Well? We're Waiting...........

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
no, that's what happens when the only time I drink is when i'm working in the shop (or cutting grass, etc)

mean old librarians don't let me drink while i'm online :(


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Non-drinkers are the abnormal ones :chuckle:

The new age simply adopted Puritanism, and there is nothing normal about Puritanism :AMR:

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once.

"Reality is for people that can't handle drugs and alcohol."​

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's scary to image you reading scripture, for you sir are amazing at twisting and putting words into someones mouth.

Please, quote me saying that :)

Homosexuality is a shared consensual act between two consenting adults...

eta: "a shared consensual act between two consenting adults" is the rationale that has been offered (and swallowed by the gullible) for all manner of perversion - pornography, adultery, divorce, prostitution, legalization of drugs, homosexuality - and has its roots in the same phenomenon that has given us abortion and will inevitable give us societally acceptable pedophilia - pure, unadulterated selfishness
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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Ummmm, you did say that the 13 year old girl that Donald Trump allegedly raped should be held accountable for attending sex parties thrown by convicted sexual predator and Trump friend Jeffrey Epstein.

nope, i did not say that

i asked you whether a thirteen year old girl should be held responsible for immoral behavior

and you were unable to answer :darwinsm:


That topic was addressed when I was discussing the decriminalization of child prostitution in CA in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread with Art Brain (I'm surprised you didn't join in on the discussion).

For recidivist juvenile delinquents, the criminal justice system is a must, as other attempts at rehabilitation obviously didn't work (counseling/therapy, etc.).

Now, does that take any of the responsibility away from Donald Trump when he allegedly had sex with an underage girl (statutory rape) and allegedly forcibly raped her?

Your turn to answer.

i don't evangelize by telling homos that since their sins are consensual, it's ok

Actually, you do:

ironically, most people don't care what people do in their bedrooms

if homos were willing to keep their disgusting perversions in their bedrooms, nobody would care

but no, they want to flaunt their perversions in public and in the classroom and demand societal acceptance

Sorry to ruin your holier than thou party res, but you Libertarians that pretend to be Christians always slip up somewhere along the way.






go away acw

The little altar boy threw me a party and you want me to leave? (it was a call-out thread for me, the "gay boogeyman").

And a one-a more-a time:

Your turn to answer:

For recidivist juvenile delinquents, the criminal justice system is a must, as other attempts at rehabilitation obviously didn't work (counseling/therapy, etc.).

Now, does that take any of the responsibility away from Donald Trump when he allegedly had sex with an underage girl (statutory rape) and allegedly forcibly raped her?


Well-known member




go away acw



Oh look, yet another Libertarian leaning Trump supporter has joined my call-out party:

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion.

So HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that those who engage in homosexual behavior contract behind closed doors isn't "the problem"?

Me thinkz that someone is rather intimidated by a certain 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality.


Well-known member
So HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that those who engage in homosexual behavior contract behind closed doors isn't "the problem"?

"The" problem? No. "A" problem, for sure. But "the" problem? Never was. Neither is any other particular behavior.

Sin is "the" problem. Always has been. Sin has many outworkings but the issue is the root, not its branches, twigs and leaves.

But you apparently don't know how to deal with sin other than wanting the murder those who commit it.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that those who engage in homosexual behavior contract behind closed doors isn't "the problem"?

Me thinkz that someone is rather intimidated by a certain 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality.

"The" problem? No. "A" problem, for sure. But "the" problem? Never was. Neither is any other particular behavior.

Sin is "the" problem. Always has been.

It must have been another musterion who wrote this:

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion.

No mention of sin, and according to you, the only problem with that particular sin is when it's "in your face".

But you apparently don't know how to deal with sin other than wanting the murder those who commit it.

There's enough death going on in the LGBTQ movement without me adding to it musterion; in fact, most of that death is going on "out of the public eye".


Well-known member
So HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that those who engage in homosexual behavior contract behind closed doors isn't "the problem"?

Already answered that.

Me thinkz that someone is rather intimidated by a certain 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality.

You think far too highly of yourself.

It must have been another musterion who wrote this:

No conflict there.

No mention of sin, and according to you, the only problem with that particular sin is when it's "in your face".

No, those are the leaves that we're forced to see. We know what the root is. You think the leaves are the root.

There's enough death going on in the LGBTQ movement without me adding to it musterion; in fact, most of that death is going on "out of the public eye".

You want them put to death even though God put them for now under grace. You'd rather see them DEAD than repent and believe the saving Gospel. Tell me I'm wrong on that, I dare you.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No mention of sin, and according to you, the only problem with that particular sin is when it's "in your face".

No, those are the leaves that we're forced to see. We know what the root is. You think the leaves are the root.

A sin is a sin whether or not anyone is forced to see it. This particular sin is such an abomination that God told the Jews to put to death those who partake in it (Jesus has since rescinded that penalty). God also destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of that particular sin.

We've seen what happened when people didn't care about what went on in private:

The 'gay' agenda and a whole lotta destroyed lives and deaths.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There's enough death going on in the LGBTQ movement without me adding to it musterion; in fact, most of that death is going on "out of the public eye".

You want them put to death even though God put them for now under grace. You'd rather see them DEAD than repent and believe the saving Gospel. Tell me I'm wrong on that, I dare you.

Make it a double dog dare ya and you're on.

First of all, I'm not the one who said this:

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion.

That's where the deaths are occurring, in the bedrooms, bathhouses and restrooms where you don't see it.

Secondly: If you would like to come over to my WHMBR! Part 4 thread and review the 30 plus organizations that I've listed to help sexually and gender confused people leave their immoral desires and deadly lifestyle behind, then I've give you a special tour.

I guess I make a horrible executioner don't I musterion?

Tattooed Theist

New member
eta: "a shared consensual act between two consenting adults" is the rationale that has been offered (and swallowed by the gullible) for all manner of perversion - pornography, adultery, divorce, prostitution, legalization of drugs, homosexuality - and has its roots in the same phenomenon that has given us abortion and will inevitable give us societally acceptable pedophilia - pure, unadulterated selfishness

Great! you're half way there!
Now, post the rest of my post that contained that sentence you pulled it from :)

You literally just displayed your ability to take something out of context...


After analyzing this post from another thread, it really bothered me that someone who claims to know Scripture so well would compare the marriage bed, which is undefiled, with an act that God abhors (unless...oh, never mind).

"Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion."

Hebrews 13:4.

Oh and Wiz, you forgot, I'm not only a "COWARD!", but a "LIAR!" as well.

The Horn

From OK Doser : "I believe every fag has the right to be executed, swiftly, publicly and
painfully ". How very "Christian" of you .
Now replace the word "fag" with : " I believe every fag (Jew) has the right to be executed ,
swiftly, publicly and painfully ."
Heil OK Doser ! Sieg Heil! You sound just like Adolf Hitler ! I'm not a "fag ", but I am a Jew,
though a non-observant, secular, agnostic one. Hey, OK Doser, where and where should I report
for execution ? And how are you going to execute me, and the other several million Jews in America ? And then, when are you going to go to Israel to execute all the Jews there ? Some of them are"fags" too .
YOU MAKE ME SICK !!! How dare you call yourself a "Christian"? I know atheists who are far more Christian than you are .