What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What has changed by electing Trump?

we have avoided a Hillary Clinton presidency

the long nightmare of bammy's presidency will soon end

and we have a republican in the white house (who is not beholden to special interests) and respublican control of both houses in congress

we have an opportunity that we haven't had in a looong time

what becomes of it is uncertain :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
There is no such thing as "healthy violence. As a Christian, which he profess to be, he should not have screamed at his dissenters and urged the crowd to kill them. Did you seriously miss that??? There were blacks present at rallies - Trump supporters - that were forcibly removed.

They should bave been removed, they were causing trouble, they were black lives matter protestors - ahem:


Dont be a lemming, actually look into what you hear to make sure its legit.

I didnt vote for trump, but dang, hes been lied about plenty.


New member
They should bave been removed, they were causing trouble, they were black lives matter protestors - ahem:


Dont be a lemming, actually look into what you hear to make sure its legit.

I didnt vote for trump, but dang, hes been lied about plenty.

It's on video, scheesh ....


New member
yes and ive seen all of it, they pretended to be trump supporters to get in, then started protesting. Lemming.

this is the reality of the nutty leftists:


People of color are terrified because of his bullying. They are afraid they are going to be attacked by whites because the man who was elected has told white people to attack and beat them up and kill them if they have to. Ignoring this issue is not going to make it go away.


New member
Hall of Fame
People of color are terrified because of his bullying. They are afraid they are going to be attacked by whites because the man who was elected has told white people to attack and beat them up and kill them if they have to. Ignoring this issue is not going to make it go away.

Im more afraid of the violent nutty hypocritical racist liberals. Your lemming talk, is WHY trump got elected, people are sick of your blind rhetoric, lemming.

bullying, are violent tantrums when you dont get your way.


New member
I don't trust Trump. I listened to him and he sounds like a fascist to me. I think he has promised what his supporters wanted to hear, but he offered no clear plan to make those things happen. I believe he unfortunately does have a plan, but it is not one he can openly announce.

It is not a new plan. It has been used by a number of leaders to make their nations "great". That plan is called "WAR". It will not be the small, painful, piddling, draining wars we have been involved in. We have been in wars that we are trying to fight "justly", for principles like democracy or humanitarian goals like "self determination". He will get us into straight out wars of territorial expansion. I expect him to invade Mexico. Perhaps with the excuse that Mexico can't control the drug cartels and we have to invade to do it for them. Or that they can't stop border incursions. Or even that they have refused to pay for the Wall. Once the tanks are rolling, why stop? We can go all the way to Panama and take back our canal. The impassable jungle of the isthmus is a much shorter and easier to defend border.

patrick jane

I still can't help but think of all the Democrats that crossed party lines to vote for Trump in the primaries. It backfired on those geniuses


There is no such thing as "healthy violence. As a Christian, which he profess to be, he should not have screamed at his dissenters and urged the crowd to kill them.

They had it coming to them for a long time, being the same people who supported BLM violence, suing establishments, defending women protesting men, making foreigners see us as demonic, and slandering everyone who opposed them..

Trying to pull the 'Christian' card after the fact is that much more reason to not really care what yall think. God judged YOU when Trump was elected- making history doesn't 'just happen' :wave:


Here you sound like a lefty screaming, “You’re a ONE issue voter!!”
All I can do is calmly explain that no, I’m a PRIMARY issue voter.

The protection of every innocent human being is God’s most enduring command. If a candidate can’t get that right, I look elsewhere.

Abortion is not the 'primary issue' of America. You all completely ignore the Bible, which calls for helping the poor, defending God's Word, and encouraging integrity, to chalk everything up to abortion.

That's called self righteousness, not in any sense being the 'light of the world'. You don't care about fetuses anymore than the homeless man freezing under a bridge, and a lot of people have come to acknowledge that about yall.

Because you can't get that right, people have looked elsewhere, and that is why you don't have your Republican poster boy going in office_


New member
Hall of Fame
I think this article sums it up well and it's written by a liberal millenial.

Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash

Many will say Trump won because he successfully capitalized on blue collar workers' anxieties about immigration and globalization. Others will say he won because America rejected a deeply unpopular alternative. Still others will say the country is simply racist to its core.

But there's another major piece of the puzzle, and it would be a profound mistake to overlook it. Overlooking it was largely the problem, in the first place.

Trump won because of a cultural issue that flies under the radar and remains stubbornly difficult to define, but is nevertheless hugely important to a great number of Americans: political correctness.

Interesting article, and I definitely agree with most of it. Earlier in the campaign season there were a couple other articles that talked about how the consistent marginalization of lower-class whites was a driving force behind the Trump phenomenon. And even though I did not support Trump I had concerns about Clinton winning because if the Left didn't recognize the legitimate concerns and grievances behind the Trump support then things may only get worse.

I'm not convinced that's what pushed Trump over the edge though. I heard that exit polling had the economy as the biggest reason for Trump votes. And if you look at some states that went for Trump instead of Clinton, like Wisconsin and PA, it seems to be evidence that it was the blue-collar workers flocking to Trump's talk about jobs and economy.