anything? It won't. Except to turn him off of Christianity even more.

Tell me, why are unbelievers who are NOT homosexuals, but ARE liars not ganged up on like beanieboy is? Lying is a sin, is it not? Then why do we focus so much on this ONE sin of homosexuality?

NO, you said being a rumpranger is only sin if one's a Christian as well. (OK, you didn't say rumpranger) Telling him the Truth at this point isn't, but we should not sit idly by while it is present among us. This is a Christian forum, if the name of the website didn't clue you in. He's as turned off to Christ as he'll ever be. He didn't need Christians rebuking him to make that happen.

I've seen that if someone lies on this forum, believer or otherwise, they get whooped up on. But let me ask you: which is worse, to be a liar or a fag?


Rimi said:
And when Jesus was harsh and called people names, He did it with a chuckle and a smile?
And yet, when was the last time you heard anyone give a testimony that said something like....."Thank God my brother/ sister was so harsh with me. It really made me see the light!" ? :think:
The money changers' tables that He overturned . . . He was just having them on, right?!
Money changers and sellers were serving the ruling elites, facilitating payment of taxes and system of purity through sacrifice. Jesus was asserting His authority in the Temple. He was not there to preach to the masses, but to expose the Pharisee's and cleanse the Temple. His Father's House. His anger was of righteous indignation, not sinful selfish anger.


New member
firechyld wrote:

You CAN check the sources. Did you?

Yes. Did you?

Ah. So you agree that you haven't "polled" every homosexual you've ever met?

Must I type even slower? I already admitted that there was one fag I didn't bother with.

Because you've already made up your mind what you think I'm going to say?

Because YOU have decided what you're going to say in the face of truth.

I read the first page or two, then skipped to the end to make my first post. I'm sure I didn't miss a great deal.

Nah, you hate truth, so you didn't miss much.

So you've based your opinion on me on conversations you've had with homosexuals? I'm guessing American homosexuals, as well? Does that seem even the tiniest bit ridiculous to you?

I really doubt you'll have met anyone who fits into the same "profile" as I do. I'm more than sure that I'm entirely unlike almost everyone you've ever met. I'd advise you to actually interact with me before making a judgement on my character. In fact, that's my advice regarding everyone.

Not ridiculous. I have no intention of getting to know you better. I see you for what you are as you've presented yourself here. Gee, you sure do want me to get to know you better. Creep.

What about me makes you think that I'm a compulsive liar desperate for attention?

Come on, you're describing faults that you think I have. I can hardly fix them without more details, can I?

Go back and read everything you've written in this thread. Because of how you've presented yourself here. And because you're a fomo. You can fix nothing.

You sure are.

We've already established that you're being quite selective in which homosexuals you're talking to. I know a great many who have never been abused. I know some who have. I also know some straight people who've been abused. It says a lot more about the nature of abusers than survivors of abuse.

I'm sure your conversations don't get that deep based on your performance here.

Nah. If there's one thing I know, it's paranoia. :)

Yep, you sure would know better than me.

My question was which sources YOU were basing your statements on. Is the CDC one of them? Can I get a specific link?

You can google with the best of them, even carpetmunchers. Oh, and the publik liberry is quite useful too. You might need to ask around to find out what/where one is.

Like I just said . . . yer not gonna check nuthin.[/quote

I'm quite a fan of checking sources. It's one of the reasons I'm having trouble keeping my usual posting level now that my net access is limited. I even check the sites that Ninevah posts, and that woman is queen of the links. :)

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Look, this isn't rocket surgery.

I went through my period of denial. I discarded it with the rest of my early teenage angst.

I. Don't. Care.

You sure do put in the effort before calling it quits, don't you?

I'm more than happy to discuss Scripture. I am a religious studies student, after all.

Nope. Just wise not to share the priceless with a piglet. Oink. You can study a book called the Bible all you want, but it's senseless to you as evidenced by your posts.

You can read them, but you seem incapable of linking to them. Or posting them. Or even sourcing them more specifically than "FBI and other statistics".

OH, so unless you read the actual report you won't believe. Your lovah must have bacterial vaginosis.

Statistics are a method of displaying information which can very easily be used to mislead the public.

Yes, and we've been mislead by the APA, with them caving to pigs and saying it's OK to be homo. You do know about the American Psychiatric Association, don't you?

I've been reading the posts on this site for quite a while now. I know what they say.

And since you don't like it, you deny, deny, deny. You're pathetic.

You know nothing about me. This is the only conversation we've ever had, save for my well wishes in a post you made about your mother in law. I haven't been posting regularly in the time that you've been here. Yet you claim to know how I'll respond to something?

I know you're pathetic. I know you're a liar (presenting yourself as a fomo, but then saying you have a boyfriend so you're really a backslidden fomo). I know that you'll continue to respond because you're desparate for attention.

You're way off. It's really kind of amusing.

You're a hoot . . . in a sick, demented, can't-take-my-eyes-off-the-accident sort of way. Available for kids parties?

I've pointed out repeatedly that I'm asking YOU what YOU are basing YOUR opinion on. That isn't something I can google. Since you're obviously not going to answer the question or provide anything more intelligent than misdirection and insults, I'm giving up. I'm sure you'll continue to rant. Have at it.

I have answered but you being a dimwit can't seem to get it. I base my opinion on homos I've conversed with (and the one I was friend to) as well as studies. You should give up. Hope you do, in every way.

No, I led you to believe that I was not heterosexual, which I'm not. You jumped to a conclusion and hurled insults at me based on it.

You inferred being a fomo. Then you brought up a boyfriend. So you are a bi-sexual, which is really nothing but a confused, backslidden fomo.

Well, at least you know you're a confused sick freak.

Nope. I'm sure you think you're telling the truth.

You agreed with me that you haven't polled every homosexual you've ever met. For all I know, you've polled two, and they were wearing T-Shirts that said "I'm a homosexual victim of abuse: ASK ME HOW!"

See? That's the thing about statistics. They bend easily to fit whatever you want them to say.

I see. So for you, statistic only have any merit if they fit in with your agenda. Cool.

I'm in the middle of degree. If I didn't care to research statistics, I would have shot myself by now.

Please tell me it's not music appreciation or basketweaving. Although, those would suit you.

Rocket surgery, hey?

You prolly didn't get that one, hey?

I'm sure some of "us" aren't. People have a tendancy to be shallow.

Fomos sure do have that tendency. Fear of intimacy and honesty and all that.

True, some take the attitude of "live and let live". Some just have patience. :)

Oh, Christians who actually know the word of God and love Him do have patience. We know that there will come a day . . . and you won't have enough sunblock. :party:


New member
eccl3_6 said:
Its not really the sort of thing you need advertising for is it? If you want one surely you kinda know already and its not really sending out the right message.

Shaving cream.
Dish liquid
Toilet paper

We want/need these things too, but they advertise . . . gee, wonder why PP doesn't advertise??!!


New member
Nineveh said:
One in 12 isn't rampant? What is? 1 in 1?

Homos don't care that heteros can die of this too. In fact, they're glad for it since it's those useless feeders in those uncivilized countries! Creepy bunch, those fags.


New member
intro2faith wrote:

The Bible teaches that love(that kind of love) is to be between a man and a woman. Acting on homosexuality IS a sin.

So is lying, stealing, gossiping etc. But it's interesting to find that people tend to make a much bigger deal out of homosexuality than they do out of lying, stealing etc.

Generally, lying and stealing aren't killing millions.

Once again I will state :homosexuality IS a sin.

And once again, I will state: We are to hate homosexuality. NOT the person who commits it. So, calling a homosexual person "stupid, disgusting, sickening" etc is WRONG. But calling the act of homosexuality disgusting and sickening is not.

Did you know that God hates the wicked? It's in the BIBLE!!!! So, will God send the unrepentent wicked to hell or just their sins?


New member
beanieboy drooled all over himself:

My point is, while it is spread faster within the gay men, it is also spreading within the heterosexual community. Do you condemn heterosexuality? And since it is extremely low in lebians (lower than heterosexuals), do you approve of lesbianism?

Heterosex in a marriage: YES
Lesbos: NO

It seems that you are equating blame with AIDS.
It's a disease. It happens from having sex with an infected partner, gay or straight.

But higher ratio in the fag community. But yes, illicit sex, outside of marriage can get someone seriously killed.

Unless you have only had sex with one person in your lifetime, you should thank God that you simply were lucky you didn't contract it, and reach out in empathy instead of condemnation.

That could have been you.

Bingo! And that's the beauty of God's plan for man and woman to marry, to be faithful (wanna proof mere men didn't author the bible, here it is!). BE faithful within the bounds of marriage, man and woman.


New member
Nineveh asked:

Has anyone even said the word "stupid" but you so far on this thread?

Well, er, I called a few in here idiots and creeps. But only because they were/are.


Wonder if beanieboy knows that when AIDS was first discovered, it was called "The Gay Cancer". WHO renamed it AIDS due to the stigmatism this disease brought to the gay community. :think:


New member
intro2faith said:
Good argument. All sin is in equal seriousness with God isn't it? All sin is sin. It's all vile in Gods eyes.

:doh: You bloody hindu! He's just explained to you that God doesn't see all sin as being equal . . . WHY, oh WHY, did God give different punishments for different sins??? Why didn't God institute a death penalty for theft?? Well, hmmm?

You really can't be this slow, can you??? Are you so arrogant that you might actually look up what he's saying (if you need verses, shout) and decide to not really see it?


New member
beanieboy said:
Let's see.

If you are Irish, you walk in a parade boasting of your Irish heritage.
When I say, "St. Patrick's Day," most people think of "Green beer."
The one I went to in St. Paul had drunk people before noon.
As Homer Simpson said, "Come on, Moe. It's St. Patrick's day, and 9am, and I'm not drunk yet."

Jewish people, during Hannukah, but Stars of David in their windows, or mennorahs. This happens right during Christmas time, which could be taken as flaunting their disbelief in Jesus as the Savior, but it is done in solidarity.

Pride began in the 70s after Stonewall.
People began to do yearly protest marches when they were fired from businesses simply for being gay, when they could be denied housing because they weren't protected under civil rights. Over time, it became a huge parade, but it wasn't observed in minneapolis until 1988 or so. Until then, people took to the streets demanding equal rights, and blocked traffic.

It's not about bragging about having same sex sex (anyone more than a married person brags about having sex). It is simply about acknowledging one's existence, being proud that many unjustices have been overcome. Most people (even heterosexuals) think of people as gay or straight, not simply choosing. Straight people announce their engagements, their weddings, tie cans to their car so anyone not invited to their wedding or that even knows them knows they got married... Heterosexuals celebrate their pride all the time, and this is one weekend where gays do.

I remember when there was a Black History Month. The first response was, "why is there no white history month?" There is. It's held from March 1 - January 31.

But none of these normal people ever said, "Sex by Eight, or It's Too Late!" Filth.


New member
Rimi, if the slightest sin, the slightest act of disobedience or deviation from God's perfect law, makes us all sinners, all equally deserving of an eternal punishment, then you could say that ultimately it is all equal in your God's eyes. Imperfection means deserving of eternal punishment, from your kind old Jewish granny next door to Pol Pot.


New member
Nineveh said:
And I'm looking forward to answers from a lot of skipped questions by you too, so I guess we are even :)

Oh and here I was feeling badly for a sec, that post was to Poly :)

Whew, then it's not just me, is it, Nin. :eek: :eek:


Balder said:
Rimi, if the slightest sin, the slightest act of disobedience or deviation from God's perfect law, makes us all sinners, all equally deserving of an eternal punishment, then you could say that ultimately it is all equal in your God's eyes. Imperfection means deserving of eternal punishment, from your kind old Jewish granny next door to Pol Pot.
Why do you think Jews will go to hell? What about David? Abraham? Daniel? Ruth?


New member
I don't think so, but don't many Christians think modern Jews are bound for that fate if they deny Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God?


Balder said:
I don't think so, but don't many Christians think modern Jews are bound for that fate if they deny Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God?
Maybe so, but there will be many so-called Christians who will find themselves in hell, not because they denied Him with their lips, but with their hearts. It is one thing to have an intellectual belief in Jesus, and quite another to actually live out this belief.


New member
Okay, let's think this through now. The Bible says to love everyone...does it not? Therefore, does EVERYONE not include the sinners? THEREFORE, are we not to love the sinners?

Who wrote, "Do I not hate those who hate You?"Clue: It's in the OT.

Who said, "I will abhor you." Clue: It's in the OT.
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