What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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intro2faith wrote:

When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him (Pr. 16:7).

Surely Jesus' ways were pleasing to the Lord God. Did Jesus make even HIS enemies live at peace with him?
Do you think Christians in muslim countries are deserving of being put to death because they didn't live in peace?
What about the Chinese brothers?


New member
beanieboy said:
The Pharisees were the ones who hated Jesus. They were constantly criticizing him, trying to trap him, telling his disciples that it offended them that Jesus would lower himself to eat with sinners....

Everyone else loved him.
Zaccheus, a tax collector, climbed a tree to see him.
Jesus didn't say, "Zach, you little midget! You make me want to puke!!"
Nope. He asked him to eat with him, which was a big deal, and was criticized for socializing with him.
When he was with Simon, a woman washed his feet with her tears and hair, and Simon thought, "surely this is not the son of God!! He would know what kind of woman she is..."

But the lowly? They gathered around to hear him because he offered them hope, good news, blessing.

The people in power (the church) were those who hated him most.

Weird, your fixation with Zaccheus. Creep. Anyway, the reason Jesus didn't rebuke Zaccheus is because Zaccheus wasn't recorded as being light in the loafers, and walking out of a bath house.

You're wrong about the woman. She wanted forgiveness and put herself in a position of lowliness and humility. Look up those words if your lost here.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
And yet, when was the last time you heard anyone give a testimony that said something like....."Thank God my brother/ sister was so harsh with me. It really made me see the light!" ? :think:

Money changers and sellers were serving the ruling elites, facilitating payment of taxes and system of purity through sacrifice. Jesus was asserting His authority in the Temple. He was not there to preach to the masses, but to expose the Pharisee's and cleanse the Temple. His Father's House. His anger was of righteous indignation, not sinful selfish anger.

But the point is, He was fairly honked off when He did these things.

Edit: When I offended someone at a party at which I was pre-Christian and very drunk, a very close friend spoke to me immediately, harshly, in terms NO one would mistake for sweetness. Ticked me off. Went home. Next day, after struggling with embarrassment and anger (or maybe it was the day after that as I was very ill), I apologized to my friend and then to the other person. My friend accepted the apology, the other didn't. Yet, I was/am grateful that my friend told me the truth even tho she had to be very hard and used fantastic colorful language combinations because I'd been a blithering drunken jerk. I've heard many testimonies from people saying, "Thank God that so-n-so jumped in my face!" It happens.
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New member
Agape4Robin said:
Wonder if beanieboy knows that when AIDS was first discovered, it was called "The Gay Cancer". WHO renamed it AIDS due to the stigmatism this disease brought to the gay community. :think:

It was actually called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID). But when it was discovered that heterosexuals showed signs in Africa, it was soon found that the virus didn't care what your sexual preference was.


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Rimi said:
But the point is, He was fairly honked off when He did these things.

Edit: When I offended someone at a party at which I was pre-Christian and very drunk, a very close friend spoke to me immediately, harshly, in terms NO one would mistake for sweetness. Ticked me off. Went home. Next day, after struggling with embarrassment and anger (or maybe it was the day after that as I was very ill), I apologized to my friend and then to the other person. My friend accepted the apology, the other didn't. Yet, I was/am grateful that my friend told me the truth even tho she had to be very hard and used fantastic colorful language combinations because I'd been a blithering drunken jerk. I've heard many testimonies from people saying, "Thank God that so-n-so jumped in my face!" It happens.

Well, now you just say that you are offending them, because Jesus offended people.
Now, you say that you are harsh, because you love them.
You use vulgar language, because Jesus used vulgar language.
You hate people, because God hates people. It's in the OT!

My, Rimi, what big teeth you have.


New member
beanieboy said:
It was actually called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID). But when it was discovered that heterosexuals showed signs in Africa, it was soon found that the virus didn't care what your sexual preference was.

When the explosion of this virus in the fag community first came out in @1981 NYC, it was called the gay cancer because you goons were the only ones getting it. The only ones.

Later the CDC got involved and renamed it GRID. Only after hetero drug users and blood recipients got the virus as well did it become a big issue that it should bear the "gay" word. Bending to pressure, it was changed. Yet it is established that it was a fag flight attendant that was the source of this mess in this country and Canada.

From its discovery in 1981 to 1987, there were only 150,000 cases known in the world, per the WHO.

It is interesting that it was the French who were the first to knowingly sell tainted blood in 1992, thereby making sure thousands more were infected, mainly hemophiliacs. Dontcha love the french.

Ergo, yes it was first known as the Gay Cancer.


Where is it in the bible that it is says words to the effect...'do not judge lest you be judged.' and 'love thy neighbour'.

Lets set up another poll to see if Beanie is 'feeling the love in this thread'


New member
Ah, that's what I was afraid. You really need to study what Jesus said about judging. You take one verse, and totally disregard many others. Tell me, if you were to obey Christ's teaching in Luke 17:3, you'd have to judge that someone offended you before you could rebuke them, right? That's judging. Tell me, why did Jesus say to judge with righteous judgment? Why does the Bible say, "Speak up, and judge fairly" (Pr 31:9)?

And then there's the love you want to see . . .
Tell me, shy does the Bible teach "Better is open rebuke than hidden love" (Prv 27:5)? Or, "He who rebukes a man (or a Beanie?) will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue" (Pr 28:23)?

How awful for you to judge those of us on this thread that rebuke the homo, especially when you think judging is so very bad. Can we spell hypocrit??


New member
Fluffy, I only approve of judging when it's done by those who understand how and why, God's way. That would naturally exclude you.


New member
Definitely number 3.

And of course, as an added bonus, picking out favourite lines to shove in believer's faces. Hmm, saying that stuff from the Bible is true yet not believing in it, and is not a Christian. Something sounds hypocritical...so definitely number 2 AND 3.


New member
Yeah, this shoulda been multiple pick. Or maybe keep it simple: "Because it's Beanie. Nuff said."


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"He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live."

But doesn't the bible tell Christians how they should live?


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I watched Batman Begins.
In the movie, Alfred says, "you know why the bats attacked you? Because they were afraid."


New member
Rimi said:
Intro2Faith, you're not being baited by me. You entered into this of your own free will and ill equipped to boot.
Did I say I was being baited? I'm not ill equipped, I have solid Bible verses to back me up.
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