Was Lazarus A 'Bum'?


Well-known member
Well at least you helped and you offered to help the others, :) that's great :)

Many wouldn't!

The point is, in all instances I used discernment to decide for myself, before God, who was truly in need and who was a liar. That is MY decision to make with MY money. Not anyone else's and certainly not the government's.

Got a problem with that? Or should I just throw cash to whoever asks for it, and teach my daughters to do the same?


Well-known member
And you would know that about me, how? The tone and language I use here on TOL is reserved for enemies of the Cross, just as the apostle Paul did. You are one of them. But you presume much about my personal life, about which you can know NOTHING? It is you who judges falsely, hypocrite.

And let's talk a moment about doing as one pleases, since you brought it up.

YOU are the one who thinks you can believe any good news in the Bible as your own and God is honor bound to give you what you think is yours. You are in for a very sad awakening, at which point it will be too late. Change your mind and believe the only saving Gospel of grace before it's too late.
I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I'm asking you a question, you don't have to answer.

I'll word it differently, does your church teach that you don't have to do anything and you can live as you please?


Well-known member
The point is, in all instances I used discernment to decide for myself, before God, who was truly in need and who was a liar. That is MY decision to make with MY money. Not anyone else's and certainly not the government's.

Got a problem with that? Or should I just throw cash to whoever asks for it, and teach my daughters to do the same?
What you do is between you and God. As I said at least you offered, many wouldn't.


Well-known member
Got a statement of faith? DO NOT LIE.
I have faith in God and Christ, what do you want me to say? I have never been a member of any church. I believe in and follow Jesus and I love God and Christ. We have house meetings and read the Bible and share Gods word. Why do I have to belong to an organisation to follow Christ as believe?

So what denomination was Jesus? I'm the same as him!


Well-known member
I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I'm asking you a question, you don't have to answer.

You have already told us you believe "gospel of Jesus Christ" requires a life-long obedience of works, else you'll be lost. That's not forgiveness or justification, as He revealed through Paul. It's probation that can only end in the Lake of Fire because it denies Christ's finished, perfect work FOR us.

I'll word it differently, does your church teach that you don't have to do anything and you can live as you please?

1. Why do you believe you NEED a local church?

2. I don't have a local church. If there was one in my area that I agreed with doctrinally I would attend, but since none do, I'm commanded to shun them. And there are evidently few like-minded believers in my area. But I am a loosely affiliated member (by doctrine alone) with a loose affiliation with something called the Grace movement. There, I've identified myself, but there's a reason you refuse to do so.

3. "Don't do anything," I do not believe that. The believer is commanded to know who and what he is in Christ and walk by His Spirit. Salvation does not depend upon that, though, because the one in Him has already been forgiven and justified by His death and resurrection. "Live as you please," hypothetically yes, but it will cause agony as flesh, when fed, wars with the life of Christ within. It CAN be done but it is NEVER worth it -- God sees to that. And in any event, would it be the right thing for a believer to do? As Paul said, "God forbid!"


Well-known member
So you believe you are the one in that verse?
Or do you believe the verse should read two - you and Christ?

Tambora, I am nothing, only flesh. I can do nothing without Christ and the power of Gods holy spirit. Without them I cannot overcome and I am dead in my sins


Well-known member
You have already told us you believe "gospel of Jesus Christ" requires a life-long obedience of works, else you'll be lost. That's not forgiveness or justification, as He revealed through Paul. It's probation that can only end in the Lake of Fire because it denies Christ's finished, perfect work FOR us.

1. Why do you believe you NEED a local church?

2. I don't have a local church. If there was one in my area that I agreed with doctrinally I would attend, but since none do, I'm commanded to shun them. And there are evidently few like-minded believers in my area. But I am a loosely affiliated member (by doctrine alone) with a loose affiliation with something called the Grace movement. There, I've identified myself, but there's a reason you refuse to do so.

3. "Don't do anything," I do not believe that. The believer is commanded to know who and what he is in Christ and walk by His Spirit. Salvation does not depend upon that, though, because the one in Him has already been forgiven and justified by His death and resurrection. "Live as you please," hypothetically yes, but it will cause agony as flesh, when fed, wars with the life of Christ within. It CAN be done but it is NEVER worth it -- God sees to that. And in any event, would it be the right thing for a believer to do? As Paul said, "God forbid!"
So.... What denomination did Jesus belong to then?


Well-known member
Tambora, I am nothing, only flesh. I can do nothing without Christ and the power of Gods holy spirit. Without them I cannot overcome and I am dead in my sins

Everyone take careful note...there's a reason she always writes "holy spirit." It is not a mistake, it's an intentional choice. She's non-Trinitarian...my money is still on her being strongly influenced by JW.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Tambora, I am nothing, only flesh. I can do nothing without Christ and the power of Gods holy spirit. Without them I cannot overcome and I am dead in my sins
So, two (you plus Christ) instead of one (Christ alone)?

You might want to rethink.

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.


Well-known member
Everyone take careful note...there's a reason she always writes "holy spirit." It is not a mistake, it's an intentional choice. She's non-Trinitarian...my money is still on her being strongly influenced by JW.
Nope, I've never attended their church and I've heard more about there doctrine on here than anywhere else. And I certainly don't believe that Michael is Jesus! Which I also heard someone here say, so i don't know if they do believe that or not!


Well-known member
Nope, I've never attended their church and I've heard more about there doctrine on here than anywhere else. And I certainly don't believe that Michael is Jesus! Which I also heard someone here say, so i don't know if they do believe that or not!

Why do you not capitalize the proper noun, as you do with Jesus and God? Is the Holy Spirit a person, or a thing/force?