What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
i see it differently lighthouse - conservatives pushed the GOP aside by supporting trump

the message the gop better take from this is that if they ever want to win an election again, they have to listen to the people who voted trump
Trump is not a Conservative.

King cobra

Abortion is not the 'primary issue' of America.
The protection of every innocent human being should be the primary issue of the world.
You all completely ignore the Bible,
You mean the one that says “Don’t murder”????
which calls for helping the poor,
Can’t help anyone if they are murdered.
defending God's Word, and encouraging integrity,
Hard to do if one supports murder.
to chalk everything up to abortion.
Not everything...but much.
That's called self righteousness,
So what do you call someone who supports the murder of innocents?
not in any sense being the 'light of the world'.
You are wise in your own eyes. Not much hope there.
You don't care about fetuses anymore than the homeless man freezing under a bridge, and a lot of people have come to acknowledge that about yall.
Name one homeless man who wasn’t first a fetus.
Because you can't get that right, people have looked elsewhere,
Unfortunately, people like you keep looking elsewhere...instead of God’s Word. Kinda like a dog returning to its own vomit.
and that is why you don't have your Republican poster boy going in office_
All of this year’s Re-publican presidential candidates are PLINO. Including your poster boy Trump.

Christ's Word

New member
I don't think anything is going to change, just because Trump is in office. Your list is just fantasy. You are making Trump out to be the god he thinks he is.

ps: I about busted a gut over "Trump has excellent negotiating skills". Screaming at people most certainly gives them a lot of respect :kookoo: You guys are hilarious.

"Trump knows how to build things .. NOT JUST STEAL??? :jawdrop::crackup:

Tom told you what was going to happen and why over a year ago, the exit polls have proven the why. You are apparently suffering from a serious case of denial.......


The protection of every innocent human being should be the primary issue of the world.

Except the one's walking. Sort of like your stance on society- as long as they have a womb.

I see a lot of that with people, always claiming to be for all but dismiss all but one at the drop of a hat.

You mean the one that says “Don’t murder”????

Ironically made up by Romans who didn't like the idea of women having authority in matters of their body :rolleyes:

It has never been held in Jewish history that abortion is murder. It is never spoken upon in the Bible, only references of fetuses as property and having a monetary value based on their sex.

Can’t help anyone if they are murdered.

Yall don't help anybody.

All of this year’s Re-publican presidential candidates are PLINO. Including your poster boy Trump.

Trump's not going to ignore the evangelicals. At the same time, he's not going to get rid of abortion because it is not something that can be done. Why don't you pay attention to your own lip service- you say that men are accountable and you defend feminist ideology, even so far as to dump blame on men and void any responsibility for women to take.

You see, women's literal liberation was birth control- it was outright declared as such. It took priority over everything else they 'fought' for (demanded). And so if you defend their so called 'liberation', you can never get rid of abortion.
I know you all suffer from extreme cognitive dissonance on this matter, so I don't actually expect anything else than the same drivel- but what I think is a shame is that you are willing to waste away at all that absurdity than to help fellow men- YOU are the problem, and that's what makes this subject easy for me because I'm speaking literally at the people I'm speaking of. It requires no gathering of evidence or explanation :rolleyes:


Well-known member
People voted for Trump because they are 1. Naive . 2. Ignorant. 3. Gullible.
4. Uninformed . 5. Misinformed . 6. Dumb . 7. Poorly educated . 8. Narrow-minded.
9. Intolerant. 10. Hypocritical . 11. Bigoted . 12. Rednecks . 11. Retarded .

Not all of the Trump voters are guilty of all of these things, but they are all factors in the
appalling victory of Donald J. Chump.

Sounds like you are describing Clinton's supporters. They ignored the Head of the F.B.I testimony, before congress, which confirmed that Clinton private server did contain classified emails although she testified to the F.B.I., and also told every one else the exact opposite.

Is the above not at least two counts of breaking U.S.A. law and lying to the population of U.S.A. and everyone else, 'in plain and clear sight'?

To be foolish is sad on it's own. To like being foolish is so much worse. Worse is to be foolish, arrogant and self-righteous. And even worse is to like being treated as foolish people (even before the whole world).

Now that the above evidence is at hand, are you not at all concerned that Clinton may have been, bought and paid for, by foreigners including local and international self serving big business and political interests? . . . according to the opposite of Jesus' resolve and action in:

Matthew: 4 KJV N.T.
7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Is she a supposed (fake) angel who is still falling? . . . under the weight of Christ Consciousness, that is now, much more forcefully, ruling the surface of earth.

Don't you think that if Clinton's supporters separate fact from fiction, those of them who are rioting might stop hiding behind anti-Trump/pro Clinton placards.
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I voted for trump for these reasons:

1. I don't like minorities. I want a white America. I want to get rid of the brown people and strongly encourage the black people to leave.

2. I want pro-life judges.

3. I didn't want war with Russia.


Well-known member
Do not be distracted. Your next mission is to ensure that Trump do all the things that he promised on the hustings i.e. which the majority of the U.S.A. supported. Do not let President elect Trump fool the population.

Otherwise he will simply be same as Clinton (i.e. serving the same Satanic status quo). And the election was simply a big theatrical deception for the old Satanic status quo to put in place, any which way, one of their own (any of the two choices) through cunning deception.

You, like them, must cover your worse case scenario.

The question is, who among you guys are not foolish? Who among you are truly awakened?

Or do you all 'sleep'.

It is no done deal. The election result is simply a start, an opportunity, to get the New in Christ for the U.S.A. . . . the Old must die, totally.
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Well-known member
Abortion is not the 'primary issue' of America. You all completely ignore the Bible, which calls for helping the poor, defending God's Word, and encouraging integrity, to chalk everything up to abortion.

We could end poverty by aborting everyone that would be born into poverty. Should we do it?


Well-known member
Straw man.

It's not a straw man. You seemed to claim that the pro-life stance only seeks to protect the unborn.
That's total nonsense. The pro-life stance seeks to grant the same right to life, that the "walking" people already have, to the unborn.

By your logic, we all deny the right to life every moment we are not engaged in sex.

Not at all.

Deliberately ending the life of a living human is not at all the same as "not having sex."

Do you assume the same nonsense about adult victims of murder? Let's find out.
By your logic, a murderer of an adult has not committed a crime. After all, he's only made it as if the victim's parents had never had sex, right?

You say the right of a human being to be alive is not the preeminent legal issue? The right to "not be impoverished" is? Then answer my earlier question: should we abort every person that will be born into poverty?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump is not a Conservative.

he's more right than left

it remains to be seen how conservative his presidency will be - don't forget, he's not a king - he has to work with congress to get legislation passed

here's what he planned back in october:


... I want to get rid of the brown people and strongly encourage the black people to leave.

indigenous people feel the same way about them pesky europeans they let in 500 years ago :idunno:

at this point trad, we're all in this together

better figger out a way to get along


It's not a straw man. You seemed to claim that the pro-life stance only seeks to protect the unborn.

When you're hinging the entire Presidency on abortion and it blinds you to all other issues, then that is exactly what you are doing. This country has been in trouble and the only thing you care about is an issue that quite frankly you can't do anything about anymore than you could Roe v Wade. And the way I see it, if that happened all that time ago, then you sure as hell aren't changing it now :AMR:
Take a look at the world around you.

God commands integrity, not being completely obsolete, and that is what you all are doing. As soon as you figure out that this is no longer a 'Christian country', but full on BABYLON, the sooner you can stop being vain and do something meaningful :wave:

Trump will be the only person EVER to do anything about abortion, and it isn't going to come anywhere near what you want it to be and you're still going to be against him like the self righteous people that all of you are_ I notice the difference between that and integrity.


New member
Im more afraid of the violent nutty hypocritical racist liberals. Your lemming talk, is WHY trump got elected, people are sick of your blind rhetoric, lemming.

bullying, are violent tantrums when you dont get your way.

I am not concerned about "my way". I am concerned about Americans who are in fear. I am not a supporter of Hillary. I am not a supporter of Trump. I started this thread because I did not understand why Trump won. It has nothing to do with Hillary. It has to do with his position of threatening American citizens and causing fear for their safety.

My son-in-law posted this today:

I work with refugees. They are scared. I have seen with my own eyes, a man tell a family from India that they should not be allowed in the country, that they stink. I've heard many stories of people who have adopted internationally having there children bullied at school being told they would be deported. This post is not about who won an election, this is about making people who are afraid know they are safe, regardless of who won an election. Yes it is a two way street but many of the people who this is to support are good people that would never hurt anyone else and only want a safe place to live.


New member
Try living without it.

It obviously went over your head. Maybe try platform shoes?

What does pro-life have to do with the election? Why does it matter? We have abortion laws in place. They are not going to go away. A presidential candidate should not be held to either a pro-life or against it.


New member
yes and ive seen all of it, they pretended to be trump supporters to get in, then started protesting. Lemming.

this is the reality of the nutty leftists:


Now who is believing lies about what actually happened in those rallies? You think you know because you want it to be so. The truth is, Trump ordered people of color out of his rallies, including those standing quietly without signs and protests and screamed at his supporters to beat them up and kill them if they had to. Stop ignoring the facts. You are looking sillier and sillier.


New member
They had it coming to them for a long time, being the same people who supported BLM violence, suing establishments, defending women protesting men, making foreigners see us as demonic, and slandering everyone who opposed them..

Trying to pull the 'Christian' card after the fact is that much more reason to not really care what yall think. God judged YOU when Trump was elected- making history doesn't 'just happen' :wave:

I didn't vote for Trump.


New member
Tom told you what was going to happen and why over a year ago, the exit polls have proven the why. You are apparently suffering from a serious case of denial.......

Denial of what exactly? I don't care what "Tom told anyone". I asked questions about why Trump got elected. To those who have taken me seriously, thank you.


Well-known member
When you're hinging the entire Presidency on abortion and it blinds you to all other issues, then that is exactly what you are doing. This country has been in trouble and the only thing you care about is an issue that quite frankly you can't do anything about anymore than you could Roe v Wade. And the way I see it, if that happened all that time ago, then you sure as hell aren't changing it now :AMR:
Take a look at the world around you.

It's a bit naive to think current U.S. law is immutable.
40 years is nothing compared to the lifespan of a nation, and change has to start somehow, doesn't it?
Roe V. Wade was a Supreme Court decision, after all. What makes you think a Supreme Court decision can't change it?

God commands integrity, not being completely obsolete, and that is what you all are doing. As soon as you figure out that this is no longer a 'Christian country', but full on BABYLON, the sooner you can stop being vain and do something meaningful :wave:

Why do you think I do nothing meaningful?
Or that I have no integrity?
That's pretty harsh.

Trump will be the only person EVER to do anything about abortion, and it isn't going to come anywhere near what you want it to be and you're still going to be against him like the self righteous people that all of you are_ I notice the difference between that and integrity.

I don't think I'm the one coming across as self-righteous, here.
But then again, that's exactly what a self-righteous person would say.

I just don't see how any human right can take precedence over the right to not be killed.
First and foremost, that's the role of government - to protect human life.
If you're denied your right to life, you're denied your right to everything else, too.