What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?


Well-known member
I've had leftists at work continue to hammer the only point they can: Clinton won the popular vote (as if it matters). Then, upon looking it up, some say that amounts to about a 200,000 vote lead which, if true, is WELL within the margin for fraud.


New member
The protection of every innocent human being should be the primary issue of the world.

You mean the one that says “Don’t murder”????

Can’t help anyone if they are murdered.

Hard to do if one supports murder.

Not everything...but much.

So what do you call someone who supports the murder of innocents?

You are wise in your own eyes. Not much hope there.

Name one homeless man who wasn’t first a fetus.

Unfortunately, people like you keep looking elsewhere...instead of God’s Word. Kinda like a dog returning to its own vomit.

All of this year’s Re-publican presidential candidates are PLINO. Including your poster boy Trump.

You are wrong. This whole pro-life thing is out of whack. It is not up to Christians to stop abortions. That is not what we are called to do.


Trump ordered people of color out of his rallies, including those standing quietly without signs and protests and screamed at his supporters to beat them up and kill them if they had to.


It's sad that you actually believe that was ever the case. The media's mouth watered at the very thought of something like that happening, and if they could show footage and convince everyone that happened then they would've.

But they didn't.
Because you all are liars.

Speaking of which, Trump has a little something in store for you all's absurdity over the years- he's going to improve on libel laws, since yall think freedom of expression is only for liberals and harass people to death with slander.

I'll tell you something that's been proven true, though- there is footage of people, professional people, having gone into Trump rallies with a militant manner of sabotaging them.
And that is an atrocity- yet you want to play the 'Christian' card when one of them gets punched int the teeth carrying it out :rolleyes:


New member
The pro-life stance seeks to grant the same right to life, that the "walking" people already have, to the unborn.

You are living in a fantasy land. Not all "walking people" are given the right to live.

Deliberately ending the life of a living human is not at all the same as "not having sex."

The greater sin than that, is the severe lack in helping these "saved" babies and moms - and leaving them at the curb where most of them are living in hell on earth in order to salve your conscience that they were not murdered. And then scream how horrible their lives are and blame the mothers for their failures. This is one messed up system.

You say the right of a human being to be alive is not the preeminent legal issue? The right to "not be impoverished" is? Then answer my earlier question: should we abort every person that will be born into poverty?

If you are going to push pro-life, then you need to get on board with what to do with all these unwanted children flooding the system. It does no good to save a life and then throw them back in shark infested waters.


Well-known member
If you are going to push pro-life, then you need to get on board with what to do with all these unwanted children flooding the system. It does no good to save a life and then throw them back in shark infested waters.

Are you consistent in this absurd view? Let's find out.

If a policeman prevents a murder of an impoverished newborn baby, should the government then become responsible for every expense involved in the care of that child?

Or instead, should we legalize the murder of impoverished newborn babies because "it does no good to save a life then throw them back in shark infested waters" ?


New member
People voted for Trump because they are 1. Naive . 2. Ignorant. 3. Gullible.
4. Uninformed . 5. Misinformed . 6. Dumb . 7. Poorly educated . 8. Narrow-minded.
9. Intolerant. 10. Hypocritical . 11. Bigoted . 12. Rednecks . 11. Retarded .

Not all of the Trump voters are guilty of all of these things, but they are all factors in the
appalling victory of Donald J. Chump.

I have never known a liberal that will look at the facts because they operate purely on emotion, which makes them ignorant.


Well-known member
Why did people vote for Him? I am trying to analyze why people would choose someone who is obviously against the disabled, people of color, and women - and speaks of violence against them?

Did they just push to get him because of the pro-life agenda [which makes no sense to me]?

Did people not take into consideration his lack of skills in dealing with others and how that is going to affect this country's foreign affairs relationships?

Was it due to a Republican agenda to get replace the Democratically held office [Or perhaps, on the other hand, put in a Democrat who is wearing a Republican Hat]?

Was Hillary viewed as that much of a worse case scenario in office than Trump and why?

What are your thoughts?

ps: Can we keep the topic from descending into mud slinging? I sincerely hope so!

It's a cycle of appeasement, the left and right wings of the same corporate bird get their turns every few years to be appeased by the bread and circus/political theatrics, Trump is more of the same appeasement doctrine while the Corporate agenda keeps doing what it wants, American slaves get what they deserve for selling their unalienable birth rights to a false god that has programmed them with problem reaction solution, enjoy right wingers but like always it won't last, lefty don't sob you will have your god back in office after a few more years.

Wave those flags made it china now ya hear.


New member

I don't need to "cite". It's been all over the news via video since the campaign began. I have watched as friends became more nervous. So a relative of mine went to a Trump rally to see for himself. While he was there, he noticed a friend of ours, a woman of color, a Trump supporter - not a fake, but an "honest-to-God-Trump-supporter". She was standing two rows ahead of my relative, quietly, not speaking. She had no signs, no campaign buttons. Just standing there watching and listening, not with others, alone. Security guards pushed their way through the crowd, grabbed her by the shoulders and forcibly ushered her out of the rally. She is traumatized. She has foreign adopted children and is panic stricken that they will be deported.

You pro-Trump supporters are blind and deaf to reality.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't need to "cite".

actually, you do if you want to have a conversation about it

i want specific details about a specific incident, not just "it was all over the liberal media so it must be true 'cause i'm a lemming"

and i'm not interested in any "a friend of a relative told me....." crap either


New member
It's a bit naive to think current U.S. law is immutable.
40 years is nothing compared to the lifespan of a nation, and change has to start somehow, doesn't it?
Roe V. Wade was a Supreme Court decision, after all. What makes you think a Supreme Court decision can't change it?

Because there are too many supporters of women's rights. Abortion is here to stay.

I don't think I'm the one coming across as self-righteous, here.

Do you know why you sound self-righteous - because you shouting for the wrong reasons. Your concern should be with the health and care of pregnant women and offering options, instead of spending all your time spinning your wheels about abortion. It is not going away. You have to go to the source of the problem - pro-life is NOT the answer - pro-life is a dollar store band-aid, not the correct treatment to save lives.

I just don't see how any human right can take precedence over the right to not be killed.
First and foremost, that's the role of government - to protect human life.
If you're denied your right to life, you're denied your right to everything else, too.

You are denying the fact that protecting the lives of unborn children is NOT saving their lives.


New member
actually, you do if you want to have a conversation about it

i want specific details about a specific incident, not just "it was all over the liberal media so it must be true 'cause i'm a lemming"

I gave you a specific incident. A detailed one.


New member
That's some top notch concern trolling you got there.

All you guys talk about is pro-life. That is just a cheap piece of gauze on a profusely bleeding gaping wound. You all sound like a bunch of hypocritical do-gooders while the lives of others go to hell in a hand basket.