The protection of every innocent human being should be the primary issue of the world.
Except the one's walking. Sort of like your stance on society- as long as they have a womb.
I see a lot of that with people, always claiming to be for all but dismiss all but one at the drop of a hat.
You mean the one that says “Don’t murder”????
Ironically made up by Romans who didn't like the idea of women having authority in matters of their body
It has never been held in Jewish history that abortion is murder. It is never spoken upon in the Bible, only references of fetuses as property and having a monetary value based on their sex.
Can’t help anyone if they are murdered.
Yall don't help
All of this year’s Re-publican presidential candidates are PLINO. Including your poster boy Trump.
Trump's not going to ignore the evangelicals. At the same time, he's not going to get rid of abortion because it is not something that can be done. Why don't you pay attention to your own lip service- you say that men are accountable and you defend feminist ideology, even so far as to dump blame on men and void any responsibility for women to take.
You see, women's literal liberation was birth control- it was outright declared as such. It took priority over everything else they 'fought' for (demanded). And so if you defend their so called 'liberation', you can never get rid of abortion.
I know you all suffer from extreme cognitive dissonance on this matter, so I don't actually expect anything else than the same drivel- but what I think is a shame is that you are willing to waste away at all that absurdity than to help fellow men- YOU are the problem, and that's what makes this subject easy for me because I'm speaking literally at the people I'm speaking of. It requires no gathering of evidence or explanation